Benutzer:Chief tin cloud/Ormond Beach Racecourse
Info: Motorsport, schwierig, in Zukunft verschoben.
Der Ormond Beach Racecourse ist eine ehemalige Anlage für Automobil- und Motorrennen sowie für Rekordversuche am Strand von Ormond um 1900. Sie verlor früh ihre wichtige Rolle als Austragungsort von Automobil- und Motorradrennen an das unmittelbar benachbarte Daytona Beach und ist somit der Vorläufer des berühmten Daytona Beach Road Course
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]"Birthplace of Speed"
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]- William Kissam Vanderbilt II (1878–1944)
- James Lawrence Breese (1854-1934), ein reicher Bankier aus Southampton (New York), der auch Automobilrennen fuhr
- was a wealthy stockbroker and renowned amateur photographer with a spectacular country home in Southampton. Supported by a fortune made in finance at his firm Breese & Smith, his real passions were photography, art, automobiles, racing and architecture. As seen here, he participated in the Ormond-Daytona Automobile Races and was a commissioner on the first two Vanderbilt Cup Race Commissions.
- Southampton’s James L. Breese and the Vanderbilt Cup Races: Southampton’s James L. Breese and the Vanderbilt Cup Races.
Mit Rockefeller kamen weitere Rennbegeisterte nach Ormond. Ab 1902 wurden auf dem schweren Sand am Ufer der Bucht Rennen ausgetragen und Rekorde in Angriff genommen. 1903 erregte der Ort Aufmerksamkeit in der Fachwelt als zwei der grössten US-Autobauer, Oldsmobile und Winton ihre Rennwagen gegeneinander antreten liessen: Oldsmobiles Pirate mit Einzylindermotor gegen Wintons Bullett I mit Vier Zylindern. Das Rennen endete mit einem knappen Sieg des wesentlich stärkeren Winton. Bereits ab 1902 warb man in Ormond gezielt mit derlei Rennaktivitäten um Gäste und Zuschauer anzuziehen und stellte dazu eigens einen Promotor an. Dabei spielte auch das Ormond Hotel eine grosse Rolle. Es scheint, dass in der Folge das erste offizielle Rennen der American Automobile Association im Jahre 1903 organisiert wurde. Zur Vorbereitung der Rennwagen wurde die Ormond Garage am Strand errichtet. Des öfteren übernachteten Fahrer und Mechaniker bei ihren Autos um das Geld für das Hotel zu sparen. Angeblich gehörte auch Henry Ford zu ihnen. Die als Museum genutzte Ormond Garage brannte 1976 samt der in ihr erhaltenen Oldtimer-Kollektion ab.
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[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]In 1904, Willie K Vanderbilt set a new Land Speed Record of 92.30 mph (148.54 km/h) in a Mercedes at the Daytona Beach Road Course at Ormond Beach, Florida. That same year, he launched the Vanderbilt Cup, the first major trophy in American auto racing. An international event, designed to spur American manufacturers into racing, the race's large cash prize drew the top drivers and their vehicles from across the Atlantic Ocean who had competed in Europe's Gordon Bennett Cup. Held at a course set out in Nassau County on Long Island, New York, the race drew large crowds hoping to see an American car defeat the mighty European vehicles. However, a French Panhard vehicle won the race and fans would have to wait until 1908 when 23-year-old George Robertson of Garden City, New York became the first American to win the Vanderbilt Cup.
en:wiki WK Vanderbilt II
Nicht zuletzt dank der Aktivitäten des Promotors und wohlhabender Motorsportbegeisterten zog Ormond Beach bald internationale Aufmerksamkeit auf sich. 1904 kam es innerha
The Packard Gray Wolf January of 1904, Mr. Schmidt set two land speed records at Ormond Beach, FL, in the Grey Wolf. The original car won several other races, was wrecked several times.
Incredibly, the flying mile world record was broken three different times by three different drivers in a 30-minute period that same year 1904 . The standing record of 92.31 mph was broken by Louis Ross in his steam-powered racer, the famous Wogglebug, at 94.73 mph.
Five minutes later that record was broken by Arthur Macdonald in his Napier with a speed of 104.65 mph. The final—but unofficial—world record for the mile race went to H. L. Bowden, who drove his Mercedes at 109.76 mph to break the previously set record. That final time was later disallowed because Bowden’s car weighed more than 1,000-kg, a limit set by the Automobile Club de France.
The Stanley legacy that led to Ormond Beach’s longest-lasting automobile land speed record began in 1897. That year, twin brothers F.E. and F.O. Stanley from Massachusetts built their first steam car. By the turn of the century, their Stanley-Locomobile car was selling better than gas powered cars. The Stanleys competitive nature drove them to demonstrate their car’s speed and durability.
