Diskussion:Legio IIII Scythica

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 6 Jahren von Drz
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Gibt es einen bestimmten Grund warum es "Legio IIII" und nicht "Legio IV" heisst?

Sieht mir aus wie der klassische Roemische-Zahlen-Fehler. Oder ist das gar beabsichtigt?
Kein Fehler, sondern die in römischer Zeit übliche Schreibweise der Zahl 4, die sich auch etwa auf den meisten Inschriften findet.--StefanC 19:03, 21. Apr. 2008 (CEST)Beantworten

Identifying the base of the Roman IV legion "Scythica" in ‎‎"Tayyibe/Israel" (and erasing "Al-Taybah im Syrische Wüste") ‎is clearly mistaken, eventhough ancient sources are not clear ‎about the exact site of Oresa. I am afraid that there are no ‎archaeological nor historical traces of such Roman military, or ‎otherwise, base in the vicinity of Tayybeh, Israel. Furthermore, in ‎Syria and in Israel there are several places called Taybeh or ‎Tayyibe or Taibeh or Tayiba (the Arabic spelling of the name ‎الطيّبة‎ is always the same, but varies in transliteration to European ‎languages). According to the Notitia Dignitatum (in partibus Orientis, XXXIII), both Legio IV ‎Scythica and Legio XVI Flavia Firma were relocated from the ‎upper Euphrates region, respectively, to the heart of Syria. It is ‎quite obvious that the IV legion was stationed at the Al-Taybah ‎Oasis in the Syrian Desert (Palmyra province), known to flourish ‎in the first centuries AD also an important archaeological site.‎ If you insist on Israel – you'll have 3 different Taybeh to choose ‎from, not a single one of them had anything to do with the ‎Roman eastern limes of the 4th century AD or with any part ‎of the Roman-Persian front. ‎Drz (Diskussion) 10:16, 18. Jul. 2018 (CEST)Beantworten