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Gemäß Gonzalo Rubio bezeichnet "Alloglottographie (…) das Phänomen, einen Text in einer anderen Sprache zu schreiben als der, in der er gelesen werden soll".[1]

  • Ilya Gershevitch: The alloglottography of Old Persian (=Transactions of the Philological Society. Band 77.1). Wiley-Blackwell 1979.
  • Gonzalo Rubio: Writing in another Tongue: Alloglottography and scribal antiquarianism in the Ancient Near East. In: S. Sanders (Hrsg.): Margins of Writing, Origins of Cultures. 2. Ausgabe. University of Chicago Press, 2007, S. 33–70.
  1. "Alloglottography designates the phenomenon of writing a text in a language different from the language in which it is intended to be read". Gonzalo Rubio: Writing in another Tongue: Alloglottography and scribal antiquarianism in the Ancient Near East. In: S. Sanders (Hrsg.): Margins of Writing, Origins of Cultures. 2. Ausgabe. University of Chicago Press, 2007, S. 33.