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Marjorie G. Perloff (* 28. September 1931 in Wien, Österreich) ist eine US-amerikanische Autorin, Literaturwissenschaflerin und Literaturkritikerin mit österreichischer Herkunft.

Kindheit und Jugend

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Marjorie Perloff wurde als Gabriele Mintz in einer säkularen, großbürgerlichen, jüdischen Familie in Wien geboren. Ihr Großvater, Richard Schüller, war ein anerkannter Wirtschaftspolitiker und Diplomat in der Zwischenkriegszeit. Im Alter von sechseinhalb Jahren floh sie nach dem Anschluss Österreichs im August 1938 an Bord der T.S.S. Veendam mit ihrer Familie über Rotterdam nach New York. Der niederländische Passagierdampfer sollte zu Beginn des zweiten Weltkrieges noch weltweite Bekanntheit erlangen als er am 17. September 1939 nach der Versenkung der HMS Courageous, einem britischen Flugzeugträger, durch das deutsche U-Boot U-29 mit seinen 14 Rettungsbooten einen wesentlichen Anteil an der Rettung der 741 überlebenden, schiffbrüchigen Matrosen leistete.

Akademische Ausbildung

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Zu Beginn ihrer schulischen Laufbahn besuchte Marjorie Perloff von 1949 bis 1952 das Oberlin College, in Oberlin, Ohio. Danach war sie am Barnard College in New York wo sie 1953 ihren Magna cum laude bestand.

  • Catholic University of America, Washington, DC MA, 1956; PHD 1965

Akademische Tätigkeit

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  • From Assistant to Associate Professor of English, Catholic University, 1966-71.
  • From Associate to Full Professor of English, Univ. of Maryland, 1971-76.
  • Florence R. Scott Professor of English and Comparative Literature, U. o. Southern California, 1976-86.
  • Visiting Professor, U. of California, Irvine, Winter 1983
  • Visiting Professor, U of California, Riverside, Winter 1986
  • Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Stanford University, Stanford, CA. 1986-90.
  • Sadie Dernham Patek Professor of Humanities, Stanford Univ, 1990---2000
  • Sadie Dernham Patek Professor of Humanities Emerita, 2001—
  • Visiting Professor, University of Utah, Fall 2002
  • Florence Scott Professor of English Emerita, University of Southern California, 2009--

Unterrichtete Kurse

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  • UNDERGRADUATE: Introduction to Poetry, Modern Poetry, British and American; Contemporary Poetry; Twentieth-Century Fiction, Introduction to Literary Theory, Honors Seminars, Modernism and the Humanities, various seminars on Avant-Garde, Poetry & Painting, etc.
  • GRADUATE: Literary Theory, Intro. to Graduate Study, Practical Criticism, All phases of 20th Century Poetry, British, American, Comparative; Seminars in Yeats, Eliot and Pound, Joyce and Proust, Gertrude Stein, Baudelaire and Symbolism, the Rimbaud tradition, Postmodernism, Modernism, Lyric Form, etc. Problems in Critical Theory, Visual Poetics, Toward a Digital Poetics

Administrative Tätigkeiten

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Anm:(I list those at Stanford only)

  • Advisory Board, Stanford Humanities Center, 1985-87
  • Member, Admissions Committee, 1987-88, 1990-91
  • Member, Undergraduate Committee, 1990-93
  • Chair and Member of various Search committees, English department
  • Steering Committee, Modern Thought and Literature, 1988-89
  • Director, Undergraduate Honors Program in English, 1991--
  • Fellowship Panel, Stanford Humanities Center, 1992
  • Member, Review Committee for Master of Liberal Arts Program 1994-5
  • Director of Graduate Studies, 1994—97
  • Member, Ad Hoc Junior Search Committee, 1997-98 (the committee hired Nicholas Jenkins and Brett Bourbon).
  • Member, Undergraduate Committee, 1997-98
  • Member, Deans Advisory Committee on Presidential Chairs, 1997-98



Member, Executive Council, 1977-81 PMLA, Advisory Committee, 1977-78 Member, Divisional Committee, later 19th-early 20th Century British Literature, 1976-79 Member, Divisional Committee, Comparative Studies of the Twentieth Century, 1982-86 Member, Divisional Committee, Literature and the other Arts, 1987-91 Member, Divisional Committee, Poetry, 1992-6 Member, William Riley Parker Prize Committee, 1990-92 Member, Advisory Board, American Literature Section, 1993-96 Nominated for Presidency of MLA (1993) (one of three candidates) Second Vice-President, 2004, first Vice-President, 2005 President, 2006


Nominating Committee, 1979-80 Member, Advisory Board, 1983-86 Chair, Harry Levin and Rene Wellek Prize Committee, 1990-93 President, 1993-95

Board of Directors, Humanities Institute, 1983-- Nominator, MacArthur Fellowships, 1984-95, 98-99 Guggenheim Foundation, Poetry Panel, 1985-87 Member, Academy of Literary Studies, 198-- Visitating Evaluation Committees: Univ. of California, Irvine; U of California, San Diego, U of California, Santa Barbara, Duke University, Princeton Panelist for Fellowships: ACLS (twice), National Humanities Institute, North Carolina, CIES, Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Foundation Advisory Council, Princeton University Department of Comparative Literature, 1993-6, 7-2,000 to present (MEETS BIANNUALLY AT PRINCETON) Nominating Committee, Phi Beta Kappa Council, 1994-6 (one of four members elected) Elector, for Drue Heinz Chair, Oxford University (only U.S. representative) Advisory Board, Library of America: American Poetry: The Twentieth Century, (4 members): 1997--. Advisory Visiting Committee, Cal Tech, (5 faculty, 5 trustees)—1999-2001. Christian Gauss Book Prize Committee, Phi Beta Kappa—2001-3 Governing Board, Samuel Beckett Society—2000-04 Advisory Board, Center for Contemporary Poetry Studies, Cal State LA, 2006— Advisory Board, Dalkey Archive Press Ezra Pound Center for Literature Advisory Board Routledge Encyclopeda of Modernism, Advisory Board


Guggenheim Fellowship, 1981-92

NEH Senior Fellowship, 1985-86

Phi Kappa Phi Book Award (for Poetics of Indeterminacy), U of Southern Caliofrnia, 1982

Associates Award for Excellence in Teaching, U of Southern California, 1983

Distinguished Alumnae Award, Catholic University, 1987

Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar, 1994-5 (Visited the following campuses and lectured at each one: University of South Carolina, Univ. of North Carolina, Greensboro, Univ. of Illinois, Chicago Circle, Northwestern U, Wells College, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Univ. of Oregon, Univ. of Hawaii).

Elected Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1997

Honorary Degree, Chinese Foreign University, Beijing, July 2007

Honorary Degrees Doctor of Letters, Bard College, May 20

Elected Member, American Philosophical Society, April 2012


At annual MLA Conventions, 1975 to present, average of two a year as well as chairing sessions; Academy of Literary Studies, 1979; Ezra Pound Conference at Orono, Maine, 1980, 1985; Sheffield (England) Pound Conference, 1981; NEH Conference: "After the Flood: Directions in Contemporary Poetry," Folger Library, Washington, D.C.. 1979; Claremont University Modernism Conference, 1982; San Francisco Renaissance Conference at UC-San Diego, 1982; New Music of America Festival: John Cage Panel, 1982; International Comparative Literature Association, 1982, 86; Ethnopoetics Conference at USC, 1983; American Comparative Literature Association, 1983, and 1989 (plenary talk); International Association of University Professors of English, 1983, 1986, 1989 (chair of session); Postmodernism conference at Cerisy-la-Salle, France, 1983; Humanities Institute, 1983, 1987 (chair); University of Michigan Centennial Conference: Pound among the Poets, 1984; "Translating Beckett," NEH Conference at U of Texas, Austin, 1984; Alabama Conference: What is a Poet?" 1984; Gertrude Stein conference at UCLA, 1984; Women Writers Conference, San Francisco Poetry Center, March 1985; Puterbaugh Conference on Anglo-French Literary Relationships, U of Oklahoma, 1985; American Studies Conference, UC-San Diego, 1985; Pound Conference: San Jose State, 1985; NEMLA: Keynote speaker, 1986; Cleveland State Poetry Conference, 1986; Columbia University Ekphrasis Conference, 1986; Futurism Conference, U of Southern California, 1987; Sulfur Board Conference, Eastern Michigan U, 1988; Radical Poetries Conference--SUNY Buffalo, Keynote Speaker, 1988; Performance Arts Conference, SUNY-Binghamton, 1988; Joyce conference (plenary speaker)--UC-Santa Cruz, May 1988; Twentieth Century French Literature Conference, Claremont, CA., 1988, (plenary speaker); French Texts/ Foreign Writers conference, UCLA, 1988; Mellon Seminar: The Second World War (Cal Tech 1988); PAPC, Plenary Address, 1988; Sixth international Conference on Literary Theory, Hong Kong, 1988); Twentieth-Century Conference, Louisville (Keynote Speaker), 1989); Conference on Canonicity, Victoria University, Canada, 1989; Plenary Speaker, "American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, Brandeis U, March 1989; "Poetry for the Next Society Conference, St. Mark's Poetry Project, 1989 (keynote speaker); "The Question of the Canon, Conference on Canonicity, U of Victoria, Vancouver, March 1989.; Twentieth Century French Conference, U of Iowa, 1990; Plenary Address, Second International Conference on World and Image, U of Zurich, Switzerland, August 1990. International Association of Philosophy and Literature, 1990; speaker, conference on "The First World War in English and German Literature, Graz, Austria, 22-26 September 1991.; Panelist, Poesia-Milano, September 1991; Keynote Address: Conference, "The Disappearing Pheasant: Italian Poetry Today," Casa Italiana, New York University, 24-27 October 1991. "The State of American Poetry Today." "Tolerance and Taboo: The New Occidentalism," Conference on Primitivism, Modernism, Politics, Cal Tech, March 1992; "Wittgenstein and Russell on War," IAPL Conference; Section on Ethics, May 1992; "Postmodernism: Fin de Siecle: The Prospects of Openness in a Decade of Closure," "Reassessing Postmodernism" Conference, U of Washington, Seattle,May 1992; "From Romanticism to Postmodernism," Conference at Univ. of Warwick, England, July 1992. Keynote Address, Conference on the Rhetoric of Love in William Carlos Williams," University of Rome, Rome, 22-25 May 1992; "The New Urbanism" Symposium, Princeton University School of Architecture, October 1992; "John Cage: Words and Image," U of Montreal, January 1993; Futurist Conference, UCLA, March 1993; Postcommunism Conference, UC-Santa Cruz, March 1993; Keynote Speaker, Soundings: A Conference on American Life, Literature, and Interpretation, U of Oregon, April 1993; Keynote Speaker, "Contact Zones between the Aesthetic Media in 20th Century," Plenary speaker, "Poets of the 1930s: The First Postmodernists," U of Maine, Orono, June 1993; plenary speaker, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universitat, Berlin, June 1993; Joyce at Irvine Conference, July 1993; Lectures in conjunction with Book Launching, Il Momento Futuristo, Sao Paulo and Rio, Brazil, September 1993; Speaker, Rolywholyover Circus, Museum of Contemporary Art, September 1993; Conference, "John Cage: Days of Silence," Warsaw, Poland, October 1993; Panelist, "Die Emigranten Frauen," Vienna, Austria, December 1993; lectures on the 1930s, Vienna and Salzburg, December 1993; Plenary Lecture ICLA, 1994; lecture, Roland Barthes conference, U of Pennsylvania, Spring 1994, lecture, Naropa Institute (Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics), July 1994, Townsend seminar, Uc-Berkeley, Nov. 16, 1994, "The New American Writing," San Francisco State-held at San Francisco Press Club, Nov. 30, 1994; Cornell University : Symposium of Contemporary Poetics, March 1995; Yale University: Concrete Poetry and Visual Poetics, April 1995; American Modernism” conference, Montreal, June 15-17, 1995, IAUPE conference, Copenhagen, August 1995; “Literary Journalism and Literary Scholarship,” Univ. of Warwick, England, Nov. 1-3 1995 (keynote speaker); Duchamp Symposium, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Nov. 1995; John Cage Festival, Mills College, Nov. 15-19, 1995. (keynote speaker)”Poet and Critic” (Marjorie Perloff & John Ashbery, March 1996; Robert Duncan Conference, SUNY-Buffalo, April 1996; “The 1950s”: University of Maine (Orono), June 1996; “Assembling Alternatives” (U of New Hampshire), August 1996; “l’Epicité dans la poésie moderne, Univ. of Picardie, Oct 1996; “After Free Verse” (Univ of Western Ontario: London, Ontario, Oct, 1996); “Literary Journalism and Literary Scholarship,” Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas, Feb. 1997; “A Step Away from Them: 1956,” University of Copenhagen, Sept. 1997; Harvard University Modernism Seminar, Sept. 1997; Keynote Speaker, U-Cal Irvine, Comparative Literature and English Annual Grad Student Conference, Oct. 11, 1997; Guest Speaker, Wittgenstein Seminar, UC-Riverside, Oct. 17, 1997; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Jan, 1998; Conference on the Ancient World, NYU, Feb, 1998; “Frank O’Hara: Poet among Painters,” UCSanta Cruz, Feb. 1998; “Iconotropisms” Conference at Bar Ilan, March 1998, Tel Aviv Univ, March 1998; “Logocinema of the Frontiersman: Eugene Jolas’s Multilingual Poetry and its Heirs,” Jolas Conference, Yale University, September 1999; “Cultural Liminality: Aesthetic Closure: the Critique of Homi Bhabha, Conference on Liberalism & Cultural Studies, Yale University, Sept. 1999, and again at Conference on Aesthetics and Cultural Studies, UC Riverside, October 1999, American Society of Aesthetics, November 1999, “Gertrude Stein, Modernist,” Gertrude Stein Conference, Washington University, St. Louis, Feb. 1999; “Language Poetry and the Lyric Subject,” U of Kansas, April 1999; “After the Collapse,” Stanford Humanities Center Conference on “Have the Humanistic Disciplines Collapsed?”, Stanford, April 1999; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, July 1999, too numerous from 2000-to list


The Feaver-McGinn Professorship, U of Oklahoma, 1987

The Annual Ward-Phillips Lectures (4) at Notre Dame, March 1990) Scholar-In-Residence, U of Kansas, April 1989--4 days. "Annual Reynolds Lecture, Ohio State U, Jan. 1990

Paul Zweig Memorial Lecture, Poets' House, New York, May 1990

Annual Renato Poggioli Lecture, Dept. of Comparative Literature, Harvard, 20 October 1991.

First Annual James Steele Smith Humanities Lecture, California State University Northridge, November 1991: "Of Objects and Readymades: Gertrude Stein and Marcel Duchamp."

David Kubal Memorial lecture, California State U, LA, January 1992: "How It Means: Making Sense in a Media Society."

Georgey Leahy Memorial Lecture, Concordia University, Montreal, January 1993.

Bebe Petrou Lecture, University of Maryland, March 1993.

Ida Beam Professorship, Univ of Iowa, November 1994

Comparative Literature Colloquium: Invited Speaker (2 days), U of Washington, Seattle, May 1996.

McLeod Professorship, Baylor University, Poetry Festival, Feb. 1997

Patten Lectures (once-a-year event for which all depts. compete), Indiana U, November 1997

Keynote Address, 3d. Encontro Internacional de Poetas , Coimbra Poetry Festival, Coimbra, Portugal, June 1998

Keynote Address, “”Something we Have that They Don’t: Post-War Anglo-American Poetic Relations,” U. of London, July 1998

Keynote Address, “Dada Duchamp,” Brazilian Comparative Literature Conference, Florianopolis, Brazil, August 1998.

Keynote Address, Language Poetry Meets the Lyric,” Barnard College Conference on Experimental Poetry, April 1999.

Keynote Address, “Jolas and Multilingual Poetics,” Karakis Conference on Greek Avant-Garde and Diaspora, U of Missouri, St. Louis, April 1999.

Plenary Address, German Society of American Studies, Cologne, May 1999: Conference on the Sixties: “Watchman, Spy, and Dead Man,” The “cool” Sixties of Cage, Johns, and O’Hara.”

Plenary Lecture, “On Translation, Literary Invention, and Poetics,” Yale University, October 1999.

Keynote address, ‘Samuel Beckett and the Visual Arts” conference, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1999

The Cage Lecture, “The Fascination of What’s Difficult: Emily Dickinson and the Theory Canon,” Rice University, Feb. 17, 2000

Plenary Address, ‘Avant-Garde Eliot,” Avant-Garde Conference, Notre Dame University, 13 April, 2000

Seminar Leader and Keynote: New Directions in Contemporary Poetry,” University of Salamanca, Spain, May 6-8, 2000.

Plenary Address, “Crisis in the Humanities,” at Hebrew Univ, Jerusalem: Paradigms of learning in Diverse Cultures,” June 19-22, 2000

Annual University-wide Chancellor’s Professorship, Louisiana State University, November 6-8, 2000.

Visiting Residency, Bennington Writing Seminars, Bennington College, Vermont, Jan 8-15, 2001.

William H. Matheson Professor, Washington U, St. Louis, Feb 14-16, 2001.

Keynote Address, Graduate Student Annual Conference, U of Virginia, Charlottesville, March 5, 2001

British Academy Lecture, Carlton House, London, April 5, 2001: “Gertrude Stein’s Syntactic Materialism”

Keynote Address: British Society of American Studies, April 6, 2001, Keele University, UK, “Watchman and Spy: Johns, Cage, O’Hara in the Cool Sixties.

