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  1. ! /usr/bin/env python
  2. -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
# '''

# Das folgende Programm '' ist noch ganz unbefriedigend, wohl aber bereits arbeitsfähig.
# Wird es in einem linux-System, in dem Python (Version <3.0) installiert ist,
# in einer der folgenden Arten aufgerufen:
#   python infile
#   python infile outfile
#   python infile >outfile
# wo 'infile' ein File ist, welches u.a. die zu untersuchenden Zeilen GEBURTSDATUM/STERBEDATUM enthält,
# gibt es inkorrekte derartige Zeilen aus.
# ('infile' kann ein ganzes Dumpfile sein, das Programm ist dann allerdings nicht sehr schnell.
# [Wenn infile nur die Personenartikel enthält, benötigt das Programm 
# auf einem 5 Jahre alten Durchschnitts-PC etwa 9 Minuten.]
# Zudem werden auch Zeilen, die formal wie Zeilen von Personendaten aussehen, behandelt und eventuell bemängelt.)

# Als Optionsparameter kann -0, -1, ..., -10 angegeben werden, also etwa
#   python -5 infile
# Dadurch wird die Interpretation von 'um' gesteuert.
# Je kleiner der Optionswert (0, ..., 10), umso kleiner das sich ergebende Intervall.
# Das angegebene '-5' etwa bedeutet:

#   'um 12. Jahrhundert' wird interpretiert als 'zwischen 1071 und 1230' (+/- 30 Jahre)
#   'um 1250'            wird interpretiert als 'zwischen 1247 und 1253' (+/-  3 Jahre)
#   'um Mai 1250'        wird interpretiert als 'zwischen April 1250 und Juni 1250' (+/- 1 Monat)
#   'um 15. Mai 1250'    wird interpretiert als 'zwischen 5. Mai 1250 und 25. Mai 1250' (+/- 10 Tage)

# Der default-Wert entspricht '-7'. Das heißt
#    +/- 1 Jahrhundert, +/- 10 Jahre, +/- 3 Monate, +/- 1 Monat, je nach der Genauigkeit der Zeitangabe.
# (Für andere Werte siehe 'um_widening' im Programmtext.)

# Das Programm enthält einen schweren Entwurfsfehler, der vor einer Funktionserweiterung
# (etwa zur Bestimmung des gesamten Zeitintervals, zwecks Abgleich mit den Kategorien)
# beseitigt werden sollte: die frühzeitige Interpretation von 'um', 'nach', 'vor',
# sofort bei Erkennung dieser Formen.
# Die Interpretation sollte verschoben werden, bis die gesamten Angaben bearbeitet wurden.
# Dazu ist allerdings noch eine Erweiterung der benutzten Datenstrukturen erforderlich.
# version 01: quick-and-dirty changes, to handle the changed formats from february 2018.
#   outdated lines (mostly) aren't deleted, but commented out by '#-#'
#   done:
#       1) lowest date changed (for "Leanderthal lady")
#       2) no linking of centuries anymore
#       3) 'um'-clauses in 'vor'-, 'nach'-, 'zwischen'-clauses
#       4) only "–" in a range, not "/"
#       5) no n.–m. Jahrhundert anymore
# Es folgt das eigentliche Programm (jedoch ist auch dieses gesamte File arbeitsfähig):
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
import sys, re, time
# class DRS (common of Date, Range, Sieve)
# The class represents properties, common to
# Date, Range, and Sieve.
class DRS:
    # ======
    def lo_extrem( self ):  return   self. lo(). lo_extrem()
    def hi_extrem( self ):  return   self. hi(). hi_extrem()
    # ======
    def is_empty ( self ):  return ( self. lo_extrem() > self. hi_extrem() )
    # ======
    def overlap( self, u ):
        assert  isinstance( u, DRS  )

        mi = max( self. lo_extrem(), u. lo_extrem() )
        ma = min( self. hi_extrem(), u. hi_extrem() )

        return  Range( ( mi, ma ) )
# class Date
# The class represents dates, containing century, year, month and day.
#   Some of these informations can be missing from a date.
#   (For the representation of the parts, see below.)
# Instantiations are inmutable ones.
# 'year' means 'year in its century' here, a 'full' year is named 'fyear'.
class Date( DRS ):
    CYMD = 4  # number of 'components' of a date

    def __init__(self, u=(), **keys):
        if    isinstance( u, tuple ):
            assert len(u) <= CYMD
            c, y, m, d = ( u + CYMD * (None,) )[:CYMD]
            circa = False
        elif  isinstance( u, Date  ):
            c, y, m, d = u. elems()
            circa = u. circa()
            assert False

        if "c" in keys:  c = keys. get( "c" )
        if "y" in keys:  y = keys. get( "y" )
        if "m" in keys:  m = keys. get( "m" )
        if "d" in keys:  d = keys. get( "d" )

        if "fy" in keys:  # fyear: full year (i.e. year incl. century)
                    #   fyear        -->  c, y
                    #   -199 .. -100 --> -1, 0 .. -1, 99
                    #    -99 ..    0 -->  0, 0 ..  0, 99
                    #      1 ..  100 -->  1, 0 ..  1, 99
            fyear = keys. get( "fy" )
            c = (fyear - 1) // 100 + 1
            y = (fyear - 1)  % 100

        if "circa" in keys:  circa = keys. get( "circa" )

        assert (y != None)  <=  ( c != None )

        self. elems_ = ( c, y, m, d )
        self. circa_ = circa

        # note defects
        self. defects_ = False

    # ======
    def elems  ( self ):  return  self. elems_
    def circa  ( self ):  return  self. circa_
    def defects( self ):
        if ( self. defects_ == False ):
            self. defects_ = []

