Diskussion:Douglas Slocombe

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"Bei seiner Kamera- und Lichtführung konnte nie ein expliziter „Slocombe-Stil“ festgestellt werden"

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Spielberg: "Well, I said to my cameraman Janusz Kaminski, Let's not move Indiana Jones into a twenty-first-century techno thriller. Indiana Jones has to stay traditional, and in order to do that, let's not change the lighting style from what Douglas Slocombe established from the first three adventures. And he was on board for that." Kaminski: "We sat down at the screening room here at Amblin and we watched there the previous three movies and it was just amazing right to see not just how the story progresses but how the technology advances and how certain things became new but yet there's a consistency in all the three stories which is basically the visual representation of the story: It's very glamorous, it's very warm, it's very kind of high-key. It's an action adventure that's occasionally suspenseful and dark, but it's never too dark and it's never too bright. It's got this very specific Hollywood-glossy look to the picture." (Indiana Jones 4 Pre-production)

Auch wenn das nichts beweist: Wo ist der Beleg für die in der Überschrift zitierte Behauptung? -- 18:22, 13. Okt. 2015 (CEST)Beantworten