Benutzer Diskussion:Luxo/Archiv2010
Hallo Luxo, da ich heute wieder fast einen Geburtstag (DerHexer) vergessen habe, dachte ich mir importierst du dir die wichtigen Geburtstage irgendwie in deinen Kalender. Dabei bin ich auf den Feed deines Geburtstagskalender gestoßen und fand die Idee toll, leider hab ich festgestellt, dass der Feed kaputt ist. Vielleicht kannst du dir den Fehler mal anschauen und beheben. Grüße -- Berliner Schildkröte 00:02, 8. Feb. 2010 (CET)
Is there a way to watch the talk-pages associated with main articles using Gwatch? For example, if I have this article on en:Sharon Tate in my watchlist, what should I do if I want the Gwatch to automatically inform me of any changes made to its related talk page?
Thank you in advance for your help and I'm sorry to have to bother you.
Incidentally, I think that the Gwatch is a great idea, since it's really troublesome to jump over all the watched articles to check the individual watchlists. If one could have a dream, e-mail notifications would make the system absolutely perfect :) But, as it is, the Gwatch is a really handy tool and I'm really grateful to you for creating it!
Cheers! -- Bartteks 17:02, 22. Feb. 2010 (CET)
- If you have Sharon Tate on your watchlist, you watch it's talk page automatically too (like the normal wikipedia watchlist). E-mail notifications is a good idea, but at the moment I'm a bit busy so I must set back that to a later date :) Greetings,--LuxoTS - ja? 20:17, 22. Feb. 2010 (CET)
gWatch I can't log in
good day to you! I tried to log in but got an error message saying that I don't exist... well that's probably just a prophecy, an easy one at that since we are all mortals, nevertheless, in the meantime, please can you help me with that? --Hope&Act3! 18:25, 18. Mär. 2010 (CET)
- You can't use your wikipedia login there, you must create a new account. The toolserver belongs not to wikipedia, so it's for toolserver tools not possible to verify a wikipedia password. Greetings,--LuxoTS - ja? 18:34, 18. Mär. 2010 (CET)
- Thank you very much for that quick answer, indeed I was asked to create an account, I thought it was meaning a new one which then would not watch my account, weird! tchüss, --Hope&Act3! 18:52, 18. Mär. 2010 (CET)
Integrated Watch of user accounts
Hi. Thanks for the gWatch, it's a great idea. I am trying to add my talk pages from en.wikipedia and wikimedia commons, in addition to my most active talk page on Wikisource, but it won't accept more than one user talk page. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks. Ineuw on English Wikisource 19:03, 18. Mär. 2010 (CET)
- probably yes, it should be possible. Click add a page to the watchlist > "User:Ineuw" (If you watch your User page, the talk page is watched automatically too, like wikipedia) > select your wiki, e.g. "" > The page "User:Ineuw" from has been added to your watchlist. > back >... < this process for every talk page. You should see all pages you watch at Greetings,--LuxoTS - ja? 19:43, 18. Mär. 2010 (CET)
- Many thanks. Success! Now I know what I did wrong. :-). Have a nice day. Ineuw talk page on 13:06, 19. Mär. 2010 (CET)
Global user contributions
Hi. I'from pt-wikipedia. I think you are responsible for this page. There's a mistake on the portuguese version. Where it says "Mostre blocos", should be written "Mostre bloqueios", that means "show blocks".
You can contact me on pt.wikipedia if you want. Thanks. Teles (Diskussion / pt-wiki talk) 00:23, 22. Mär. 2010 (CET)
Crosswiki Range contributions
Hi Luxo,
Today I came accross a tool from SoxRed93 which shows the contributions for all IPs in (for example) a CIDR IP-range. However I also noticed it is currently limited to en.wikipedia (View source). I was wondering if you could maybe add support for CIDR-ranges into ~luxo/contributions-tool making it even more awesome then it already is. Krinkle 13:20, 24. Mär. 2010 (CET)
- Hm I must clarify if the database load is tolerable.. Greetings,--LuxoTS - ja? 15:24, 26. Mär. 2010 (CET)
Hallo Luxo, könntest Du die Unterzeile "This pcture was reworked.." vielleicht linksbündig hinkriegen? Schönen Gruß, --AM 11:32, 28. Mär. 2010 (CEST)
- So?--LuxoTS - ja? 12:32, 28. Mär. 2010 (CEST)
- :-) Genau so. Aber, sag mal, jetzt ist das Logo links unten so isoliert und wirkt etwas verloren. Kann man den Abstand zum Textblock noch etwas verringern (nur horizontal)? Ciao, --AM 12:51, 28. Mär. 2010 (CEST)
- Nächster Versuch ;)--LuxoTS - ja? 13:16, 28. Mär. 2010 (CEST)
- Wunderbar, danke, schönen Sonntag noch. --AM 17:49, 28. Mär. 2010 (CEST)
Hallo Luxo, zunächst mal Danke für das tolle Tool, ich nutze es gern, es erleichtert die Arbeit doch ungemein. Heute wollte ich es für ein Bild mit der Lizenz (auf Commons) {{CERN-CMS}} nutzen. Die wollte Dein Tool aber nicht. OK, denke, ich hab es auch von Hand hinbekommen. Aber vielleicht lohnt ja eine Lösung? Gruß Anka ☺☻Wau! 12:36, 7. Apr. 2010 (CEST)
- Jep, lag daran dass die Vorlage nicht mit "PD-" begonnen hat. Da sie noch zimlich wenig verwendet wird, habe ich sie auf {{PD-CERN-CMS}} umbenannt. Gruss,--LuxoTS - ja? 17:19, 7. Apr. 2010 (CEST)
- Super. Danke. Anka ☺☻Wau! 18:14, 7. Apr. 2010 (CEST)
User contributions
Hi, I wonder if it's possibile to add the following two features to tools:~luxo/contributions/contributions.php:
- the possibility to see contributions only from one family (wikiquote, wikipedia etc.), or to order projects by family and then language code: this is useful e.g. to check interwiki bots work on a single family;
- the possibility to specify a time to "recent changes" (e.g., to show contributions of last mont, week etc.): now it's difficult to see in which projects the user is active, because the last n contributions may be one ore, one day but also years old.