            c, y, m, d = self. elems()
            assert (y == None)  or  (  year_lo <= y <=  year_hi )
            assert (m == None)  or  ( month_lo <= m <= month_hi )

            if ( d != None ):
                mm = "day number " + extern_day_string( d )
                m1 = " invalid"
                m2 = " invalid for this month"
                m3 = " invalid for this month and year"

                if    ( d < day_lo                         ):  assert False
                elif  ( d > day_hi( Date(              ) ) ):  self. defects_ += [ mm + m1 ]
                elif  ( d > day_hi( Date(           m=m) ) ):  self. defects_ += [ mm + m2 ]
                elif  ( d > day_hi( Date( c=c, y=y, m=m) ) ):  self. defects_ += [ mm + m3 ]

            fy = self. fyear()
            if ( c != None  and  y != None )  and  ( fy < fyear_input_lo ):
                mm = ( "year "    + extern_fyear_string( fy )
                                  + " is before the first handled year" )
                self. defects_ += [ mm ]

            if ( c != None  and  y == None )  and  ( c < cent_input_lo ):
                mm = ( "century " + extern_cent_string( c )
                                  + " is before the first handled century" )
                self. defects_ += [ mm ]

            if ( c != None )  and  ( ultima_input. hi() < self. lo_extrem() ):
                mm = "a given date is a future date"
                self. defects_ += [ mm ]

            if ( d != None )  and  in_gap( self ):
                mm = "dates 5. to 14. October 1582 aren't existing"
                self. defects_ += [ mm ]

        return self. defects_
    def c( self ):  return  self. elems() [0]
    def y( self ):  return  self. elems() [1]
    def m( self ):  return  self. elems() [2]
    def d( self ):  return  self. elems() [3]
    # ======
    def fyear( self ):
        c, y, m, d = self. elems()

        c = (c  if c != None else  0)  # value unused for c == None
        y = (y  if y != None else  0)
        return  100 * (c - 1) + (y + 1)
    def lo( self ):  return  self
    def hi( self ):  return  self
    # ======
    def lo_extrem( self ):
        assert  self. is_monotonic()
        c, y, m, d = self. elems()

        c = c  if (c != None) else  cent_lo
        y = y  if (y != None) else  year_lo
        m = m  if (m != None) else  month_lo
        d = d  if (d != None) else  day_lo

        return Date( (c, y, m, d) )
    # ======
    def hi_extrem( self ):
        assert  self. is_monotonic()
        c, y, m, d = self. elems()

        c = c  if (c != None) else  cent_hi
        y = y  if (y != None) else  year_hi
        m = m  if (m != None) else  month_hi
        d = d  if (d != None) else  day_hi( Date( self, d=None ) )

        return Date( (c, y, m, d) )
    def __eq__( self, date ):
        r = (self. elems() == date. elems())  if isinstance(date, Date) else  False
        return  r
    # ======
    def __ne__( self, date ):
        assert  isinstance(date, Date)
        return  self. elems() != date. elems()
    # ======
    def __lt__( self, date ):
        assert  isinstance(date, Date)
        assert  self. precision() == date. precision()
        return  self. elems() < date. elems()
    # ======
    def __gt__( self, date ):
        assert  isinstance(date, Date)
        assert  self. precision() == date. precision()
        return  self. elems() > date. elems()
    # ======
    def __le__( self, date ):
        assert  isinstance(date, Date)
        prec = min( self. precision(), date. precision() )
        return  (        self. elems() [:prec]  < date. elems() [:prec]
                or  (    self. elems() [:prec] == date. elems() [:prec]
                    and  self. precision()  >= date. precision()
                    and  self. lo_extrem()  == date. lo_extrem() ) )
    # ======
    def __ge__( self, date ):
        assert  isinstance(date, Date)
        prec = min( self. precision(), date. precision() )
        return  (        self. elems() [:prec]  > date. elems() [:prec]
                or  (    self. elems() [:prec] == date. elems() [:prec]
                    and  self. precision()  >= date. precision()
                    and  self. hi_extrem()  == date. hi_extrem() ) )
    def is_valid( self ):
        return  self. defects() == []
    # ======
    def precision( self ):
        "Counts non-None high-end parts of the date."
        n = 0
        while ( n < CYMD  and  self. elems() [n] != None ):
            n += 1
        return  n
    # ======
    def is_monotonic( self ):
        "The non_None high-end parts are followed by None-parts only?"
        prec = self. precision()
        return  self == Date( self. elems() [:prec] )
    # ======
    def is_date_to_the_day( self ):
        return  self. precision() == CYMD
    def month_is_normalized( self ):
        c, y, m, d = self. elems()
        return  (
                   True  # The century value may be unrestricted here.
            and  ( (y == None)  or  ( year_lo <= y <=  year_hi) )
            and  ( (m == None)  or  (month_lo <= m <= month_hi) )
    # ======
    def normalize_month( self ):
        assert self. is_monotonic()

        w = list( self. elems() )
        if w[2] != None:
            r, s = divmod( w[2], months_in_year )
            w[2]  = s
            w[1] += r

        w = tuple( w )
        return  Date( w ). normalize_year()
    # ======
    def normalize_year( self ):
        assert self. is_monotonic()

        w = list( self. elems() )
        if w[1] != None:
            r, s = divmod( w[1], years_in_century )
            w[1]  = s
            w[0] += r

        w = tuple( w )
        return  Date( w ). normalize_cent()
    # ======
    def normalize_cent( self ):
        # There's no need to restrict the value on the range ultima.
        return  self
    def __add__( self, u ):
        "Add duration."

