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Limnonectes cassiopeia ist eine Froschart aus der Familie der Dicroglossidae, die 2018 beschrieben wurde. Sie ist in Malaysia beheimatet und zeichnet sich durch ihre auffällige Färbung und Musterung aus.

Der Name "cassiopeia" bezieht sich auf die mythische Königin Kassiopeia aus der griechischen Mythologie, die für ihre Schönheit bekannt war. Dieser Name wurde aufgrund der auffälligen Färbung und Musterung der Froschart gewählt.

Limnonectes cassiopeia ist eine relativ große Froschart, die eine Länge von etwa 5-6 cm erreicht. Sie hat eine braune bis grüne Färbung mit dunklen Flecken und Streifen auf dem Rücken und einer hellen Bauchseite. Die Art ist in feuchten, bewaldeten Gebieten zu finden und ernährt sich von Insekten und anderen kleinen Tieren.

In der IUCN-Rotliste ist Limnonectes cassiopeia als „nicht gefährdet“ (Least Concern) eingestuft, aber es gibt Bedenken hinsichtlich ihres Lebensraums und ihrer Population aufgrund von Habitatverlust und -zerstörung.

Weitere Forschungen sind erforderlich, um mehr über diese Froschart zu erfahren und ihre Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen besser zu verstehen.

Hier sind die wichtigsten Punkte des Artikels:

Neue Froschart entdeckt: Forscher der University of Kansas haben eine neue Art von Frosch, Limnonectes cassiopeia, auf der philippinischen Insel Luzon entdeckt1. Verwechslung mit anderer Art: Diese Art wurde zuvor fälschlicherweise als juvenile Version des Luzon Giant Fanged Frog angesehen. Genetische Analyse: Die Entdeckung basiert auf einer genetischen Untersuchung, die zeigte, dass Limnonectes cassiopeia genetisch von anderen bekannten Arten abweicht. Physische Merkmale: Die neue Art hat kleinere, weiße Zehenscheiben, die sie von anderen Arten unterscheiden.

  • Allobates ripicolus
  • Allobates vicinus


  • Atympanophrys Tian and Hu, 1983 (4 sp.)
  • Boulenophrys Fei, Ye, and Jiang, 2016 (65 sp.)
  • Brachytarsophrys Tian and Hu, 1983 (8 sp.)
  • Grillitschia Dubois, Ohler, and Pyron, 2021 (2 sp.)
  • Jingophrys Lyu and Wang, 2023 (5 sp.)
  • Megophrys Kuhl and Van Hasselt, 1822 (5 sp.)
  • Ophryophryne Boulenger, 1903 (7 sp.)
  • Pelobatrachus Beddard, 1908 "1907" (7 sp.)
  • Sarawakiphrys Lyu and Wang, 2023 (1 sp.)
  • Xenophrys Günther, 1864 (28 sp.)
  • Xenophrys
  • Xenophrys dehongensis
  • Xenophrys lancangica
  • Boulenophrys
  • Boulenophrys mufumontana
  • Boulenophrys xuefengmontis
  • new combinations in new genera
  • Sarawakiphrys dringi
  • Jingophrys
  • Jingophrys feii
  • Jingophrys pachyproctus
  • Jingophrys vegrandis
  • Jingophrys yeae
  • Jingophrys zhoui

21 February 2023: Modified the range statement for Dendropsophus frosti (Hylidae) and added a comment under that record, noting the publication of Koch, Mônico, Fernandes, and Valteran, 2023, Herpetol. Brasil., 11: 106–111, who reported the species from Tabatinga municipality, Amazonas state, Brazil, the first record from Brazil.

21 February 2023: Modified the range statement for, and added a comment under Boana bischoffi (Hylidae), noting the publication of Silva-Soares, Garcia, Del’ Maestro, and Santos, 2022, Oecologia Aust., 26: 614–619, who provided a record from western Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and a dot map of the species.

20 February 2023: Added comments under Engystomops guayaco, Engystomops petersi, Engystomops pustulatus, Engystomops puyango, and Engystomops randi, noting the publication of Nascimento, de Sá, and Garcia, 2022, J. Morphol., 283: 1299–1317, wo reported on larval external, oral and skeletal morphology.

20 February 2023: Added a comment under Strauchbufo raddei (Bufonidae), noting the publication of Othman, Choe, Chuang, Purevdori, Maslova, Schepina, Jang, and Borzée, 2022, Evol. Ecol., 36: 1007–1043, reported on molecular phylogeography and geographic variation in release call variation.

20 February 2023: Added comments under Odorrana (Ranidae), Odorrana hejiangensis, Odorrana huanggangensis, and Odorrana kweichowensis, noting the publication of Jiang, Yan, Luo, Xiao, Deng, and Zhou, 2022, Diversity & Distributions, 28: 2648–2664, wo reported on the molecular phylogenetics and biogeography of the Odorrana schmakeri complex in the karst regions of Guizhou, China.

20 February 2023: Added a comment under Theloderma albopunctatum (Rhacophoridae), noting the publication of Ginal, Schmitz, and Rödder, 2022, Zootaxa, 5214: 595–599, who described and compared larval morphology from populations in northern Vietnam and northeastern Thailand.

19 February 2023: Modified the range statement for Physalaemus carrizorum (Leptodactylidae) and added a comment noting the publication of Netto and Brusquetti, 2023, Rev. Latinoam. Herpetol., 6: 47–49, who provided a dot map and a record from Parque Nacional San Rafael, Alto Verá District, Itapuá Department, Paraguay.

19 February 2023: Modified the range statement for Leptobrachella botsfordi (Megophryidae) and added a comment under that record, noting the publication of Nguyen, Rowley, La, and Tapley, 2023, Herpetol. Notes, 16: 103–109, who discussed life history and provided a genetically-confirmed range extension to Mount Nam Kang Ho Tao, Lao Cai Province, Vietnam.

19 February 2023: Added a comment under Craugastor pelorus (Craugastoridae), noting the publication of Couto, Macara Madeira, Hernández-Ordóñez, Reynoso-Rosales, and Rosa, 2023, Diversity, 15 (189): 1-5, who reported cave-dwelling populations in Chiapas and Tabasco, Mexico.

19 February 2023: Added comments under Lysapsus and Pseudis (Hylidae), noting the publication of Turazzini and Gómez, 2023, Zool. Anz., 303: 47–70, who reported on osteology of these genera, with special reference to synapomorphies shared by them and groups within them.

19 February 2023: Added comments under Odorrana chloronota, Odorrana graminea, and Odorrana leporipes (Ranidae), noting the publication of Liu, Hou, and Hui, 2022, J. Anim. Diversity, 4(4): 1–11, who discussed the distribution of mtDNA matrilines among these populations, extrapolating these to species lineages.

19 February 2023: Added comments under Dicroglossinae (Dicroglossidae), Allopaa, Chrysopaa, Quasipaa, and Nanorana, noting the publication of Hofmann, Jablonski, Litvinchuk, Masroor, and Schmidt, 2021, PeerJ, 9 (e11793): 1–22, who provided a molecular tree and suggested the possible paraphyly of Nanorana with respect to Allopaa.

19 February 2023: Resurrected Bokermannohyla feioi (Hylidae) from the synonymy of Bokermannohyla nanuzae on the basis of the publication of Brunes, Pinto, Taucce, Santos, Nascimento, Carvalho, Oliveira, Vasconcelos, and Leite, 2023, Syst. Biodiversity, 21 (1: 2156001): 1–20.

19 February 2023: Added comments under Rhinella horribilis (Bufonidae) and Rhinella marinus, noting the publication of Mittan-Moreau, Kelehear, Toledo, Bacon, Guayasamin, Snyder, and Zamudio, 2022, Mol. Ecol., 31: 6440–6456, who discussed the molecular evidence for patterns of introduction worldwide.

19 February 2023: Added Gephyromantis cornucopia, Gephyromantis feomborona, Gephyromantis kremenae, Gephyromantis mafifeo, Gephyromantis mitsinjo, and Gephyromantis sergei (Mantellidae), named by Miralles, Köhler, Glaw, Wollenberg Valero, Crottini, Rosa, Du Preez, Gehring, Vieites, Ratsoavina, and Vences, 2023, Salamandra, 59: 1–41, who discussed relationships within the Gephyromantis boulengeri and Gephyromantis blanci complexes, provided dot maps, and a discussion of calls.

18 February 2023: Added a comment under Hypopachus ustus (Microhylidae), noting the publication of Castro-Bastidas, Barraza-Herrera, Barreras-Gaxiola, and Loc-Barragán, 2023, Rev. Latinoam. Herpetol., 106: 36–38, who reported specimens from southern Sinaloa (Municipality of Escuinapa), Mexico, the first from the state in over 40 years.

18 February 2023: Added a comment under Pristimantis racemus (Strabomantidae), noting the publication of Pisso-Florez, Liévano-Bonilla, Mendoza-Henao, and Duarte-Marín, 2023, Rev. Latinoam. Herpetol., 6: 23–31, who reported on the distress call and reported specimens from Parque Nacional Natural Puracé, Cauca and Huila, Colombia.

18 February 2023: Added a comment under Hamptophryne boliviana (Microhylidae), noting the publication of Cabrera-Vargas and Rojas-Morales, 2023, Rev. Latinoam. Herpetol., 106: 39–45, who provided new records from western Caquetá, Colombia, and provided a dot map for Colombia.

17 February 2023: Added comments under Ptychadena anchietae, Ptychadena chrysogaster, Ptychadena guibei, Ptychadena nilotica, Ptychadena oxyrhynchus, Ptychadena porosissima, and Ptychadena uzungwensis (Ptychadenidae) noting the publicaton of Dehling, Mindje, and Sinsch, 2023, Salamandra, 59: 42–50, who reported on the species' range in Rwanda, their morphological diagnoses, and call characteristics.

16 February 2023: Modified the range statement for Triprion petasatus (Hylidae) and added a comment noting the publication of Antúnez-Fonseca, Ordoñez-Mazier, López, Velásquez, Ramos, García de Almeida, and Turcios-Casco, 2023, Herpetol. Notes, 16: 65–69, who provided a record from the Aguán Valley of Yoro, Honduras, provided a dot map of the species, and reported on life history observations.

16 February 2023: Added comments under the species found in Loreto, Peru, for which genetic seqences are known; see Gagliardi-Urrutia, García Dávila, Jaramillo-Martinez, Rojas-Padilla, Rios-Alva, Aguilar-Manihuari, Pérez-Peña, Castroviejo-Fisher, Simões, Estivals, Guillen Huaman, Castro Ruiz, Angulo Chávez, Mariac, Duponchelle, and Renno, 2022, Anf. Loreto: 1–203.

