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Theodor Eismann, Leipzig, Postkartenfabrikant »Theochrom«

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Theodor Eismann

Also known as:

  • Theodor Eismann
  • primary name: primary name: Eismann, Theodor
  • other name: other name: Th E L

Details: organisation; publisher/printer; German Other dates: 1884-1930 (active) Biography: Producer of postcards.

Quelle: British Museum,

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Theodor Eismann, Leipzig A fine art printing and publishing house that initially worked with the Leipzig book trade. Theo's brother, co-owner by 1909, lived in New York and the company developed a large US trade. This firm is covered in detail in the TPA web site. As well as the logo on card 1090 or the letters "TH E. L" , the "round" logo, which looks like ETH followed by the letters TEL also belongs to this firm.


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Barry Moreno, „The Statue of Liberty“

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Wohl auch: Theodore Eismann

Sohn: Eduard Theodor Paul Eismann. Bruder: Gustav Edmund Ernst Eismann, who lived in New York City, was co-owner. The New York branch was at 124 West 18th Street. (Wohl auch: Ernest Eismann; siehe:

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Theochrome Theochrome is a trade name for the tinted halftone postcards in line block published by Theodor Eismann. Quelle:

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Both are from Theodor Eismann, a German fine art printing and publishing house based in Leipzig, Saxony (started in the 1880s) who produced halftone lithographic postcards. The initials Th. E. L. could be seen on all the postcards, often together with the process name Theochrom (glossy lacquer finish).

This one belongs to their Theochrom* Serie No 1090.


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Theodor Eismann from Leipzig, Saxony, was a typical pre-WW1 German postcard publishing and printing company. They participated in the postcard (export) boom, published both, topographical and subject cards. Family ties were probably the reason why they concentrated later on export to the USA. Many Eismann cards show their logo, name/initials or other specific imprints which makes identification often quite easy. very likely Th. Eismann worked also as a contract printer. This part of the company history / how to identify Eismann contract printed cards is still waiting to be researched.

The Company History

Theodor Eismann established his printing / publishing business in 1884. Some sources mention May 1, 1879, however). By 1898 his company was found at Breitkopfstr. 9 (on the corner Fromannstr.), Leipzig. Lithography, letterpress and chromolitho printing. Appeared to have specialised then on printing coloured tables/illustrations for the huge Leipzig book trade business.

By 1903 not only Theodor Eismann had retired but the business had moved to Bayersche Str. 28. The firm was now run by the son Eduard Theodor Paul Eismann. Then the company must have moved again, down the street to house number 78. The Leipzig register of companies 1909 shows this address and that Theo’s brother Prof. Gustav Edmund Ernst Eismann was co-owner. Gustav lived in New York and led the Eismann branch at 124, West 18th Street.

Eismann appears to have concentrated on postcard production almost entirely for the US market (English speaking countries) then. Not surprising that they suffered greatly by the protective tariff of 1909. A note found in “Papier-Zeitung” no. 10 (Feb. 3), 1910 reveals interesting news:

New York: The company of Theodor Eismann is going to ship their machinery used for postcard printing to the USA. To be installed again in the new building of the “Bush Terminal Company”, 37 St., South Brooklyn, New York. Mr. Eismann is planning to employ some 600 (local) people and has opened a sales office in Manhattan Borough. There are rumours that other firms of the postcard trade in Germany are also thinking of moving business to the US.

Did Th. Eismann move to the USA? The Klimsch Printing Trade Directory 1913 still lists the Eismann business (now Ltd.) at old address. Paul Eismann as managing director, assisted by Willy Graichen and Max Eismann. The workforce down to about 30 persons, 4 book printing and 7 litho presses of various format. Sole speciality: picture postcards by 3 and 4 colour (halftone) process; Theochrom. No mention of a factory/branch in the USA.

  • Th_E_L_Series_1020_Hunter

Th. E.L. series 1020 – could be best described as a “hunter” (studio photo). Halftone printed with litho colours superimposed. P/u in Germany in 1907.