        def day_number_from_index( u ):
            d = u. d()

            if d != None:
                if pre_gap < u:
                    d += length_of_gap_in_month( u )

            return  d
        def day_index_from_number( u ):
            d = u. d()

            if d != None:
                assert not in_gap( u )

                if  post_gap <= u:
                    d -= length_of_gap_in_month( u )

            return  d

        v = u. elems()

        assert  self. is_valid()
        assert  self. is_monotonic()
        assert  all( [ (el != None)  for el in v ] )

        c, y, m, d = self. elems()

        if  not all( [ (self_el != None) or (v_el == 0)
                       for self_el, v_el in zip(self. elems(), v) ] ):
            add = all( [ (el >= 0)  for el in v ] )
            sub = all( [ (el <= 0)  for el in v ] )
            assert  add or sub

            if  sub:
                c, y, m, d = self. lo_extrem() .elems()
                c, y, m, d = self. hi_extrem() .elems()

        # To add first the centuries-years-months, then the days,
        # gives sometimes different results than
        # to add first the days, then the centuries-years-months.
        # (Example: 4. 10. 1582 + 1 day + 1 month = 15. 11. 1582 [32 days later],
        #           4. 10. 1582 + 1 month + 1 day =  5. 11. 1582 [22 days later])
        # This big difference results from the anomaly of October 1582,
        # smaller differences (maximal 3[?]) from the differences in month lengths.
        # To add days first seems to give results, which are more 'naturally'.

        # add days:

        if d != None:

            d = day_index_from_number( Date((c, y, m, d)) )
            d += v[-1]

            while True:
                if           d <  0:
                        m -= 1
                        dat = Date((c, y, m, d)). normalize_month()
                        n = days_in_month( dat )
                        c, y, m, d = dat. elems()
                        d += n

                    n = days_in_month( Date((c, y, m, d)) )

                    if       n <= d:
                        m += 1
                        d -= n
                        dat = Date((c, y, m, d)). normalize_month()
                        c, y, m, d = dat. elems()

                    else:  # 0 <= d < n

            d = day_number_from_index( Date((c, y, m, d)) )

        # add centuries-years-months:

        w = [ c, y, m, d ]
        for i in (0, 1, 2):
            if w[i] == None: break
            w[i] += v[i]
        w = tuple( w )
        dat = Date( w ). normalize_month()

        # this addition changed the month, so it may have invalidated the day

        # case 1: day number above maximum for that month
        #         (cannot occur for the refoem month with max. day number 31)
        n = days_in_month( dat )
        c, y, m, d = dat. elems()

        if    n <= d:
            m += 1
            d -= n   # 0 <= d < 3, so no 2nd correction needed
            dat = Date((c, y, m, d)). normalize_month()

        # case 2: 'date' falls in the gap of the reform month
        if in_gap( dat ):
            add = all( [ (el >= 0)  for el in v ] )
            sub = all( [ (el <= 0)  for el in v ] )
            assert  add or sub

            if sub:
                dat = pre_gap
                dat = post_gap

        result = dat

        return result
    def __sub__( self, u ):
        "Subtract duration."

        return  self + (-u)
    def restrict_on_ultima( self ):
        "Restrict given date value on the range ultima."

        w = self. elems()
        prec = self. precision()

        if    self < ultima. lo():
              w = ultima. lo(). elems() [:prec]
        elif  self > ultima. hi():
              w = ultima. hi(). elems() [:prec]

        return  Date( w )
# specials
date_none = Date()
# class Range
# The class represents am intervall of dates.
# Instantiations are inmutable ones.
class Range( DRS ):
    def __init__( self, u ):
        if    isinstance(u, tuple)  and  len(u) == 2:
            lo = u[0]
            hi = u[1]
        elif  isinstance( u, Date ):
            lo = u
            hi = u
        elif  isinstance( u, Range ):
            lo = u. lo()
            hi = u. hi()
            assert False

# The following isinstance-tests result in 'false'
# for clauses with 'um' in a 'zwischen' clause.
# Should get a real handling, but for now:
#       assert  isinstance( lo, Date )  and  lo. is_monotonic()
#       assert  isinstance( hi, Date )  and  hi. is_monotonic()

        self. elems_ = ( lo, hi )

        # note defects
        self. defects_ = False

    # ======
    def elems  ( self ):  return  self. elems_
    def defects( self ):
        if ( self. defects_ == False ):
            self. defects_ = []

            if self. is_empty():
                mm = "range is empty"
                self. defects_ += [ mm ]

        return self. defects_
    def lo( self ):  return self. elems() [0]
    def hi( self ):  return self. elems() [1]
    # ======
    def wide( self, u ):
        if    isinstance( u, tuple )  and  len( u ) == 2:
            w_lo,  w_hi = u
            w_lo = w_hi = u

        assert  isinstance( w_lo, Duration )
        assert  isinstance( w_hi, Duration )

        return  Range( ( self. lo() - w_lo, self. hi() + w_hi ) )
# class Sieve
# The class represents the 'same' day or month in a range of years.
# Instantiations are inmutable ones.
class Sieve( DRS ):
    def __init__(self, u, v ):
        assert  isinstance( u, Range )
        assert  isinstance( v, Date )
        assert  (v. c() == v. y() == None)  and  (v. m() != None)

        self. elems_ = ( u, v )

        # list of dates:
        a, o = u. lo_extrem(), u. hi_extrem()
        if (v. d() == None):
            a = Date( a, d=None )
            o = Date( o, d=None )

        self. dates_ = []
        fy = a. fyear()

        fy -= 1
        while True:
            fy += 1
            trial = Date( fy=fy, m=v. m(), d=v. d() )
            if not ( a <= trial      ):  continue
            if not (      trial <= o ):  break
            if trial. is_valid():
                 self. dates_ .append( trial )