16 February 2023: Added Hyperolius ukaguruensis (Hyperoliidae), named by Lawson, Loader, Lyakurwa, and Liedtke, 2023, PLoS One, 18 (2: e0277535): 1–23, named from Mamiwa Kisara Forest Reserve, Ukaguru Mountains, Tanzania (-6.37272, 36.92722, elevation 1862m). The article also discussed the phylogenetics and distribution of the Hyperolius spinigularis clade of frogs.

16 February 2023: Added a comment under Limnonectes shompenorum (Dicroglossidae), noting the publication of Gonggoli, Atmaja, Kadafi, Arida, and Hamidy, 2023, Biodiversitas, 24: 473–480, who discussed the taxonomic status of the population on Enggano Island, off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesa, and suggested on molecular grounds that Limnonectes shompenorum is the sister taxon of Limnonectes macrodon.

16 February 2023: Added a comment under Amnirana galamensis (Ranidae), noting the publication of Zingbé, Kouamé, N'Guessan, and Rödel, 2023, Alytes, 39: 1–11, who reported on male and female vocalization in Ivory Coast.

16 February 2023: Added comments under Brachytarsophrys popei, Boulenophrys shimentaina, Boulenophrys ombrophila, and Boulenophrys nanlingensis (Megophryidae), noting the publication of Qian, Li, Chen, Li, and Yang, 2023, ZooKeys, 1139: 1–32, who described larval morphology from Yizhang County, northern Guangdong Province, southern China. These authors also summarized the literature of larval morphology for the subfamily Megophryinae.

16 February 2023: Modified the range statement for Hyperolius howelli (Hyperoliidae), noting the publication of Tiutenko, Spawls, and Zinenko, 2023, Herpetol. Notes, 16: 99–101, who provided the record from the eastern Ethiopian Highlands, the first record for Ethiopia, based on an mtDNA 16s assay for confirmation.

16 February 2023: Added Oreophryne chlorops (Microhylidae), named by Günther, Iskandar, and Richards, 2023, Vert. Zool., Senckenberg, 73: 153–159, from an unnamed mountain range, Derewo River Basin, Papua Province, Indonesia, (3.4416°S, 136.4738°E; ~2090 m elevation.

16 February 2023: Added Amolops truongi (Ranidae), named by Pham, Pham, Ngo, Sung, Ziegler, and Le, 2023, Raffles Bull. Zool., 71: 51–69, from near Phieng Ai Village (21°34.956′N, 104°17.160′E, at an elevation of 1,360 m a.s.l.), Ngoc Chien Commune, Muong La District, Son La Province, Vietnam.

27 January 2023: Modified the range statements and added comments for Leptodactylus latrans (Leptodactylidae), Leptodactylus mystacinus, and Leptodactylus caatingae, noting the publication of Dubeux, Gonçalves, Palmeira, Vieira, Lobo-Araújo, Mott, and Magalhães, 2023, Herpetol. Notes, 16: 83–86, who provided the first records of these species for the state of Alagoas, northeastern Brazil, and provided dot maps for the species

21 January 2023: Added a comment under Limnonectes leytensis (Dicroglossidae) noting the publication of Flores, Diesmos, and Nuñeza, 2023, Biodiversitas, 24: 133–139, reported on larval morphology and life history.

21 January 2023: Modified the range statement for Elachistocleis pearsei (Microhylidae) and added a comment, noting the publication of Vargas and Barrio-Amorós, 2023, Reptiles & Amphibians, 30: 1–2, who reported (photo voucher only) the species for the first time from Costa Rica, from Mango de Laurel, Corredores, Puntarenas (08°27′17.93″N 82°54′37.58″W, 19 m elevation).

20 January 2023: Added Hyloscirtus tolkieni (Hylidae), named bySánchez-Nivicela, Falcón-Reibán, and Cisneros-Heredia, 2023, ZooKeys, 1141: 75–92, from Parque Nacional Río Negro- Sopladora, Morona Santiago Province, Ecuador.

17 January 2023: Added Colombia to the range statement for Epicrionops marmoratus (Rhinatrematidae) and added a comment under that record, noting the publication of Fernández-Roldán, Lynch, and Medina-Rangel, 2022, Herpetol. Bull., London, 161: 34–36, reported the species from Nariño, southwestern Colombia and discussed the specimens and the range.

14 January 2023: Added a comment under Pseudopaludicola mystacalis (Leptodactylidae), noting the publication of Porto, Fazolato, Marques, Batalha, Napoli, Garda, Carvalho, and Fernandes, 2022, Amphibia-Reptilia, 43: 315–329, wo identified 10 mtDNA matrilines within the species range.

14 January 2023: Added comments under Brachycephalus (Brachycephalidae), Brachycephalus bufonoides, Brachycephalus crispus, Brachycephalus darkside, Brachycephalus ephippium, Brachycephalus guarani, Brachycephalus margaritatus, and Brachycephalus toby, noting the publication of Folly, Luna-Dias, Miguel, Ferreira, Machado, Lopes, and Pombal, 2023, Acta Zool., Stockholm, 104: 71–105, who reviewed the osteology of the Brachycephalus ephippium group.

14 January 2023: Added comments under Leptopelis macrotis, Leptopelis millsoni, and Leptopelis rufus (Hyperoliidae), noting the publication of Jaynes, Myers, Gvoždík, Blackburn, Portik, Greenbaum, Jongsma, Rödel, Badjedjea, Bamba-Kaya, Baptista, Akuboy, Ernst, Kouete, Kasumba, Masudi, McLaughlin, Nneji, Onadeko, Penner, Vaz Pinto, Stuart, Tobi, Zassi-Boulou, Leaché, Fujita, and Bell, 2022, Mol. Ecol., 31: 3979–3998, wo reported on molecular and morphological systematics, biogeography, and advertisement call.

13 January 2023: Added a comment under Paratelmatobius mantiqueira (Leptodactylidae), noting the publication of Moroti, Severgnini, Bolovon, Toledo, and Muscat, 2022, J. Nat. Hist., London, 56: 1563–1584, who reported on natural history, advertisement calls, and tadpole morphology.

13 January 2023: Placed Uperoleia inundata (Myobatrachidae) into the synonymy of Uperoleia crassa, following the publication of Jaya, Tanner, Whitehead, Doughty, Keogh, Moritz, and Catullo, 2022, Mol. Ecol., 31: 4527–4543.

12 January 2023: Added comments under Leptopelis (Hyperoliidae), Leptopelis diffidens, Leptopelis gramineus, Leptopelis rugosus (formerly Leptopelis montanus), [[Leptopelis shebellensis n. sp., Leptopelis susanae, and Leptopelis xeniae n. sp. to note the revision of the Leptopelis gramineus complex in Ethiopia by Goutte, Reyes-Velasco, Kassie Teme, and Boissinot, 2022, ZooKeys, 1128: 63–97, including a review of relevant literature, comparative morphology, advertisement calls, genetic markers, distribution maps, and natural history. Very nice to see the genitive for Xenia Freilich, recognizing her high-quality work on Ethiopian frogs.

11 January 2023: Added a comment under Rhinella diptycha (Bufonidae), noting the publication of Sousa, Benício, and Fonseca, 2022, Biosphere Comun. Cient., 2: 16–22, who reported on intrapopulational variation in Piauí, Brazil.

11 January 2023: Added comments under Brachytarsophrys popei, Boulenophrys nanlingensis, Boulenophrys ombrophila, and Boulenophrys shimentaina (Megophryidae), noting the publication of Qian, Li, Chen, Li, and Yang, 2023, ZooKeys, 1139: 1–32, who described larval morphology and discussed ranges.

10 January 2023: Added a comment under Pulchrana glandulosa (Ranidae), noting the publication of Ong and Shahriza, 2022, Amphibia-Reptilia, 43: 457–462, who reported on vocalizations in peninsular Malaysia.

10 January 2023: Added a comment under Fejervarya kawamurai (Dicroglossidae), noting the publication of Yang, Wo, Shao, Liao, Tong, Brown, and Jin, 2022, Asian Herpetol. Res., 13: 232–241, who suggested on the basis of two mtDNA loci and 8 nuDNA loci that nominal Fejervarya kawamurai is composed of two lineages, one corresponding to the Zhoushan Archipelago, Zhejiang, China and Japan, and the other from most parts of Chinese mainland. No taxonomic remedy was taken by these authors.

10 January 2023: Added comments under Triturus cristatus and Triturus marmoratus (Salamandridae), noting the publication of Arntzen, 2023, Biol. J. Linn. Soc., 138: 75–88, who reported on a hybrid zone in western France, with a general discussion of the effect of climate change.

10 January 2023: Added a comment under Pelophylax (Ranidae), noting the publication of Cuevas, Patrelle, Ciavatti, Gendre, Sourrouille, Géniez, Doniol-Valcroze, and Crochet, 2022, Salamandra, 58: 218–230, who described a molecular technique that allows a comparatively rapid identification of members of the Pelophylax pereziPelophylax grafi hybridogenetic system and the Pelophylax lessonaePelophylax esculentus hybridogenetic system.

9 January 2023: Modified the range statement and added a comment under Leptobrachella wulingensis (Megophryidae), noting the publication of Liu, Li, Cheng, Chen, Zhang, and Wei, 2021, Sichuan J. Zool., 40: 189–195, who reported the species (genetically confirmed) from Fanjingshan in Jiangkou County, Guizhou Province, China.

9 January 2023: Added comments under Oreobates berdemenos and Oreobates discoidalis (Strabomantidae), noting the publication of Akmentins, Boullhesen, García, and Martínez, 2022, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 25: 28–33, who transferred the populations of nominal Oreobates discoidalis from Jujuy and Salta, Argentina, to Oreobates berdemenos on the basis of call structure. They did not report on the calls from the type locality of Oreobates discoidalis (Tucumán) or from populations assigned to this species from Bolivia, nothing that both now require confirmation as does the taxonomic status of Oreobates berdemenos itself (named in 2014) with respect to Oreobates discoidalis (named in 1895).

9 January 2023: Added a comment under Rhinella spinulosa (Bufonidae), noting the publication of Alveal, Rivera, Pinochet, and Díaz-Páez, 2022, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 25: 1–11, who modeled the current and future distribution with global warming.