Charles Fraenkel Lecture, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universitat, Berlin, November 2001

Keynote address: Polish Society of American Studies, Pulawy, Poland, Oct. 2001

T. S. Eliot Memorial Lecture, St. Louis, Fall 2002

Lanier Lecture, U of Georgia, Feb. 2003.

Carmel Lecture, Tel Aviv U, Spring 2005

U of Denver Poetry Conference—Keynote Address, Oct. 2005 U of Nebraska name lecture—Oct. 2005

The Sara and Jess Cloud Lecture, William and Mary, April 11, 2006 Arizona Quarterly Symposium, 1 of 4 lecturers, April 1, 2006

Annual Name Lecture, San Marcos, Texas, April 4, 2006 Keynote Speaker, Beckett Festival, Brazil, July 2006

Reinhard Kuhn Lecture, Brown University, Nov. 1 Brazilian Concrete Poetry, Yale Symposium, Nov. 3 Keynote address, Modernism and Arriere-Garde Symposium, Utrecht OSL Nov. 9, 2006 Keynote address, MSA, Nov. 2007, From Concrete to Digital Keynote, ACAL, Spring 2008, “Unoriginal Genius” Keynote and Director, Arizona Symposium on Conceptual Poetry, May 29-31, 2008 Longest Lecture, U of Mississippi, Oxford, Mss, September 19, 2008 The Annual Spector Lecture, McGill University, September 29, 2008 Jesse Mack Lecture, Oberlin College, Nov. 7, 2007 Susan Howe Lecture, U of Chicago, Nov. 8 Jasper Johns, Frank O’Hara, John Cage, Art Institute of Chicago Lecture, Nov. 9, 2007 Yale, Feb. 21, 1908, “Unoriginal Genius” Logan Lecture at DeYoung Museum, “The Artist’s Book, March 6, 2008 Taiwan March 15-22, 2008 Keynote, “Unoriginal Genius,” ACLA in Long Beach, April 26 Director of Symposium on Conceptual Poetry and Keynote Speaker, Arizona Poetry Center, May 29-31. Longest Lecture, U of Mississippi, Sept. 2008 Spector Lecture, McGill, Montreal, Sept. 29. 2008 American Book Review lecture series, Houston-Victoria, Jan. 22

Weidenfeld Lectures in EUROPEAN Literature (6 in all), St. Anne’s College, Oxford, May 2009) Keynote, Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchbach-am-Wechsel, Austria, August, 2009 Wallace Stevens Society Annual Lecture, October 2010, Hartford, CT. KEYNOTE, FUTURIST CONFERENCE, YALE U, NOVEMBER 2009 KEYNOTE, JOHN ASHBERY CONFERENCE, PARIS, MARCH 2010 Fanny Hurst Residency and lecture, Washington U, St. Louis, April 13-15. TS Eliot Summer School Lectures, July 2010. KELLY WRITER’S HOUSE PROFESSOR, SPRING 2011 “FORMA E SENTIDO” RIO DI JANEIRO, NAME LECTURE, JUNE 2011 Wuhan Poetry Conference, Wuhan China, Sept. 2011—in honor of Professor Marjorie Perloff

Keynote address, SAMLA, NOV. 2011


Advisory Committee, PMLA, 1977-79; American Literary History, 1988-2000, American Poetry Review, American Book Review, Contemporary Literature, Cybereditions, ed. Denis Dutton; Dis-Closure, Formations, Free Verse, Fulcrum, Genre, Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Poetry, Hypermedia Joyce Website Advisory Board, Iowa Review Cyberstudies Board, Journal of American Studies (England), LSSU (LaSalle U Journal, Philippines)Editorial Board; Modern Language Quarterly, Modernism / Modernity, Advisory Board, Oklahoma Project of Discourse and Theory, Oxford Poetry Review, Paideuma, Philosophy and Literature , 2002-Postmodern Culture, Sulfur, Sagetrieb, SUNY Press Series: The Margins of Literature; Symploke, Wallace Stevens Journal, Textual Practice, Co-Editor, Northwestern U, Avant-Garde Series; University of Alabama Press: Contemporary Poetry Series: Board; Yeats Annual, Editorial Committee: Rethinking the Western Tradition (Yale University Press); Committee of Consultants on American Writing, The Library of America, 2001--.; Foreign Literature Studies (China), 2006-- ; Gylphi, Journal of English and Irish Innovative Poetry, 2008; Advisory Board, Ezra Pound Center for Literature,

College of Reviewers, Canada Humanities and Research Council—2000--

Program Consultant, Film on William Carlos Williams, part of PBS series, Voices and Visions, shown in 1988 and frequently rebroadcast.

Program Consultant and Interviewee, Course: "Introduction to Literature, Maryland PBS, 1991.

Advisory Board, Norton Anthology of Twentieth Century American Poetry (forthcoming in 2,000); Advisory Board, Samuel Beckett Society, 2001-4.

Editorial Board, Library of America: Twentieth-Century Poetry, ed. Geoffrey O’Brien (one of 5 members), 2,000.

Co-editor, Northwestern University press, Avant-Garde Series. Reviews all manuscripts, selects those to be published, writes covering letters for books, etc.



Rhyme and Meaning in the Poetry of Yeats. De Proprietatibus litterarum, series practica, no. 5. The Hague: Mouton & Co., 1970.

The Poetic Art of Robert Lowell. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1973. Chapter 2, “Realism and the Confessional Mode of Robert Lowell,” rpt. in The Critical Response to Robert Lowell, ed. Steven Gould Axelrod (Westport: Greenwood press, 1999).

Frank O'Hara: Poet among Painters. New York: George Braziller, 1977; Univ of Texas paperback, 1979; new edition, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1998, with new Introduction and Bibliographical Notes.

The Poetics of Indeterminacy: Rimbaud to Cage. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981. Paperback: Northwestern Univ. Press, 1983. Reprint, 1993. New edition, forthcoming Northwestern U.P., Fall 1999.

The Dance of the Intellect: Studies in the Poetry of the Pound Tradition . Cambridge: Cambridge University press, 1985, paperback 1987. New Edition, Northwestern U Press, 1996. (Reviewed by A. Walton Litz, TLS 10 October, 1986, p. 1142; Burton Hatlen, Sagetrieb, 1987, pp. 154, 314; M. L. Rosenthal, Modern Philology, August 1988, pp. 112-14; K. K. Ruthven, Southern Review, 20 (November 1987), pp. 319-21; David Seed, Notes & Queries, No. 34, 3 (September 1987), 436-37; Lee Bartlett, American Literary Scholarship, 1985, pp. 325-26; George Bornstein, English Language Notes, June 1987, pp. 80-82; Joseph Kronick, American Literature, March 1987; , 139-40; Wolfgang Wicht, Zeitschrift fur Angklistik und Amerikanistik, 1989, 67-68; David Seed and Ian Bell, Years Work in English Studies, 67 (1986)pp. 624-25; Reginald Berry, Canadian Literature, No. 118 (Fall 1988), pp. 147-51; Anthony Woodward, Review of English Studies, 38, no. 151 (August 1987),

The Futurist Moment: Avant-Garde, Avant-Guerre, and the Language of Rupture. University of Chicago Press, 1986. Paperback 1989. Translated into Portugese, Momento Futuristo; U. of Sao Paolo Editions, 1993. (Reviewed: Roger Shattuck, The New Republic, 27 July 1987, pp. 30-34; O. B. Hardison, Washington Times, 4 May 1987, pp. 4-5M; Andrew J. McKenna, , Book Review (LA Times), 21 June 1987, p.13; Willard Bohn, Comparative Literature, 41, no. 2 (Spring 1989), pp. 200-202; Stephen Connor, Modern Language Review, 84, no. 4 (Feb 1990), Timothy Materer, JEGP, 87 no. 4 (January 1988): 153-55; Jim Christy, Calgary Herald, April 1988; Linda Simon, Worcester (MA) Sunday Telegram, 21 June 1987; Richard Silberg, Poetry Flash, August 1987; Sven Birkerts, The Harvard Book Shelf, May 1987; Harry Goldgar, St. Petersburg Sunday Times, 26 April 1987; Lawrence R. Smith, “The Futurist Moment is Now,” Michigan Quarterly Review (19880: 665-70; Gregory Ulmer, Criticism, 30, no. 2 ((1988): 263-65; Brian McHale, Poetics Today, 9, no. 3 (1988): 679-80; Jacob Korg, “Futurism Past and Present: Review Essay,” Papers on Language and Literature, 24, no. 2 (Spring 1988): 212-18; Christopher Wagstaff, Times Higher Educational Supplement, 8 May 1987; Hank Lazer, South Atlantic Bulletin (May 1988): 181-83; Timothy Materer, Commonweal, August 14, 1987, B.C. in Journal of Modern Literature (1987-88), Sylvester Pollet, Sagetrieb, Spring 1987; Susan P. Compton, Burlington Magazine, October 1987; Patricia Hopkins, Rocky Mountain Review of Lang. and Lit, July 1988; Torsten Ekbom, Dagens Nyhetter (Sweden), April 1988; Timothy Mathews, “Apollinare and Cubism?”. Style, 22, no. 2 (Summer 1988): 275-97); Performing Arts Journal, no. 30 (December 1987).

“Chapter 1 of The Futurist Moment, Jerome Rothenberg and Steven Clay (eds.), A Book of the Book: Some Words & Projections about the Book & Writing (New York: Granary Books, 2000), pp. 160-77.

El Momento Futurista, trad. Mariano Peyrou (Valencia: Correspondencias: Pretextos, 2010).

Poetic Licence: Studies in Modernist and Postmodernist Lyric. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1990 (hard and paper). (Reviewed by Thomas Disch, Los Angeles Times Book Review, 27 May, 1990, p. 4; Richard Silberg, Poetry Flash, 211 (October 1990), pp. 1, 6, 9, 11; Thomas Gladysz, “The flowering of San Francisco’s Critical and Literary Renaissance,” San Francisco Review, 15, no. 2 (Fall 1990): 46-47 (also o f Poetic Genres), Hank Lazer, “The Politics of Form and Poetry’s Other Subjects: Reading Contemporary American Poetry,” American Literary History, (1990), pp. 516-20; Edward Halsey Foster, Small Press (December 1990), p. 44; Ian Gregson, TLS, 10 May 1991, p. 22 (also Postmodern Genres; Michael Leddy, World Literature Today, Spring 1991, p. ; Charles Altieri, Contemporary Literature, 32, no. 4 (Winter 1991), pp 580-86; Dawn Michelle Baude, American Book Review, Jan-Feb 1992, Jonathan Mayhew, Letras Peninsulares, Fall/Winter 1990; Linda Reinfeld, The New Review, Fall 1993, pp. 60-62; Hu Quansheng, Foreign Literature Studies (Wuhan, Chin), 31, no. 4 (August 2009): 160-62..

Radical Artifice: Writing Poetry in the Age of Media (U of Chicago Press, 1992. Paperback, spring 1994). (Reviewed by Frank Kermode, Washington Times, 4/26/92; Reed Way Dasenbrock, JEGP, 92, no. 3 (July 1993); Susan Schultz in Postmodern Culture,3, no. 1 (Fall 1992); Timothy Materer, Sagetrieb, Terence Diggory, College English, 55, no. 3 (March 1993: 328-331; Willard Spengemann, American Literature, June 1993; Leon Surrette, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 51, no. 4 (Fall 1993): 642-43; J Galvin, Choice, October 1992, p. 301; Frank Allen, Library Journal, 1 Feb. 1992; .Alan Golding, Contemporary Literature 35. no. 1 (Spring 1994), pp.; Stephen-Paul Martin, Central Park (April 1994); John Pallatella, College Literature, 1994; Sean Francis, Chicago Review, 2 &3 (1994), pp. 175-77; John Shoptaw, REVIEW, 16 (1994): 197-208; Robert Hamson, "Why Can't they all Write Like Seamus Heaney?", Yeats Annual 11 (1995): 252-57); Ira Lightman, internet; Robert Crawford, REVIEW OF ENGLISH STUDIES, 46, no. 181 (Feb 1995): 133-34; Richard Gray, Yearbook of English Studies, 1995, 2pp.;Kornelia Freitag, AmerikaStudies/ American Studies, 40 (1995); Dubravka Duric, Svet knige, 28 May 1992; Ole Hessler, Dagens Nyheter (Stockholm), March 20, 1994; David R. Jarraway, “The Marjorie Perloff Show: The Critic and her Others,” Minnesota Review, n.s. 43-44 (1995): 212-22.) Susan Schultz in Plastic 3 (Spring 2000)

Chapter 3 “Talk Show, Talk Poetry, and the Scene of Writing,” rpt in Christopher Beach, Artifice and Indeterminacy An Anthology of new Poetics, ed. Christopher Beach (U of Alabama Press, 1998), pp.77-107. Translated and rpt. in OEI, #1, 1999, ed. Jesper Olson, PP. 20-35.


(review essay by David Kellogg, “Perloff’s Wittgenstein: W(h)ither Poetic Theory?”, Diacritics, 16, no. 3-4 (Fall-winter 1996): 67-85; David Antin, Modernism/Modernity, 5, no. 1 (January 1998): 149-65; John Higgins, “The Age of Wittgenstein,” Pretexts: Studies in Writing and Culture, 7, no. 1 (1998): 129-39. Jed Rasula, “Strategizing the Ordinary,” U of Toronto Quarterly,  67, no. 3 (Summer 1998): 715-24; reviewed by Kenneth Baker,”Listening To How We Think,”  San Francisco Chronicle, Book Review, Oct 27-Nov. 2, 1996  ; N. Graver, Choice; Donald Pease, Washington Times,  Oct 27, 1996, B7; Library Journal, August 1996, Carlin Romano, Phildelphia Inquirer, Nov. 24, 1996, Q3; Regis Bonvicino, Folia de San Paolo, Feb, 1997; Timothy  Materer,  Sagetrieb, 16, no. 3 (Winter 1997): 145-49; Fredrick Crosson, Phi Beta Kappa Key Reporter, Spring 1997; Rebecca Saunders, Review of Contemporary Fiction (June 1997): 297-98; Willard Bohn, SubStance, (Fall1997):142-45;. Georgette Fleischer, “Under the Sign of Wittgenstein: Postmodern Poetics Explained,” Contemporary Literature, 18, no. 2 (Summer 1997): 378-90; Tomoyuki  Iino, in  Rising Sun, James Olney, in Southern Review, 33, no.  3 (Summer 1997), 567-70; Linda Voris, “Boston Review, 12, no. 5 (Oct/November 1997); Linda Munk, American Literature, June 1977;  David Clippinger, Chicago Review, 43, no. 2 (Spring 1997);  Fredrich Burich, in Choice, April 1997, 34, no. 8; Michael Fischer, in Philosophy and Literature, 21, no. 2 (October 1997): 489-91; Philip Cox, Notes & Queries (December 1997): 576-57; Ed Foster, in Rhizome, 2 (1998): 146-149, rpt. in Answerable to None: Berrigan, Bronk, and the American Real: Essays and Reviews by Edward Foster (New York City: Spuyten Duyvil, 1999): 179-183; Anna Petronella Fredlund, in Dagens Nyheter (March 3, 1998), 2 pp.;   Thomas Gardner, Review of Metaphysics (December 1997), 2 pp.  Nexus (Holland), no. 19 (1997); Ross Feld, Parnassus, 23, 1 & 2 (1998): 56-58; Peter Middleton, Journal of American Studies, 32 (April 1998): 186-87; Jonathan Monroe, Comparative Literature, 50, no. 3 (Summer 1998): 260-64;  Rachel Blau du Plessis, Journal of Modern Literature, review issue (1998), pp. 401-402; Christian Moraru,  The Comparatist, 23 (1999): 195-9; Roger Gilbert, Modern Philology (Fall, 1999): Jonathan Long, Modern Language Review (Summer 1999); anonymous, Germanic Review74, no. 4 (1999): 346-47; Gary Hagberg, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (Spring 2002); Lin Yupeng, review in Foreign Literature Studies, 31, no. 6 (December 2009): 160-65.   

A ESCADA DE WITTGENSTEIN: A Linguagem Poética e o Estranhamento do Cotidiano, trans. from the Portuguese by Elizabeth Rocha Leite and Aurora Fornoni Bernadini (Brazil: Sao Paulo, USPED 2008)., 304 pp.

Wittgensteinova lestev, Pesniski jezik in cudnost vsakdanjega, Slovenian translation of WITTGENSTEIN’S LADDER, (Ljubliana, Zbirka Labirinti, 2009).

Spanish translation (Mexico) and French (Robin Seguy) forthcoming.


POETRY ON & OFF THE PAGE: ESSAYS FOR EMERGENT OCCASIONS (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1998).. ISBN 0-8101-1560-3 (Cloth); 8101-1561-1 (Paper). $19.95 REVIEW ESSAY by David Zauhar, Electronic Book Review, #9, “Perloff in the Nineties” (on Radical Artifice, Wittgenstein’s Ladder, Poetry On & Off the Page- 10 pp. (reviewed Dubravka Duric, Nezavizni, Nov. 98, p. 38; Michael Davidson, Boston Review, 24, no. 2 (April-May1999): 50-51; Paul Quinn, TLS, 30 April 1999, pp. 32-33’ Michael Thurston, “Writing the Elephant,” College Literature 26.3 (Fall 1999): 249-260; Thomas M. Orange, Literary Research/Recherche Litteraire, 31 (Spring-Summer 1999: 142-45; T. A., Terrible Work ( Fall 1999). Tim Woods, Textual Practice,, 16, 3 (Spring 2000): 48-52; Marcel Cornis-Pope, World Literature Today (Winter 2000, 168-69; Magda Carneci, “Poezia conteaza”, Observator cultural, no. 4, 2000; trans. In Symploke, Fall 2000.; Gary Hagberg (see above).