Thank you, Nemo bis 11:17, 25. Apr. 2010 (CEST)
Landevolte in Gleitschirmfliegen
Moin Luxo,
schönes Bild einer Landevolte. Schön währe noch die Positionskreise und das diese die gleiche Drehrichtung haben zu sehen. grussWachs 16:13, 5. Mai 2010 (CEST)
- Hallo Wachs, ich habe das Bild nur übersetzt, das Original ist aus der französischen WP. Aber ich versuche den Kreis mal einzuzeichnen. Gruss--LuxoTS - ja? 17:06, 5. Mai 2010 (CEST)
- Hi Luxo & Wachs. Thanks for translating the image. Could one of you explain what this "Positionskreise" is ? I might be able to add it to the french version but I have no idea what it is. You can answer in German, I can read it (I just forgot how to write it since I left school ;) ). --PiRK 07:25, 15. Mai 2010 (CEST)
- Oops, I just noticed that the explanation is written next to the image in Gleitschirmfliegen. You can disregard my question. PiRK 07:28, 15. Mai 2010 (CEST)
- Hi PiRK, I've tryed to draw the "Positionskreis" to the svg, but I can't see the text and the additional parachute in the image (File:U-förmige_Gleitschirm_Landevolte.svg#filehistory)... Do you have any idea why?--LuxoTS - ja? 12:50, 15. Mai 2010 (CEST)
- Sometimes the wikimedia software is just not able to properly render a svg picture that looks fine with Inkscape. When this kind of problem happens, I just try to convert all the text object to path and save my file as plain SVG instead of inkscape svg. There is also a problem of updating: when you upload a new version of the picture sometimes the PNG thumbnails are not updated and the image seems to be incorrect according to the preview while it actually is OK when you access the original file (most of the versions you uploaded are just fine if you watch the original svg file with firefox: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]). Here is some more documentation: commons:Help:SVG#Frequently_asked_questions, commons:Commons:FAQ#Why is the old picture and not the new uploaded picture on my screen? (Or-- my thumbnail is wrong.) PiRK 01:09, 17. Mai 2010 (CEST)
- text is now converted to path. I know the problem with the inkscape svg, all my versions are saved as plain svg. I've tried purging the page, but that hasn't taken effect. Sometimes the mediawiki parser is a mystery :P --LuxoTS - ja? 18:30, 17. Mai 2010 (CEST)
- Sometimes the wikimedia software is just not able to properly render a svg picture that looks fine with Inkscape. When this kind of problem happens, I just try to convert all the text object to path and save my file as plain SVG instead of inkscape svg. There is also a problem of updating: when you upload a new version of the picture sometimes the PNG thumbnails are not updated and the image seems to be incorrect according to the preview while it actually is OK when you access the original file (most of the versions you uploaded are just fine if you watch the original svg file with firefox: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]). Here is some more documentation: commons:Help:SVG#Frequently_asked_questions, commons:Commons:FAQ#Why is the old picture and not the new uploaded picture on my screen? (Or-- my thumbnail is wrong.) PiRK 01:09, 17. Mai 2010 (CEST)
- Hi PiRK, I've tryed to draw the "Positionskreis" to the svg, but I can't see the text and the additional parachute in the image (File:U-förmige_Gleitschirm_Landevolte.svg#filehistory)... Do you have any idea why?--LuxoTS - ja? 12:50, 15. Mai 2010 (CEST)
gwatch. Lost password
Hi. About - How do I retrieve my password? Please reply here:
Zum Geburtstag

wünsche ich Dir alles Gute, Gesundheit, Glück, Zufriedenheit und weiterhin viel Freude und Erfolg im realen Leben aber auch in Wikipedia. Ansonsten wünsche ich Dir noch frohes neues Jahr 2011. Feier aber nicht zu wild!!! Außerdem wünsche ich Dir noch eine besinnliche Adventszeit und ein frohes Weihnachtsfest.--Pittimann besuch mich 09:44, 14. Dez. 2010 (CET)
User contrib tool typo
Hi Luxo! There is a request at Village pump of Hungarian WP since 28. Juni, because of you wrote the translation is temporary disabled. Please correct this typo in the translation: "Februér" -> "Február". Thanks – BáthoryPéter 10:34, 15. Dez. 2010 (CET)
contributions.php is not working propely
This page is not working for my user name. It was worked. pls check.