9 January 2023: Modified the range statement for Rhacophorus laoshan (Rhacophoridae) and added a comment noting the range extension to eastern Yunnan, China, by Song, Airenda, Lan, Zhang, Liu, Li, Tie, Chen, Duan, and Yuan, Sichuan J. Zool., 41: 664–665.

8 January 2023: Placed Pseudophilautus pardus as a synonym of Pseudophilautus viridis (Rhacophoridae), following the evidence presented by Wijayathilaka, Perera, Manamendra-Arachchi, Ellepola, Adhikari, Wijayasekara, Wickramasinghe, Prathap, and Meegaskumbura, 2023, Zootaxa, 5224: 459–472.

6 January 2023: Added comments under Boana curupi, Boana joaquini, Boana semiguttata, and Boana stellae (Hylidae) noting the publication of Widholzer and Prieto-Torres, 2022, North-West. J. Zool., Romania, 18: 168–178, who discussed distribution modelling patterns, niche conservatism, and ecological differentiation of these species.

6 January 2023: Added a comment under Rhinella granulosa (Bufonidae), noting the publication of Thomé, Carstens, Rodrigues, Galetti, Alexandrino, and Haddad, 2022, Heredity, 127: 363–372, discussed modeled distributions through time and the role of asynchony of seasons in affecting genetic differentiation in this species.

5 January 2023: Added Caecilia epicrionopsoides, Caecilia atelolepis, and Caecilia macrodonta (Gymnophiona: Caeciliidae), all named from Colombia by Fernández-Roldán, Lynch, and Medina-Rangel, 2023, Zootaxa, 5227: 205–228, and who also rediagnosed Caecilia degenerata and excluded Caecilia corpulenta from the fauna of Colombia.

5 January 2023: Added a comment under Pristimantis gutturalis (Strabomantidae), noting the publication of Lopes, Pedroso-Santos, Sousa, Santos, and Costa-Campos, 2022, Phyllomedusa, 21: 161–180, who reported on vocalizations, morphological variation, and morphometrics.

3 January 2023: Added a large number of comments noting the report by Herlambang, Riyanto, Munir, Hamidy, Kimura, Eto, and Mumpuni, 2022, Treubia, 49: 67–84, on the fauna of the Natuna Islands, Indonesia.

2022 2023-01-01 Tylototriton joe Salamandridae China Rao, D. 2022 "2020". Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian [in Chinese]. Zhu, J-G, Rao, D (Eds.). Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian: 1–448 (printed in 2020 but not distributed until 2022). Beijing, Beijing Publishing Group.
2022 2023-01-01 Paramesotriton malipoensis Salamandridae China Rao, D. 2022 "2020". Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian [in Chinese]. Zhu, J-G, Rao, D (Eds.). Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian: 1–448 (printed in 2020 but not distributed until 2022). Beijing, Beijing Publishing Group.
2022 2023-01-01 Cynops puerensis Salamandridae China Rao, D. 2022 "2020". Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian [in Chinese]. Zhu, J-G, Rao, D (Eds.). Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian: 1–448 (printed in 2020 but not distributed until 2022). Beijing, Beijing Publishing Group.
2022 2023-01-01 Desmognathus mavrokoilius Plethodontidae United States Pyron RA, Beamer DA. 2022. Nomenclatural solutions for diagnosing ‘cryptic’ species using molecular and morphological data facilitate a taxonomic revision of the Black-bellied Salamanders (Urodela, Desmognathus ‘quadramaculatus’) from the southern Appalachian Mountains. Bionomina 27: 1–43. (10.11646/bionomina.27.1.1)
2022 2023-01-01 Desmognathus kanawha Plethodontidae United States Pyron RA, Beamer DA. 2022. Nomenclatural solutions for diagnosing ‘cryptic’ species using molecular and morphological data facilitate a taxonomic revision of the Black-bellied Salamanders (Urodela, Desmognathus ‘quadramaculatus’) from the southern Appalachian Mountains. Bionomina 27: 1–43. (10.11646/bionomina.27.1.1)
2022 2023-01-01 Desmognathus gvnigeusgwotli Plethodontidae United States Pyron RA, Beamer DA. 2022. Nomenclatural solutions for diagnosing ‘cryptic’ species using molecular and morphological data facilitate a taxonomic revision of the Black-bellied Salamanders (Urodela, Desmognathus ‘quadramaculatus’) from the southern Appalachian Mountains. Bionomina 27: 1–43. (10.11646/bionomina.27.1.1)
2022 2023-01-01 Amolops binchachaensis Ranidae China Rao, D. 2022 "2020". Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian [in Chinese]. Zhu, J-G, Rao, D (Eds.). Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian: 1–448 (printed in 2020 but not distributed until 2022). Beijing, Beijing Publishing Group.
2022 2023-01-01 Scutiger meiliensis Megophryidae China Rao, D. 2022 "2020". Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian [in Chinese]. Zhu, J-G, Rao, D (Eds.). Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian: 1–448 (printed in 2020 but not distributed until 2022). Beijing, Beijing Publishing Group.
2022 2023-01-01 Scutiger biluoensis Megophryidae China Rao, D. 2022 "2020". Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian [in Chinese]. Zhu, J-G, Rao, D (Eds.). Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian: 1–448 (printed in 2020 but not distributed until 2022). Beijing, Beijing Publishing Group.
2022 2023-01-01 Scutiger bangdaensis Megophryidae China Rao, D. 2022 "2020". Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian [in Chinese]. Zhu, J-G, Rao, D (Eds.). Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian: 1–448 (printed in 2020 but not distributed until 2022). Beijing, Beijing Publishing Group.
2022 2023-01-01 Leptolalax pingbianensis Megophryidae China Rao, D. 2022 "2020". Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian [in Chinese]. Zhu, J-G, Rao, D (Eds.). Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian: 1–448 (printed in 2020 but not distributed until 2022). Beijing, Beijing Publishing Group.
2022 2023-01-01 Nanorana bangdaensis Dicroglossidae China Rao, D. 2022 "2020". Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian [in Chinese]. Zhu, J-G, Rao, D (Eds.). Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian: 1–448 (printed in 2020 but not distributed until 2022). Beijing, Beijing Publishing Group.
2022 2023-01-01 Torrentophryne yongdeensis Bufonidae China Rao, D. 2022 "2020". Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian [in Chinese]. Zhu, J-G, Rao, D (Eds.). Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian: 1–448 (printed in 2020 but not distributed until 2022). Beijing, Beijing Publishing Group.
2022 2023-01-01 Bufo yunlingensis Bufonidae China Rao, D. 2022 "2020". Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian [in Chinese]. Zhu, J-G, Rao, D (Eds.). Atlas of Wildlife in Southwest China: Amphibian: 1–448 (printed in 2020 but not distributed until 2022). Beijing, Beijing Publishing Group.
2022 2022-12-31 Pseudoeurycea jaguar Plethodontidae Mexico Cazares-Hernández, Erasmo, H. D. Jimeno-Sevilla, Sean M. Rovito, Marco A. López-Luna and Luis Canseco-Márquez. 2022. A new arboreal Pseudoeurycea (Caudata: Plethodonti­dae) from the Sierra de Zongolica, Veracruz, Mexico. Vertebrate Zoology 72: 937-950. (10.3897/vz.72.e87275)
2022 2022-12-31 Onychodactylus sillanus Hynobiidae Korea, Republic of Borzée A, Shin Y, Poyarkov NA, Jeon JY, Baek HJ, Lee CH, An J, Hong YJ and Min M. 2022. Dwindling in the mountains: description of a critically endangered and microendemic Onychodactylus species (Amphibia, Hynobiidae) from the Korean Peninsula. Zoological Research 43(5): 750-755. (10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2022.048)
2022 2022-12-31 Hynobius sumidai Hynobiidae Japan Sugawara H, Naito J, Iwata T and Nagano M. 2022. Molecular Phylogenetic and Morphological Problems of the Aki Salamander Hynobius akiensis: Description of Two New Species from Chugoku, Japan. Bulletin of the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum, (Natural Science)(51): 35-46.
2022 2022-12-31 Hynobius owariensis Hynobiidae Japan Sugawara H, Fujitani T, Seguchi S, Sawahata T & Nagano M. 2022. Taxonomic Re-examination of the Yamato Salamander Hynobius vandenburghi: Description of a New Species from Central Honshu, Japan. Bulletin of the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum, (Natural Science)(51): 47-59.
2022 2022-12-31 Hynobius nihoensis Hynobiidae Japan Sugawara H, Tahara Y, Nakazono S, Matsukoji T & Nagano M. 2022. Taxonomic revision of the Yamaguchi salamander Hynobius bakan: Description of two new species from Chugoku and Kyushu, Japan. Science Report of the Yokosuka City Museum(69): 1-17.
2022 2022-12-31 Hynobius nagatoensis Hynobiidae Japan Sugawara H, Tahara Y, Nakazono S, Matsukoji T & Nagano M. 2022. Taxonomic revision of the Yamaguchi salamander Hynobius bakan: Description of two new species from Chugoku and Kyushu, Japan. Science Report of the Yokosuka City Museum(69): 1-17.
2022 2022-12-31 Hynobius geiyoensis Hynobiidae Japan Sugawara H, Naito J, Iwata T and Nagano M. 2022. Molecular Phylogenetic and Morphological Problems of the Aki Salamander Hynobius akiensis: Description of Two New Species from Chugoku, Japan. Bulletin of the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum, (Natural Science)(51): 35-46.
2022 2022-12-31 Kurixalus inexpectatus Rhacophoridae China Messenger KR, Othman SN, Chuang M-F, Yang Y, Borzée A. 2022. Description of a new Kurixalus

species (Rhacophoridae, Anura) and a northwards range extension of the genus. ZooKeys 1108: 15–49. (10.3897/zookeys.1108.81725)