21st- Century Modernism: The “New” Poetics (Oxford and Malden, MA: Blackwell’s 2002). ISBN 0-631-21970-6; 0-631-219-69-2. PN771.P46 2002. ix + 222 pp. Reviews: Nicholas Tredell, “The Scrying Game,” PN Review 144 (Feb. 2002): 67-69.; Seminary Co-op Reviews, March 2002; Yunte Huang, Boston Review, 27.3-4 (Summer 2002): 57-59; Geof Ward, Times Literary Supplement, 13 Sept. 2002; Hank Lazer, “Learning the Lessons of Early Modernism,” Virginia Quarterly Review, 79, 1 (Winter 2003): 182-88.; Joao Almino, “A Nuova Vanguarda Materialista,” Sibilla, 3 (20020: 1-77; Stephen Fredman, symploke 13.1/2 (2006) 340-342; China Foreign Language Studies, spring 2009.

Chapter 1, rpt in American Portraits and Self-Portraits, ed. Jerzy Durczak (Lublin: Maria Curie-Sklodowska Univ. Press, 2002), pp. 9=36/

Chapter 3, “The Conceptual Poetics of Marcel Duchamp,” trans into Romanian by Adrian T. Sârbu and Alexander Polgár, Balkon, 9 (Winter 2002): 29-40.

FRANK O’HARA: POET AMONG PAINTERS, With a New Introduction, 2d ed. (Chicago, 1998); 242pp. 9 halftones. $15.95--0226-66059-1 Reviewed by Michael Tyrell in Boston Review, 23, 3-4 (Summer 1998): p. 63; Stephen Burt, London Review, 20 July 2000:

THE POETICS OF INDETERMINACY, reissue (Northwestern U Press,1999), ISBN 0-8101-1764-9 $18.95.

The Vienna Paradox. New Directions, May 2004. Out.

Reviews: Adam Kirsch, “Austrian by the Grace of Goethe,” New York Sun, 2 June 2004; Corinna Lothar, Washington Times, 27 June 2004, B7-B8.; Jacques Darras, “L’Amerique, l’Europe, ou le paradox viennois,” Aujourdíhui PoËme, #53 (September 2004), p. 13; Peter Graves, Times Literary Supplement, 17 December 2004, p. 24; Andrew Dubois, Harvard Review, 27 (Winter 2004) 186-88; Evelyn Audi, Free Verse 7 (Winter 2004), online at verse; American Poet, 71; Brian McHale, American Book Review, 26, no. 3 (March/April 2005): 25-26; Rainer Rumold, New Austrian Literature, 37, 3-4 (2004): 65-70; singled out in Adam Kirsch, “The Year in Books,” Weekend Edition,” The New York Sun, 31 Dec. 2004-Jan. 2 2005; Douglas Clayton, World Literature Today,79, no. 1 (January-April 2005): 11-12; Aurora F. Bernadini, “Como era bela a minha America,” Cult 89 (Feb. 2005): 12-14; Matthias Konzett, German Quarterly, 78 (Winter 2005); Corinne Robbins, Poetry Project Newsletter 203 (April/May 2005), 29-30; Tag Gronberg, Textual Practice 19, no. 1 (Spring 2005): 209-11; Barbara L. Baer, AJC Congress Monthly, 72, no. 2 (March/April 2005): 18-19; Martin Lagerholm, “Förvanlingen till amerikan,” Svenska Dagbladet, 22 Fwb. 2005.; Peter Brier, in Magill’s Literary Annual, 2005, pp. 812-18; Ron Silliman blog, 12 Sept. 2005; Jay Martin, “Academic Adventures,” Michigan Quarterly Review 45, no. 2 (Spring 2006): 415-21; “Bittersweet Sachertorte,” Vienna Review of Books, 8, no 5 (June 2010), 9.

Extracts from Vienna Paradox:

“Seductive Vienna,” MODERNISM/MODERNITY, 10, 2 (April 2003): 221-38.

"German by the Grace of Goethe," COMMON KNOWLEDGE, 9, 3 (FALL 2003): 363-93.

chap 1 and Epilogue of Vienna Paradox in PN Review 155 January-Feb 2004, Vol. 30, No. 3: 23-35 and cover.

“The Vienna Paradox: Emigré reinvention and the New World,” Western Humanities Review, 68, no 1 (Spring 2004): 40-73.

“Vienna sedutora,”trans. Of Chapter 1 of The Vienna Paradox, by Claudia Gonçalves, Sybilla, 3, no. 5 (2003): 11-38.

Extract from Chapter 3, “Losing Everything but One’s Accent”, in Becoming Americans: Four centuries of Immigrant Writing (Anthology ed. Ilan Stavans), The Library of America, New York 2009), pp. 290 -301.

DIFFERENTIALS: Poetry, Poetics, Pedagogy, U of Alabama Press, August 2004. ISBN 0-81735128-0. 307 PP. Co-winner of the Warren-Brooks Award for 2004. Honorable Mention, Robert Motherwell Book Prize, Dedalus Foundation. Joshua Corey, Boston Review, 30, 3-4 (Summer 2005): ; Bob Perelman, American Literature Dec. 2005: 865-69; Glenn Freeman, Journal of the Midwest MLA, Fall 2005, 164-66..; Thomas Docherty, Modern Language Review, Oct. 2006 , 1101-03; Claudia Becker, RMMLA, 59, 2(2005): 4ppl Keston Sutherland, The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory ; 2006 14(1):117-133; Frank Kearful, AMERICAN LITERARY SCHOLARSHIP 2004 (Duke, 2006): 165,, 428-30; David Galef, South Atlantic Review, 72, 2 (2006): 147-48;Douglas Barbour, ELECTRONIC BOOK REVIEW, FALL 2007, 3 PAGES.  ; He Huibin, Foreign Literature Studies (Wuhan), 171-72. “Verbivocovisual: Roland Johnson’s Songs of Earth,” reprinted in Ronald Johnson Man and Poet (Orono: National Poetry Foundation, 2008), 285-94.

Unoriginal Genius: Poetry by Other Means in the New Century (November 2010). U of Chicago Press, 2010. 978-0-226-66061-5 Cloth. Forthcoming in paperback Spring 2012. Reviews: Michael Lista, “On Poetry: The arriere-garde is just as vital as the avant-garde,” National Post, 28 January 2011, online; Mark Scroggins, Bookforum.Com, 9 March 2011, “Daily Review,”; Kit Fryatt, TLS, 11 March 2011, p. 31; Samuel Vriezen, “Een Enorme Expressive Rijkdom,” Reactor (—5 pp. online.; Robert Archambeau, “The Great Debate: Progress vs. Pluralism,” Poetry (May 2011), 150-57; John Wilkinson, Modern Philology, Fall 2011; Christian Moraru, Review Canadienne de Lit. Comparée, Winter 2012; Jeffrey di Leo, “From Ecriture to Recriture,” American Book Review, Vol. 32, issue 4 (2011), p. 8. ; Sam Rowe, “Uncreative Writing, Creative Reading,” Full Stop , 16 August 2011,; Joseph Campana, “Criticism of Criticism of Criticism” (review of Bloom, Vendler, Garber, Perloff), Los Angeles Review of Books, criticism/; pp. 7-10; B. Wallerstein, Choice, 118 (July 2011), p. 2098; Yubraj Aryal, “Editorial,” Journal of Philosophy, 7, no. 16 (2011), pp. i-x. ; Joseph Acquisto, Modern Language Review, 106, no. 4 (Fall 2011, pp. 1136-38; Haun Saussy, Lana Turner , #4 (2011), 268-69.

Essay on Marjorie Perloff in Contemporary Authors, New Revision Series, Vol. 104 (Gale Group, 2002), pp. 325-27.

Tyrus Miller (ed), Textual Practice: Special Issue for Marjorie Perloff, 18:2 (2004)

 Introduction: Poetry Matters: Introducing the Criticism of MP: 153-66.


The Columbia Literary History of the United States, ed. Emory Elliott. Associate Editors: Daniel Shea, Martha Banta, Terence Martin, David Minter, Marjorie Perloff (I edited Section V, 1945-to the present). New York: Columbia U.P, 1987.

Postmodern Genres, special issue of Genre,22, no. 3-4 (Autumn Winter 1987); as book by U of Oklahoma Press, 1989; 2d ed. 1995. Contains 11 essays and my Introduction. My own essay is called "Music for Words Perhaps: Reading/Hearing/Seeing John Cage's Roaratorio," pp. 195-230. Reviewed in Semiotica 106, 1-2 (1995): 197-99 by Ingeborg Hoesterey.

John Cage: Composed in America, co-edited with Charles Junkerman (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994). I contributed the Introduction and the essay, "A Duchamp Unto Myself: Writing Through Marcel." (Reviewed: Kenneth Baker, San Francisco Chronicle, 24 July, 1994, p. 6; John Shreffler, Booklist, June 1 and 15; J. Behrens, Choice, 32, no. 8 (April 1995),; Kenneth Goldsmith, Rif/t, 5, no. 1 (Summer 1995), rpt. in Lydia Goehr, Journal of Aesthetic and Art Criticism, Summer 1996, pp. 193-95)

Twentieth Century American Poetry, 2 vols. (Library of America: 2000). Ed. John Hollander, Robert Hass, Nathaniel Mackey, Carolyn Kizer, Marjorie Perloff. Won the English-Speaking Union Ambassador Award for 2001.

	THE SOUND OF POETRY/THE POETRY OF SOUND (U of Chicago Press, 2009).  Co-edited with Craig Dworkin.  

Unoriginal Genius: Poetry by Other Means in the New Century (November 2010). U of Chicago Press, 1911. 978-0-226-66061-5 Cloth. Reviews: Michael Lista, “On Poetry: The arriere-garde is just as vital as the avant-garde,” National Post, 28 January 2011, online; Mark Scroggins, Bookforum.Com, 9 March 2011, “Daily Review,”; Kit Fryatt, TLS, 11 March 2011, p. 31; Samuel Vriezen, “Een Enorme Expressieve Rijkdom,” Reactor (—5 pp. online.; Robert Archambeau, “The Great Debate: Progress vs. Pluralism,” Poetry (May 2011), 150-57; John Wilkinson, Modern Philology, Fall 2011; Christian Moraru, Review Canadienne de Lit. Comparee, Winter 2012; Jeffrey di Leo, “From Ecriture to Recriture,” American Book Review, Vol. 32, issue 4 (2011), p. 8. ; Sam Rowe, “Uncreative Writing, Creative Reading,” Full Stop , 16 August 2011,


"Sylvia Plath's 'Sivvy' Poems: A Portrait of the Poet as Daughter," in Gary Lane (ed.), Sylvia Plath: A Collection of Essays, ed. Gary Lane (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979), pp. 155-78.

"The Dream Songs of John Ashbery," in David Lehman (ed.), Beyond Amazement: New Essays on John Ashbery (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1980), pp. 66-86; rpt. in different form in Poetics of Indeterminacy.

"Contemporary / Postmodern: The 'New' Poetry?", in Harry T. Garvin (ed.), Romanticism, Modernism, Postmodernism (Lewisburg, Pa.: Bucknell University Press, 1980), pp. 171-180.

"Oppen and the Metric of Difference," in Burton Hatlen (ed.), George Oppen: Man and Poet (Orono, Maine: National Poetry Foundation, 1981), pp. 215-229. Rpt. in revised form in The Dance of the Intellect.

"'To Give a Design': Williams and the Visualization of Poetry," in Carroll Terrell (ed.), William Carlos Williams: Man and Poet (Orono, Maine: National Poetry Foundation, 1983), pp. 159-86. Rpt. in Dance of the Intellect.

"Lawrence's Lyric Theatre: Birds, Beasts, and Flowers," in Peter Balbert and Phillip Marcus (eds.), D. H Lawrence: A Centenary Consideration (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1985). Rpt. in Poetic License.

"The Contemporary of our Grandchildren: Pound's Influence," in George Bornstein (ed.), Pound among the Poets (Chicago: University of chicago Press, 1985), pp. 195-229. Rpt. in Poetic License.

"'Revolving in Crystal': The Supreme Fiction and the Impasse of Modernist Lyric," in Albert Gelpi (ed.), Wallace Stevens: The Poetics of Modernism (Cambridge and London: Cambridge University Press, 1985), pp. 41-64.

"Apocalypse Then: Merwin and the Sorrows of Literary History," W. S. Merwin: Essays on the Poetry, ed. Cary Nelson (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1986), pp. 122-44; rpt. in Poetic License.

"Une Voix pas la mienne: French/English Beckett and the French/English Reader," in Alan W. Friedman, Charles Rossman, and Dina Sherzer (eds), Beckett Translating/Translating Beckett (University Park, Pa: Pennsylvania State Press, 1987), pp. 37-48; rpt. in Poetic License.

"New Nouns for Old: Language Poetry, Language Game, and the Pleasure of the Text," in Matei Calinescu and R. Fokkema (eds.), Exploring Postmodernism (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1987), pp. 95-108.

"William Carlos Williams," in Helen Vendler (ed.), Voices and Visions (New York: Random House, 1987), pp. 157-203.

"Lucid and Inescapable Rhythms: Metrical'Choice' and Historical Formation," in Hank Lazer (ed.), What is a Poet? (Tuscaloosa and London: University of Alabama Press, 1987), pp. 84-114; rpt. in Robert Frank and Henry Sayre (eds.), The Line in Poetry (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988): 13-40.

"(Im)personating Gertrude Stein," in Shirley Neuman and Ira B. Nadel (eds.), Gertrude Stein and the Making of Literature (Macmillan and Northeastern University Press, 1988), pp. 61-81.

"Six Stein Styles in Search of a Reader," in Bruce Kellner (ed). A Gertrude Stein Companion (New York: Greenwood Press, 1988), pp. 96-108. Rpt. in Poetic License.

"Fiction as Language Game: The Hermeneutic Parables of Lydia Davis and Maxine Chernoff," in Ellen G. Friedman and Miriam Fuchs (eds.), Breaking the Sequence: Women's Experimental Fiction (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989), pp. 199-214.

"Signs are Taken for Wonders: On Steve McCaffery's Lag," Contemporary Poetry Meets Modern Theory (London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991), pp. 108-115.

"Modernist Studies," in Stephen Greenblatt and Giles Gunn (eds.), Redrawing the Boundaries: The Transformation of English and American Studies (New York: Modern Language Association, i992), pp. 154-78.

"Wanting to be a Comparatist," in Lionel Gossmann and Mihai Sparioso (eds.), Building a Profession: Autobiographical Perspectives on the Beginnings of Comparative Literature (New York: SUNY Press, 1994), pp. 125-40.

*"The Stain of Love and the Fallen Leaf: The Displacements of Desire in Williams's early Poetry," in The Love Poetry of William Carlos Williams, ed. Cristina Giorcelli and Maria Anita Stefanelli (Roma: Edizione Associate 1993), pp. 189-212. Rpt. Orono, Maine


“Literature in the Expanded Field,” in Charles Bernheimer (ed.), Comparative Literature in the Age of Multiculturalism (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1995), pp. 77-99.

"Tolerance and Taboo: Modernist Primitivisms and Postmodernist Pieties". Prehistories of the Future: The Primitivist Project and the Culture of Modernism (Stanford U P, 1995), pp. 339-54. Reviewed by Denis Dutton, Philosophy and Literature, Spring 1997.

“Empiricism Once More,” in The Uses of Literary History, ed. Marshall Brown (Durham: Duke University Press, 1995), pp. 51-61.

L Before Z, Writing "For Paul" for Louis,” LORINE NIEDECKER, WOMAN AND POET, ed. Jenny Penberthy (Orono: National Poetry Foundation, 1996), pp. 157-70.

“Afterimages: Revolution of the (Visible Word), in Experimental, Visual, Concrete: Avant-Garde Poetry since the 1960s, ed. K. David Jackson, Eric Vos, & Johanna Drucker (Amsterdam-Atlanta: Rodopi, 1996), pp. 335-344 and Symphoposium, passim.

“Writing Through Wittgenstein: Joseph Kosuth’s Abridged at Ghent,” Conjunctions: Literature, Visual Art, Theory (A Festschrift for Renee Hubert), ed. Laurie Edson, San Diego State U Press, 1996, pp. 59-78.

“John Cage’s Dublin, Lyn Hejinian’s Leningrad, “Poetic Cities as Cyberspace,” in Arthur F. Kinney (ed.), Classical, Renaissance, and Postmodern Acts of the Imagination: Essays Commemorating O. B. Th Hardison, Jr. (Newark: U of Delaware, Press, 1996. Rpt in ” ARCHITECTURES OF POETRY ed Maria Eugenia Diaz Sanchez and Craig Douglas Dworkin (Amsterdam: Rodopi 2004), 131-142.

