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Arne Johnson (Swedish nuclear physicist)

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Field:        Nuclear Physics

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Institution: Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden

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Awards:  The Manne Siegbahn medal, 1972 (Research Institute of Physics Sweden)

                The Letterstedts Price of the Royal Academy of Sciences ,1986 (Sweden)

               The Borelius Medal , 2006, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), (Sweden)


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Arne Johnson (born 1944) is a Swedish nuclear physisist who main interests are nuclear spectroscopy and development of advanced detectors for nuclear spectroscopy and applications. He studied Engineering Physics at KTH 1963 -1967, received the PhD at KTH in 1973 and became docent there in 1974. In 1986 he became adjoint professor in Nuclear Physics at KTH and in 1997 professor in Nuclear Physics at KTH.

Arne Johnsons most important scientific result is the discovery of "backbending" in atomic nuclei (with H.Ryde and J.Sztarkier), see refs. [1],[2],[3] and also ref. [4]. Besides research at the Research Institute of physics (AFI), later the Manne Siegbahn Institute (MSI), Sweden, he has been working at a large number of leading laboratories in both Europe and the US like Niels Bohr Institute (NBI), Denmark, Daresbury, England, Orsay and Strasbourg, France, GSI, Germany, Legnaro, Italy, Jyvaskyla, Finland and Brookhaven, Oak Ridge and Berkeley, USA, and published more than 150 papers in international journals.

Arne Johnson was one of the initiators of the NORDBALL detector system for nuclear spectroscopy (ref.[5]) and member of its board from the start 1985 to the end at 2000.

He has also been Swedish member of the European EUROBALL (ref.[6]) Coordination Committee (ECC) 1992-2003 and chairman of it´s subgroup for ancillary detectors 1992 -1996. (EUROBALL is a European project in nuclear spectroscopy).

He was chairman elect of ECC 1995 -1996 (1 y) and chairman of ECC 1996-1997 (1y).

Member of the Owners Committee (OC) 2003 - 2013 for the EUROBALL equipment.

At KTH he has been Vice Dean of the TFY faculty 1997-1999,  Dean of the TFY faculty 1999, Dean of the faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Engineering Physics (DEF) 2000 - 2004 and Vice Head, School of Engineering Sciences, 2005 - 2008.

During his military service at FOA  (Swedish National Defence Research Institute) he was responsible in developing a detector system for radioactive Xenon leaking from underground bomb tests.

  1. A. Johnson, H. Ryde, J. Sztarkier: Evidence for a “singularity” in the nuclear rotational band structure. In: Physics Letters B. Band 34, Nr. 7, 12. April 1971, ISSN 0370-2693, S. 605–608, doi:10.1016/0370-2693(71)90150-X ( [abgerufen am 19. Juli 2023]).
  2. A. Johnson, H. Ryde, S. A. Hjorth: Nuclear moment of inertia at high rotational frequencies. In: Nuclear Physics A. Band 179, Nr. 3, 7. Februar 1972, ISSN 0375-9474, S. 753–768, doi:10.1016/0375-9474(72)90617-3 ( [abgerufen am 19. Juli 2023]).
  3. A. Johnson, Z. Szymański: Nuclear rotation at high angular velocities. In: Physics Reports. Band 7, Nr. 4, 1. März 1973, ISSN 0370-1573, S. 182–222, doi:10.1016/0370-1573(73)90012-4 ( [abgerufen am 19. Juli 2023]).
  4. R. Wyss, M. A. Riley: Fifty Years of Backbending. In: Nuclear Physics News. Band 32, Nr. 2, 3. April 2022, ISSN 1061-9127, S. 16–20, doi:10.1080/10619127.2022.2063000 ( [abgerufen am 19. Juli 2023]).
  5. Bent Herskind: The NORDBALL — A multidetector system for the study of nuclear structure. In: Nuclear Physics A. Band 447, 6. Januar 1986, ISSN 0375-9474, S. 395–412, doi:10.1016/0375-9474(86)90619-6 ( [abgerufen am 19. Juli 2023]).
  6. J. Simpson: The Euroball Spectrometer. In: Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and nuclei. Band 358, Nr. 2, 1. Februar 1997, ISSN 0939-7922, S. 139–143, doi:10.1007/s002180050290 ( [abgerufen am 19. Juli 2023]).