2022 2022-12-31 Boana guarinimirim Hylidae Brazil Marinho P, Bang DL, Vidigal I and Giaretta AA. 2022. A new cryptic species of Boana (Hylinae: Cophomantini) of the B. polytaenia clade from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Journal of Herpetology. 56: 278–293. (10.1670/21-045)
2022 2022-12-31 Allobates kamilae Dendrobatidae Brazil Ferrão M, Hanken J and Lima AP. 2022. A new nurse frog of the Allobates tapajos species complex (Anura: Aromobatidae) from the upper Madeira River, Brazilian Amazonia. PeerJ 10: e13751. (10.7717/peerj.13751)
2022 2022-12-30 Desmognathus valtos Plethodontidae United States Pyron, RA, Beamer DA. 2022. Allocation of Salamandra auriculata Holbrook, 1838, with a new species of swamp-dwelling dusky salamander (Plethodontidae: Desmognathus) from the Atlantic Coastal Plain. Zootaxa 5188: 587–595. (10.11646/zootaxa.5188.6.6).)
2022 2022-12-30 Desmognathus balsameus Plethodontidae United States Pyron RA, Beamer DA. 2022. Systematics of the Ocoee Salamander (Plethodontidae: Desmognathus ocoee), with description of two new species from the southern Blue Ridge Mountains. Zootaxa 5190: 207–240. (10.11646/zootaxa.5190.2.3)
2022 2022-12-30 Desmognathus adatsihi Plethodontidae United States Pyron RA, Beamer DA. 2022. Systematics of the Ocoee Salamander (Plethodontidae: Desmognathus ocoee), with description of two new species from the southern Blue Ridge Mountains. Zootaxa 5190: 207–240. (10.11646/zootaxa.5190.2.3)
2022 2022-12-29 Mantidactylus tripunctatus Mantellidae Madagascar Scherz MD, A Crottini, CR Hutter, A Hildenbrand, F Andreone, TR Fulgence, G Köhler, SH Ndriantsoa, A Ohler, M.Preick, A Rakotoarison, L Rancilhac, JW Streicher, DR.Vieites, J Köhler, M Hofreiter, F Glaw, and M Vences. 2022. An inordinate fondness for inconspicuous brown frogs: integration of phylogenomics, archival DNA analysis, morphology, and bioacoustics yields 24 new taxa in the subgenus Brygoomantis (genus Mantidactylus) from Madagascar. Megataxa 7: 113–311 (10.11646/megataxa.7.2.1)
2022 2022-12-29 Hoplobatrachus salween Dicroglossidae Myanmar; Thailand Thongproh P, Chunskul J, Sringurngam Y, Waiprom L, Makchai S, Cota M, Duengkae P, Duangjai S, Hasan M, Chuaynkern C, Chuaynkern Y. 2022. A new species of the genus Hoplobatrachus Peters, 1863 (Anura, Dicroglossidae) from northwesten Thailand. Agriculture and Natural Resources 56: 1135–1152. (10.34044/j.anres.2022.56.6.08)
2022 2022-12-22 Tylototriton houi Salamandridae China Dufresnes C and A Hernandez. 2022. Towards completing the crocodile newts' puzzle with all-inclusive phylogeographic resources, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, zlac038. (10.1093/zoolinnean/zlac038)
2022 2022-12-22 Echinotriton raffaellii Salamandridae Japan Dufresnes C and A Hernandez. 2022. Towards completing the crocodile newts’ puzzle with all-inclusive phylogeographic resources, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, zlac038. (10.1093/zoolinnean/zlac038)
2022 2022-12-22 Nidirana guibeiensis Ranidae China Chen W-C, Ye J-P, Peng W-X, Li P, Su T-P, Yu G-D, and Cheng Z-Y. 2022. A new species of Nidirana (Anura, Ranidae) from northern Guangxi, China. ZooKeys 1135: 119–137. (10.3897/zookeys.1135.94371)
2022 2022-12-22 Odontophrynus toledoi Odontophrynidae Brazil Moroti MDT, M Pedrozo, MR Severgnini, G Augusto-Alves, S Dena, IA Martins, I Nunes & E Muscat. 2022 A new species of Odontophrynus (Anura, Odontophrynidae) from the southern portion of the Mantiqueira mountains. European Journal of Taxonomy 847(1): 160–193. (10.5852/ejt.2022.847.1991)
2022 2022-12-22 Mantidactylus stelliger Mantellidae Madagascar Scherz MD, A Crottini, CR Hutter, A Hildenbrand, F Andreone, TR Fulgence, G Köhler, SH Ndriantsoa, A Ohler, M.Preick, A Rakotoarison, L Rancilhac, JW Streicher, DR.Vieites, J Köhler, M Hofreiter, F Glaw, and M Vences. 2022. An inordinate fondness for inconspicuous brown frogs: integration of phylogenomics, archival DNA analysis, morphology, and bioacoustics yields 24 new taxa in the subgenus Brygoomantis (genus Mantidactylus) from Madagascar. Megataxa 7: 113–311 (10.11646/megataxa.7.2.19)
2022 2022-12-22 Mantidactylus steinfartzi Mantellidae Madagascar Scherz MD, A Crottini, CR Hutter, A Hildenbrand, F Andreone, TR Fulgence, G Köhler, SH Ndriantsoa, A Ohler, M.Preick, A Rakotoarison, L Rancilhac, JW Streicher, DR.Vieites, J Köhler, M Hofreiter, F Glaw, and M Vences. 2022. An inordinate fondness for inconspicuous brown frogs: integration of phylogenomics, archival DNA analysis, morphology, and bioacoustics yields 24 new taxa in the subgenus Brygoomantis (genus Mantidactylus) from Madagascar. Megataxa 7: 113–311 (10.11646/megataxa.7.2.2)
2022 2022-12-22 Mantidactylus riparius Mantellidae Madagascar Scherz MD, A Crottini, CR Hutter, A Hildenbrand, F Andreone, TR Fulgence, G Köhler, SH Ndriantsoa, A Ohler, M.Preick, A Rakotoarison, L Rancilhac, JW Streicher, DR.Vieites, J Köhler, M Hofreiter, F Glaw, and M Vences. 2022. An inordinate fondness for inconspicuous brown frogs: integration of phylogenomics, archival DNA analysis, morphology, and bioacoustics yields 24 new taxa in the subgenus Brygoomantis (genus Mantidactylus) from Madagascar. Megataxa 7: 113–311 (10.11646/megataxa.7.2.7)
2022 2022-12-22 Mantidactylus marintsoai Mantellidae Madagascar Scherz MD, A Crottini, CR Hutter, A Hildenbrand, F Andreone, TR Fulgence, G Köhler, SH Ndriantsoa, A Ohler, M.Preick, A Rakotoarison, L Rancilhac, JW Streicher, DR.Vieites, J Köhler, M Hofreiter, F Glaw, and M Vences. 2022. An inordinate fondness for inconspicuous brown frogs: integration of phylogenomics, archival DNA analysis, morphology, and bioacoustics yields 24 new taxa in the subgenus Brygoomantis (genus Mantidactylus) from Madagascar. Megataxa 7: 113–311 (10.11646/megataxa.7.2.11)
2022 2022-12-22 Mantidactylus manerana Mantellidae Madagascar Scherz MD, A Crottini, CR Hutter, A Hildenbrand, F Andreone, TR Fulgence, G Köhler, SH Ndriantsoa, A Ohler, M.Preick, A Rakotoarison, L Rancilhac, JW Streicher, DR.Vieites, J Köhler, M Hofreiter, F Glaw, and M Vences. 2022. An inordinate fondness for inconspicuous brown frogs: integration of phylogenomics, archival DNA analysis, morphology, and bioacoustics yields 24 new taxa in the subgenus Brygoomantis (genus Mantidactylus) from Madagascar. Megataxa 7: 113–311 (10.11646/megataxa.7.2.20)
2022 2022-12-22 Mantidactylus mahery Mantellidae Madagascar Scherz MD, A Crottini, CR Hutter, A Hildenbrand, F Andreone, TR Fulgence, G Köhler, SH Ndriantsoa, A Ohler, M.Preick, A Rakotoarison, L Rancilhac, JW Streicher, DR.Vieites, J Köhler, M Hofreiter, F Glaw, and M Vences. 2022. An inordinate fondness for inconspicuous brown frogs: integration of phylogenomics, archival DNA analysis, morphology, and bioacoustics yields 24 new taxa in the subgenus Brygoomantis (genus Mantidactylus) from Madagascar. Megataxa 7: 113–311 (10.11646/megataxa.7.2.1)
2022 2022-12-22 Mantidactylus kortei Mantellidae Madagascar Scherz MD, A Crottini, CR Hutter, A Hildenbrand, F Andreone, TR Fulgence, G Köhler, SH Ndriantsoa, A Ohler, M.Preick, A Rakotoarison, L Rancilhac, JW Streicher, DR.Vieites, J Köhler, M Hofreiter, F Glaw, and M Vences. 2022. An inordinate fondness for inconspicuous brown frogs: integration of phylogenomics, archival DNA analysis, morphology, and bioacoustics yields 24 new taxa in the subgenus Brygoomantis (genus Mantidactylus) from Madagascar. Megataxa 7: 113–311 (10.11646/megataxa.7.2.6)
2022 2022-12-22 Mantidactylus katae Mantellidae Madagascar Scherz MD, A Crottini, CR Hutter, A Hildenbrand, F Andreone, TR Fulgence, G Köhler, SH Ndriantsoa, A Ohler, M.Preick, A Rakotoarison, L Rancilhac, JW Streicher, DR.Vieites, J Köhler, M Hofreiter, F Glaw, and M Vences. 2022. An inordinate fondness for inconspicuous brown frogs: integration of phylogenomics, archival DNA analysis, morphology, and bioacoustics yields 24 new taxa in the subgenus Brygoomantis (genus Mantidactylus) from Madagascar. Megataxa 7: 113–311 (10.11646/megataxa.7.2.5)
2022 2022-12-22 Mantidactylus jonasi Mantellidae Madagascar Scherz MD, A Crottini, CR Hutter, A Hildenbrand, F Andreone, TR Fulgence, G Köhler, SH Ndriantsoa, A Ohler, M.Preick, A Rakotoarison, L Rancilhac, JW Streicher, DR.Vieites, J Köhler, M Hofreiter, F Glaw, and M Vences. 2022. An inordinate fondness for inconspicuous brown frogs: integration of phylogenomics, archival DNA analysis, morphology, and bioacoustics yields 24 new taxa in the subgenus Brygoomantis (genus Mantidactylus) from Madagascar. Megataxa 7: 113–311 (10.11646/megataxa.7.2.4)
2022 2022-12-22 Mantidactylus jahnarum Mantellidae Madagascar Scherz MD, A Crottini, CR Hutter, A Hildenbrand, F Andreone, TR Fulgence, G Köhler, SH Ndriantsoa, A Ohler, M.Preick, A Rakotoarison, L Rancilhac, JW Streicher, DR.Vieites, J Köhler, M Hofreiter, F Glaw, and M Vences. 2022. An inordinate fondness for inconspicuous brown frogs: integration of phylogenomics, archival DNA analysis, morphology, and bioacoustics yields 24 new taxa in the subgenus Brygoomantis (genus Mantidactylus) from Madagascar. Megataxa 7: 113–311 (10.11646/megataxa.7.2.10)