“What has Occurred only once: Barthes’ Winter Garden / Boltanski’s Archives of the Dead,” in Jean-Michel Rabaté (ed.) WRITING THE IMAGE AFTER ROLAND BARTHES (Phila: U of Penn Press, 1997); rpt. in Liz Wells (ed.), The Photography Reader (Routledge, 2003), 31-41.

"The Music of Verbal Space: John Cage's 'What you Say,” in Sound States: Innovative Poetics and Accoustical Technologies, with accompanying CD, ed. Adalaide Morris, Chapel Hill and London: Univ. of North Carolina Press (1997), pp. 129-48.

“What We Don’t Talk About when we talk about Poetry,” Grub Street and the Ivory Tower: Literary Journalism and Literary Scholarship from Fielding to the Internet, ed. Jeremy Treglown and Bridget Bennett, (Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998). Pp. 224-49.

“English as a Second Language: Mina Loy’s “ANGLO-MONGRELS AND THE ROSE,” for Mina Loy: Woman and Poet, ed. Maeera Schreiber and Keith Tuma (National Poetry Foundation, 1996), pp. 131-48. Rpt. in French translation in Après l’usure de toutes les routes: Retour sur l’épopée, Volumes 49-50 of in ‘hui, ed. Jacques Darras (Brussels, 1997): 127-145; trans. Dominque Goy-Blanquet

“The Silence that is not Silence: Acoustic Art in Beckett’s EMBERS”, ed. Lois Oppenheim Samuel Beckett and the Arts: Music, Visual Arts, and Non-Print Media (New York and London: Garland, 1999), pp. 247-68.

  • “Postmodernism / Fin de Siecle,” for Edward Larissy, ed. Romanticism/ Postmodernism Cambridge U Press (199, 179-206. Reissued 2010 in paperback

. Cutting-Edge Poetics: Roy Fisher’s ‘Language Book’,The Thing about Roy Fisher: Critical Studies, ed. John Kerrigan and Peter Robinson (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2,000); pp. 149-72.

“The Return of the Repressed,” in The Future of Literary Studies, ed. Hans Ulrich Gumbrechad and Walter Moser (Edmonton: Library of the Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 2001), pp. 117-22.

Dialogue with Robert von Hallberg, “On Evaluation in Poetry,” Professions: Conversations on the the Future of Literary and Cultural Studies, ed. Donald Hall (U of Illinois Press, 2001), 87-108.

“After Language Poetry: Innovation and its Theoretical Discontents,” Talisman #20/21 (Spring 1999); The World in Time and Space: Towards a History of Innovative American Poetry, 1970-2000 ed. Joseph Donahue and Foster (Talisman House Press,2000), pp. 333-355; rpt. in Litteraria Pragensa 22 (2001): 15-35; rpt. in Contemporary Poetics, ed. Louis Armand (Northwestern UP, 2007), 15-38.

“Vocable Scriptsigns: Differential Poetics in Kenneth Goldsmith’s Fidget and John Kinsella’s Kangaroo Virus,” in Poetry, Value, and Contemporary Culture, ed. Andrew Roberts and John Allison (Edinburgh Press, 2,002), pp. 21-43.

“But Isn’t The Same at least the Same?”: Wittgenstein and the Question of Poetic Translatability,” in The Literary Wittgenstein, ed. John Gibson and Wolfgang Huemer (eds.), (London: Routledge, 2004), pp. 34-54. Trans. In Wittgenstein und die Literatur, trans. Martin Sahr (Suhrkamp, 2006): 58-83. Trans into Chinese Shanghai Sanhui Press Ltd, 2009), 41-71.

“The Poetics of Description: Wittgenstein on the Aesthetic,” Ordinary Language Criticism: Literary Thinking After Cavell After Wittgenstein, ed. Kenneth Dauber and Walter Jost , with an afterword by Stanley Cavell (Evanston: Northwestern, January 2003), pp. 231-44.

“James Tate’s Variations on the Prose Poem,” On James Tate, ed. Brian Henry (Ann Arbor: U of Michigan Press, 2004), pp. 19-32.

“The Search for “Prime Words”: Pound as Nominalist,” mailed to Helene Aji, July 30,2001; Pound, Duchamp, and the Nominalist Ethos, Paideuma, 32, 1-3 (2003), 205-28. Also in Ezra Pound and Referentiality (Paris; Presses de líUniversitÈ de Paris-Sorbonne, 2003): 191-210.

` “World War I and the European Avant-Garde,” Cambridge Companion to the Literature of the First World War, Cambridge U Press, 2004, pp. 141-165. Reviewed in YES, 36:2 (2006), 280-81.

	“The Avant-Garde Phase of American Modernism,” Cambridge Companion of American Modernism, ed. Walter Kalaiidjian  (Cambridge U P, 2005), pp. 195-207

Epilogue, Modernism Now,” A Companion to Modernist Literature and Culture, ed. David Bradshaw and Kevin Dettmar (2006), pp. 571-78.

“Screening the Page/ Paging the Screen: Digital Poetics and the Differential Text,” New Media Poetics: Contexts, Technotexts, and Theories, edited by Adalaide Morris and Thomas Swiss .(Cambridge and London: MIT Press, June 2006. $38.00/£24.95 (CLOTH), pp. 143-64. ; rpt. Contemporary Poetics, ed. Louis Armand (Northwestern UP, 2007), 376-92. Reviewed in Leonardo online, October 06, by Jan Baetens. Rpt. in Codex. 1 O#5D2C62

“Crisis in the Humanities,” shorter version, in Theory’s Empire, ed. Daphne Patai and Will Corrall (Columbia U Press, 2005), PP. 668-83.; “rpt. in RETHINKING THE HUMANITIES, ed. Ricardo Gil Soreiro (Cambridge Scholars Press, 2011).

“John Cage’s Living Theatre,” ed. Martin Puchner and Alan Ackerman, Against Theatre: Creative Destruction on the Modernist Stage (Palgrave 2006), pp. 133-48.

“Epilogue, Modernism Now,” A Companion to Modernist Literature and Culture, ed. David Bradshaw and Kevin Dettmar (2006), pp. 571-78

“The Aura of Modernism,” Modernist Cultures, www.js Volume 1, 1(April, 2005): 1-14; rpt. Modernism Revisited, Transgressing Boundaries and Strategies of Renewal in American Poetry, ed. Viorica Patea and Paul Scott Derrick (Amsterdam/New York: DQR Studies in Literature-(Rodopi, 2007), pp. 11-34.

“Easter 1916: Yeats’s World War I Poem,” in The Oxford Handbook of British and Irish War Poetry. Chapter 12, pp. 227-41. Paperback 2009.

“Sound Scraps, Vision Scraps: The Poetic Practice of Paul Celan,” Reading for Form , ed. Susan J. Wolfson and Marshall Brown (U of Washington Press, 2006): 177-202. reprinted in slightly different form n SECULAR JEWISH CULTURE/RADICAL POETIC PRACTICE, ed. Stephen Paul Miller (U of Alabama Press, 2009), 287-309.

Duchamp’s Eliot: The Detours of Tradition and the Persistence of the Individual Talent,” in T. S. ELIOT AND THE CONCEPT OF TRADITION, ed. Giovanni Canci and Jason Harding (Cambridge U Press, 2007), pp. 177-84. Reviewed John D. Morgenstern, RES Feb 2008, 482-83.

“From Avant-Garde to Digital: The Legacy of Brazilian Concrete Poetry,” Poesis e outra Artes: Do Modernism a Contemporaneidade (Porto, 2008): 11-45; rpt. in Interdisciplinary Humanities in slightly different form in English, Spring 2008, 66-89.

“The Pleasures of the Dejà Dit: Citation, Ekphrasis, and Constraint in Recent Experimental Poetries”, The Consequence of Innovation: 21st Century Poetic ed. Craig Dworkin, Roof Books, 2008), 255-282.. In different version in Another Language,: Poetic Experiments in Britain and North America, eds. Kornelia Freitag and Katharine Veeter, (Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2008), 125-48.

“Beckett in the Country of the Houyhnhnms: The Inward Turn of Swiftian Satire,” for Swift’s Travels: Eighteenth-Century British Satire and its Legacy, ed. Nicholas Hudson and Aaron Santesso (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2008). (Claude Rawson Festschrift), pp. 280-99. Reviewed Trevor Ross, Eighteenth-Century Fiction, 22, 2 WINTER 2009-10.

“The Saturated Language of Red: Maggie O’Sullivan and the Artist’s Book,” Salt Companion to Maggie O’Sullivan, ed. Chris Emery (Salt, 2010), 117-29.

“Robert Creeley out of School: The Making of a Singular Poetics,” in Form, Power, and Person in Robert Çreeley’s Life and Work, ed. Stephen Fredman and Steve McCaffery (Iowa, 2010), 19-35.

“Traffic,” in Jeffrey T. Schnapp (ed.), Speed Limits (Skira: The Wolfsonian, 2009): 92-103.

“Beckett the Poet,” A Companion to Samuel Beckett, ed. S. E. Gontarski (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010): 211-217.

“A bit too POLUMETIS”: The Polylingual Comedy of Pound Malatesta Cantos,” Balleriniana (Ravenna: Danilo Montanari, 2010), 197-210.

“Writing Philosophy as Poetry: Wittgenstein’s Literary Syntax,” in Language and World Part Two: Signs, Minds and Actions: Proceedings of the 32th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg 2009 (Rutgers: Transaction Books, 2010), 279-296


D. H. Lawrence,” for Cambridge Companion to English Poets, ed. Claude Rawson, (Cambridge UP, 2011)., 475--89.

“The Return of Luap Nalec: Pierre Joris ‘Translating’ Paul Celan,” for Peter Cockelberg, Cartographies of the In-Between (Litteratura Pragensa), (2011), pp. 299-314.


"Irony in Wallace Stevens's The Rock," American Literature 36 ((1964): 326-42. Rpt. in Critics on Wallace Stevens, ed. Peter McNamara (Miami: University of Miami Press, 1972), pp. 101-112.

"The Consolation Theme in Yeats's 'In Memory of Major Robert Gregory'," Modern Language Quarterly 27 (Fall 1966): 306-322.

"Death by Water: The Winslow Elegies of Robert Lowell," ELH 34 (March 1967): 444-454. Rpt. in revised form in The Poetic Art of Robert Lowell.

"Spatial Form in Yeats's Poetry: The Two Lissadell Poems," PMLA 82 (1967): 444-454.

"Yeats and the Occasional Poem: 'Easter 1916'," Papers on Language and Literature 4 (1968): 308-28.

"Cinderella Becomes the Wicked Stepmother: The Portrait of a Lady as Ironic Fairytale," Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 23 (March 1969): 415-33.

"'Heart Mysteries': The Later Love Lyrics of W. B. Yeats," Contemporary Literature 10 (Spring 1969): 266-83.

"'Another Emblem There': Theme and Convention in Yeats's 'Coole Park and Ballylee 1931'," Journal of English and Germanic Philology 69 (April 1970): 223-40.

"Angst and Animism in the Poetry of Sylvia Plath," Journal of Modern Literature 1 (1970): 57-74. Rpt. in Linda Wagner (ed.), Collected Essays on Sylvia Plath (Boston: G. K. Hall, 1984),pp. 109-23.

"Realism and the Confessional Mode in Robert Lowell," Contemporary Literature 11 (Autumn `970): 470-87. Rpt. in revised form in The Poetic Art of Robert Lowell.

"The Autobiographical Mode of Goethe: Dichtung und Wahrheit and the Lyric Poems," Comparative Literature Studies 7 (September 1970): 265-96.

"Yeats and Goethe," Comparative Literature 23 (Spring 1971): 125-40.

"The Testing of Stanley Kunitz," Iowa Review 3 (Winter 1971): 93-103.

"'A Ritual for Being Born Twice': Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar," Contemporary Literature 13 (Autumn 1972): 507-22.

"Poetry Chronicle, 1970-71," Contemporary Literature 14 (Winter 1973): 97-131. (The O'Hara section is reprinted in Jim Elledge (ed.), Frank O'Hara: To be True to a City (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1990), pp. 59-63.

"On the Road to Ariel: The Transitional Poetry of Sylvia Plath," Iowa Review 4 (Spring 1973): 94-110; rpt. in Edward Butscher (ed.), Sylvia Plath: The Woman and her Work (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1977).

"Charles Olson and the 'Inferior Predecessors': Projective Verse Revisted," ELH 40 (Summer 1973): 285-306.

"Floral Decorations for Bananas" (review essay on six women poets), Parnassus: Poetry in Review 2 (Fall / Winter 1973): 133-48.

"New Thresholds, Old Anatomies: Contemporary Poetry and the Limits of Exegesis," Iowa Review 5 (Winter 1974): 83-99.

"The Corn-Porn Lyric: Poetry 1972-73," Contemporary Literature 16 (Winter 1975): 85-125.

"Pound and Rimbaud: The Retreat from Symbolism," Iowa Review 6 (Winter 1975): 91-118.

"'The Tradition of Myself': The Autobiographical Mode of Yeats," Journal of Modern Literature 4, no. 3 (Feb. 1975): 529-73.

"Frank O'Hara and the Aesthetics of Attention," boundary 2 4 (Spring 1976): 779-806; rpt. in Jim Elledge (ed.), Frank O'Hara: To Be True to a City (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1990), pp. 156-88.

"On Sylvia Plath's 'Tulips'," Paunch 42-43 (December 1975): 105-110.

"Literary Competence and the Formalist Model," Centrum 3, no. 1 (Spring 1975): 34-44.

"The Two Poetries: An Introduction," Contemporary Literature: Special Issue, The Postwar Lyric in Britain and America, guest editor Marjorie Perloff, 10, no. 3 (Summer 1977): 263-78.

"Symbolism / Anti-Symbolism," Centrum 4, no. 2 (Fall 1976): 69-104.

"Wlliams in the Classroom," William Carlos Williams Review 2 (Fall 1977): 6-11.

"In Favor of One's Time: The Poetry of Frank O'Hara," American Poetry Review 6, no. 3 (1977): 6-15. Rpt. as Chapter 4 of Frank O'Hara: Poet among Painters.

"The Course of a Particular: The Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop," Modern Poetry Studies 8, no. 3 (Winter 1977): 177-92.

"Transparent Selves: The Poetry of John Ashbery and Frank O'Hara," Yearbook of English Studies: Special American Number, ed. C. J. Rawson and G. K. Hunter, 8 (1978), pp. 171-96.

"Ammons and Ashbery at Fifty," American Poetry Review, 7, no. 5 (September-October 1978): 5-11.

"'Lines Converging and Crossing': The French Phase of William Carlos Williams," Missouri Review, no. 2 (Fall 1978): 89-123. Rpt. in revised form in Poetics of Indeterminacy; rpt in abridged version in Critical Essays on William Carlos Williams, ed. Steven Gould Axelrod and Helen Deese (New York: G. K. Hall, 1995), pp. 116-23.

'Four Times Five: Robert Creeley's The Island," boundary 2 : Robert Creeley Special Issue, 6, no. 3 (Spring/fall 1978): 491-507.

"Between the Shingle and the Dune: The Poetry of Samuel Beckett," Parnassus: Poetry in Review 6 (Fall / Winter 1978): 170-84.

Beyond the Bell Jar: Women Poets in Transition," South Carolina Review 11 (Spring 1979): 4-17.

"The Greening of Charles Olson" (review essay), Criticism 21 (Fall 1979): 251-60.

"Poetry as Word-System: The Art of Gertrude Stein," American Poetry Review 8, no. 5 (September-October 1979): 33-43. Rpt. in different form in Poetics of Indeterminacy.

"The Man Who Loved Women: The Medical Fictions of William Carlos Williams," Georgia Review 34 (Winter 1980): 840-53. Rpt. in Robert F. Gish (ed.), William Carlos Williams; A Study of the Short Fiction (Boston: Twayne, 1989).

"One of the Two Poetries," PN Review 19 (December 1980): 47-51.

"A Portrait of the Poet as Publisher (James Laughlin)," Parnassus: Poetry in Review (Spring-summer 1980): 179884.

"'Fearlessly Holding Back Nothing': Robert Lowell's Last Poems," Agenda 18, no. 3 (autumn 1980): 104-14.; rpt. in The Critical Response to Robert Lowell, ed. Steven Gould Axelrod (Westport: Greenwood press, 1999).

"The Linear Fallacy," Georgia Review 35 (Winter 1981): 855-69.

"The Portrait of the Artist as Collage Text: Pound's Gaudier-Brzeska and the 'Italic' Texts of John Cage," American Poetry Review, Special Supplement, 11, no. 3 (May-June 1982): 19-29. Rpt. in Dance of the Intellect.

"'Unimpededness and Interpenetration': The Poetic of John Cage," Triquarterly (Special Section: A John Cage Reader ) 54 (Spring 1982): 76-88. Rpt. in Peter Gena and Jonathan Brent (ed), A John Cage Reader (New York & London: C. F. Peters Corp, 1982), pp. 4-16. Rpt. as "Non-Obstruction et interp´n´tration. La poétique de John Cage," in John Cage, ed Daniel Charles, Revue d'esthétique, ¨nouvelle series , nos. 13-14-15 (1987-88): 381-92. Rpt. in Dance of the Intellect.

