During the Second World War I was a Medical Administrative Corps officer in the United States Army stationed at a prisoner-of-war camp just south of the Remagen bridge on the west side of the Rhine River. During my stay there, I became friends with a German Army medical officer named Hans Vorbush. We kept in touch for a number of years until he came to the USA. His wife was also a medical doctor, a psychiatrist, if I remember correctly.
Dr. Vorbuch sent some of his paintings to me that I have kept. He also sent to me copies of some of his personal papers that I still have.
Do you have an address for Dr. Vorbush or any member of his family. If so, I would appreciate receing that information. I would then contact Dr. Vorbush or a family member to see if they want the materials I have from Dr. Vorbush.
Thank you for your assistance.
Thomas Miles tomiles#PeoplePC.com
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