2022 2022-12-22 Mantidactylus incognitus Mantellidae Madagascar Scherz MD, A Crottini, CR Hutter, A Hildenbrand, F Andreone, TR Fulgence, G Köhler, SH Ndriantsoa, A Ohler, M.Preick, A Rakotoarison, L Rancilhac, JW Streicher, DR.Vieites, J Köhler, M Hofreiter, F Glaw, and M Vences. 2022. An inordinate fondness for inconspicuous brown frogs: integration of phylogenomics, archival DNA analysis, morphology, and bioacoustics yields 24 new taxa in the subgenus Brygoomantis (genus Mantidactylus) from Madagascar. Megataxa 7: 113–311 (10.11646/megataxa.7.2.3)
2022 2022-12-22 Mantidactylus gudrunae Mantellidae Madagascar Scherz MD, A Crottini, CR Hutter, A Hildenbrand, F Andreone, TR Fulgence, G Köhler, SH Ndriantsoa, A Ohler, M.Preick, A Rakotoarison, L Rancilhac, JW Streicher, DR.Vieites, J Köhler, M Hofreiter, F Glaw, and M Vences. 2022. An inordinate fondness for inconspicuous brown frogs: integration of phylogenomics, archival DNA analysis, morphology, and bioacoustics yields 24 new taxa in the subgenus Brygoomantis (genus Mantidactylus) from Madagascar. Megataxa 7: 113–311 (10.11646/megataxa.7.2.13)
2022 2022-12-22 Mantidactylus grubenmanni Mantellidae Madagascar Scherz MD, A Crottini, CR Hutter, A Hildenbrand, F Andreone, TR Fulgence, G Köhler, SH Ndriantsoa, A Ohler, M.Preick, A Rakotoarison, L Rancilhac, JW Streicher, DR.Vieites, J Köhler, M Hofreiter, F Glaw, and M Vences. 2022. An inordinate fondness for inconspicuous brown frogs: integration of phylogenomics, archival DNA analysis, morphology, and bioacoustics yields 24 new taxa in the subgenus Brygoomantis (genus Mantidactylus) from Madagascar. Megataxa 7: 113–311 (10.11646/megataxa.7.2.12)
2022 2022-12-22 Mantidactylus glosi Mantellidae Madagascar Scherz MD, A Crottini, CR Hutter, A Hildenbrand, F Andreone, TR Fulgence, G Köhler, SH Ndriantsoa, A Ohler, M.Preick, A Rakotoarison, L Rancilhac, JW Streicher, DR.Vieites, J Köhler, M Hofreiter, F Glaw, and M Vences. 2022. An inordinate fondness for inconspicuous brown frogs: integration of phylogenomics, archival DNA analysis, morphology, and bioacoustics yields 24 new taxa in the subgenus Brygoomantis (genus Mantidactylus) from Madagascar. Megataxa 7: 113–311 (10.11646/megataxa.7.2.18)
2022 2022-12-22 Mantidactylus georgei Mantellidae Madagascar Scherz MD, A Crottini, CR Hutter, A Hildenbrand, F Andreone, TR Fulgence, G Köhler, SH Ndriantsoa, A Ohler, M.Preick, A Rakotoarison, L Rancilhac, JW Streicher, DR.Vieites, J Köhler, M Hofreiter, F Glaw, and M Vences. 2022. An inordinate fondness for inconspicuous brown frogs: integration of phylogenomics, archival DNA analysis, morphology, and bioacoustics yields 24 new taxa in the subgenus Brygoomantis (genus Mantidactylus) from Madagascar. Megataxa 7: 113–311 (10.11646/megataxa.7.2.9)
2022 2022-12-22 Mantidactylus fergusoni Mantellidae Madagascar Scherz MD, A Crottini, CR Hutter, A Hildenbrand, F Andreone, TR Fulgence, G Köhler, SH Ndriantsoa, A Ohler, M.Preick, A Rakotoarison, L Rancilhac, JW Streicher, DR.Vieites, J Köhler, M Hofreiter, F Glaw, and M Vences. 2022. An inordinate fondness for inconspicuous brown frogs: integration of phylogenomics, archival DNA analysis, morphology, and bioacoustics yields 24 new taxa in the subgenus Brygoomantis (genus Mantidactylus) from Madagascar. Megataxa 7: 113–311 (10.11646/megataxa.7.2.8)
2022 2022-12-22 Mantidactylus eulenbergeri Mantellidae Madagascar Scherz MD, A Crottini, CR Hutter, A Hildenbrand, F Andreone, TR Fulgence, G Köhler, SH Ndriantsoa, A Ohler, M.Preick, A Rakotoarison, L Rancilhac, JW Streicher, DR.Vieites, J Köhler, M Hofreiter, F Glaw, and M Vences. 2022. An inordinate fondness for inconspicuous brown frogs: integration of phylogenomics, archival DNA analysis, morphology, and bioacoustics yields 24 new taxa in the subgenus Brygoomantis (genus Mantidactylus) from Madagascar. Megataxa 7: 113–311 (10.11646/megataxa.7.2.17)
2022 2022-12-22 Mantidactylus brevirostris Mantellidae Madagascar Scherz MD, A Crottini, CR Hutter, A Hildenbrand, F Andreone, TR Fulgence, G Köhler, SH Ndriantsoa, A Ohler, M.Preick, A Rakotoarison, L Rancilhac, JW Streicher, DR.Vieites, J Köhler, M Hofreiter, F Glaw, and M Vences. 2022. An inordinate fondness for inconspicuous brown frogs: integration of phylogenomics, archival DNA analysis, morphology, and bioacoustics yields 24 new taxa in the subgenus Brygoomantis (genus Mantidactylus) from Madagascar. Megataxa 7: 113–311 (10.11646/megataxa.7.2.16)
2022 2022-12-22 Mantidactylus bletzae Mantellidae Madagascar Scherz MD, A Crottini, CR Hutter, A Hildenbrand, F Andreone, TR Fulgence, G Köhler, SH Ndriantsoa, A Ohler, M.Preick, A Rakotoarison, L Rancilhac, JW Streicher, DR.Vieites, J Köhler, M Hofreiter, F Glaw, and M Vences. 2022. An inordinate fondness for inconspicuous brown frogs: integration of phylogenomics, archival DNA analysis, morphology, and bioacoustics yields 24 new taxa in the subgenus Brygoomantis (genus Mantidactylus) from Madagascar. Megataxa 7: 113–311 (10.11646/megataxa.7.2.15)
2022 2022-12-22 Mantidactylus augustini Mantellidae Madagascar Scherz MD, A Crottini, CR Hutter, A Hildenbrand, F Andreone, TR Fulgence, G Köhler, SH Ndriantsoa, A Ohler, M.Preick, A Rakotoarison, L Rancilhac, JW Streicher, DR.Vieites, J Köhler, M Hofreiter, F Glaw, and M Vences. 2022. An inordinate fondness for inconspicuous brown frogs: integration of phylogenomics, archival DNA analysis, morphology, and bioacoustics yields 24 new taxa in the subgenus Brygoomantis (genus Mantidactylus) from Madagascar. Megataxa 7: 113–311 (10.11646/megataxa.7.2.14)
2022 2022-12-22 Litoria insularis Hylidae Papua New Guinea Richards SJ & PM Oliver. 2022. A new species of insular treefrog in the Litoria thesaurensis species group from the Nakanai Mountains, New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Vertebrate Zoology 72: 1067-1076. (10.3897/vz.72.e91422)
2022 2022-12-22 Eleutherodactylus montserratae Eleutherodactylidae Montserrat Hedges, Stephen B. 2022. A new species of frog from the Caribbean island of Montserrat (Eleutherodactylidae, Eleutherodactylus). Zootaxa 5219(4): 375-387. (10.11646/zootaxa.5219.4.5)
2022 2022-12-22 Hyloxalus jhoncito Dendrobatidae Colombia Anganoy-Criollo M, A Viuche-Lozano, MP Enciso-Calle, MH Bernal, and T Grant. 2022. The Enigmatic Hyloxalus edwardsi Species Group (Anura: Dendrobatidae): Phylogenetic Position, a New Species, and New Putative Morphological Synapomorphies. Herpetologica 78(4), 253-267 (10.1655/Herpetologica-D-21-00015)
2022 2022-11-23 Rana kyoto Ranidae Japan Eto K, Matsui M, Sugahara T. 2022. Description of a new subterranean breeding brown frog (Ranidae: Rana) from Japan. Zootaxa 5209(4):401-25. (10.11646/zootaxa.5209.4.1)
2022 2022-11-23 Nyctibatrachus tunga Nyctibatrachidae India Kumar KP, Vishwajith H, Anisha A, Dayananda G, Gururaja KV, Priti H. 2022. A new cryptic species of Nyctibatrachus (Amphibia, Anura, Nyctibatrachidae) with description of its tadpole from the central Western Ghats, India. Zootaxa 5209(1):69-92. (10.11646/zootaxa.5209.1.4)
2022 2022-11-22 Pristimantis venegasi Strabomantidae Ecuador Ortega JA, Brito J, Ron SR. 2022. Six new species of Pristimantis (Anura: Strabomantidae) from Llanganates National Park and Sangay National Park in Amazonian cloud forests of Ecuador. PeerJ 10:e13761 (10.7717/peerj.13761)
2022 2022-11-22 Pristimantis tamia Strabomantidae Ecuador Ortega JA, Brito J, Ron SR. 2022. Six new species of Pristimantis (Anura: Strabomantidae) from Llanganates National Park and Sangay National Park in Amazonian cloud forests of Ecuador. PeerJ 10:e13761 (10.7717/peerj.13761)
2022 2022-11-22 Pristimantis resistencia Strabomantidae Ecuador Ortega JA, Brito J, Ron SR. 2022. Six new species of Pristimantis (Anura: Strabomantidae) from Llanganates National Park and Sangay National Park in Amazonian cloud forests of Ecuador. PeerJ 10:e13761 (10.7717/peerj.13761)
2022 2022-11-22 Pristimantis morlaco Strabomantidae Ecuador Sánchez-Nivicela JC, Toral-Contreras E, Urgiles VL. 2022. Una nueva especie de Pristimantis (Anura: Strabomantidae) de la provincia del Azuay, Andes sur de Ecuador. Neotropical Biodiversity 8:305–322. (10.1080/23766808.2022.2123731)
2022 2022-11-22 Pristimantis kunam Strabomantidae Ecuador Ortega JA, Brito J, Ron SR. 2022. Six new species of Pristimantis (Anura: Strabomantidae) from Llanganates National Park and Sangay National Park in Amazonian cloud forests of Ecuador. PeerJ 10:e13761 (10.7717/peerj.13761)
2022 2022-11-22 Pristimantis glendae Strabomantidae Ecuador Ortega JA, Brito J, Ron SR. 2022. Six new species of Pristimantis (Anura: Strabomantidae) from Llanganates National Park and Sangay National Park in Amazonian cloud forests of Ecuador. PeerJ 10:e13761 (10.7717/peerj.13761)
2022 2022-11-22 Pristimantis anaiae Strabomantidae Ecuador Ortega JA, Brito J, Ron SR. 2022. Six new species of Pristimantis (Anura: Strabomantidae) from Llanganates National Park and Sangay National Park in Amazonian cloud forests of Ecuador. PeerJ 10:e13761 (10.7717/peerj.13761)
2022 2022-11-10 Nototriton vereh Plethodontidae Costa Rica Kubicki B, Reyes A, Arias E. 2022. Revised taxonomy and distributions of Costa Rican moss salamanders