"Pound/Stevens: Whose Era?", New Literary History, 13, no. 3 (Spring 1982: 485-514, and discussion on pp. 533-36, 40, 552-54. Rpt. in Italian in i verri, no. 12 (December 1986): 29-63. In Polish, in Wallace Stevens Issue, Literature na Swiecie, 12 (2002): 88-118. Rpt. in Michael H. Whitworth, ed. Modernism (Blackwell, 2007): 81-98, and discussion passim.

"From Action to Image: The Return of Story in Postmodern Poetry," Contemporary Literature, special issue, "Poetry of the Seventies," 23 (Fall 1982): 411-17. Rpt. in Dance of the Intellect.

"Between Verse and Prose: Beckett and the New Poetry," Critical Inquiry 9, no. 2 (1982): 415-33. Rpt. in Dance of the Intellect and again in Stan Gontarsky (ed.), On Beckett: Essays and Criticism (New York: Grove Press, 1988), pp. 197-206.

"Soft Touch: Philip Levine and Robert Bly," Parnassus: Poetry in Review 10 (Spring-Summer 1982): 209-230.

"The Invention of Collage," Collage, Vol. 10-111 of New York Literary Forum (New York, 1983), pp. 5-48. Rpt. in revised form in The Futurist Moment.

"Poètes Maudits of the Genteel Tradition" (Robert Lowell and John Berryman), American Poetry Review 12, no. 1 (May/June 1983): 32-39. Rpt. in Steven Axelrod and Helen Deese (eds.), Robert Lowell: Essays on the Poetry (Cambridge and LondoN; Cambridge University Press, 1987), pp. 99-116.

"The Challenge of German Lyric: Goethe and Heine in Translation," American Poetry Review 12, no. 5 (September/October 1983): 10-17.

"The French Connection," American Poetry Review 13 (Jan-Feb 1984): 40-45.

"Violence and Precision: The Manifesto as Art Form," Chicago Review 34 (Spring 1984): 65-101. Rpt. in revised form in The Futurist Moment.

"'Letter, Penstroke, Paperspace': Pound and Joyce as Co-Respondents," American Poetry 1, 3 (Spring 1984): 20-32. Rpt. in Dance of the Intellect.

"L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Poetry in the Eighties," American Poetry Review 13 (May-June 1984): 15-22. Rpt. in Dance of the Intellect.

"The Case of Amy Clampitt," Sulfur 10 (April 1984): 169-78.

"Postmodernism and the Impasse of Lyric," Formations 1 (Fall 1984): 43-63. Rpt. in Dance of the Intellect.

"The Two Ariels: The (Re)Making of the Sylvia Plath Canon," American Poetry Review 13 (November-December 1984): 10-17; rpt. in Neil Fraistat (ed), Poems in Their Place (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1986), pp. 308-34, and again in Poetic License.

"Alterable Noons: The poèmes élastiques of Blaise Cendrars and Frank O'Hara," Yearbook of English Studies 15: Anglo-French Literary Relations, Special Number, ed. C. J. Rawson and Jenny Mezciems (1985), pp. 16-78. Rpt. as "Mouvances des midis: les poèmes élastiques de Blaise Cendrars et Frank O'Hara," in Monique Chefdor (ed.), Blaise Cendrars 2: Cendrars et l'Amérique: Textes réunis (Paris: Lettres Modernes, 1988).

"A Lion in our Living Room" (on Allen Ginsberg's Collected Poems), American Poetry Review (March/April 1985): 35-46. Rpt. in Poetic License.

"Barthes and the Zero Degree of Genre," World Literature Today 59 (Autumn 1985): 510-16.

"'The Shipwreck of the Singular': George Oppen's 'Of Being Numerous'," Ironwood 13, no. 2 (Fall 1985): 193-204.

"Alternate Feminisms (on Djuna Barnes and Adrienne Rich), Sulfur 14 (1985): 132-40.

"Zaum, Seriality, and the Recovery of the Sacred," American Poetry Review 15 (Jan-Feb 1986): 193-204.

"Of Canons and Contemporaries," Sulfur 16 (1986): 155-62; rpt. in North Dakota Quarterly 55, no. 4 (Fall 1987): 4-11.

"Canon and Loaded Gun: Feminist Theory and the Avant-Garde," American Poetry Review 15 (July-August 1986): 155-62; rpt. in revised form in Stanford Literary Review 4, 1 (Spring 1987): 23-46, and again in Poetic License.

"Homeward Ho! Silicon Valley Pushkin (on Vikram Seth), American Poetry Review 15, no. 6 (November-December 1986): 37-46.

"A Response to Robert Scholes: on Canons," Salmagundi 72 (Fall 1986): 125-30.

"Roundtable: 'Is There Currently an American Poetry?" American Poetry 4 (Winter 1987): 125-30.

"Hölderlin our Contemporary," Parnassus (Spring/summer 1986): 144-68.

"Can(n)on to the Right of Us, Can(n)on to the Left of Us," New Literary History 18, no. 3 (Spring 1987: 633-56. Rpt. in Poetic License; to be reprinted in Poetics of the Lyric: A Reader (Johns Hopkins 2013).

"On Pound's Fascism," The Quarterly, ed. Gordon Lish 3 (September 1987): 233-50; rpt. in Paideuma 16 (Winter 1987): 7-22.

"Howl and its Enemies," Sulfur 20 (fall 1987): 132-41. Rpt. in Poetic License.

"'Voice Whisht through Thither Flood'," (on Steve McCaffery), Temblor 6 (Fall 1987): 130-34. Rpt. in Poetic License.

"Theory and/in the Creative Writing Classroom," Associated Writing Program Newsletter, 20, no. 2 (Nov-Dec 1987): 1-4.

"On the other Side of the Field" (Paul Blackburn), Parnassus 14, no. 2 (Winter-Spring 1988): 197-214. Rpt. in Poetic License.

"Why Futurism Now?" Formations 4, no. 3 (Spring 1988): 1-19.

"Transatlantic Disagreements," Times Literary Supplement, 20-26 January 1989, pp. 60, 69-70; and correspondence in next three issues.

"Response to Jacques Derrida," Critical Inquiry 15, no. 4 (Summer 1989): 767-76.

"Collision or Collusion with History: The Lyric of Susan Howe," contemporary Literature 30, no. 4 (Winter 1989): 518-33; rpt. in Poetic License.

“Poetry for the Next Society,” Lectures, Vol. 2 (St. Mark’s at the Bowery, May 1989), Thin Air Video, 1989.

"Word Flash" (review essay on Los Angeles County Museum of Art Exhibitions and a number of art books), Sulfur 26 (1990): 87-107.

"Between Hatred and Desire: Sexuality and Subterfuge and/in 'A Prayer for my Daughter'," Yeats Annual 7 (1989: Richard Ellmann Memorial Issue, pp. 29-50; rpt. Yeats, Poetry, Fiction, Prose, Norton Critical Edition, ed. David Pethica (Norton, 1999), pp. 444-54.

"The Demise of 'and': Reflections on Robert Smithson's Mirrors," Critical Quarterly 32, no. 3 (Fall 1990), pp. 81-101.

"To Have No Essence" (review essay on art and culture books), American Book Review 12 (March-April 1990): 7-8, 15.

"On Ben Belitt's 'Swan Lake'," Salmagundi, 87 (Autumn 1990), pp.60-73.

*"Ninety-Percent Rotarian: Gertrude Stein's Hemingway," American Literature, 62, no. 4 (December 1990): 668-83.

"Picketing the Zeitgeist: Crisis in the Humanities?" American Book Review, 12, no. 6 (January-March 1991).

"Making Sense in Media Culture: John Ashbery and Charles Bernstein," Verse: John Ashbery Issue, ed. Susan Schultz, 8, no. 1 (Winter 1991): 53-60. Rpt. in different form in Radical Artifice.

"'The Sweet Aftertaste of Artichokes': Lyn Hejinian's My Life," Denver Quarterly, 25, no. 4 (Spring 1991): 116-21. Rpt. in different form in Radical Artifice.

"Avant Garde and Difference: Duchamp and the Russian Avant-Garde" New American Writing (Spring 1991): 81-96.

"in the middle of the staircase i forgot how to go down" (review essay on David Antin's Selected Early Poems and Rae Armantrout's Necromance), American Book Review, 13, no. 5 (December 1991/January 1992): 8, 24-25, 30-31.

"if you find a signpost you now don't look for" (review essay on John Cage's I-VI: The Charles Eliot Norton Lectures at Harvard), Parnassus: Poetry in Review, 16, no. 2 (Spring 1991): 266-280. Rpt. in different form in Radical Artifice.

"Contextualizing Contemporary Lyric: Some Aporias of Recent Criticism," Review 13 (review of three books on modern/postmodern poetry), Review, (1991 annual), pp. 203-24.

"Toward a Wittgensteinian Poetics," Contemporary Literature, 33, no. 2 (Summer 1992): 191-213.

*Inner Tension / In Attention: Steve McCaffery's Book Art," Visible Language, Special Issue on The Artist's Book: The Text and its Rivals, ed. Renee Hubert, 25, no. 2/3 (1992): 173-91.

"From Tolerance to Irrelevance: Talking About Poetry in the Academy," Sagetrieb, 10 (Winter 1991): 7-16.

"Introduction," Blaise Cendrars, SKY: Memoirs," (Paragon House, 92), pp. 1-8.

*"Johanna Drucker's Herstory," Harvard Library Bulletin: Special Issue on Artist's Books, ed. Roland Greene (Fall 1992).

"What's in a Box," William Carlos Williams Review 18: 2(Fall 1992): 50-58.

"Writing on the Border: From Lyric to Language Game in the Fiction of Ingeborg Bachmann," Sulfur #32, masthead isue (Spring 1993):162-84. Trans. into Serbo-croat, “Pisanje na ivici: od lirike do jezicke igne u prozi > I.B., trans Ana Gorobinski ProFemina 2 (prolece 1995): 102-117.

"Chance, Silence, and Indeterminacy: The Ambiguities of John Cage," Music Today, 18 (1993): 52-56 (in Japanese).

*"How Russian Is it: Lyn Hejinian's Oxota, Parnassus: Long Poem Issue, 17 (spring 1993): 186-209.

"Russell and Wittgenstein on War: The Avant-Garding of the Tractatus," Common Knowledge, II, 1(Spring 1993): 15-34. Reprinted in part in Intimate Enemies: English and German Literary Reactions to the Great War 1914-1918, ed. F. K. Stanzel and Martin Loschnigg (Heidelberg: Carl Winter 1993):493-516.

*"Postmodernism / Fin de siecle: The Prospects for Openness in a Decade of Closure," Criticism 35, 2 (March 1993): 161-92. Translated into Italian as “Post-modernismo / Fin de siecle--Prospettive di apertura in unda decade di chisura” (translation of Criticism essay), Baldus, V, no. 1 (1995): 137-62.

"Empiricism Once More," Modern Language Quarterly, 54, no. 1: special issue on "The State of Literary History" (March 1993): 121-23. To be reprinted in TheUses of Literary History (Durham: Duke University Press, 1995), pp. 51-61.

"The Politics of Book Reviewing," Works and Days, 21 (Spring 1993): 13-18.

"The Critic as Outsider: Hugh Kenner," William Carlos Williams Review, 19, no. 1 &2 (Spring-Fall 1993): 49-56.

"Making Room for the Avant-Garde," Harper-Collins Reader Guidebook (New York: 1994), pp.

"Poetry in the Theory Wake," Common Knowledge , 2, no. 3(Winter93): 94-96.

"From Theory to Grammar: Wittgenstein and the Aesthetic of the Ordinary," NLH festschrift for Ralph Cohen, given to Wolfgang Iser, March 11; for 25, no. 4 (Autumn 1994): 899-921.

"Russische Postmoderne: ein Oxymoron," NeueLiteratur: Zeitschrift für Querverbindugen, Bukarest,, 2/94: 111-19.

"Postmodernism and the Demise of Lyric," (translated ), in Letopes, Matitse Srpreke, 168, September 1992, 230-247.

“What to Make of a Diminished Thing” (Philip Larkin), Parnassus, 19, no. 2 (1994): 9-29. Winner of the Terence du Pres Prize for Excellence in Reviewing

*“Barbed-Wire Entanglements: The New American Poetry 1930-32,” Modernism / Modernity, II, no. 1 (January 1995): 145-75.

*“What Really Happened: Barthes’s Winter Garden, Boltanski’s Archives of the Dead,” Artes, 2 (1995): 110-25. Rpt. in slightly different form in Writing the Image After Roland Barthes, ed. Jean-Michel Rabaté, U of Penn Press,1997), pp. 32-58. Rpt. in The Photography Reader, ed. Liz Wells (London and New York: Routledge, 2003: 31-41)

“Living in the Same Place”: The Old Mononationalism and the New Comparative Literature,” World Literature Today, 69, no. 2 (Spring 1995): 249-255. Translated into Serbo-Croat, in Transkatalog, 6/7 (1998): 76-84.

*“Of Objects and Readymades: Gertrude Stein and Marcel Duchamp,” Forum of Modern Language Studies 32, no. 2 (1996): 137-54

Stein/Wittgenstein/Marinetti, South-Central ReviewSpecial Futurism Issue,13, no. 2-3 (Summer Fall 1996): 35-62.

“Modernism without Modernists: A Response to Walter Benn Michaels,” Modernism/Modernity, Vol 3, no. 3 (September 1996): 99-106.

“Looking for the Real Carl Rakosi” (review essay,) Journal of American Studies, 30 (1996): 2, 271-283.

“Robert Duncan’s Letters to Denise Levertov,” PN Review 112 (Nov-Dec, 1996): 33-38.

“Whose New American Poetry? Anthologizing in the Nineties,” Diacritics, 26, 3-4 (Fall-Winter 1996): 104-23.

“The Morphology of the Amorphous: The Videoscapes of Bill Viola,” Salt 10 (1997): 131-42.

“Afterimages: Revolution of the (Visible Word), in Experimental, Visual, Concrete: Avant-Garde Poetry since the 1960s, ed. K. David Jackson, Eric Vos & Johanna Drucker (Amsterdam-Atlanta: Rodopi, 1996), pp. 335-344 and “Symphosymposium,” passim.

"Teaching Yeats's Sound Structures," Yeats: An Annual of Critical and Textual Studies, Volume XIII, 1995, (Ann Arbor: U of Michigan Press), ed.Richard J. Finneran, pp. 81-90.

“In Search of the Authentic Other: The Poetry of Araki Yasusada,” Boston Review, 22, no. 2 (April/May 1997): 26-33. Response in Boston Review, 22, 3-4 (Summer 1997), p. 37. rpt. in abridged form as “Afterword,” Doubled Flowering: From the Notebooks of Araki Yasusada (New York: Roof Books, 1997), pp. 148-68; rpt. in “In Search of the Authentic Other: Some Thoughts on Araki Yasusada the Author,” in Scubadivers and Chrysanthemums: Essays on the Poetry of Araki Yasusada, ed. Bill Friend (Shearsman Books, 2012), 23-50.


“The Morphology of the Amorphous: The Videoscapes of Bill Viola,” SALT, 10 (1997): 131-42.

“Normalizing John Ashbery,” Jacket (Australia), Issue #2 (online), December 1997, 14 pp.

“Sex, Lies, and First Ladies: A Modest (Wittgensteinian) Proposal,” Southwest Review, mailed to Willard Spiegelman,84, no. 1 (1998): 30-42.

“What we Don’t Talk About when we Talk about Poetry,: some aporias of ‘literary journalism.” PN Review 115 (April-May 1997): 17-25; Grub Street and the Ivory Tower: Literary Journalism and Literary Scholarship from Fielding to the Internet, ed. Jeremy Treglown and Bridget Bennett, (Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998), pp. 224-49.

	“Harm’s Other Way,” The Mac Wellman Journal  (Sock Monkey Press, 1998): 31-36. Reprinted in GERM, 3 (1998).   

“After Free Verse,” Close Listening: Poetry and the Performed Word, ed. Charles Bernstein (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998), pp. 86-110.

“The Witch of Truth” (Laura Riding), Parnassus, 23. No. 1&@ (1998): 334-53.

“The Portrait of the Language Poet as Autobiographer: The Case of Ron Silliman,” Qarry West, 34: Ron Silliman Issue, ed. Tom Vogler (1998): 167-81.

“How a Thing will/ unfold”: Fractal Rhythms in A. R. Ammons’s Briefings,” Complexities of Motion: A.R. Ammons’s Longer Poems, ed. Steven P. Schnedier (Fairleigh Dickinson press, 1998), pp. 68-82.

Logocinema of the Frontiersman: Jolas’s Multilingual Poetics and its Legacies,” Kunapipi, 1999, pp. 145-63.

“Cultural Liminality / Literary Closure?:  The “Interstitial Perspective” of Homi   Bhabha,” Literary Imagination,  1, no. 1 (Spring 99):109-25.

“Introduction,” Anglophone Poetries, special issue of Sulfur, ed. Jenny Penberthy and Marjorie Perloff, Summer 1999.

“The Poetics of Description: Wittgenstein on Aesthetics,” PARALLAX, 9, Special Issue: Neo-Pragmatisms and New Romanticisms (Fall 1998): 79-89 rpt. in Ordinary Language Criticism: Literary Thinking After Cavell After Wittgenstein, ed. Kenneth Dauber and Walter Jost , with an afterword by Stanley Cavell (Evanston: Northwestern, January 2003), pp. 231-44.

