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Earl of Warwick
Henry de Beaumont, 1. Earl of Warwick
Roger de Beaumont, 2. Earl of Warwick
Thomas de Beauchamp, 11. Earl of Warwick
Thomas de Beauchamp, 12. Earl of Warwick
Henry de Beauchamp, 1. Duke of Warwick
Anne Beauchamp, 15. Countess of Warwick
Anne Neville, 16. Countess of Warwick
Richard Neville, 16. Earl of Warwick
Edward Plantagenet, 17. Earl of Warwick
John Dudley, 1. Duke of Northumberland
Robert Rich, 1. Earl of Warwick
Robert Rich, 2. Earl of Warwick
Robert Rich, 3. Earl of Warwick
Guy Greville, 9. Earl of Warwick