(Caudata: Plethodontidae: Nototriton), with descriptions of new taxa. Zootaxa 5194: 451–496. (10.11646/ZOOTAXA.5194.4.1)

2022 2022-11-10 Nototriton maximo Plethodontidae Costa Rica Kubicki B, Reyes A, Arias E. 2022. Revised taxonomy and distributions of Costa Rican moss salamanders

(Caudata: Plethodontidae: Nototriton), with descriptions of new taxa. Zootaxa 5194: 451–496. (10.11646/ZOOTAXA.5194.4.1)

2022 2022-11-10 Nototriton lateomuscus Plethodontidae Costa Rica Kubicki B, Reyes A, Arias E. 2022. Revised taxonomy and distributions of Costa Rican moss salamanders

(Caudata: Plethodontidae: Nototriton), with descriptions of new taxa. Zootaxa 5194: 451–496. (10.11646/ZOOTAXA.5194.4.1)

2022 2022-11-10 Nototriton kenorum Plethodontidae Costa Rica Kubicki B, Reyes A, Arias E. 2022. Revised taxonomy and distributions of Costa Rican moss salamanders

(Caudata: Plethodontidae: Nototriton), with descriptions of new taxa. Zootaxa 5194: 451–496. (10.11646/ZOOTAXA.5194.4.1)

2022 2022-11-08 Microhyla xodangorum Microhylidae Viet Nam Hoang CV, Nguyen TT, Phan TQ, Pham CT, Ninh HT, Wang B, Jiang J, Ziegler T, Nguyen TQ. 2022. Distribution pattern of the Microhyla heymonsi group (Anura, Microhylidae) with descriptions of two new species from Vietnam. European Journal of Taxonomy 846: 1–41. (10.5852/ejt.2022.846.1961)
2022 2022-11-08 Microhyla hmongorum Microhylidae Lao People's Democratic Republic; Myanmar; Viet Nam Hoang CV, Nguyen TT, Phan TQ, Pham CT, Ninh HT, Wang B, Jiang J, Ziegler T, Nguyen TQ. 2022. Distribution pattern of the Microhyla heymonsi group (Anura, Microhylidae) with descriptions of two new species from Vietnam. European Journal of Taxonomy 846: 1–41. (10.5852/ejt.2022.846.1961)
2022 2022-10-31 Microhyla dabieshanensis Microhylidae China Zhang C, Chen C, Zhang M, Wang Z, Ma H, Sun R, Jiang J, Zhang B. 2022. A new species of the genus Microhyla (Amphibia: Anura: Microhylidae) from the Dabie Mountains, China. Animals 12: 2894. (10.3390/ani12212894)
2022 2022-10-30 Amolops wangyali Ranidae Bhutan Mahony S, Nidup T, Streicher JW, Teeling EC, Kamei RG. 2022. A review of torrent frogs (Amolops: Ranidae) from Bhutan, the description of a new species, and reassessment of the taxonomic validity of some A. viridimaculatus group species aided by archival DNA sequences of century-old type specimens. Herpetological Journal 32: 142–175. (10.33256/32.3.142175)
2022 2022-10-28 Chiasmocleis jacki Microhylidae Brazil; French Guiana Fouquet A, Rodrigues MT, Peloso P. 2022. A new Chiasmocleis (Anura: Microhylidae) from the eastern Guiana Shield with an amended definition of C. haddadi Peloso, Sturaro, Forlani, Gaucher, Motta, & Wheeler, 2014. Zootaxa 5200(1): 1–23. (10.11646/zootaxa.5200.1.1)
2022 2022-10-28 Quasipaa taoi Dicroglossidae Lao People's Democratic Republic; Viet Nam Pham CT, Hoang CV, Phan TQ, Nguyen TQ, Ziegler T. 2022. Hidden in the jungle of Vietnam: a new species of Quasipaa (Amphibia, Anura, Dicroglossidae) from Ngoc Linh Mountain. ZooKeys 1124: 23–42. (10.3897/zookeys.1124.89282)
2022 2022-10-28 Brachycephalus clarissae Brachycephalidae Brazil Folly M, Vrcibradic D, Siqueira CC, Rocha CFD, Machado AS, Lopes RT, Pombal Jr JP. 2022. A new species of Brachycephalus (Anura, Brachycephalidae) from a montane Atlantic rainforest of southeastern Brazil, with a reappraisal of the species groups in the genus. Ichthyology & Herpetology 110(3): 585–601. (10.1643/h2020144)
2022 2022-10-25 Rhacophorus napoensis Rhacophoridae China Li J, Liu S, Yu G, Sun T.  2022. A new species of Rhacophorus (Anura, Rhacophoridae) from Guangxi, China. ZooKeys 1117:123-38. (10.3897/zookeys.1117.85787)
2022 2022-10-25 Raorchestes yadongensis Rhacophoridae China Zhang, H., G.-c. Shu, F. Shu, K. Li, Q. Liu, Y.-Y. Wu, B.-j. Dong, and P. Guo. 2022. A new species of bush frog (Anura, Rhacophoridae, Raorchestes ) from southern Xizang, China. Zootaxa 5195: 125–142. (10.11646/zootaxa.5195.2.2)
2022 2022-10-25 Rana zhijinensis Ranidae China Shasha Yan,Qingqing He,Tao Luo, et al. 2022. Description of a new species of the genus Rana (Anura: Ranidae) from western Guizhou, China, integrating morphological and molecular genetic data[J]. Zoological Systematics, 47(4): 275-292. (10.11865/zs.2022401)
2022 2022-10-25 Chiasmocleis abofoa Microhylidae Peru Rojas-Padilla O, Gagliardi-Urrutia G, Rios-Alva E, Castroviejo-Fisher S. 2022. A new species of Chiasmocleis Méhely, 1904 (Anura: Microhylidae) from the Peruvian Amazonia. Zootaxa 5195(1):24-50. (10.11646/zootaxa.5195.1.2)
2022 2022-10-25 Leptobrachella yunyangensis Megophryidae China Luo, T., W. Wang, D. Peng, B. Lei, H. Deng, S. Ji, H. Huang, and J. Zhou. 2022. A new species of the Asian Leaf Litter Toad genus Leptobrachella (Amphibia, Anura, Megophryidae) from Chongqing City, Southwest China. Asian Herpetological Research 13: 75–95. (10.16373/j.cnki.ahr.210052)
2022 2022-10-25 Occidozyga lingnanica Dicroglossidae China Lyu, Z.-T., J. Wang, Z.-C. Zeng, L. Luo, Y.-W. Zhang, C.-P. Guo, J.-L. Ren, S. Qi, Y.-m. Mo, and Y.-y. Wang. 2022. Taxonomic clarifications on the floating frogs (Anura: Dicroglossidae: Occidozyga sensu lato) in southeastern China. Vertebrate Zoology. Senckenberg 72: 495–512. (10.3897/vz.72.e80019)
Rana kyoto Ranidae Japan 23.11.2022 Eto K, Matsui M, Sugahara T. 2022. Description of a new subterranean breeding brown frog (Ranidae: Rana) from Japan. Zootaxa 5209(4):401-25. (10.11646/zootaxa.5209.4.1)
Rana kyoto Ranidae Japan 23.11.2022 class="wikitable"
Rana kyoto Ranidae Japan 23.11.2022 Eto K, Matsui M, Sugahara T. 2022. Description of a new subterranean breeding brown frog (Ranidae: Rana) from Japan. Zootaxa 5209(4):401-25. (10.11646/zootaxa.5209.4.1)
Rana kyoto Ranidae Japan 23.11.2022 Eto K, Matsui M, Sugahara T. 2022. Description of a new subterranean breeding brown frog (Ranidae: Rana) from Japan. Zootaxa 5209(4):401-25. (10.11646/zootaxa.5209.4.1)

Neu am 25.11.2022 aus AW 23.11.2022

Rana kyoto Ranidae Japan Eto K, Matsui M, Sugahara T. 2022. Description of a new subterranean breeding brown frog (Ranidae: Rana) from Japan. Zootaxa 5209(4):401-25. (10.11646/zootaxa.5209.4.1)

Neu am 12. Jan. 2022

Neu am 23. Dez. 2021

Neu am 22. Dez. 2021

Neu am 21. Dez. 2021

2021 17.08.2021 Pristimantis petersioides Strabomantidae Ecuador Carrión-Olmedo JC, and SR Ron. 2021. A new cryptic species of the Pristimantis lacrimosus group (Anura, Strabomantidae) from the eastern slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes. Evolutionary Systematics 5: 151–175. (10.3897/evolsyst.5.62661)
2021 2021-08-17 Oreobates colanensis Strabomantidae Peru Venegas, PJ, LA García-Ayachi, J Ormeño, S Bullard, A Catenazzi, and AP Motta. 2021. Two new species of terrestrial-breeding frogs (Anura: Brachycephaloidea) from Cordillera de Colán, Peru. Neotropical Biodiversity 7: 279–296. (10.1080/23766808.2021.1953894)
2021 2021-08-17 Lynchius waynehollomonae Strabomantidae Peru Venegas, PJ, LA García-Ayachi, J Ormeño, S Bullard, A Catenazzi, and AP Motta. 2021. Two new species of terrestrial-breeding frogs (Anura: Brachycephaloidea) from Cordillera de Colán, Peru. Neotropical Biodiversity 7: 279–296. (10.1080/23766808.2021.1953894)
2021 2021-08-17 Philautus nepenthophilus Rhacophoridae Malaysia Etter, L, A Haas, CC Lee, PY Min, I Das, and ST Hertwig. 2021. Out of the trap: A new phytothelm-breeding species of Philautus and an updated phylogeny of Bornean bush frogs (Anura: Rhacophoridae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 59: 1064–1096. (10.1111/jzs.12465)
2021 2021-08-17 Amolops adicola Ranidae India Patel NG, S Garg, A Das, BL Stuart, and SD Biju. 2021. Phylogenetic position of the poorly known montane cascade frog Amolops monticola (Ranidae) and description of a new closely related species from Northeast India, Journal of Natural History 55: 1403–1440. (10.1080/00222933.2021.1946185)
2021 2021-08-17 Phrynobatrachus amieti Phrynobatrachidae Cameroon; Nigeria Dolinay, M, T Nečas, BM Zimkus, A Schmitz, EB Fokam, EM Lemmon, AR Lemmon, and V Gvoždík. 2021. Gene flow in phylogenomics: Sequence capture resolves species limits and biogeography of Afromontane forest endemic frogs from the

