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  • http://keithparry.chez-alice.fr//Crime%20and%20Punishment.htm zur "Volksjustiz" in England
  • http://print.google.com/print?hl=en&id=75-p8tCiTacC S. 48 zu Italien
  • A Youth Confraternity in Florence, 1411-1785. Konrad Eisenbichler. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998. Darstellung der ältesten Jugendlichen-Bruderschaft in Florenz
  • Polizzotto, L. Children of the promise: the confraternity of the purification and the socialization of youths in Florence, 1427-1785. Oxford University Press, 2004" documents the significant part that youth confraternities played in the education and socialization of Florentine male adolescents."

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