Diskussion:Georg Rosen (Diplomat, 1895)

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 15 Jahren von Henrig in Abschnitt Rosens Rolle in Nanking
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Rosens Rolle in Nanking

[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Die Beschreibung von Rosens Rolle in Nanking scheint mir etwas knapp ausgefallen zu sein! Vielleicht könnte man hier noch etwas hinzufügen. Aber zumindest existiert überhaupt ein deutscher Artikel zu Georg Rosen, der ja auch enzyklopädiegemäß einen guten Grundüberblick gibt.

Auf der englischen Diskussionsseite zu John Rabe habe ich nun heute mal mit nachfolgendem Wortlaut eine Anregung hineingestellt, auch eine englische Seite zu Georg Rosen zu erstellen. Mal sehen, ob dies jemand macht, der sich in der englischen Formulierung sicherer fühlt als ich.

According to Florian Gallenberger's current film about John Rabe, the idea of a safety zone came from Georg Rosen, a German diplomat of partly Jewish anchestry. A German diplomat of Jewish background in 1937 - at first sight this sounds unbelievable and owed to typical film genres such as the typical Nazi Fließ in this film, an imaginary figure at the location, created only for the purpose of showing the difference to the member of the Nazi party John Rabe. But Georg Rosen was no artificial character! He really existed and made desperate efforts to show his government, what happened in Nanking.

He also sent a detailled report with a copy of John Magee's film to his government and demanded, it to be handed over to Hitler. It's hard to say, what he expected. Like Rabe, a great deal of his knowledge of Nazi Germany originated from propaganda newspapers, which drew Hitler as a superman or a kind of a messiah. I think, he didn't really believe this, but made an attempt, to be sure. He more clutched at straws. The only result of his efforts was, that he was fired. As my English is not good, I'd suggest, someone creates an article about Georg Rosen (Diplomat). There is already a short article existing in German language.

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--Henrig 20:22, 16. Aug. 2009 (CEST)Beantworten