Cameroon Highlands. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 163: 107258. (10.1016/j.ympev.2021.107258)

2021 2021-08-17 Xenorhina woxvoldi Microhylidae Papua New Guinea Günther R, and S Richards. 2021. Description of six new species of Xenorhina Peters, 1863 from southern Papua New Guinea (Amphibia, Anura, Microhylidae). Zoosystematics and Evolution 97: 355–382. (10.3897/zse.97.59696)
2021 2021-08-17 Xenorhina wiegankorum Microhylidae Papua New Guinea Günther R, and S Richards. 2021. Description of six new species of Xenorhina Peters, 1863 from southern Papua New Guinea (Amphibia, Anura, Microhylidae). Zoosystematics and Evolution 97: 355–382. (10.3897/zse.97.59696)
2021 2021-08-17 Xenorhina thiekeorum Microhylidae Papua New Guinea Günther R, and S Richards. 2021. Description of six new species of Xenorhina Peters, 1863 from southern Papua New Guinea (Amphibia, Anura, Microhylidae). Zoosystematics and Evolution 97: 355–382. (10.3897/zse.97.59696)
2021 2021-08-17 Xenorhina pohleorum Microhylidae Papua New Guinea Günther R, and S Richards. 2021. Description of six new species of Xenorhina Peters, 1863 from southern Papua New Guinea (Amphibia, Anura, Microhylidae). Zoosystematics and Evolution 97: 355–382. (10.3897/zse.97.59696)
2021 2021-08-17 Xenorhina perexigua Microhylidae Papua New Guinea Günther R, and S Richards. 2021. Description of six new species of Xenorhina Peters, 1863 from southern Papua New Guinea (Amphibia, Anura, Microhylidae). Zoosystematics and Evolution 97: 355–382. (10.3897/zse.97.59696)
2021 2021-08-17 Xenorhina lacrimosa Microhylidae Papua New Guinea Günther R, and S Richards. 2021. Description of six new species of Xenorhina Peters, 1863 from southern Papua New Guinea (Amphibia, Anura, Microhylidae). Zoosystematics and Evolution 97: 355–382. (10.3897/zse.97.59696)
2021 2021-08-17 Phrynomantis newtoni Microhylidae Angola Ceríaco LMP, BS Santos, MP Marques, AM Bauer, and A Tiutenko. 2021. Citizen Science meets specimens in old formalin filled jars: a new species of Banded Rubber Frog, genus Phrynomantis (Anura, Phrynomeridae) from Angola. Alytes 38: 18–48.
2021 2021-08-17 Micryletta hekouensis Microhylidae China Liu S, M Hou, M Mo, and D Rao. 2021. A new species of Micryletta Dubois, 1987 (Anura, Microhylidae) from Yunnan Province, China. Herpetozoa 34: 131–140. (10.3897/herpetozoa.34.e69755)
2021 2021-08-17 Kalophrynus puncak Microhylidae Malaysia Fukuyama I, M Matsui, K Eto, MY Hossman, and K Nishikawa. 2021. Discovery of a deeply divergent and highly endemic frog lineage from Borneo: A taxonomic revision of Kalophrynus nubicola Dring, 1983 with descriptions of two new species (Amphibia: Anura: Microhylidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger 293: 326–343. (10.1016/j.jcz.2021.06.016)
2021 2021-08-17 Kalophrynus dringi Microhylidae Malaysia Fukuyama I, M Matsui, K Eto, MY Hossman, and K Nishikawa. 2021. Discovery of a deeply divergent and highly endemic frog lineage from Borneo: A taxonomic revision of Kalophrynus nubicola Dring, 1983 with descriptions of two new species (Amphibia: Anura: Microhylidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger 293: 326–343. (10.1016/j.jcz.2021.06.016)
2021 2021-08-17 Leptobrachella shiwandashanensis Megophryidae China Chen W, W Peng, W Pan, N Liao, Y Liu, and Y Huang. 2021. A new species of Leptobrachella Smith 1925 (Anura: Megophryidae) from Southern Guangxi, China. Zootaxa 5020: 581–596. (10.11646/zootaxa.5020.3.8)
2021 2021-08-17 Leptobrachella graminicola Megophryidae Viet Nam Nguyen LT, B Tapley, CT Nguyen, HV Luong, and JJL Rowley. 2021. A new species of Leptobrachella (Anura, Megophryidae) from Mount Pu Ta Leng, northwest Vietnam. Zootaxa 5016: 301–332. (10.11646/zootaxa.5016.3.1)
2021 2021-08-17 Hyloscirtus conscientia Hylidae Ecuador Yánez-Muñoz MH, JP Reyes-Puig, D Batallas-Revelo, C Broaddus, M Urgilés-Merchán, DF Cisneros-Heredia, and JM Guayasamin. 2021. A new Andean treefrog (Amphibia: Hyloscirtus bogotensis group) from Ecuador: an example of community involvement for conservation. PeerJ 9: e11914. (10.7717/peerj.11914)
2021 2021-08-17 Boana eucharis Hylidae Brazil Fouquet A, P Marinho, A Réjaud, TR Carvalho, MA Caminer, M Jansen, RN Rainha, MT Rodrigues, FP Werneck, AP Lima, T Hrbek, AA Giaretta, PJ Venegas, G Chávez, & S Ron. 2021. Systematics and biogeography of the Boana albopunctata species group (Anura, Hylidae), with the description of two new species from Amazonia. Systematics and Biodiversity 19: 375–399. (10.1080/14772000.2021.1873869)
2021 2021-08-17 Boana courtoisae Hylidae Brazil Fouquet A, P Marinho, A Réjaud, TR Carvalho, MA Caminer, M Jansen, RN Rainha, MT Rodrigues, FP Werneck, AP Lima, T Hrbek, AA Giaretta, PJ Venegas, G Chávez, & S Ron. 2021. Systematics and biogeography of the Boana albopunctata species group (Anura, Hylidae), with the description of two new species from Amazonia. Systematics and Biodiversity 19: 375–399. (10.1080/14772000.2021.1873869)
2021 2021-08-17 Conraua sagyimase Conrauidae Ghana Neira-Salamea K, C Ofori-Boateng, NG Kouamé, DC Blackburn, GH Segniagbeto, A Hillers, MF Barej, AD Leaché, and M-O Rödel. 2021. A new critically endangered slippery frog (Amphibia, Conrauidae, Conraua) from the Atewa Range, central Ghana. Zootaxa 4995: 71–95. (10.11646/zootaxa.4995.1.4)
2021 2021-07-22 Gracixalus ziegleri Rhacophoridae Viet Nam Le DT, YT Do, TT Tran, TQ Nguyen, NL Orlov, HT Ninh, and TT Nguyen. 2021. A new species of Gracixalus (Anura: Rhacophoridae) from northern Vietnam. Russian Journal of Herpetology 28: 111–122. (10.30906/1026-2296-2021-28-3-111-122)
2021 2021-07-22 Dendropsophus tapacurensis Hylidae Brazil Oliveira RF de, FdM Magalhães, BFdV Teixeira, GJB de Moura, CR Porto, FPBB Guimarães, AA Giaretta, and MS Tinôco. 2021. A new species of the Dendropsophus decipiens Group (Anura: Hylidae) from

Northeastern Brazil. PLoS ONE 16: e0248112. (10.1371/journal.pone.0248112)

2021 2021-07-19 Chirixalus pantaiselatan Rhacophoridae Indonesia Munir, M, A Hamidy, MD Kusrini, UF Kennedi, MA Ridha, DI Qayyim, R Rafsanzani, and K Nishikawa. 2021. A new species of Chirixalus Boulenger, 1893 (Anura: Rhacophoridae) from the lowland forests of Java. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 69: 219–234. (10.26107/RBZ-2021-0018)
2021 2021-07-19 Amolops teochew Ranidae China Zeng, Z-C, J Wang, Z-T Lyu, and Y-Y Wang. 2021. A new species of Torrent frog (Anura, Ranidae, Amolops) from the Coastal Hills of Southeastern China. Zootaxa 5004: 151–166. (10.11646/zootaxa.5004.1.6)
2021 2021-07-19 Proceratophrys kaingang Odontophrynidae Brazil Santana, DJ, S Mângia, S da Silva Alves Saccol, and T Gomes dos Santos. 2021. A new species of Proceratophrys Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920 (Anura, Odontophrynidae) of the P. bigibbosa species group from Southern Brazil. Vertebrate Zoology 71: 387–401. (10.3897/vz.71.e67894)
2021 2021-07-19 Nanorana xuelinensis Dicroglossidae China Liu, S, P Zhang, D Rao. 2021. A new species of Nanorana Günther, 1896 (Anura, Dicroglossidae) from Yunnan, China. ZooKeys 1048: 49–67. (10.3897/zookeys.1048.65620)
  • 2021 2021-08-17 Pristimantis petersioides Strabomantidae Ecuador Carrión-Olmedo JC, and SR Ron. 2021. A new cryptic species of the Pristimantis lacrimosus group (Anura, Strabomantidae) from the eastern slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes. Evolutionary Systematics 5: 151–175. (10.3897/evolsyst.5.62661)
  • 2021 2021-08-17 Oreobates colanensis Strabomantidae Peru Venegas, PJ, LA García-Ayachi, J Ormeño, S Bullard, A Catenazzi, and AP Motta. 2021. Two new species of terrestrial-breeding frogs (Anura: Brachycephaloidea) from Cordillera de Colán, Peru. Neotropical Biodiversity 7: 279–296. (10.1080/23766808.2021.1953894)
  • 2021 2021-08-17 Lynchius waynehollomonae Strabomantidae Peru Venegas, PJ, LA García-Ayachi, J Ormeño, S Bullard, A Catenazzi, and AP Motta. 2021. Two new species of terrestrial-breeding frogs (Anura: Brachycephaloidea) from Cordillera de Colán, Peru. Neotropical Biodiversity 7: 279–296. (10.1080/23766808.2021.1953894)
  • 2021 2021-08-17 Philautus nepenthophilus Rhacophoridae Malaysia Etter, L, A Haas, CC Lee, PY Min, I Das, and ST Hertwig. 2021. Out of the trap: A new phytothelm-breeding species of Philautus and an updated phylogeny of Bornean bush frogs (Anura: Rhacophoridae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 59: 1064–1096. (10.1111/jzs.12465)
  • 2021 2021-08-17 Amolops adicola Ranidae India Patel NG, S Garg, A Das, BL Stuart, and SD Biju. 2021. Phylogenetic position of the poorly known montane cascade frog Amolops monticola (Ranidae) and description of a new closely related species from Northeast India, Journal of Natural History 55: 1403–1440. (10.1080/00222933.2021.1946185)
  • 2021 2021-08-17 Phrynobatrachus amieti Phrynobatrachidae Cameroon; Nigeria Dolinay, M, T Nečas, BM Zimkus, A Schmitz, EB Fokam, EM Lemmon, AR Lemmon, and V Gvoždík. 2021. Gene flow in phylogenomics: Sequence capture resolves species limits and biogeography of Afromontane forest endemic frogs from the Cameroon Highlands. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 163: 107258.


