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Douglas Adams (DNA)
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]Grund für das Einholen dieser Informationen ist, das Problem, dass a-priori auf der deutschen Wikiquote nur Personen zitiert werden dürfen die 70 Jahre tot sind, plus einige sehr strenge Zusatzvorschriften. Von DNA sind aber sehr viele Informationen und Fan Seiten im Netz, so dass ich persönlich den Eindruck habe, die Besitzer des Urheberrechts sind relativ grosszügig.
- "Please note that like the game, the Radio Series and TV Series are under copyright. Uploading or downloading audio or video files of them could get you into trouble. Use a bit of common sense. Fair use should allow short audio clips of under 30 seconds, though. (Standard disclaimer applies. I do not have intimate knowledge of the law.) Same with the books. Quotes are okay, but posting the whole things are a big no-no. Expect to be shut down or worse if they catch you."
- Habe eine Mail geschrieben an
- "Dear Webcreatures,
- I'd like to add some of the most prominent quotes and passage in some texts (with focus on HGG) to the german wikiquote. Since there a lot of stuff (quotes and other DNA fan stuff) out there, I thought this should be ok, but my friends at german wikiquote told me that german copyright is very strict and restrictive. So I searched the web for DNA's copyright owner and hope you can help me, with some additional information about this?
- Thank you very much for your time and help, greetings
- Dr. Trigon"
- ...mal auf Reaktion warten...
Zusätzliche nützlich DNA Info (positive Nebeneffekte):