In 1904, Glenn Curtiss took one of his machines to Ormond Beach, Florida where he set a record for 10 miles on the hard-packed sand, and achieved a speed of 67.3 mph. The following year the innovative designer set yet another record by riding a twin cylinder Curtiss around the 1-mile dirt track at Syracuse in exactly 61 seconds.
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- Arthur MacDonald captured the world’s speed record at Ormond beach, 1905. MacDonald was clocked at 108.4 miles per hour.
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Am 23. Januar 1906 stellte Fred Marriott mit seinem von zwei Dampfmotoren angetriebenen Stanley Rennwagen rdrove the twin engined steam powered Stanley streamlined car at 111.80 mph to win the Dewar's Cup Dewar Trophy
Fred Marriotts Stanley "Rocket"-Weltrekorfahrzeug mit Dampfantrieb von 1906, verunfallt 1907 an der Ormond Beach. (Scientific American, 1907)
Der französische Automobilhersteller hatte im December 1905 einen neuen Weltrekord-Wagen fertiggestellt, benannt nach seiner PS-Zahl: 200. Das nur 990 kg schwere Fahrzeug hatte den ersten in einem Landfahrzeug eingebauten V8-Motor .
1906 January 23 Marriott drove the twin engined steam powered Stanley streamlined car at 111.80 mph to win the Dewar's Cup Victor Hemery set a new world record that same day, the raised his own record of 109.25 mph to 115.30 mph.
1906 January 25 American record 117.64 at Daytona (Chevrolet, Demogeot) 1906 January 29 world record at Daytona 120.40 (Demogeot, Vivet)
and the 990Kg special was delivered to the ACF inspection team in Salon-en-Provence together with the crew, Hemery and Demogeot. The car speed was measured between milestones 49 and 50 on the Salon to Arles dirt road. The records show four runs, 21.8 secs 20.6 secs 20.8 secs and 20.6 secs for the flying kilometre, a world record of 109.65 mph. Hemery considered that the very cold weather had a poor effect on the carburation, and that future records would be broken. The car was immediately shipped to America for the Ormond Beach Speed Tournament at Daytona held on 20 - 27 January 1906. Daytona provided up to 23 miles of hard packed sands over 500 feet wide at low tide. It was also bordered on the shore side by a continuous run of tufted grass dunes providing ideal spectator viewing. Although the length of beach seem to make Daytona ideal, its condition is dependent on the weather and the last tide. The weather conditions as the tide goes out determine the shape and distribution of the ripples on the surface. The Atlantic rollers may pound the beach creating deep gullies. Motor Age reporting on 1st January 1906 lays out the challenge. "A special cable from Paris states that the Darracq 200 has broken the flying kilometre.If the Hemery record is correct, then the Darracq is a full 4 seconds faster than the Napier to the mile, considering the advantages of the beach, the probability of the Darracq being on demonstrable form to turn the trick, however hinges on the authenticity of the report. Betting is now even whether the 2-miles-a-minute will be broken." The tournament competitors were greeted with sunny skies and warm weather at the start of the week, but as soon as racing began the bad weather started, chilling winds and storms accompanied by abnormally high tides which engulfed the beach. Coordination between officials was disgracefully lacking reported Motor Age at the time. All spectators left in disgust due to poor weather and no racing.
On 23 January Marriott drove the twin engined steam powered Stanley streamlined car at 111.80 mph to win the Dewar's Cup. Victor Hemery set a new world record that same day, the raised his own record of 109.25 mph to 115.30 mph. Hemery had recently been barred from competing in Italy for offensive behaviour, and as the Stanley and the Darracq came to the line for the elimination trials, Hemery revved the V8 and the flames from his open exhausts blasted the wood and canvas body of the Stanley. Hemery was threatened with disqualification, but the officials did not understand the stream of abuse in French that was his reply. On 24 January 1906 the works driver Hemery elected to run during a break in the weather, but the timing mechanism failed. Hemery was justly outraged at this incompetence, and furiously swore at the officials. For this he was banned from the event. The fiery Hemery had several more altercations with authority later in the year and was fired by the Darracq factory.
Ormond’s ideal race course also produced some records. On January 27, 1906, driving a "steamer," Demegeot (known as the "Speed King") reached 122.44 miles per hour drag racing down the beach. The mixture of speed and sand brought new excitement to Ormond shortly after the turn of the century.
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Barney Oldfield im Blitzen Benz in at Daytona (undated), courtesy of the Florida Photographic Collection This is a picture of Oldfield at Ormond Beach (near Daytona) (now refered to as the en:Daytona Beach Road Course, where he set the world land speed record of 131.72 mph March 23, 1910.