  • Th_E_L_Series_1009_Samoan_Chief

Th. E.L. series 1009 – Samoan Chief. Not p/u, divided back, c. 1906-07. I have a total of 7 different views from this series. All show the series number 1009 only, no individual card numbers.

Marie-Louise Sundstrom was the first to discover an Eismann card that shows a clear imprint “Printed in the U.S.” Even with the typical Eismann “Comet” logo on. Theochrom Series 1279-15. Mailed to Germany on May 20, 1912. On occasion of the Titanic tragegy (April 15, 1912) many ppc companies rushed to take advantage. This is not the Titanic, however. Probably also not the sister ship Olympic. Thank you Marie-Louise!

  • Eismann_USA_Fake_Titanic
  • Eismann_Printed_in_the_US_imprint

Klimsch Directory 1921 lists the Eismann company NOT as a Ltd. company anymore. Proprietor since 1914: Gustav Edmund Ernst Eismann. Company secretary: H. Ph. M. Eismann. Still specialised in ppc printing. – By the mid 1920’s a new offset press was installed. Postcards no longer mentioned but printing of labels, posters, catalogues etc. – 1928: no offset press and workforce just 15 persons. – Theodor Eismann company declared bankruptcy early 1930.

Th. Eismann postcards / Identification

The earliest Eismann cards I know of are a series with views of popular spots from Berlin. These show the full name imprinted and date from pre-1905 years (undivided back). Reprints with divided back are also known. These cards are printed by halftone process with additional colours superimposed by litho process. However, there is also a good chance that Eismann had printed typical “Greetings from” style cards by chromolitho process earlier.

Other series by Th. Eismann shows (ethnic) views from Samoa and China, Turkey, Austria, Norway, German navy etc. Plus a number of subject cards, mostly love and romance designs good to be used with imprints for different countries.

Most other Eismann cards I have or know of were produced for the US market, the topo postcards with views from New York / East coast in general. Very similar to the production of German printer August Frey, Frankfurt.

  • Eismann_Street_Life_series_no_8

Street Life Series, no. 8 – New York. Vanderbilt’s coach at Clearmont Hotel. With Eismann “Comet” logo. Mailed from NYC to Canada in Dec. 1910.

Th. Eismann logo / imprints

Postcards printed and published by the Theodor Eismann company have no uniform design, but show often typical imprints on address side helpful for identification. Usually somewhere the initials Th. E. L. are found, often together with the process name “Theochrom” (glossy lacquer finish).

Standard typeset “Post Card” imprints were also used. Interesting is the illustrated ornamented Post Card imprint in green ink found on some Eismann cards. A poor copy of the original, earlier design used by E. Frey from New York, who did run the US branch of the Frankfurt postcard printer August Frey. Both firms appear to have had a similar background and relationship with the USA.


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The Ambulant Scholar

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Printer’s mark: A printer’s mark can be viewed on the left-hand edge of the postcard: Th. E., L. Theochrom Serie 1078. “Th. E., L.” stands for Theodor Eismann, a German printer who may have moved part of his business to the United States around 1910–a few years before WWI would initiate a very strong tide of anti-German sentiment in the United States. Was Eismann a large producer of postcards in the U.S?

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Paper Trade Journal, 1910

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Page -21-

German Manufacturers Seeking Sites here To escape the increased duties of the new tariff schedules Ger- man manufacturers are considering sites for the transplanting of their industries in this country. As a matter of fact, the machinery used by Theodor Eismann in the production of post cards at Leipsic is on the ocean. It will be set up in one of the big loft buildings of the Bush Terminal Company, Thirty-seventh street, between Second and Third avenues, South Brooklyn, New York. Representatives of other firms are now in this country seeking sites. Eismann employs 600 hands. The contract labor laws make it impossible for him to bring to this country his skilled workmen, but he believes that once made acquainted with his processes American printers and lithographers soon will be as expert as the men he has been compelled to leave behind him. He has opened sales offices in Manhattan Borough, that city.