“Dada without Duchamp / Duchamp without Dada: Avant-Garde Tradition and the Individual Talent,” Stanford Humanities Review, 7.1 (1999): 48-78Trans into Portugese, in “Leituras do ciclo, ed. Ana Luiza Andrade, Maria Lucia de Barros Camargo, Raul Antelo (Santa Catarina: Editora Grifos, 1999),pp. 23-44.

“Language Poetry and the Lyric Subject: Susan Howe’s Buffalo, Ron Silliman’s Albany, Critical Inquiry, 25 (Spring1999), 405-434. Rpt. in Twentieth Century Literary Criticism, Vol. 126 (2003).

“In Defense of Poetry: Put the Literary back in Literature.” Boston Review, 24: 6 (Dec-Jan 1999-2000): 22-26.

The Fascination of What’s Difficult: Emily Dickinson and the Theory Canon,” Stand, Vol. 1, No. 3(June, 2000): 33-51.

‘Writing Poetry / Writing about Poetry,” Symploke, 7: 2 (2000): 21-29; rpt. in Affiliation: Identity in Academic Culture (Nebraska, 2003), forthcoming, ed. Jeffrey de Leo.

“Multiple Pleats: Some Applications of Michel Serres’ Poetics,’ Configurations: Special Serres Issue (Summer 2000): 187-200. Rpt. in Mapping Michel Serres, ed. Niran Abbas (U of Michigan Press, June 2005).,pp. 99-112.

“Happy World: What Lyn Hejinian’s Poetry Tells us about Chance, Fortune and Pleasure,” Boston Review, Feb/March 2000, pp.

‘Reading Gass Reading Rilke,” Parnassus, 25 (Winter 2001):   486-507

“Election Diary,2000,” Exquisite Corpse, #8, 2001 (online at

“Talk Poem as Visual Text: David Antin’s ‘Artist’s Books’.” Review of Contemporary Fiction, special issue ed. Stephen Cope, Vol. 21 (Spring 2001): 125-46

“’Watchman and Spy: Jasper Johns, John Cage, Frank O’Hara and the “Aesthetic of Indifference’,” Modernism / Modernity, 8, no. 2 (2001): 197-223.. In slightly different form, in German translation, in The Sixties: Culture, Society, Politics, ed. Jürgen Heideking et. al. (Heidelberg: Winter, 2001), pp. 25-60.

“Concrete Prose”: Haroldo de Campos’s Galaxias and After,” Contemporary Literature, special issue: American Poetry of the 1990s, ed. Thomas Gardner, 42, 2 (Summer 2001): 270-93.

“Removing the Eggshells: Rereading Wittgenstein on a Desert Island,” Genre 33, no. 3-4 (2001).

“Light Silence: Dark Speech”: “Light Silence: Dark Speech: Reading Johns’s Images, Seeing Beckett’s Language in Foirades/Fizzles,” Fulcrum, 1 (2002): 83-105

	“Gertrude Stein’s Differential Syntax,” Sarah Tryphena Phillips Lecture.  Proceedings ofthe British Academy, 117 (2002) 401-427.

“But isn’t the same at least the same? Wittgenstein, Duchamp, and the Infra-Thin,” Jacket, 14 (July 2001), online.

“Teaching the “new” Poetries: The Case of Rae Armantrout,” Kiosk: A Joural of Poetry, Poetics, and Experimental Prose, 1 (20020< pp. 235-60.; rpt. in Differentials

“Robert Creeley’s Windows,” Bridge 2, no. 1 (Fall-Winter 2002): 187-94.

“Pound/Stevens: Whose Era? Revisited,” Wallace Stevens Journal, 26.2 (Fall 2002): 135-42. Lead essay in Special Issue with essays in response. Trans. In Litterature na Swiecie, nr. 12, 2000.

“Rosemarie Waldrop’s, Auto-graphs,” How 2 (Fall 2002), online, 15 pp.

“A kind of Fluidity: James Tate’s Variations on the Prose Poem,” Verse: The Prose Issue, 19 1 & 2 (2003): 38-51.

“The Search for “Prime Words”: Pound as Nominalist,,”  mailed to Helene Aji, July 30,2001; “Pound, Duchamp, and the Nominalist ethos,”  Paideuma, 32, 1-3 (2003), 205-28. Also in Ezra Pound and Referentiality (Paris; Presses de líUniversitÈ de Paris-Sorbonne, 2003): 191-210.

Packed in Ice and Salt: Yeats’s Paragrams,” in NO: A Journal of the Arts, 1, no 2 (2003): 189-202

“The Beckett/Feldman Radio Collaboration, Words and Music as Hörspiel,” The Beckett Circle, 26, no. 2 (Fall 2003): 207-11.:

“Songs of the Earth: Ronald Johnson’s Verbivocovisuals,” Barrow Street (Winter 2003): 90-103.; RJ: Man and Poet Ed. Eric Sellinger (Orono, National Poetry Foundation, (2005)

“The Return of Robert Lowell” for Parnassus,, 27, no. 1 and 2,(Winter, 2004): 76-102

“The Oulipo Factor: The Procedural Poetics of Caroline Bergvall and Christian Bok: Jacket 24, Textual Practice, 18 (1), 2004: 23-45.; rpt. Differentials, trans into Norwegian, in Audiatur: Katalog for NY Poesi, ed. Paal Bjeelke Andersen et al Bergen 2007): 27-50.

“The Saturated Language of Red: Maggie OíSullivan and the Artist’s Book,” NO: A Journal of the Arts , #3 (2004): 191- 204; RPT. in Salt Reader, 2010,

“Translating Brazilian Concrete Poetry: The French Connection,” Western Humanities Review, 58, no. 2 (Fall 2004), pp.

“Filling the Space with Trace: Tom Raworth’s ‘Letters from Yaddo,’” The Gig, issues 13-14 (May 2003): 130-44.

“Crisis in the Humanities,” shorter version, in Theory’s Empire, ed. Daphne Patai and Will Corrall (Columbia U Press, 2005), PP. 668-83.

“In Love with Hiding: Samuel Beckett’s War,” Iowa Review, 35. 1 (2005): 76-103.

“Avant Garde Tradition and the Individual Talent” The Case of Language Poetry,” early version, in Helene Aji (ed.), Revue francaise d’etudes américaines, N. 103 (Fevrier 2005): 117-41. Different version published as “How Avant Gardes Rise, Fall, and Mutate,” in Journal of Philosophy, Nepal; and in, “Avantgarderns traditioner ag undividuelle talent,” in En Tradition af opbrud: Avantghardenes tradition og politik, ed. Tania Orum, Marianne Ping Huang and Charlotte Engberg (Copenhagen: Forlager Spring, 2005): 62-73; “Avant Garde Communite and the Individual Talent: The Case of Language Poetry,” Foreign Literature Studies, 28, no. 4 (August 2006): 20-37/ .

“Modernism, ” (1065-73), and “Douglas Messerli,” Greenwood Encyclopedia

of American Poetry, ed. Jeffrey Gray, The Greenwood encyclopedia of American Poets and Poetry 5 vols. (Greenwood Press, 2005 Vol. 4): pp1065-73; and “Douglas Messerli”

“Moving Information: Kenneth Goldsmith’s The Weather” Open Letter, 7 (Fall 2005), ed. Barbara Cole and Lori Emerson, pp. 85-95.

“The Aura of Modernism,” Modernist Cultures, Volume 1, 1(April, 2005): 1-14; rpt. Almanaco Odradek, 2005; rpt. Modernism Revisited, Transgressing Boundaries and Strategies of Renewal in American Poetry, ed. Viorica Patea and Paul Scott Derrick (Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2007), pp.

“Anna Akhmatova in Translation,” PN Review 163 (May-June 2005): 28-35.

“Playing the Numbers: The French Reception of Louis Zukofsky,” Verse 22-23 (2006): 102-20.

The Palm at the End of the Mind: Thomas Hines’s Wilshire, Ed Ruscha’s Sunset, Robbert Flick’s Pico.” Jacket 30 (July 2006

“Factoring Out Faktura,”  Text: An Interdisciplinary Annual for Textual Studies, 16 (2006):  249-266.  

“The Revolution of 1910: Reflections on Guy Davenport’s Poetics”, Fulcrum 4 (2006), 167-73. ; in translation, “O Renascimento de 1910,” Sibila 6, no 10 (2006); 168-76.

“The First Futurist Manifesto Revisited,” and “Futurist Moment,” Rett Kopi: Manifesto issue: Dokumenterer Fremtiden (2007): 152-56; 210.

“It must change” (Presidential Address, MLA), Poetry Review (London), 97, 1 (Spring 2007): 50-65.

“Constraint, Concrete, Citation: Refiguring History in Charles Bernstein’s Shadowtime, Foreign Literature Studies (Wuhan, 2008): 12-30.; in later version “Constraint, Concrete, Citation: Refiguring History in Charles Bernstein’s Shadowtime,” Poetics Today, Special Issue “Constrained Writing (1), ed. Jan Baetens and Jean-Jacques Poucel, 30, no. 4 (Winter 2009), 693-717.

“The Radical Poetics of Robert Creeley,” Electronic Book Review, 10 (2007),

““The Ecstasy of Always Bursting Forth: Rereading Frank O’Hara (review essay on Mark Ford (ed), Selected Poems of Frank O’Hara) , Lana Turner, 1, 1, Fall 2008), 194-206.

“An Image of a Past Life: Beckett’s Yeatsian Turn,” Fulcrum 6 (2007- 2008): 604-615.

With Craig Dworkin, “The Sound of Poetry/The Poetry of Sound,” PMLA, 123, no. 3 ((May 2008): 749-61.

“The Rattle of Statistical Traffic: Constraint and Citation in Susan Howe’s The Midnight,” boundary 2, = Special Issue, American Poetry after 1975, ed. Charles Bernstein, 36, 2 (Fall 2009): 205-228.

	“Unoriginal Genius:  Benjamin’s Arcades as paradigm for the New Poetics, Etudes Anglaises, 61, no. 2 9 (avril-juin 2008), 229-52.

“’The Shipwreck of the Singular’: George Oppen’s ‘Of Being Numerous’” in “A Garland for George Oppen,” ed. Eric Hoffman, in BIG BRIDGE, 19 pp.

“Language in Migration: Multilingualism and Exophonic Writing in the New Poetics “ Textual Practice 24(4), 2010, 729–753

  • “Abstraction et ‘Illisibilité’ dans les portraits: le cas Christian Berard,” in Contemporaneités de Gertrude Stein: Comment lire, traduire et écrire Gertrude Stein aujourd’hui, ed. Jean-François Chassay et Eric Giraud (Paris: EAC 2011), 17-25. English version, “Abstraction and Unreadability,” in Vlak 2 (2011), ed. Louis Armand, pp. 156-62.

“The Shibboleth of Liberation: Calinescu’s Postmodernism, Symploke, 17, 1-2, ed. Jeffrey Di Leo (2010), 277-80.

  • Constructed Anarchy: In Memoriam Merce Cunningham, LANA TURNER, 3 (2010): 151-67.

“Teaching Poetry in Translation: The Case for Bilingualism,” Profession 2010, 99-106.

Modernism in Review: Hugh Kenner’s POUND ERA,” Modernist Cultures, 5:2 (2010), 181-94.

“Beyond Adagia: Eccentric Design in Wallace Stevens’s Poetry,” Wallace Stevens Journal, Vol. 35.2 (2011): 16-32.

“Eliot and the Avant-Garde,” Eliot in Context, ed Jason Harding (Cambridge UP, 2011), 252-61.


“Sorrentino the Reviewer,” REVIEW OF CONTEMPORARY FICTION, 31 (Summer 2011), 113-17.

“Whitman au XXIe siècle,” Europe 990 (October 2011), 52-60.

“The Decay of a Discipline: Reflections on the English Department today,” Qui Parle, 20, no. 1 (Fall /Winter 2011), pp. 153-67

“Becoming a Critic: An Academic Memoir,” Epsians 2 (2012), 1-24.

Prefaces, Interviews (as interviewer and as interviewee)

Preface and Four Entries (David Antin, John Ashbery, Kathleen fraser, Charles Wright), Contemporary Poets 3d ed., ed. James Vinson (London: St James; New York: St. Martin's press, 1980), pp. viii-xiv; 40-43, 513-15, 1694-95. Rpt. in 4th Edition (1985).

Interview with Douglas Messerli (interviewer) Aerial 4 (1988): 29-49.

Introduction to Edward Dorn, Slinger (Durham: Duke University Press, 1989), pp. i-xviii.

Preface to Alexei Parshchikov, Blue Vitriol (Avec Books 1994): pp 7-10.

Interview with Augusto and Haroldo de Campos (interviewer),Arschile, 3 (1994): 61-78.

"Who's Wearing the Pants? Marjorie Perloff on Ginsberg & the Beats," Interview with Kurt Kline, Poetry Flash, (interviewee), 253 (June/July 1994), 1, 12, 14, 3

Introduction to John Taggart,Songs of Degrees: Essays on Contemporary Poetry and Poetics (Tuscaloosa and London: University of Alabama Press, 1994), pp. 1-12.

Dubravka Duric, Interview with Marjorie Perloff, Kosava,, 21 September 1994, pp. 54-56.

“Radical Artifice in the 90s: An Interview with Professor Marjorie Perloff,” The Rising Generation, 151, no. 8 (1 November 1995): 2-10.

Introduction to Portfolio of “Young American Poets,” Yang (Antwerp, Belgium), 182 (Summer 1998): 183-85.

Regis Bonvicino, “Entrevista: 0efeit0 multicultural,” with Marjorie Perloff, Cult, 17 (December 1998): 50-51

“Mapping the New: An Interview with Marjorie Perloff,” Rain Taxi Review of Books, 6, no. 2 (Summer 2001): 46-48.

Dubrava Duric, Jezik, Poezija, Postmodernizam, (Belgrade Oktoie, 2002), pp. 28-32 and passim, commentary on Marjorie Perloff

“Prefacio,” Michael Palmer/Regis Bonvicino, Cadenciando-Um-Ning : Um Samba, Para 0 Outro (Sao Paulo, AE, 2001), pp 9-11 and back cover.

“Mapping the New: an Interview with Marjorie Perloff,” Rain Taxi Review of Books, 6, no. 2 (Summer 2001): 46-48.

Introduction to David Antin, Talking (Dalkey Archive press, 2001), pp. i-viii.

“Contra as Rotinas: Entrevista com Marjorie Perloff,” Sibila: Revista de poesie e Cultura, 1, 1 (2001): 12-17.

Introduction to Mac Wellman, Cellophane (Johns Hopkins U Press, 2001), p. I-viii.

Inverview with Cosana Nicolae: “Criza domenillor umaniste,” Romania literarara 12 (27 March-2 April 2002): 26-27.

Conversation with Kenneth Goldsmith, Jacket 21 (Feb. 2003), online; in Portuges, in Sibila, II, 3 (October 20020: 139-58.

“ex/Crème/ental/eaT/ing”: An Interview with Caroline Bergvall,” Sources: Revue d’etudes Anglophones #12 (printemps 2002), #pp. 123-38.

Marjorie Perloff, Charles Bernstein, A Conversation, Fulcrum 2 (2003): Philosophies of Poetry: 56-70.

Kristine Samson og Nikolaj Renhede, “Interview Marjorie Perloff,” Apparatur, 79 (2004): 91-98.

	“Response to Ronald Schuchard,” Modernism/Modernity, 10, no. 1 (2003): 51-56.

Introduction to John Kinsella, Doppler Effect , Salt Books (Cambridge: Salt, 2004),


Interview with Alcir Pecora, Chronopios, Revista di Litteratura, 3/22/05

Interview with David Clippinger, The Argotist online, 2005

“Poetry and Truth” QUESTIONNAIRE, in FULCRUM, 4 (Fall 2005), 67-70.

“Wedding the World and the Word,” Symposium, American Letters and Commentary 17(2005): 4-7.

Marjorie Perloff Interviewed by Jeffrey Side, Poetry Salzburg Review #10 (Fall 2006): 180-87

“Taste,” English Studies in Canada (ESC) (DECEMBER 2004); 51-54.

“ Can A Contemporary Poet Write about the Holocaust?” (response to Jay Ladin), Michigan Quarterly Review, 45, no. 2 (Spring 2006): 336-40

“Reflections on the Prose Poem today,” SENTENCE: A Journal of Prose Poetics, 4, ed. Peter Johnson. 170-71.

“On Peter Gizzi’s Revival,” Modern Review, II, 1 (Fall 2006), 90-91

“The Difference is Spreading: Gertrude Stein,” (American Academy of Poets), Jan. 2007

“Interview,” FRONT PORCH, inaugural issue, 2007, Texas State, San Marcos

Columns 1-4 of MLA Newsletter and Presidential Address

On “Laibach” etc, “Reading Lines Forum,” Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, 8 & 9 (Spring & Fall 2006): 144-46.

Marjorie Perloff and David Wojahn, “A Critical Exchange on Selected Poems by Robert Lowell,” /NOR (NEW OHIO REVIEW), 1 (Spring 2007): 216-25.

“Poetics, Poetry, Language Poetry: An Interview with Professor Marjorie Perloff,” , in Foreign Literature Studies, (Wuhan, China), 29 no. 3 (June 2007): 1-8.

Foreword, Yoko Tawada: Voices from Everywhere, ed. Doug Slaymaker (New York: Lexington Books, 2007), vii-ix.

“Ashbery at 80,” Symposium, WARWICK REVIEW, 1, no. 3 (Sept. 2007), 131-33.

