ADB Remix
No Software Patents Phase II:Sommer 2006
- obiter dictum:tp:Balken im Auge
- 21.02.06:Heise:Informationskampagne gegen schädliche Softwarepatente gestartet
Schmutzkampagne gegen Wikipedia
- Journalist Seigenthaler in USAToday
- MarcoPolo's Sicht des Seigenthaler-Vorfalls
- Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt
- Welt:Aus Prinzip ohne Kontrolle
- Daniel Brandt (Wikiwatch) sagt, Seigenthaler will eine Anhörung vor dem Kongress zu Section 230
- Sammelklagevorbereitung gegen Wikipedia mit Logomissbrauch
- Nachanalyse:Why the media can't get Wikipedia right
Softwarepatente in USA geraten in Zweifel
- Economist:Softwarepatente müssen geschützt werden
- Patentamt weist NTPs Patente erneut zurück
- Patentreform angestrebt
- Britischer Richter verurteilt Softwarepatente
- Wiki approach to US patent applications - why not drop it?
- Blackberry droht Zwangsabschaltung
- Uncyclopedia:Microsoft patant considarad valid
- Technology Review:Patentierungsrückstand schafft Unsicherheit für Entwickler
- Microsoft "Opfer" von Softwarepatenten: 1,5 Mrd. $
Freie Inhalte und Lizenzkompatibilität
- TechnologyReview
- Angela Beasley: CC-NC licences considered harmful
- Erik Möller (Eloquence) on kuroshin: CC-NC licences considered harmful
- flickr:Stallman bei DRM-Protest CC-BY-NC argh
- Heise:Copyleft-Lizenzen am Scheideweg
- Nate Anderson von Arstechnica.com_The value of the public domain
Wikipedia Lesetool
- Wikipedia auf dem 100$-Laptop
- w:en:$100 laptop
- 100-Dollar-Laptop
- Gollum Wikipedia-Browser
- Gerald Spindler u.a. Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen von Open-Access-Publikationen, 267 Seiten (.pdf, 3 MB)
- m:Wikimedia servers/hardware orders
- Beschlüsse der Foundation
- Spenden an Foundation via PayPal 2006
- Fundraising C.O.R.E.
- Fundraising, aktuelle Links unten auf der Seite
- Special project Static Content
- m:Fundraising committee
Wikipedia Art
Weird stuff on WP
Titel:"AM nordsee 2005"
Wikipedia is now probably the biggest and most popular body of GNU licenced text on the internet. Do you think this will help to promote the goals of the Free Software Movement and the GNU project in general, especially in their push for liberalisation of copyright law and abolition of software patents? Is some kind of copyright reform inevitable to re-align common usage in Wikipedia with current US copyright law, especially with a view to "Fair Use"-Images or representation of trademarked names and images.
Would you be opposed to call Wikipedia also "GNU/Wikipedia"? Did you talk with Richard Stallman of Free Software Foundation about reform of GNU FDL, for example to make it two-ways compatible with certain similarly free Creative Commons licenses? Do you think such a reform is desirable, e.g. to allow distribution of Wikipedia in other forms than books or software, like sound or newspaper?
Koordinaten: 45° 7′ 25,7″ N, 123° 6′ 49,6″ W