January 6, 1910. PAPER TRADE JOURNAL

Quelle: Paper Trade Journal 1910-01-06: Vol 50 Iss 1, Publisher: Miller Freeman, Inc.,

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New York Times, März 1910

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— SIDNEY K. SIMON, Plaintiff, against PAUL EISMANN,

doing business under the name of THEODOR EISMANN, Defendant.

To the above-named defendant:

You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer on the plaintiff's attorneys within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default, for the relief demanded in the complaint.

Dated New York February 5th, 1910.

HAYS, KAUFMANN & LINDHEIM, Plaintiff’s Attorneys. Office and Post Office address, 60 Wall Street, Borough of Manhattan, New York City.

To Paul Eismann:

The foregoing summons is served upon you, by publication, pursuant to an order of Hon. M. Warley Platzek, Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, dated the third day of March, 1910, and filed with the complaint in the office of the Clerk of the County of New York, at the County Court House, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York.

Dated New York, March A, 1910.

HAYS, KAUFMANN & LINDHEIM, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, Office and Post Office address, 60 Wall Street, Borough of Manhattan, New York City.

Quelle: The New York Times, 1910-03-05, Vol 59 Iss 19033, S. 15,

Archiv für Buchgewerbe

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Bekanntmachung In den deutschen Buchgewerbeverein zu Leipzig sind im Monat April 1901 folgende Mitglieder aufgenommen worden [...]

68. Fr. Theodor Eismann, i. Fa. Theodor Eismann, Buch- und Steindruckerei, Leipzig.

Quelle: Archiv für Buchgewerbe, 38. Band, Heft 5, 1901, S. 62,

Talking Machine World

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A new and decidedly clever idea has just been brought out by Theodor Eismann, the well-known post card manufacturer, of this city. Noticing the great popularity of illustrated songs, this enterprising gentleman decided to introduce what he calls his Illustrated Song Folding Cards. The cards (four in each strip) are beautifully executed, along the same lines as the slides used by moving picture men in the shows, under each picture being printed those words of the song it illustrates. It is a happily conceived novelty and will undoubtedly be a big seller. Talking machine men especially should take advantage of this opportunity for starting a paying side-line, for nearly everyone purchasing a record would like to get the card of that song, but why not carry the idea still further, Mr. Jobber or Dealer, and lay in a stock of post card reflectors, and work the two together? Mr. Eismann stands ready to send samples of this and other lines to parties writing him on their letterheads. Don't fail to do so, for the profit you will make from their sale, to say the least, throws the "talker" in the shade.

Illustrated Song Cards

Folders of four cards with chorus of the most popular songs. Splendidly executed in colors. Thirty latest songs out and in preparation.

34- samples sent prepaid on receipt of $1m50


Made from photographs posed by American Beauties. Very Striking and Big Sellers

Samples and quotations on application. In order to get you acquainted with my line it will pay you to order my complete assortment, containing about 1,000 different cards, Landscapes, Flowers, Bathing Types, Children, Animals, etc., etc., for $5.00.

I Sell to Wholesalers Only. 10 Million Cards Always in New York Stock



Theodor Eismann, the Leipsic (Germany) post card maker, has opened New York offices for the American trade at 124 West 18th street, and is meeting with excellent success. The firm have hit upon a popular seller in their illustrated song series, which are proving ready sellers all over the country. There are now ready thirty-two songs, the' leading ones of the day, including the hits of the latest musical comedies. The cards come four in a set, perforated so as to be easily detached. The pictures are posed especially, and the coloring is superb. Generally two or more lines of the chorus are under each picture. Another excellent series are the American love sets, six in a set. The poses are from life and the colors are vivid and true. The Eismann Co., who have a card in this issue, will gladly send literature to the trade.

Quelle: Talking Machine World (Jan-Dec 1908) by Bill, Edward Lyman, 1862-1916, Publication date: Jan-Dec 1908, Topics: Radio Periodicals, Publisher: Edward Lyman Bill, S. 68,