Diskussion:A Collection of Historical Archives of Tibet

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 11 Jahren von Fjalnes in Abschnitt Zitat (Dokument 23)
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Zitat (Dokument 23)

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Ich hab das folgende Zitat erstmal entfernt, weil es so ganz ohne Erläuterung nicht zum Verständnis des Artikels beiträgt. Aber damit es nicht verloren geht leg ich es hier ab. Vielleicht kann es jemand der sich mit dem Thema auskennt sinnvoll wieder in den Artikel einbauen. --Fjalnes (Diskussion) 00:06, 11. Feb. 2013 (CET)Beantworten

„From the Emperor to Whom Heaven Has Entrusted Rule. An Imperial Decree. We rule that which is under Heaven. In the four directions all who admire righteousness and return in allegiance to Us are treated with proper decorum and appointed with official positions. You, *Shuk künkyab [Shuosi gongshi jian] have long dwelled in the Western lands and you have heard of Our renown and influence. You are able to follow your own inclinations, demonstrate loyalty and obedience, and maintain the security of the frontier territory. We praise this. Now We have established the Ngari Tribal Military Command and have ordered that you take up the post of Marshal. Moreover you should think things through thoroughly, be circumspect, and respect discipline, so as to suitably comfort the tribal masses and ensure peace in the frontier regions. Our intention for this appointment is to create the Huaiyuan General [“the General who Cherishes the Remote Lands”], Marshal of the Ngari Tribal Military Commission, and We appropriately order that *Shuk künkyab (3) act according to this [appointment]. The 2nd Month of the 6th Year of Hongwu [23 February – 24 March 1373 (4)]“[1]

  1. Xizang zizhiqu dang’anguan, Xizang lishi dang’an huicui (A Collection of Historical Archives of Tibet), Cultural Relics Publishing House, Beijing, 1995, doc. 23. – zitiert nach Elliot Sperling: Interpretation of History Since 1950. (PDF) boell.de – abgerufen am 9. April 2011