  • 2021 2021-08-17 Xenorhina woxvoldi Microhylidae Papua New Guinea Günther R, and S Richards. 2021. Description of six new species of Xenorhina Peters, 1863 from southern Papua New Guinea (Amphibia, Anura, Microhylidae). Zoosystematics and Evolution 97: 355–382. (10.3897/zse.97.59696)
  • 2021 2021-08-17 Xenorhina wiegankorum Microhylidae Papua New Guinea Günther R, and S Richards. 2021. Description of six new species of Xenorhina Peters, 1863 from southern Papua New Guinea (Amphibia, Anura, Microhylidae). Zoosystematics and Evolution 97: 355–382. (10.3897/zse.97.59696)
  • 2021 2021-08-17 Xenorhina thiekeorum Microhylidae Papua New Guinea Günther R, and S Richards. 2021. Description of six new species of Xenorhina Peters, 1863 from southern Papua New Guinea (Amphibia, Anura, Microhylidae). Zoosystematics and Evolution 97: 355–382. (10.3897/zse.97.59696)
  • 2021 2021-08-17 Xenorhina pohleorum Microhylidae Papua New Guinea Günther R, and S Richards. 2021. Description of six new species of Xenorhina Peters, 1863 from southern Papua New Guinea (Amphibia, Anura, Microhylidae). Zoosystematics and Evolution 97: 355–382. (10.3897/zse.97.59696)
  • 2021 2021-08-17 Xenorhina perexigua Microhylidae Papua New Guinea Günther R, and S Richards. 2021. Description of six new species of Xenorhina Peters, 1863 from southern Papua New Guinea (Amphibia, Anura, Microhylidae). Zoosystematics and Evolution 97: 355–382. (10.3897/zse.97.59696)
  • 2021 2021-08-17 Xenorhina lacrimosa Microhylidae Papua New Guinea Günther R, and S Richards. 2021. Description of six new species of Xenorhina Peters, 1863 from southern Papua New Guinea (Amphibia, Anura, Microhylidae). Zoosystematics and Evolution 97: 355–382. (10.3897/zse.97.59696)
  • 2021 2021-08-17 Phrynomantis newtoni Microhylidae Angola Ceríaco LMP, BS Santos, MP Marques, AM Bauer, and A Tiutenko. 2021. Citizen Science meets specimens in old formalin filled jars: a new species of Banded Rubber Frog, genus Phrynomantis (Anura, Phrynomeridae) from Angola. Alytes 38: 18–48.
  • 2021 2021-08-17 Micryletta hekouensis Microhylidae China Liu S, M Hou, M Mo, and D Rao. 2021. A new species of Micryletta Dubois, 1987 (Anura, Microhylidae) from Yunnan Province, China. Herpetozoa 34: 131–140. (10.3897/herpetozoa.34.e69755)
  • 2021 2021-08-17 Kalophrynus puncak Microhylidae Malaysia Fukuyama I, M Matsui, K Eto, MY Hossman, and K Nishikawa. 2021. Discovery of a deeply divergent and highly endemic frog lineage from Borneo: A taxonomic revision of Kalophrynus nubicola Dring, 1983 with descriptions of two new species (Amphibia: Anura: Microhylidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger 293: 326–343. (10.1016/j.jcz.2021.06.016)
  • 2021 2021-08-17 Kalophrynus dringi Microhylidae Malaysia Fukuyama I, M Matsui, K Eto, MY Hossman, and K Nishikawa. 2021. Discovery of a deeply divergent and highly endemic frog lineage from Borneo: A taxonomic revision of Kalophrynus nubicola Dring, 1983 with descriptions of two new species (Amphibia: Anura: Microhylidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger 293: 326–343. (10.1016/j.jcz.2021.06.016)
  • 2021 2021-08-17 Leptobrachella shiwandashanensis Megophryidae China Chen W, W Peng, W Pan, N Liao, Y Liu, and Y Huang. 2021. A new species of Leptobrachella Smith 1925 (Anura: Megophryidae) from Southern Guangxi, China. Zootaxa 5020: 581–596. (10.11646/zootaxa.5020.3.8)
  • 2021 2021-08-17 Leptobrachella graminicola Megophryidae Viet Nam Nguyen LT, B Tapley, CT Nguyen, HV Luong, and JJL Rowley. 2021. A new species of Leptobrachella (Anura, Megophryidae) from Mount Pu Ta Leng, northwest Vietnam. Zootaxa 5016: 301–332. (10.11646/zootaxa.5016.3.1)
  • 2021 2021-08-17 Hyloscirtus conscientia Hylidae Ecuador Yánez-Muñoz MH, JP Reyes-Puig, D Batallas-Revelo, C Broaddus, M Urgilés-Merchán, DF Cisneros-Heredia, and JM Guayasamin. 2021. A new Andean treefrog (Amphibia: Hyloscirtus bogotensis group) from Ecuador: an example of community involvement for conservation. PeerJ 9: e11914. (10.7717/peerj.11914)
  • 2021 2021-08-17 Boana eucharis Hylidae Brazil Fouquet A, P Marinho, A Réjaud, TR Carvalho, MA Caminer, M Jansen, RN Rainha, MT Rodrigues, FP Werneck, AP Lima, T Hrbek, AA Giaretta, PJ Venegas, G Chávez, & S Ron. 2021. Systematics and biogeography of the Boana albopunctata species group (Anura, Hylidae), with the description of two new species from Amazonia. Systematics and Biodiversity 19: 375–399. (10.1080/14772000.2021.1873869)
  • 2021 2021-08-17 Boana courtoisae Hylidae Brazil Fouquet A, P Marinho, A Réjaud, TR Carvalho, MA Caminer, M Jansen, RN Rainha, MT Rodrigues, FP Werneck, AP Lima, T Hrbek, AA Giaretta, PJ Venegas, G Chávez, & S Ron. 2021. Systematics and biogeography of the Boana albopunctata species group (Anura, Hylidae), with the description of two new species from Amazonia. Systematics and Biodiversity 19: 375–399. (10.1080/14772000.2021.1873869)
  • 2021 2021-08-17 Conraua sagyimase Conrauidae Ghana Neira-Salamea K, C Ofori-Boateng, NG Kouamé, DC Blackburn, GH Segniagbeto, A Hillers, MF Barej, AD Leaché, and M-O Rödel. 2021. A new critically endangered slippery frog (Amphibia, Conrauidae, Conraua) from the Atewa Range, central Ghana. Zootaxa 4995: 71–95. (10.11646/zootaxa.4995.1.4)
  • 2021 2021-07-22 Gracixalus ziegleri Rhacophoridae Viet Nam Le DT, YT Do, TT Tran, TQ Nguyen, NL Orlov, HT Ninh, and TT Nguyen. 2021. A new species of Gracixalus (Anura: Rhacophoridae) from northern Vietnam. Russian Journal of Herpetology 28: 111–122. (10.30906/1026-2296-2021-28-3-111-122)
  • 2021 2021-07-22 Dendropsophus tapacurensis Hylidae Brazil Oliveira RF de, FdM Magalhães, BFdV Teixeira, GJB de Moura, CR Porto, FPBB Guimarães, AA Giaretta, and MS Tinôco. 2021. A new species of the Dendropsophus decipiens Group (Anura: Hylidae) from

Northeastern Brazil. PLoS ONE 16: e0248112. (10.1371/journal.pone.0248112)

  • 2021 2021-07-19 Chirixalus pantaiselatan Rhacophoridae Indonesia Munir, M, A Hamidy, MD Kusrini, UF Kennedi, MA Ridha, DI Qayyim, R Rafsanzani, and K Nishikawa. 2021. A new species of Chirixalus Boulenger, 1893 (Anura: Rhacophoridae) from the lowland forests of Java. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 69: 219–234. (10.26107/RBZ-2021-0018)
  • 2021 2021-07-19 Amolops teochew Ranidae China Zeng, Z-C, J Wang, Z-T Lyu, and Y-Y Wang. 2021. A new species of Torrent frog (Anura, Ranidae, Amolops) from the Coastal Hills of Southeastern China. Zootaxa 5004: 151–166. (10.11646/zootaxa.5004.1.6)
  • 2021 2021-07-19 Proceratophrys kaingang Odontophrynidae Brazil Santana, DJ, S Mângia, S da Silva Alves Saccol, and T Gomes dos Santos. 2021. A new species of Proceratophrys Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920 (Anura, Odontophrynidae) of the P. bigibbosa species group from Southern Brazil. Vertebrate Zoology 71: 387–401. (10.3897/vz.71.e67894)
  • 2021 2021-07-19 Nanorana xuelinensis Dicroglossidae China Liu, S, P Zhang, D Rao. 2021. A new species of Nanorana Günther, 1896 (Anura, Dicroglossidae) from Yunnan, China. ZooKeys 1048: 49–67. (10.3897/zookeys.1048.65620)