        # note defects
        self. defects_ = False

    # ======
    def elems  ( self ):  return  self. elems_
    def dates  ( self ):  return  self. dates_
    def rng ( self ): return self. elems()[ 0 ]
    def dat ( self ): return self. elems()[ 1 ]
    def defects( self ):
        if ( self. defects_ == False ):
            self. defects_ = []

            if self. is_empty():
                mm = "sieve-expression describes empty set"
                self. defects_ += [ mm ]

            l = len( self. dates() )
            if ( 1 <= l <= 1             # 2->1
            and  um_widening()[0] >= year*1 ):
                mm = (   "sieve-expression generates "
                       + str(l) + " value" + (l > 1)*"s" + " only" )
                self. defects_ += [ mm ]

        return self. defects_
    def lo( self ):
        if  self. dates() == []:  r = ultima. hi()
        else                   :  r = self. dates() [ 0]
        return  r
    # ======
    def hi( self ):
        if  self. dates() == []:  r = ultima. lo()
        else                   :  r = self. dates() [-1]
        return  r
# class Or_row
# The class represents a row of dates, ranges, and sieves, combined by 'oder'.
# Instantiations are inmutable ones.
class Or_row:
    def __init__(self, u):
        if   isinstance( u, list ):
            self. elems_ = tuple( u )
            assert  False

        # note defects
        self. defects_ = False

    # ======
    def elems  ( self ):  return  self. elems_
    def defects( self ):
        if ( self. defects_ == False ):
            self. defects_ = []

            if not self. is_ordered():
                mm = "oder list isn't ordered"
                self. defects_ += [ mm ]

            if not self. is_non_overlapping():
                mm = "oder list is overlapping"
                self. defects_ += [ mm ]

        return self. defects_
    def  is_valid( self ):
        # Valid, if the order is the time order (of the earliest possible value)
        #        and if there is no overlapping.

        order  = self. is_ordered()
        non_ov = self. is_non_overlapping()

        return  order and non_olap
    # ======
    def  is_ordered( self ):
        return  all( [       self. elems()[j-1]. lo_extrem()
                           < self. elems()[j  ]. lo_extrem()
                       for j in range( 1, len(self. elems()) ) ] )
    # ======
    def  is_non_overlapping( self ):
        non_ov = True
        for i in range( len( self. elems() ) ):
            for j in range(i+1, len( self. elems() ) ):
                eli = self. elems()[i]
                elj = self. elems()[j]
                nov = eli. overlap( elj ). is_empty()

                if not nov:
                    if   ( isinstance( eli, Sieve )
                    and    isinstance( elj, Sieve ) ):
                        nov = (   eli. dat(). m() != elj. dat(). m()
                              or  (   eli. dat(). d() != elj. dat(). d()
                                  and  ( eli. dat(). d() != None
                                      or elj. dat(). d() != None ) ) )
                non_ov = non_ov  and  nov
        return  non_ov
# class Duration
# The class represents a duration, counted in days, months, years, centuries.
# Instantiations are inmutable ones.
class Duration:
    def __init__(self, u ):
        if    isinstance(u, tuple)  and  len(u) == CYMD:
            self. elems_ = u
            assert False

    def elems( self ):  return  self. elems_
    def c( self ):  return  self. elems() [0]
    def y( self ):  return  self. elems() [1]
    def m( self ):  return  self. elems() [2]
    def d( self ):  return  self. elems() [3]
    def __eq__( self, dura ):
        assert  isinstance(dura, Duration)
        return  self. elems() == dura. elems()
    # ======
    def __ne__( self, dura ):
        assert  isinstance(dura, Duration)
        return  self. elems() != dura. elems()
    # ======
    def __lt__( self, dura ):
        assert  isinstance(dura, Duration)
        return  self. elems() < dura. elems()
    # ======
    def __gt__( self, dura ):
        assert  isinstance(dura, Duration)
        return  self. elems() > dura. elems()
    # ======
    def __le__( self, dura ):
        assert  isinstance(dura, Duration)
        return  (   self. elems()  < dura. elems()
                or  self. elems() == dura. elems() )
    # ======
    def __ge__( self, dura ):
        assert  isinstance(dura, Duration)
        return  (   self. elems()  > dura. elems()
                or  self. elems() == dura. elems() )
    def __sub__( self, dura ):
        assert  isinstance( dura, Duration )
        r = [ (x - y)  for x, y in zip( self. elems(), dura .elems() ) ]
        return  Duration( tuple( r ) )

    def __mul__( self, factor ):
        assert  isinstance( factor, int )
        r = [ el * factor  for el in self. elems() ]
        return  Duration( tuple( r ) )