Postface, Flatland by Derek Beaulieu (York: Information as Material, 2007), pp. 105-09.

“A Conversation with Marjorie Perloff,” by Helene Aji and Antoine Cazé, Sources, Revue d’etudes Anglophones 20-21 (automne 2008): 27-42. (see PDF)

“Learning from Lexington” (Guy Davenport), Poetry, July/August 2008, 393-95.

Interview with Grzergorz Jankowicz , ODRA, 10 (2008): Obama, “Dreams from my Father,” “Books of the Year, TLS Nov. 26, 2008 Letter to the Editor (re William Logan), Poetry, Dec. 2008, 280-81.

Interview with Emma Bee Bernstein and Nona Willis Aronowitz, Oct. 27, 2007, in Emma Bee Bernstein (Belladonna Books, 2009), 45-72. “Afterword,” Rae Armantrout, Narrativ (Wiesbaden, Luxbooks, 2009), 277-83.

“Sylvia Plath, ARIEL: “AXES,” in “Desert Texts,” Women: A Cultural Review, 21, no. 1 (Spring 2010), 61-63.

Enrique Mallen, “The Challenge of Language: Interview with Marjorie Perloff,” (bilingual) N/S: New World Poetics, 1 (Spring 2010), 26-46.


Translations + Reprints

Aber ist nicht wenigstens gleich: gleich? Wittgenstein und die Frage der Ubersetzbarkeit von Dichtung,” trans. Martin Sahr in Wittgenstein und die Literatur, trans. Martin Sahr (Suhrkamp, 2006): 58-83.

Yoko Tawada, “Speech Police and Polyglot Play,” trans. By MP, LYRIC 9 (2006), 55-63.

After Language Poetry: Innovation and its Theoretical Discontents,” Talisman #20/21 (Spring 1999); The World in Time and Space: Towards a History of Innovative American Poetry, 1970-2000 ed. Joseph Donahue and Foster (Talisman House Press,2000), pp. 333-355; rpt. in Litteraria Pragensa 22 (2001): 15-35; rpt. in Contemporary Poetics, ed. Louis Armand (Northwestern UP, 2007), 15-38.

“Pound / Stevens: Whose Era? in Michael H. Whitworth, ed. Modernism (Blackwell 2007), 81-98, and discussion passim.

“The Oulipo Factor,” “Duchamp’s Conceptual Poetics,” and “”Om Flatland,” in Norwegian, in Audiatur: Katalog for NY Poesi, ed. Paal Bjelke Andersen et. al. (Bergen: 27-30 September 2007), 27-50; 278-313; 362-66

“Konkret prosa: Haroldo de Campos Galaxias och efter,” OEI 39-41, 74-88.

“Alterable Noons,” rpt. in Inimiga Rumor, Revista di Poesia


Anthony Hecht, The Hard Hours, in The Far Point, no. 2 (Spring-Summer 1969): 45-50.

"Yeats as Gnostic" (review of Harold Bloom, Yeats, and Allen Grossman, Poetic Knowledge in the Early Yeats), Contemporry Literature, 12 (Autumn 1971): 554-61.s

"Extremist Poetry: Some Versions of the Sylvia Plath Myth (review article on A. Alvarez, The Savage God, Sylvia Plath, Crossing the Water and Winter Trees), Journal of Modern Literature 2 (1973): 581-88.

"The Blank Now" (review of Robert Lowell, History, The Dolphin, For Lizzie and Harriet), The New Republic, 7 and 14 July 1973): pp. 24-26.

"Roots and Blossoms" (review of James Wright, Two Citizens, Richard Hugo, The Lady from Kicking Horse Reservoir, Thom Gunn, Moly, and My Sad Captains) Washington Post: Book World, 6 January 1974, p. 3.

Mona Van Duyn, Merciful Disguises, Washington Post: Book World, 6 January 1974, p. 3.

"Man Behind the Mask" (Ted Hughes, Selected Poems 1947-67), Washington Post Book World, 10 Feb. 1974, pp. 1-2.

"The Poet and his Politics" (William M. Chace, The Political Identities of Pound and Eliot and David Craig, The Real Foundations: Literature and Social Change), The New Republic, 16 March 1974, pp. 2-23.

"The Poverty of the Sayable" (review of Calvin Bedient, Eight Contemporary Poets), The New Republic, 19 October 1974, pp. 1-2.

"Opinions and Persons" (Stephen Spender, Love-Hate Relations: English and American Sensibilities), The New Republic, 29 June 1974, pp. 19-20.

Richard Fein, Robert Lowell and R. K. Meiners, Everything to be Endured: An Essay on Robert Lowell and Modern Poetry, Southern Humanities Review 8 (Summer 1974): 411-13.

"A First Textbook" (review of Ezra Pound, Gaudier-Brzeska: A Memoir), The New Republic, 28 December 1974, pp. 21-22.

"A Very Private Life" (review of Richard B. Sewall, The Life of Emily Dickinson), The Washington Post Book World, 26 January 1975, pp. 1-2.

"They Were There" (review of Frank O'Hara, Art Chronicles), The New Republic, 1 March 1975, pp. 23-24.

"Soap Opera Bubbles" (review of Daytime Serials), The New Republic, 10 May 1975, pp. 27-30.

"Battle of the Books" (review of Harold Bloom, A Map of Misreading and Hugh Kenner, A Homemade World), Washington Post Book World, 22 June 1975, pp. 3-4.

"The Joy of Jong" (Erica Jong, Loveroot and Here Comes Everybody and Other Poems) Washington Post Book World, 6 July 1975, pp. 1-2.

Joseph Riddel, The Inverted Bell. Modernism and the Counterpoetics of William Carlos Williams, in Modern Language Review, 71 (January 1976): 156-58.

Alan Williamson, Pity the Monsters, the Political Vision of Robert Lowell, in American Literature, 47 (Fall 1975): 48-52.

Hugh Kenner, A Homemade World, in William Carlos Williams Review 1, no. 1 (fall 975): 14-15.

Frank O'Hara, Standil Still and Walking in New York, ed. Donald Allen, in Washington Post Book World, 25 January 1976, p. 615.

Edward Dorn, Collected Poems and Slinger, in The New Republic, 24 April 1976, pp. 22-26.

Edward Butscher, Sylvia Plath: Method and Madness, in Washington Post Book World, 4 July 1976, H7-8.

David Antin, Talking at the Boundaries, in The New Republic, 5 March 1977, pp. 33-35.

Sylvia Plath, Letters Home, in Resources for American Literary Study, 7 (Spring 1977): 77-84.

George Bornstein, Transformations of Romanticism in Yeats, Eliot, and Stevens, in Wallace Stevens Journal 1, no. 2 (Summer 1977): 75-80.

Stephen Yenser, Circle to Circle: The Poetry of Robert Lowell, in English Language Notes 14 (March 1977): 231-235.

Robert Lowell, Day by Day, in Washington Post Book World, 30 Obctober 1977, pp. H7, H9.

Waltraud Mitgutsch, Zur Lyrik von Ted Hughes, in Yearbook of English Studies 7 (1977), pp. 338-39. Donald Davie, Ezra Pound, in Yearbook of English Studies 8 (1978): pp. 286-88.

Charles Boer, Charles Olson in Connecticut, in Yearbook of English Studies, 8 (1978), pp 295-98.

Richard Ellmann (ed.), The Oxford Book of American Verse, in Yearbook of English Studies, 8 (1978), pp. 262-64.

Keith Sagar, The Art of Ted Hughes, in Notes & Queries, October 1977, pp. 435-37.

Harold Bloom, Wallace Stevens: The Poems of our Climate, in American Literature, 50 (March 1978): 129-32.

Donald Hall, Remembering Poets, in The New Republic, 6 May 1978, pp. 30-32.

John Frayne (ed.), The Collected Prose of W. B. Yeats, Vol. 2, in Modern Language Review, 73 (October 1978): 896-99.

Northrop Frye, On Culture and Literature, ed. Robert Denham, in South Atlantic Bulletin, 44 (January 1979): 113-16.

Caroline Barnard, Sylvia Plath, in Western Humanities Review, 33 (Autumn 1979): 365-68.

John Yau, Sometimes, in Meridian 1 (March 1908): 2-3.

Jacqueline Saunier-Ollier, William Carlos Williams, in William Carlos Williams Review (Spring 1980): 27-30.

Veronica Forrest-Thomson, Poetic Artifice: A Theory of Twentieth Century Poetry, in Contemporary Literature, 21 (Spring 1980): 291-96.

Galway Kinnell, Mortal Acts, Mortal Wounds, in Gramercy Review, 4 (November 1980): 48-52.

Hugh Probyn, Ted Hughes's Gaudete, in Notes & Queries, 27 (December 1980): 573-74.

Stephen C. Foster (ed.), Dada Spectrum and Richard W. Sheppard, Dada: Studies in a Movement, in Modern Language Review 76 (January 1981): 152-55.

Wendy Steiner, Exact Resemblance to Exact Resemblance: The Portraiture of Gertrude Stein, in Yearbook of English Studies, 11 (1981), pp. 347-49.

George Butterick, A Guide to the Maximus Poems, in Yearbook of English Studies, 11 (1981), pp. 342-44.

Seamus Heaney, Poems 1965-75 and Preoccupations: Selected Prose 1968-78, in Washington Post Book World, 11, no. 4 (25 January 1981), pp. 5, 11.

Helen Vendler, Part of Nature, Part of Us, in Contemporary Literature, 22 (Winter 1980-81): 96-103.

David Lynch, The Poetics of the Self, in Modern Language Quarterly, 4 (December 1980): 96-103.

Charles Altieri, Enlarging the Temple, in Journal of Modern Literature, 8 (1981): 424-26.

S. C. Neumann, Gertrude Stein: Autobiography and the Problems of Narration, in Yearbook of English Studies, 12 (1982), pp. 336-37.

Peter Conrad, Imagining America, in Modern Language Review, (April 1982): 425-28.

Audrey Rodgers, The Universal Drum, Notes & Queries 29 (June 1982): 273-75.

Roger Cardinal, Figures of Reality, in Modern Language Review, 77 (October 1982): 913-15.

Max Jacob, The Dice Cup, in Sulfur 6 (1983): 172-79.

Sylvia Plath, Collected Poems, in Resources for American Literary Study, 11 (Fall 1983): 304-13.

Charles Russell, The Avant-Garde Today: An International Anthology, in Modern Language Review,78 (July 1983): 663-65.

"Private Lives, Public Images: Adrienne Rich and Paul Monette, Michigan Quarterly Review 22 (January 1983): 130-42.

Cairns Craig, The Politics of Poetry, in Contemporary Literature, 25, 1 (Winter 1983-84): 88-92.

Barry Ahearn, Zukofsky's A", in American Literature (May 1984): 296-98.

Piers Gray, T. S. Eliot's Intellectual Development and Eric Gould, Mythical Intentions in Modern Literature, in Modern Language Review, 79, 3 (July 1984): 689-92.

"Dirty Language and Scramble Systems" (Laurie Anderson, Kathleen Fraser), Sulfur, 11 (Fall 1984): 178-83.

John Gage, The Rhetoric of Imagism, in Yearbook of English Studies, 15 (1985): 344-47.

"Poetry and the Common Life" (Selected Poems of Kenneth Rexroth), in Sulfur, 12 (1985): 160-64.

Eugene Kintgen, The Perception of Poetry, in L'Esprit créateur, Fall 1984: 110-11.

"Response to Mary Kinzie," Salmagundi, 67 (Summer 1985): 146-49.

Terrence Diggory, Yeats & American Poetry, in Yeats Annual (Macmillan, 1985): 271-75.

Donald Wesling, The New Poetries, in Eidos, 2 (October 1985): 11-12.

Harold Bloom, Agon, in Modern Language Review, 81 (April 1986): 431-35.

Peter Bürger, Theorie of the Avant-Garde and J. Weisberger (ed.), Les Avant-gardes littéraires, in Modern Language Review, 81 (April 1986): 426-28.

James Breslin, From Modern and Contemporary and Robert von Hallberg, American Poetry and Culture, in English Language Notes, 23 (June 1986): 61-65.

"Icon of the Fifties?" (Sylvia Plath), Parnassus, 12 and 13 (Winter-Spring 1986): 282-86.

Alistair Davis, Bibliography of Modernism, in Modern Language Quarterly, 81 (October 1986): 993-94.

"Essaying Hot and Cool" (Umberto Eco and Charles Bernstein), Michigan Quarterly Review, 26 (Spring 1987): 404-12.

David Perkins, A History of Modern Poetry, II, in Los Angeles Times, 19 April 1987, p. 6.

Sanford Schwartz, The Matrix of Modernism and J. M. Levenson, Genealogy of Modernism, in Modern language Review, 83 (Summer 1988): 650-52.

Andrei Codrescu (ed.), More Late than Up: American Poetry since 1970, in American Book Review, 10, no. 2 (May 1988): 12, 17, 23.

Jacqueline Brogan, Stevens and Simile and Beverly Coyle and Alan Filreis, The Letters of Stevens and Jose Rodriguez Feo, in Modern Philology, 86, no. 2 (November 1988): 217-220.

"The Word as Such" (Khlebnikov, Collected Works, Vol. 1), in Sulfur, 23 (1988): 184-89.

Neil Baldwin, Man Ray, in Washington Times, 21 November 1988, p. E&.

Hugh Kenner, A Sinking Island, in Scripsi, 52, (1989): 73-81.

Paul Giles, Hart Crane, in Modern language Review, Vol. 84, no. 4 October 1989, p. 967.

"Noticings," (on Anna Akhmatova), Sulfur, 26 (1990): 241-44.

"To Have No Essence" (Paulson, Lovejoy, Ballerini, Marcus), American Book Review, 12, no. 1 (March-April 1990): 7-8, 15.

"Barbara Bush's Choices," Central Park, 19 /20 (Spring and Fall1991):300-03.

Noticings, Sulfur 27 (1990) 233-237 (Akhmatova etc.)

John Ashbery's Flow Chart, New York Times Book Review, Sunday, June 16, 1991, p. 12.

Critique de la vie Barthelmienne," Review of Contemporary Fiction, 11, no. 2 (Summer 1991): 27-28.

"Contextualizing Contemporary Lyric: Some Aporias of Recent Criticism," Review, 13 (review of Thomas Gardner et. al.), 1991 issue, pp. 203-24.

Noticings: On Lyn Hejinian et. al., Leningrad, Rosmarie Waldrop, Sulfur, 29 (Fall 1991): 216-21.

Review of John Harwood, Olivia Shakespear and W. B. Yeats: After Long Silence, Yeats Annual, #9 (Yeats and Women), ed. Deirdre Toomey, (London: Macmillan, 1992): pp. 329-35.

""Noticings," Sulfur 31 (Fall 1992), 266-273 (on Emmanuel Hocquard, 49 +1, Steve McCaffery, Rational Geomancy, and George Landow, Hypertext.

"Great American Novel?" (Toni Morrison), for Lance Olson, guest ed. American Notes and Queries: 5, 4 (October 92): 229-31.

"Staying-at-Home with Barbara Bush," New Republic, 5 October 1992, 14-16.

Jacqueline Rose, The Haunting of Sylvia Plath; Paul Alexander, Rough Magic: A Biography of Sylvia Plath, New England Quarterly, Dec. 1992: 648-52.

Angela Moorjani, The Aesthetics of Loss and Lessness, in The Beckett Circle, 15, no. 1 (Spring 1993), 6-8.

Jahan Ramazani, Yeats and the Poetry of Death, in Yeats Annual, 10 (1993): 279-83.

Articles on "Minimal Poetry" and "Found Poetry," Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics (Princeton: Princeton U. Press, 1933).

Jerome Rothenberg and Pierre Joris, ppppppp, in Sulfur, 34 (1994): 201-208.

"Poetry Doesn't Matter," (Picketing the Zeitgeist), American Book Review, 15, no. 5 (Dec 1993-Jan 1994), pp. 3, 5, 7, 9.

"Inglan is a Bitch," review of Bloodaxe THE NEW POETRY, SCRIPSI, Sept. 1994, 159-69

Noticings (Penberthy, Yip, Goldsmith-La Barbara), Sulfur 35 (1994), 195-200.

Douglas Kahn and Gregory Whitehead, eds. Wireless Imagination: Sound, Radio and the Avant-garde , Common Knowledge, 3, no. 2 (Fall 1994): 166-67.

Catherine Phillips, Robert Bridges: A Biography, in Yeats Annual 11, ed. Warwick Gould (London: Macmillan, 1995): 274-79.

“AfterrImages: Revolution of the (Visible) Word,” Sulfur, #37 (1996). Rpt in revised version as essay in Experimental-Visual-Concrete: Avant-Garde Poetry Since the 1960s, ed. K. David Jackson, Eric Vos, & Johanna Drucker (Amsterdam and Atlanta, Rodopi, 1996), pp. 335-44.

Donald Revell (trans), Alcools by Apollinaire, Boston Review, 21, no. 1 (FEB/MARCH 1996): 33-34.

“Something is Happening, Mr. Jones,” Electronic Book Review: Politics of Selling out issue, 1, 2 (1996), 8 pages.

Bertrand Russell, The Spirit of Solitude by Samuel Monk, Washington Times, 20 Oct. 1996, B7-8.

Review of The Granite Butterfly by Parker Tyler, William Carlos Williams Review, 22, no. 1 (Spring 1996): 103-11.

