Wikipedia:Projektdiskussion/Paid translation pilot underway - seeking additional German translators
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The Wikimedia Foundation is ready to accept additional members onto our new Organization communications translators group. In particular, we are in need of additional German, Chinese, and Russian translators.
We are looking for 3-5 translators in each of the target languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Russian, and Spanish) to join for a paid translators pilot which we project will last for the remainder of this fiscal year.
To apply to join this project, please visit this Wikimedia Foundation position posting.
Apologies for posting this in English, but I hope given the purpose people will appreciate that we are targeting people who can speak both German and English. Thank you. --Gregory Varnum (Wikimedia Foundation) (Diskussion) 16:41, 26. Nov. 2019 (CET)