    def __neg__( self ):
        return  self * (-1)
# specials
century = Duration( ( 1, 0, 0, 0 ) )
year    = Duration( ( 0, 1, 0, 0 ) )
month   = Duration( ( 0, 0, 1, 0 ) )
day     = Duration( ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) )
def is_atom( x ):
    return  not (   isinstance( x, Range )
                or  isinstance( x, Sieve )
                or  isinstance( x, Or_row ) )
def elems( x ):
    return  ( ()  if is_atom(x) else  x. elems() )
def list_elems_depth_first( x ):
    r = []
    for el in elems( x ):
        r += list_elems_depth_first( el )
    r += [x]
    return  r
#: date_of_birth = [ state_option  getauft_option oder_row ]
#: date_of_death = [ state_option begraben_option oder_row ]
# event class
Birth = 0
Death = 1
def date_of_birth():  return  date_description( Birth )
def date_of_death():  return  date_description( Death )
def date_description( event_class ):
    rr = s = seq( [ lambda: pd_date_option( event_class ), nothing_anymore ] )
    if  (s != False):
        u = s[0]
        rr = u
    return  rr
#: pd_date_option = [ pd_date ]
# result parts
state = "state"
event = "event"
dates = "dates"
def pd_date_option( event_class ):
    return oneof(
        [ lambda: pd_date      ( event_class )  # 1
        , lambda: empty_pd_date( event_class )  # 2
        ] )
def pd_date( event_class ):
    rr = s = seq( [ state_option, lambda: event_option( event_class ), oder_row ] )
    if  (s != False):
        u = s[0];  v = s[1];  w = s[2]
        rr = { state: u,
               event: v,
               dates: w
    return  rr
def empty_pd_date( event_class ):
    rr = s = seq( [] )
    if  (s != False):
        rr = { state: empty_state_phrase(),
               event: empty_event_phrase( event_class ),
               dates: empty_oder_row()
    return  rr
#: state_option = [ unsicher colon b ]
# state
certain   = "certain"
uncertain = "uncertain"
def state_option():
    return oneof(
        [ state_phrase        # 1
        , empty_state_phrase  # 2
        ] )
def state_phrase ():
    rr = s = seq( [ unsicher, colon, b ] )
    if  (s != False):
        rr = uncertain
    return  rr
def empty_state_phrase():
    rr = s = seq( [] )
    if  (s != False):
        rr = certain
    return  rr
#: getauft_option  = [ getauft  b ]
#: begraben_option = [ begraben b ]
# event
#   event class 'Birth':
birth   = "birth"
baptism = "baptism"
#   event class 'Death':
death   = "death"
burial  = "burial"
def event_option( event_class ):
    return oneof(
        [ lambda: event_phrase      ( event_class )  # 1
        , lambda: empty_event_phrase( event_class )  # 2
        ] )
def event_phrase ( event_class ):
    rr = s = seq( [ getauft  if (event_class == Birth) else  begraben, b ] )
    if  (s != False):
        rr = baptism  if (event_class == Birth) else  burial
    return  rr
def empty_event_phrase( event_class ):
    rr = s = seq( [] )
    if  (s != False):
        rr = birth    if (event_class == Birth) else  death
    return  rr
#: oder_row = date [ oder_phrase ]...
def oder_row():
    rr = s = seq( [ date, lambda: repeat( oder_phrase ) ] )
    if  (s != False):
        u = s[0];  v = s[1]
        rr = Or_row( [ u ] + v )
    return  rr
def empty_oder_row():
    rr = s = seq( [] )
    if  (s != False):
        rr = Or_row( [ ultima_input ] )
    return  rr
#: oder_phrase = b oder b date
def oder_phrase():
    rr = s = seq( [ b, oder, b, date ] )
    if  (s != False):
        u = s[3]
        rr = u
    return  rr
#: date = [date_head b] date_tail
# i.e.:
#   [ [day] month ] year
#   [ [day] month ] century
#   [ [day] month ] yearpair
#   [ [day] month ] vor ...
#   [ [day] month ] nach ...
#   [ [day] month ] um ...
#   [ [day] month ] zwischen ... und ...
#   ("day month" may be linked)
# returns one of:
#   Date
#   Range
#   Sieve
def date():
    rr = s = seq( [ date_head_option, date_tail ] )
    if  (s != False):
        u = s[0];  v = s[1]

        assert isinstance( u, Date )

        if    (u == date_none)  and  isinstance( v, Date  ):
            # year
            # century                                   -> Date
            r = v

        elif  (u == date_none)  and  isinstance( v, Range ):
            # vor/nach/um/zwischen/yearpair             -> Range
            r = v

        elif ((u != date_none)  and  isinstance( v, Date )
                                and  (v. y() != None)     ):
            # [day] month year                          -> Date
            r = Date( u, fy=v. fyear() )

        elif ((u != date_none)  and  isinstance( v, Date )
                                and  (v. y() == None)     ):
            # [day] month century                       -> Sieve
            r = Sieve( Range(v), u )

        elif  (u != date_none)  and  isinstance( v, Range ):
            # [day] month vor/nach/um/zwischen/yearpair -> Sieve
            r = Sieve( v, u )