“Sentence not Sentence” (review of Steve McCaffery, The Cheat of Words, Tom Raworth, Clean and Well Lit, Susan Howe, Frame Structures: Early Poems 1974-79, Vincent Bugliosi, Outrage: The Five Reasons Why O. J. Simpson got away with Murder, Sulfur #39 Fall 1996): 139-51.

“The Mina Loy Mysteries,” American Book Review, 18, no. 1 (Oct-Nov. 1996): 16-17, 26.

Franco Moretti, Modern Epic: The World System from Goethe to Garcia Marquez, in Electronic Book Review, 4 (Winter 1996/97); response by Moretti and my response, #5.

“Druckwerks” (review essay on Johanna Drucker’s criticism and book art), Textual Practice, Spring 1997.

“A Passion for Content: Restoring ‘Literary Literacy’ to the English Curriculum,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, 9 May 1997, pp. B4-5.

Review of John Yau, Forbidden Entries, Boston Review, 22, 3-4 (Summer 1997): 39-41.

Review of Yeats’s Political Identities by Jonathan Allison, ANQ 10, no. 4 (Fall 1997): 53-55..

“Intellectuals,” PMLA Forum, , PMLA, 112 (October 1997), pp. 19-21.

“The Coming of Age of Language Poetry “(Perelman and O’Sullivan),forthcoming Contemporary Literature, 28 (Sept. 1997), pp. 558-68.

Contemporary Women Poets, ed. Pamela L. Shelton (Detroit and New york: St James Press, 1997), one of five Advisors and contributor, Kathleen Fraser essay, 122-23.

“Paper Chase,” review of Rosalind Krauss, The Picasso Papers, Bookforum, April 1998, pp. 37, 40. And see Letter to the Editor Column in May Issue, response to Yves Alain Bois.

“Laurels for the Laureate?” (Ted Hughes), The Writer’s Chronicle, 31, no. 2, October/November1998, pp. 40-43.

	“Fascism’s Other” (review of Le Livre Noir du communisme), 11 pages. American Book Review, 20.1 (November/December 1998): 16-17. 

“Why Anthologies Make Bad Textbooks,” Chronicle of Higher Education, XLV, no. 32 (16 April 1999): B6-7

“A Syntax of Contrariety” (on Bruce Andrews), Aerial 9 (1997): 234-38

“A Response,” New Definitions of Lyric, ed. Mark Jeffreys (New York: Garland Press, 1997): pp. 243-53.

“James Laughlin 1914-1997,” Parnassus 23, no. 1 and 2 (1998): 24-31.

Hank Lazer, 0-10, “Triplespace”: Virginia Quarterly Review, (Spring 1998). 381-90.

“Visionary Company,” Forum: Thirteen Poets and Critics Respond to Harold Bloom’s “They Have the Numbers, We the Heights,” (in previous issue), Boston Review, 23, 3-4 (Summer 1998): 23.

“To Wonder Without Becoming Dry,” review of Peter Gizzi, Artificial Heart, in Boston Book Review, 5-6 (August 1998): 34-35.

“Paper Chase,” review of Rosalind Krauss, The Picasso Papers, Bookforum, April 1998, pp. 37, 40. And see Letter to the Editor Column in May Issue, response to Yves Alain Bois.

Review of Jean-Michel Rabaté, Ghosts of Modernity, l’Esprit créateur, 39, no. 2 (Summer 1999): 90-91.

“Pound’s Letters from Captivity,” Times Literary Supplement, 16 July 1999, pp. 24-25. (cover article).

“To Wonder Without Becoming Dry,” review of Peter Gizzi, Artificial Heart, in Boston Book Review, 5-6 (August 1998): 34-35.

“Collage and Poetry,” and “Gertrude Stein,” for Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, ed. Michael Kelly, 4 vols. (New York: Oxford U Press, 1998), Vol 1, 384-87; Stein, Vol. 4, 306-10.

“Introduction to ‘Young American Poets,” 186-207; portfolio, ed. MGP, Yang, 182 (Summer 1998): 183-85.

Review of Michel Delville, Prose Poem, for Prose Poem, 8 (Summer 1999), pp. 134-38.

“Just their Pot Luck” (review of Ashbery’s Girls on the Run), Stand, December 199, 13-16.

“Gertrude Stein,” in American Poet, Spring 2000, pp. 20-21.

“For Jackson Mac Low,” Sulfur 45/46 (Spring 2000): 21-13.

“Sexy Language,” LIT, 2 (Summer 2000): 76-77.

“”Missing the Beat,” review of The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry, ed. Alan Kaufman, for American Book Review, July/August 2000, pp. 10-11.

“Introduction,” Rochelle Owens’s Luca (Junction Press, 2000), 1-6; rpt. in How(2) (online), Winter 2001.

Roundtable for PMLA, Jubilee Issue (2000): 115, no. 7: 2067-68.

“Make it New: The Ground-Breaking Texts of 20th Century Poetry,” (10 best books of 20th century): 21-22.

Entries for Contemporary Poets , 7th Edition (New York: St. Martin's, 2001, on David Antin, pp29-31; John Ashbery, pp. 36-38, Kathleen Fraser, 380-82.

Introduction, David Antin, Talking, new ed. (Dalkey Archive, 2001), pp. 1-viii.

Introduction to Mac Wellmann, Cellophane (Johns Hopkins U, 2001).pp. 1-8.

“Janus-Faced Blockbuster” (review of Cary Nelson, Oxford Anthology of American Poetry), Symploke, 8, 1-2 (2001): 205-13.

“Still Full of Surprises” (review of John Ashbery, Your Name Here), Thumbscrew 18 (Spring 2001): 10-16.

“When the Saints Go Marching By” (review of Leigh Davis, General Motors), Landfall (New Zealand) 202 (Fall 2001): 154-59.

“A Survivor,” Review of Ekbert Faas, Robert Creeley: a Biography , TLS, April 26 2002: 5-6.

“Elegies for a Lost Life: Paul Hoover and John Tranter,” Jacket, 18 (2002)

	Review of Todorov, Tzvetan, Memoire du mal, Common Knowledge Vol. 8, 2 (Spring 2002): 415.

“”The Hell Below Brooklyn Bridge,” review of Clive Fisher, Hart Crane, TLS August 30, 2002, p. 9 (full page).

“The Rescue of the Singular”: George Oppen, The New Collected Poems for CL, 43, no. 2 (September 2002): 560-69.

Lev Manovich review in Common Knowledge, 9, 2, 2003: p.

 	“Response to Ronald Schuchard,” Modernism/Modernity, 10, no. 1 (2003): 51-56.

“Le Temps de Syllables,” for Claude-Royet Journoud, Amastra-N-Gallar, No. 5 (October 2004), 34-37.

“Writing Poetry after 911,” American Letters & Commentary((2002): 18-23.

“Waiting”-- Words on Plays, pub by American Conservatory Theory, October 2003:

Review of Susan Howe, Susan Bee, BED HANGINGS, Common Knowledge 9:2 (2003): 341-42.

Review of Tom Raworth, Collected Poems for TLS, 30 May 2003, pages8-9. . Review of bpnichol, Critical Writings, ed. Roy Miki; Comics, ed. Carl Peters, University of Toronto Quarterly, 73, 1 (Winter 2003/4): 352-54.

Review of Jessica Feldman, Victorian Modernism, in ELT, 47, 1: 2004: 90-94.

“Translating Brazilian Concrete Poetry: The French Connection,” 6 pages.


Western Humanities Review, 58, no. 2 (Fall 2004), 76-81. rpt. in Flora Sussekind, Festschrift for Augusto de Campos (Rio, 2004).

“Chuff chuff chuff” (review of DHL, Studies in Classic American Literature,î TLS 12 March 04, pp. 5-6

“The New Ezra Pound,” Boston Review, April-May 2004: 52-54.

“Wars I Have Dreamed”(on Apollinaire Calligrammes, trans. Revell)Bookforum, 11, no. 1, (Spring 2004), p. 40.

“The Letters of Robert Duncan and Denise Levertov,” TLS, 28 May 2004, 11-12.

“By-Pass: A User’s Manual,” co-written with Joseph Perloff, American Journal of Cardiology, summer 2004, editorial.

“Wallace Stevens in 2054,” Wallace Stevens Journal  : Special Conference issue, Part 1, 28, no. 2 (Fall 2004), 242-46.

Review of The Word that Causes Death’s Defeat for BookForum, Dec-Jan, 2005, pp. 4-5.

“In Memoriam Donald Allen,” Jacket, 25 (2004)

“Fluxier-than-thou: Review Essay,” Modernism/Modernity 11, 3 (2004): 282-87.

“Dreams of Weeds: review of Ian Hamilton Finlay, The Dancers Inherit the Party”:TLS, April 29, 2005: 26 (whole page)

“Pound’s Poetics,” for Pound Encyclopedia, ed.Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos and Stephen J. Adams Westport, CT and London: Greenwood Press, 2005), pp. 224-26.

“Vienna Roast: On Elfriede Jelinek,” Book Forum, June-Sept. 2005, 44-45.

“Hugh Kenner and the Invention of Modernism,” Modernism/Modernity, 12, no 3 (September 2005):  465-70. 

Review of Apollinaire, CUBIST PAINTERS, ed. Peter Read, in Modernism /Modernity, 12, 3 (September 2005): 521-23.

“The Poet’s Hope: The Works of Paul Celan Boston Review 30, no. 6 (November/December 2005)47-49.

“Getting Bombed: Canetti witnesses Sangfroid and Sex amid the Flames,” review of Elias Canetti, The Party in the Blitz, Bookforum Dec/Jan 2006

“Karl Kraus, The Jewish Swift,” Bookforum, 13, no. 2 (June-Sept 2006): 20-21. The Oxford Book of American Poetry, ed. David Lehman, in TLS, 1 September 2006, 10-11.

“Vito Acconci: Conceptual Poetry, Old and New (followed by German translation), in Parkett, 78 (December 2006): 168-76.

“On Brenda Hillman: The E in Being,” In Jacket, 33, June 2007.

Mark Scroggins, The Poem of a Life: A Biography of Louis Zukofsky, TLS, Sept 6m 2007 issue

On Bob Perelman’s “IFLIFE,” TALISMAN, #35 (Fall 2007), 3-5.

Review of “John Ashbery Notes from the Air,” , Bookforum, 14, no. 4 (Dec/Jan 2008), Dec. 2007: 21, 58

TLS; Books of the Year: Daniil Kharms, Susan Howe, Dec. 19, 2007 issue.

“The Second Plane,” TLS, 14 Feb 2008, leader, 3-5.

Ehrhard Bahr, WEIMAR ON THE PACIFIC, Modernism/Modernity, 15, 2 (2008): 410-12. “The Second Plane,” TLS, 14 Feb 2008, leader, 3-5.

August Kleinzahler, SLEEPING IT OFF IN RAPID CITY. TLS. July 9, 2008, 11-12.

“Over the Last Limit: Mayakovsky: Resurrecting Vladimir Mayakovsky,” Boston Review, 33, no. 4 (July-August 2008), 45-47.

Janet Malcolm, Gertrude and Alice, Little Reviews, in Common Knowledge, 15, 1 (Winter 2009): 93-95.

“House of Wittgenstein” by Alex Waugh, Bookforum, April/May 2009, pp. 1

Beckett, Collected Letters, Vol. 1, reviewed in Bookforum, June-July, 2009.

Denis Donoghue On Eloquence, Symploke: Anonymity issue, 16, 1-2 (2009), 316-18.

TLS “Books of the Year,” TLS, 27 Nov. 2009, , 14.

Review of Edward M. Burns (ed.), A PASSION FOR JOYCE: THE LETTERS OF HUGH KENNER AND ADALINE GLASHEEN, in Modernism/Modernity 16, 4 (Nov. 2009), 837-39.

Review of James Schuyler SOME FLOWERS, TLS March 25, 2010, p. 29.

“Pleasant Butter,” Tom Raworth’s Windmill in Flames, PN Review, Vol. 137, no. 2 (196), Nov-Dec. 2010, 67-68.

“The Last Waltz,” Review of Gregor von Rezzori, 3 novels, Bookforum (Feb-March 2012), 16-17. (cover feature)

Review of Margot Peters, Lorine Niedecker, TLS, Feb. 3, 2012. P. 10 (and on cover)

Preface to Vanessa Place, Robert Fitterman, Notes on Conceptualisms (Stockholm, 2012)

Postface to Peter Gizzi, Tod Sein ist Gut in Amerika (Germany: Lux Books, 2012), pp.


“Post-modernismo / Fin de siècle--Prospettive di apertura in unda decade di chiusura” (Italian translation of Criticism essay), Baldus, V, no. 1 (1995): 137-62.

“Pisanje na ivici: od lirike do jezicke igne u prozi Ingeborg Bachmann (trans of “Writing on the Border: From lyric to language game in the prose of IB) Sulfur essay by Ana Gorobinski,” ProFemina 2 (prolece 1995): 102-117.

Lucid and Inescapable Rhythms’: Metrical Choice and Historical Formation’, trans into Serbo-Croat by Dubravka Djuric, Ovdje (Oct-Dec, 1999): pp. 67-81

‘Como os espacos urbanos aparecem na poesia,” Estado de S. Paulo 17, 24, 31 December). In 3 parts. (Urban Spaces in Robert Frank, Frank O’Hara, Robbert Flick, Lyn Hejinian)

“Pound Stevens: Whose Era? Revisited,” trans. into Polish in Literature na Swiecie, nr. 12 (2000): 167-73.

“Profond Aujourdhui,” Literatura na Swiecie: Special issue, Fernando Pessoa, Blaise Cendrars, Giuseppe Ungaretti, nr. 10-12 (2002): 228-75.

Translation of “After Free Verse,” in Formes poetiques contemporaines 2003 , ed. Jan Baetens (Reflet de lettres, Liege, 2003)

“La letter, le nombre et la recherche du zaum: líheritage de Khlebnikov,” trans. Christine Pagnoulle, Le Rossignol Instrumental: Poésie, Musique, Modernité, ed. Jean-Pierre Bertrand, Michel Delville, et Christine Pagnoulle (Leuven + Paris, Peeters Vrin, 2004, pp. 151-88

“Techen som underverk: annostavlans falt som petisk rymd,” translation of Chapter 5 of Radical Artifice in OEI 19/1920/21 (2004).

“Prosa Concreta: Aux Galaxias de Haroldo de campos,” Terceira Margem: Poesia Brasileira e seus Entornos Interventivos, 8, No. 11 (@004): 17-40.

“After Language Poetry: Innovation and its theoretical discontents,” translation into Portugese, Literatura e Sociedade,8 ( Contemporanea), (Sao Paulo, 2005); 196-213.

“Naslje I preciznost: Manifest kao oblik umetmosti,’ trans. of “Violence and Precision: Manifesto,’ Chapter 2 of The Futurist Moment, in Pro Femin, 35-36 (Belgrad 2004): 151-75.

“Concrete Prose in the Nineties: Galaxias and After,” 139-61; “Brazilian concrete Poetry: How it Looks Today,” Interview with Haroldo and Augusto de Campos,” 165-79, in Haroldo de Campos: A Dialogue with the Brazilian Concrete Poet, ed. K. David Jackson (Oxford: Center for Brazilian Studies, University of Oxford, 2005).

Aber ist nicht wenigstens gleich: gleich? Wittgenstein und die Frage der Ubersetbarkeit von Dichtung,” trans. Martin Sahr in Wittgenstein und die Literatur, trans. Martin Sahr (Suhrkamp, 2006): 58-83.

“Un Duchamp à moi-même,” (translation of essay in my John Cage book), Etant Donnes #6 (2005): 22-35

Yoko Tawada, “Speech Police and Polyglot Play, trans by Marjorie Perloff, Lyric 9 (2006), 55-63.

Konkret prosa: Haroldo de Campos Galaxias och efter,” OEI 39-41, 74-88.

Aber ist nicht wenigstens gleich: gleich? Wittgenstein und die Frage der Ubersetzbarkeit von Dichtung,” trans. Martin Sahr in Wittgenstein und die Literatur, trans. Martin Sahr (Suhrkamp, 2006): 58-83.

“Losing Everything but One’s Accent”, in Becoming Americans: Four centuries of Immigrant Writing (Anthology ed. Ilan Stavans), The Library of America, New York 2009, distributed by Penguin-USA, Perloff pp. 290 -301.

MLA Presidential Address, rpt. in A CENTURY OF POETRY REVIEW, ed. Fiona Sampson (Carcanet 2009), 352-57.

La Escalera de Wittgenstein:El lenguaje poético y el extranmiento de lo ordinario. Prólogo by Eduardo Espina, trad. Pilar Villela Mascaró. (Mexico: Aldus, 2011). 373 pp.

El Momento Futurista, trad. Mariano Peyrou (Valencia: Correspondencias: Pretextos, 2010).

Wittgenstein’s Ladder, La escalera de Wittgenstein, Marjorie Perloff (trad. Pilar Villela Mascaró), Mexico City: Aldus Press 2010; in French (trans and in French (trans. Robin Seguy), Vienna Paradox, in German (Praesens Verlag) Set of five essays on Perloff books by Hu Quansheng and others, Foreign Literature Studies, 33, no 4(August 2011), pp. 1-42.

Essay by and chapter on Marjorie Perloff, in FORMA E SENTIDO, ed. Antonio Cicero (Rio di Janeiro 2011)