Wikipedia:Working Group Arthistory + Wikipedia

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kuwiki. Working Group Art History + Wikipedia is an initiative that wants to contribute to the recognition and reflection of the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia as a repository of knowledge, a working tool and an important medium of knowledge communication - and to finally get actively involved in the online encyclopedia. Based on the session Edit: Art Studies in Wikipedia at the conference Digital Experiences and Strategies in Art History after a Year of the Corona Pandemic, art historians and Wikipedians (as well as colleagues who are both) have been working together in kuwiki since spring 2021 to gather expertise, increase the number and quality of articles on art history subjects, and to develop new formats of collaboration.

The initiative is supported by Ulmer Verein, the German Association for Art History, and the Digital Art History Working Group. In March 2022, the Living Handbook project developed by kuwiki members was awarded the Deubner Prize at the German Art History Congress in Stuttgart.

Aims of the Working Group

  • Expansion and improvement of articles on art in Wikipedia
  • Promoting the exchange between scholars, volunteer authors, and interested parties
  • Share knowledge and research skills
  • Networking of Wikipedians with contact persons in the subject (patrons)
  • Development of a Living Handbook for the work on art scientific articles in Wikipedia
  • Promotion of the use of Wikipedia in teaching art history, in art education and in the preservation of historical monuments

Join kuwiki

The Working Group brings together art historians and Wikipedians (and people who are both) - students, PhD students, postdocs, professors, long-time Wikipedia authors, and newcomers.
Meetings are usually held every two weeks via Zoom; between meetings, communication takes place via mailinglist and via Zulip. If you are interested in joining, please contact X: @AGkuwiki, Hashtags: #kuwiki, #youkuwiki

Wikipedia: For Beginners

The tips in English are coming soon

This user contributes to Wikidata, the free knowledge base.
Ich wurde für die ProjektEule 2022 nominiert.
Ich wurde für die KulturEule 2023 nominiert.
Ich war bei der
WikiCon 2021 Erfurt.

Ich war bei der
WikiCon 2022 Stralsund.
This user attended Wikimania 2023.
Ich war bei der
WikiCon 2023 Linz.

Upcoming Events

kuwiki tips&tools: Online Series

kuwiki tips & tools

Art History Loves Wiki, Munich/online

January 10-12, 2025
Art History Loves Wiki 2025

Past Events

Provenance Loves Wiki, Berlin/online

January 12–14, 2024
Provenance Loves Wiki
The documentation of past events of kuwiki you can find here (in German).


Project I: Living Handbook for Art-Scientific Articles in Wikipedia

Knowledge on art history finds its way into Wikipedia in many forms: through individual articles on works of art and architecture, through biographical entries on artists, and through overview texts on epochs, styles, or technical terms. The history of the subject is made comprehensible in articles on art scholars, historical and current research approaches, and particularly intensively received publications. The thematic spectrum of the articles is wide - as is the quality of the available contributions.

Starting with monographic articles on works of art and architecture in Wikipedia, our goal is to develop a Living Handbook for creating and editing articles on art historical subjects. Without limiting the wide scope of Wikipedia to a predefined norm or format, we are working together - as a cooperation between scholars and citizen scientists - to develop suggestions for the structure of articles, the correct use of terminology, and the assurance of scholarly quality. The project is open by definition, so that changes and further developments are possible at any time; this not only corresponds to the idea of Wikipedia, but also takes into account the character of the art sciences as a living humanities discipline. The Living Handbook is intended to contribute to good articles in art history - good in two senses, because the articles should meet the requirements of the subject as well as the logics, conditions and goals of the digital encyclopedia.

The project was prepared at two workshops in February and March 2022 (see Events) and presented and discussed at the German Art History Congress in Stuttgart (March 2022). Work on the Living Handbook has been ongoing since summer 2022. On January 26, 2023, the Living Handbook was presented to the public as part of the kuwiki tips&tools event series. Since 2023, work has been underway on an English-language version of the Living Handbook.

Project II: Wikipedia and University Teaching

For a long time, Wikipedia was considered a devil's work by art history lecturers: the information was not authorized by renowned scholars, every article could be changed at any time, and laboriously uploaded papers were simply deleted by some "layman". Sometimes even the year of birth of an artist or the format of a picture was wrongly indicated! Little thought was given to the potential of the free online encyclopedia for use in teaching, to the common responsibility for correcting errors, and to the benefits for the countless other Wikipedia users. This has now changed - Wikipedia has become an intensively used and widely accepted repository of knowledge. Indeed, at many universities work on the encyclopedia is now a regular part of teaching. In seminars, lecturers experiment with teaching formats that use writing for Wikipedia as training in writing texts that are both scientifically sound and understandable to a wide audience. Students expand and correct art history articles, thus making their acquired knowledge available to the general public.
The kuwiki project on the use of Wikipedia in university teaching aims to present the teaching formats tested so far as well as their results and to make the experience accessible. In November 2022, various approaches were presented at a session of the tips&tools series. A list of courses can be found on the project page. In the coming months, a handout with tips for university teaching will be created.

Project III: Kuwiki Loves Monuments, too. Art Historians Photograph for Wiki Loves Monuments

Since 2011, the international photo contest Wiki Loves Monuments has been held every September. Hundreds of thousands of photos are submitted and contribute to the improvement of the free online encyclopedia. Since 2023, kuwiki calls on colleagues from museums, universities and cultural heritage institutions to take part in the competition. Talks, panels, and upload tutorials are being organized.
→ Website Wiki Loves Monuments