            assert False

        rr = r
    return  rr
#: date_head_option = [ date_head ]
#: date_head = dayM b
# i.e.:
#   day month
#       month
#           -
#   ("day month" may be linked)
# returns:
#   Date (with century == year == None)
def date_head_option():
    return oneof(
        [ date_head        # 1
        , empty_date_head  # 2
        ] )
def date_head():
    rr = s = seq( [ dayM, b ] )
    if  (s != False):
        u = s[0]
        rr = u
    return  rr
def empty_date_head():
    rr = s = seq( [] )
    if  (s != False):
        rr = date_none
    return  rr
#: date_tail = Year
#:           | Cent
#:           | vor_nach_um_phrase
#:           | zwischen_phrase
#:           | um_range
# i.e.:
#   year
#   yearpair
#   century
#   vor ...
#   nach ...
#   um ...
#   zwischen ... und ...
#   ("year" and "century" may be linked)
# returns one of:
#   Date (with month == day == None)
#   Range
def date_tail():
    return oneof(
        [ Cent  # 1
        , Year  # 2
        , um_range            # 1
        , vor_nach_um_phrase  # 2
        , zwischen_phrase
        ] )
#: vor_nach_um_phrase = vor_phrase
#:                    | nach_phrase
#:                    | um_phrase
#: vor_phrase         = vor  b fix_date
#: nach_phrase        = nach b fix_date
#: um_phrase          = um   b fix_date
#: zwischen_phrase    = zwischen b fix_date b und b fix_date
def vor_nach_um_phrase():
    return oneof(
        [ vor_phrase
        , nach_phrase
        , um_phrase
        ] )
def vor_phrase():
    rr = s = seq( [ vor, b, fix_date_or_um ] )
    if  (s != False):
        u = s[2]
        rr = vor_interpretation( u )
    return  rr
def nach_phrase():
    rr = s = seq( [ nach, b, fix_date_or_um ] )
    if  (s != False):
        u = s[2]
        rr = nach_interpretation( u )
    return  rr
def um_phrase():
    rr = s = seq( [ um, b, fix_date ] )
    if  (s != False):
        u = s[2]
        rr = um_interpretation( u )
    return  rr
def zwischen_phrase():
    rr = s = seq( [ zwischen, b, fix_date_or_um, b, und, b, fix_date_or_um ] )
    if  (s != False):
        u = s[2];  v = s[6]
        rr = Range( ( u, v ) )
    return  rr
#: um_range = um b range_yc
#: range_yc = year_range
#-#:        | cent_range
#: year_range = number     to number                   [ b bce ]
#-#: cent_range = number dot to number dot b jahrhundert [ b bce ]
def um_range():
    rr = s = seq( [ um, b, range_yc ] )
    if  (s != False):
        u = s[2]
        rr = um_interpretation( u )
    return  rr
def range_yc():
    return oneof(
        [ year_range
#-#     , cent_range
        ] )
def year_range ():
    rr = s = seq( [ number, to, number, bce_option ] )
    if  (s != False):
        u = s[0];  v = s[2];  w = s[3]
        m = intern_fyear( u[0], w )
        n = intern_fyear( v[0], w )
        rr = Range( ( Date( fy=m ), Date( fy=n ) ) )
    return  rr
#-#def cent_range ():
#-#    rr = s = seq( [ number, dot, to, number, dot, b, jahrhundert, bce_option ] )
#-#    #
#-#    if  (s != False):
#-#        u = s[0];  v = s[3];  w = s[7]
#-#        m = intern_cent( u[0], w )
#-#        n = intern_cent( v[0], w )
#-#        rr = Range( ( Date( c=m ), Date( c=n ) ) )
#-#    #
#-#    return  rr
def um_clause_right():
    return oneof(
        [ um_range   # 1
        , um_phrase  # 2
        ] )
def fix_date_or_um():
    return oneof(
        [ um_clause_right  # 1
        , fix_date         # 2
        ] )
#: fix_date = dayMY
#:          | Year
#:          | Cent
#: dayMY    = dayM b Year
def fix_date():
    return oneof(
        [ dayMY  # 1
        , Cent         # 1
        , Year   # 2   # 2
        ] )
def dayMY():
    rr = s = seq( [ dayM, b, Year ] )
    if  (s != False):
        u = s[0];  v = s[2]
        rr = Date( u, fy=v. fyear() )
    return  rr
#: dayM = DM_l | M
#: Year =  Y_l | yearpair
#: Cent =  C_l
def dayM():    # day and month, maybe linked, or month only
    return oneof(
        [ DM_l
        , M
        ] )
def Year():    # year, maybe linked, or pair of succesive years
    return oneof(
        [ yearpair  # 1
        , Y_l       # 2
        ] )
def Cent():  return  C()
#-#def Cent():  return  C_l()
#: yearpair = number stroke number [ b bce ]
def yearpair ():
    rr = s = seq( [ number, stroke, number, bce_option ] )
    global defectset
    if  (s != False):
        u = s[0];  v = s[2];  w = s[3]
        m = intern_fyear( u[0], w )
        n = intern_fyear( v[0], w )
        if  ( m+1 != n ):
            defectset. add( "years of pair should be succesive years" )
        rr = Range( ( Date( fy=m ), Date( fy=n ) ) )
    return  rr
# "xxx_l" means: "xxx" or "[[xxx]]"
#: DM_l = brackets_left DM brackets_right
#:      |               DM
#: Y_l  = brackets_left Y  brackets_right
#:      |               Y
#-#: C_l  = brackets_left C brackets_right
#-#:      |               C
#-# def C_l ():  return  may_be_linked( C  )
def Y_l ():  return  may_be_linked( Y  )
def DM_l():  return  may_be_linked( DM )
def may_be_linked( f ):
    return oneof(
        [ f
        , lambda: linked( f )
        ] )
def linked( f ):
    rr = s = seq( [ brackets_left, f, brackets_right ] )
    if  (s != False):
        u = s[1]
        rr = u                       # ignore linking
    return  rr
#: DM = D b M
def DM():
    rr = s = seq( [ D, b, M ] )
    if  (s != False):
        u = s[0];  v = s[2]
        rr = Date( u, m=v. m() )
    return  rr
#: D = number dot
def D():
    rr = s = seq( [ number, dot ] )
    if  (s != False):
        u = s[0]
        n = intern_day( u[0] )
        rr = Date( d=n )
    return  rr
#: M = Mnr
def M():
    rr = s = seq( [ Mnr ] )
    if  (s != False):
        u = s[0]
        n = u[0]
        rr = Date( m=n )
    return  rr
#: Y = number [ b bce ]
def Y():
    rr = s = seq( [ number, bce_option ] )
    if  (s != False):
        u = s[0];  v = s[1]
        n = intern_fyear( u[0], v )
        rr = Date( fy=n )
    return  rr
#: C = number dot b jahrhundert [ b bce ]
def C():
    rr = s = seq( [ number, dot, b, jahrhundert, bce_option ] )
    if  (s != False):
        u = s[0];  v = s[4]
        n = intern_cent( u[0], v )
        rr = Date( c=n )
    return  rr
#: bce_option = [ b bce ]
# bce/ce
BCE = -1
CE  =  1
def bce_option():
    return oneof(
        [ bce_phrase        # 1
        , empty_bce_phrase  # 2
        ] )
def bce_phrase ():
    rr = s = seq( [ b, bce] )
    if  (s != False):
        rr = BCE
    return  rr
def empty_bce_phrase():
    rr = s = seq( [] )
    if  (s != False):
        rr = CE
    return  rr
#: Mnr = Januar
#:     | Februar
#:     | Maerz
#:     | April
#:     | Mai
#:     | Juni
#:     | Juli
#:     | August
#:     | September
#:     | Oktober
#:     | November
#:     | Dezember
#: Januar    = "Januar"
#: Februar   = "Februar"
#: Maerz     = "März"
#: April     = "April"
#: Mai       = "Mai"
#: Juni      = "Juni"
#: Juli      = "Juli"
#: August    = "August"
#: September = "September"
#: Oktober   = "Oktober"
#: November  = "November"
#: Dezember  = "Dezember"
def Mnr():
    return oneof(
        [ lambda: Month_nr(  0 )
        , lambda: Month_nr(  1 )
        , lambda: Month_nr(  2 )
        , lambda: Month_nr(  3 )
        , lambda: Month_nr(  4 )
        , lambda: Month_nr(  5 )
        , lambda: Month_nr(  6 )
        , lambda: Month_nr(  7 )
        , lambda: Month_nr(  8 )
        , lambda: Month_nr(  9 )
        , lambda: Month_nr( 10 )
        , lambda: Month_nr( 11 )
        ] )
def Month_nr( m ):
    rr = s = seq( [ lambda: nextstring( month_info [m] [name] ) ] )
    if  (s != False):
        u = s[0]
        rr = ( m, )
    return  rr
def vor_interpretation( u ):
    return  Range( ( date_none, u. hi() ) )
def nach_interpretation( u ):
    return  Range( ( u. lo(), actual_date ) )
def um_interpretation( u ):
    r = Range( u )

