Benutzerin:Elitre (WMF)
Dies ist die Benutzerseite eines Benutzers, der Mitglied des Personals der Wikimedia Foundation war oder als Auftragnehmer für die Foundation gearbeitet hat. Um eine historische Aufzeichnung zu erhalten, wurde sie nicht gelöscht. Die angegebenen Kontaktinformationen können jedoch falsch sein, da dieser Nutzer nicht mehr bei der Foundation beschäftigt ist. Um mit den derzeitigen Mitarbeitern der Foundation Kontakt aufzunehmen, siehe Kategorie:Mitarbeiter der Wikimedia Foundation oder [Wikimedia Foundation/Organizational chart Mitarbeiter und Auftragnehmer]. Wenn du Hilfe benötigst, um die richtigen Mitarbeiter für ein Problem zu finden, kontaktiere |
About me
Hi! I'm Italian, and I've been a steady presence in the Wikimedia Movement since ca. 2005 (former admin at Italian Wikipedia and Commons; main focus on copyright problems, communicating with our readers and content donors, partner institutions). Read more at my volunteer userpage. I use that account for all my volunteer work on the wikis.
I can read a few languages, and Italian is my mother tongue. I find that, despite everything, English is a good common ground to communicate, so nobody needs to apologize while making the effort to use it. I truly welcome anyone's mediation to communicate with people unable to use it.User language | ||
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Users by language |
My work
I was hired to assist with the launch of the visual editor in 2013; I helped several communities with its adoption, and I later got involved with several other products and features before becoming my own team's line manager in 2018. Until September 2023 I led this hard-working, widely appreciated team of community-facing folks. I am grateful beyond words to have had them in my life, and for the community people who collaborated with us in the past decade (and will keep supporting them) to ensure this Movement's success.
Before getting hired here, I pushed the Wikimedia Foundation to become intentionally global re: liaisons work. See also my 2013 interview, and my tips for getting a job at WMF.
Contact me
via my volunteer account, or find me on LinkedIn.