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]LISTE DER GESCHWINDIGKEITSREKORDE
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]Link nach Daytona ändern
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]Div. Links aus Ormond
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]- Blitzen Benz
- Darracq
- Delage
- Mercedes
- Panhard & Levassor
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]- Geschichte von Ormond Beach (PFD, englisch)
- Geschichte von Ormond Beach (Ormond Beach Chamber of Commerce, englisch)
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]- ↑ Kimes: Packard (1978), p. 742
- ↑ Kimes: Packard (1978), p. 743
- ↑ Kimes: Packard (1978), p. 81
- ↑ Kimes: Packard (1978), p. 82
- ↑ Kimes: Packard (1978), p. 83
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]- Geschichte von Ormond Beach (PFD, englisch)
- Geschichte von Ormond Beach (Ormond Beach Chamber of Commerce, englisch)
- Packard Gray-Wolf (Englisch) (abgerufen am 12. August 2012)
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]- Borgeson, Griffith: The Golden Age of the American Racing Car, 2. Auflage (1998), Herausgeber SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers), Warrendale PA, ISBN 0-7680-0023-8 (Englisch)
- Georgano, G. N. (Hrsg.): Complete Encyclopedia of Motorcars, 1885 to the Present; Dutton Press, New York, 2. Auflage (Hardcover) 1973, ISBN 0-525-08351-0 (Englisch)
- Kimes, Beverly Rae (Herausgeberin) und Clark, Henry Austin, jr.: The Standard Catalogue of American Cars 1805-1942, 2. Auflage, Krause Publications, Iola WI 54990, USA (1985), ISBN 0-87341-111-0 (Englisch)
- Kimes, Beverly Rae: Pioneers, Engineers, and Scoundrels: The Dawn of the Automobile in America; Herausgeber SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) Permissions, Warrendale PA (2005), ISBN 0-7680-1431-X (Englisch)
Cord Corp.; Auburn, Cord, Duesenberg
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]- Bill, Jon M.: Duesenberg Racecars & Passenger Cars Photo Archive; Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum (Hrsg.), Iconografix, Hudson WI, Photo Archive Series, ISBN 1-58388-145-X (Englisch)
- Adler, Dennis: Duesenberg. Heel-Verlag, Königswinter 2005, ISBN 3-89880-487-9
- Butler, Don: Auburn Cord Duesenberg Crestline Publishing Co., Crestline Series, (Nov. 1992), ISBN-10: 0879387017; ISBN-13: 978-0879387013 [Hardcover] (Englisch)
- A-C-D-Museum (Hrsg.): 19th Annual Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival; Official Souvenir Book; Broschüre zur Eröffnung des Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museums in Auburn, Indiana (USA) am Labor Day Weekend 1974 (Englisch)
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]- Dammann, George H.: Illustrated History of Ford, Crestline Publishing Co., Sarasota FL (1970),ISBN 0-912612-02-9 (Englisch)
- Henry Ford Mein Leben und Werk, 18. Auflage, Paul List Verlag, Leipzig
General Motors
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]- Madsen, Axel: The Deal Maker: How William C. Durant made General Motors, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ISBN 0-4713-9523-4(pbck) (Englisch)
- Sloan, Alfred P.: Meine Jahre mit General Motors, 2. Auflage (Sept. 1965), Verlag Moderne Industrie (dt. Lizenzausgabe von My Years With General Motors, Doubleday & Co., Garden City NY (USA)
- Martin Sinzig: ’’Louis Chevrolet – Der Mann, der dem Chevy seinen Namen gab’’; Verlag Huber Frauenfeld (Schweiz), ISBN 978-3-7193-1566-5
Chrysler, Maxwell, Chalmers
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]- Dammann, George H.: 70 Years of Chrysler, Crestline Publishing Co., Glen Ellyn IL (1974), Osceola WI, ISBN 0-912612-06-1 (Englisch)
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]- Kimes, Beverly R. (Herausgeberin) Packard, a history of the motor car and the company; General edition, 1978 Automobile Quarterly, ISBN 0-915038-11-0 (Englisch)
- Dammann, George H. und Wren, James A.: Packard, Motorbooks International (Crestline-Serie), Osceola WI, ISBN 0-7603-0104-2 (Englisch)
- Schroeder, Otto A.: Packard: Ask The Man Who Owned One, Post-Era Books (1974), ISBN 0-9111-6063-9 (Englisch)
- Turnquist, Robert E.: The Packard Story (The Car and the Company); Somerset Press (undatiert) (Englisch)
- Ide, Evan P.: Images of America - Packard Motor Car Company, Arcadia Publishing (2003), ISBN 0-785-1208-7 (Soft Cover) (Englisch)
- Ward, James A.: The Fall of the Packard Motor Car Company; University Press (September 1, 1995), ISBN 0804724571 (Englisch)
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]- Conway, Hugh G.: Les Grandes Marques: Bugatti. Gründ, Paris 1984, ISBN 2-7000-5175-8 (Französisch)
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]- Adatto, Richard S.: Delage Styling and Design: La Belle Voiture Francaise; Dalton Watson Fine Books (2005), ISBN-10: 1854432044; ISBN-13: 978-1854432049 (Englisch)