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Letzter Kommentar: vor 2 Monaten von in Abschnitt A clarification on a point of these rules
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A clarification on a point of these rules

[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Perhaps something from the source text is missing here -- it is said that whoever wins all tricks recieves 30 extra points and pays 10 tokens to bulka, but that doesn't make any sense to me! The only use for points according to this text as far as I can see is to determine the winner of the hand, who then keeps playing against the other opponent. All the actual money that accumulates until someone can win 3 in a row is in the pot instead. There are no cumulative points carried from game to game - that's the role of the money accumulating in the pot in this game instead. And obviously someone who performs a slam has already won that hand, regardless of the bonus (I double-checked if the announcements done irrespective of trick play could ever win you half the points in the game themselves; not even close). So sure, the 10 extra tokens to the pot for slam makes sense, but what point is there to the 30 extra points here?

Perhaps there's an additional payment to the bulka on the basis of say point differences between the players at the end of each hand not described in this article? It is def part of this game's description more general*, but IDK if its in this booklet or not? Then the extra 30 points would further increase the bulka's value as well and be of some use..

Could someone with the booklet confirm?

(*) I checked the Bulka entry in the old end-19ct Czech encyclopedia, Ottův slovník naučný from 1891, that happens to be accessible on archive.org (vol 4 is the final part of 'B' , at https://archive.org/details/ottvslovnknauni18ottogoog/page/n4/mode/2up ), and it gives basically these very rules (missing mostly just the actual 'prices' in cash or tokens of various scoring elements that need to be payed into the pot, which surely varied anyhow) ; that entry was one of the 2 main primary sources used by Robert Kissel for this reconstruction published by Piatnik (he describes the reconstruction process and events when researching it in "Bohemian Bulka: the Missing Link in the History of Trappola -- The text of Robert Kissel's address to the IPCS1987 Convention in Fribourg" from the journal of I.P.C.S. No 27 vol 1). And there the content of the pot is said to consists of basically the exact same sources of payments, except it also states that losers of the game pay into the pot beyond just the lost ante (vsázky všech účastníků na počátku hry, dále poplatky z každé prohrané hry: bets of all participants at the beginning of the game, as well as fees from each lost game). -- 17:51, 6. Okt. 2024 (CEST)Beantworten

I got the booklet myself and can see the answer; nope I was being just dense; no further payment is made in this way in these rules, but the slam bonus is still necessary because no exchanges are allowed in these rules except by mutual agreement unlike the rules in that dictionary that I initially considered, and so with just half the deck, it is indeed possible to need this slam bonus to win even if you catch all the tricks in the worst possible distribution. -- 03:45, 15. Okt. 2024 (CEST)Beantworten