    prec_lo = u. lo(). precision()
    prec_hi = u. hi(). precision()

    # The widening is determined by the 'finest' available information:
    s = r. wide( ( um_widening()[prec_lo-1], um_widening()[prec_hi-1] ) )
    if s. hi_extrem() > actual_date:
        s = Range( ( s. lo(), actual_date ) )
    return  s
# ------
def um_widening():
    cmax = centuries_handled
    widenings = (
        # um 12. Jahrh. | um 1111       | um Mai 1111   | um 1. Mai 1111 #
        # --------------|---------------|---------------|--------------- #
        ( century *    0,    year *    0,   month *    0,     day *    0 ) #  0
      , (     day *    1,     day *    1,     day *    1,     day *    1 ) #  1
      , (    year *    3,   month *    1,     day *    5,     day *    2 ) #  2
      , (    year *   10,    year *    1,     day *   10,     day *    3 ) #  3
      , (    year *   20,    year *    2,     day *   20,     day *    5 ) #  4
      , (    year *   30,    year *    3,   month *    1,     day *   10 ) #  5
      , (    year *   50,    year *    5,   month *    2,     day *   20 ) #  6
      , ( century *    1,    year *   10,   month *    3,   month *    1 ) #  7
      , ( century *    2,    year *   20,   month *    6,   month *    2 ) #  8
      , ( century *   10,    year *   50,    year *    5,   month *    6 ) #  9
      , ( century * cmax, century * cmax, century * cmax, century * cmax ) # 10

