2MASS J16154255+4953211

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2MASS J16154255+4953211
ÄquinoktiumJ2000.0, Epoche: J2000.0
Sternbild Hercules
Rektaszension 16h 15m 42s,6
Deklination 2495321+49° 53′ 21″
Helligkeit (J-Band) (16,79 ± 0,14) mag
Spektralklasse L4γ
Entfernung (31,25 ± 0,98) pc
µα∙cos(δ) (−80 ± 12) mas/a
µδ (+18 ± 12) mas/a
2MASSI J16154255+4953211 • SDSS J161542.54+495321.2 • WISE J161542.45+495321.3

2MASS J16154255+4953211 ist ein L-Zwerg im Sternbild Hercules in einer Entfernung von rund 30 Parsec. Metchev et al. (2015) schätzten die Rotationsperiode des Objektes auf rund 24 Stunden.

  • Reid et al. (2008): Meeting the cool neighbors. X. Ultracool dwarfs from the 2MASS all-sky data release; in: The Astronomical Journal 136, S. 1290–1311, bibcode:2008AJ....136.1290R
  • Metchev et al. (2015): Weather on other worlds. II. Survey results: spots are ubiquitous on L and T dwarfs; in: The Astronomical Journal 799, bibcode:2015ApJ...799..154M
  • Vos et al. (2019): A search for variability in exoplanet analogues and low-gravity brown dwarfs; in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, S. 480–502, bibcode:2019MNRAS.483..480V
  • Richey-Yowell et al. (2020): On the correlation between L dwarf optical and infrared variability and radio aurorae; in: The Astronomical Journal 903, bibcode:2020ApJ...903...74R