    return widenings[ um_option ]
# Representation of the parts of a date:
# ========================================================================== #
#              |  external                 | internal |   -- where --        #
# ------------ | ------------------------- | -------- | -------------------- #
#     day      |  nnn.                     |   nnn-1  | (1 <= nnn <=    31)  #
#   month      |  Januar, ..., Dezember    |   nnn    | (0 <= nnn <=    11)  #
#              |                           |          |                      #
#    year BCE  |  nnn v. Chr.              |  -nnn+1  | (1 <= nnn <= 10200)  #
#    year CE   |  nnn                      |   nnn    | (1 <= nnn <=  2200)  #
#              |                           |          |                      #
# century BCE  |  nnn. Jahrhundert v. Chr. |  -nnn+1  | (1 <= nnn <=   102)  #
# century CE   |  nnn. Jahrhundert         |   nnn    | (1 <= nnn <=    22)  #
#              |                           |          |                      #
# year/century |  -- none --               |   nnn    | (0 <= nnn <=    99)  #
# ========================================================================== #
#   'year/century' means 'number of year in its century' here,
#       where counting starts with 0.
#   Examples:
#       0 ~ year 1901,         9 ~ 1910,         99 ~ 2000
#       0 ~ year 2000 v. Chr., 9 ~ 1991 v. Chr., 99 ~ 1901 v. Chr.
#   (Mostly 'year' means 'year/century',
#          'fyear' means 'full year', i.e. incl. century.)
# bounds of internal (partial) dates
# century
cent_lo  = -111  # first century = 112. century v. Chr.
cent_hi  =   22  # last  century =  22. century
# --
centuries_handled = ( cent_hi  - cent_lo) + 1
# year (sin century)
year_lo  =    0  # first year in its century
year_hi  =   99  # last  year in its century
# --
years_in_century = ( year_hi  - year_lo) + 1
# month
month_lo =    0  # January
month_hi =   11  # December
# --
months_in_year   = (month_hi - month_lo) + 1
# day
day_lo     =  0  # day  1 of a month
day_hi_max = 30  # day 31 of a month
# --
maximal_days_in_month = (day_hi_max - day_lo) + 1
# conversions extern-intern
# century
def extern_cent ( n         ): return  (-n + 1)  if      n <= 0   else  n
def intern_cent ( n, bce_ce ): return  (-n + 1)  if bce_ce == BCE else  n
# --
def extern_cent_string( n ):
    return  str( extern_cent ( n ) )  +  ". " + cent_str + ( ""  if n > 0 else  " " + bce_str )
# year (con century)
def extern_fyear( n         ): return  (-n + 1)  if      n <= 0   else  n
def intern_fyear( n, bce_ce ): return  (-n + 1)  if bce_ce == BCE else  n
# --
def extern_fyear_string( n ):
    return  str( extern_fyear ( n ) )  +  ( ""  if n > 0 else  " " + bce_str )
# month (as number)
def extern_month( n ): return  n + 1
def intern_month( n ): return  n - 1
# day
def extern_day  ( n ): return  n + 1
def intern_day  ( n ): return  n - 1
# --
def extern_day_string( n ):
    return  str( extern_day ( n ) )
# month information
# keys
name         = -1
no_leap_year =  False
leap_year    =  True
month_info =  (    # The anomaly of October 1582 is not represented in this table.
        { name: "Januar"   , no_leap_year: 31, leap_year: 31 },
        { name: "Februar"  , no_leap_year: 28, leap_year: 29 },
        { name: "März"     , no_leap_year: 31, leap_year: 31 },
        { name: "April"    , no_leap_year: 30, leap_year: 30 },
        { name: "Mai"      , no_leap_year: 31, leap_year: 31 },
        { name: "Juni"     , no_leap_year: 30, leap_year: 30 },
        { name: "Juli"     , no_leap_year: 31, leap_year: 31 },
        { name: "August"   , no_leap_year: 31, leap_year: 31 },
        { name: "September", no_leap_year: 30, leap_year: 30 },
        { name: "Oktober"  , no_leap_year: 31, leap_year: 31 },
        { name: "November" , no_leap_year: 30, leap_year: 30 },
        { name: "Dezember" , no_leap_year: 31, leap_year: 31 },
# ------
october  = 9  # index in month
# The gap in October 1582.
# On introducing the Gregorian calender in 1582 10 days were dropped,
# so for 1582 the day after October 4 is October 15.
reform_month = Date( fy=1582, m=october )
# --
pre_gap  = Date( reform_month, d=intern_day( 4) )  #  4. 10. 1582
post_gap = Date( reform_month, d=intern_day(15) )  # 15. 10. 1582
length_of_gap = post_gap. d() - pre_gap. d() - 1
# --
def length_of_gap_in_month( u ):
    return  ( 0  if Date( u, d=None ) != reform_month else  length_of_gap )
# --
def in_gap( u ):
    return  (    u. is_date_to_the_day()
            and  pre_gap < u < post_gap
def days_in_month( u ):
    "Get maximal number of days for a (maybe incomplete) given month."

    assert u. month_is_normalized()

    c, y, m, d = u. elems()
    mo = Date( u, d=None )

    if m != None:
        mmin = month_info[ m ][ no_leap_year ]
        mmax = month_info[ m ][    leap_year ]

    if    m == None:  days = maximal_days_in_month
    elif  y == None:  days = mmax
    elif  c == None:  days = mmin  if ((y+1) % 4 != 0) else  mmax
        if mo < reform_month:
            days = ( mmin  if    ((y+1) % 4 != 0)
                           else  mmax )
            days = ( mmin  if    ((y+1) % 4 != 0)
                              or ((y+1) == 100)  and  ( c % 4  != 0 )
                           else  mmax )
        if mo == reform_month:
            days -= length_of_gap

    return days
def day_hi( u ):
    return  days_in_month( u ) + length_of_gap_in_month( u ) - 1
# bounds of internal (full) dates
# (Note: In course of computation, dates occur outside of these bounds.)
# bounds for computed values
ultima_lo = Date(). lo_extrem()  #  1 January 10200 BCE
ultima_hi = Date(). hi_extrem()  # 31 December 2300
# ------
ultima = Range( ( ultima_lo, ultima_hi ) )
# bounds for input values
def get_actual_date():
    fy_m_d = time. localtime()[0:3]    # (2010, 1, 1, ...) <-- '1 January 2010'
    act_extern_fyear, act_extern_month, act_extern_day = fy_m_d

    act_fyear = intern_fyear( act_extern_fyear, CE )
    act_month = intern_month( act_extern_month )
    act_day   = intern_day  ( act_extern_day + 1 ) # time zones

    act_date  = Date( fy=act_fyear, m=act_month, d=act_day ). normalize_month()
    return  act_date
# ------
actual_date = get_actual_date()
# ------
def ultima_input_dates():
    ultima_input_lo = Date( ultima. lo(), c= ultima. lo(). c() + 2 )
    ultima_input_hi = actual_date

    return  Range( ( ultima_input_lo, ultima_input_hi ) )
# ------
ultima_input = ultima_input_dates()
# bounds of (partial) dates in the input (converted already)
# year (con century)
fyear_input_lo = ultima_input. lo(). fyear()
fyear_input_hi = ultima_input. hi(). fyear()
# century
cent_input_lo  = ultima_input. lo(). c()
cent_input_hi  = ultima_input. hi(). c()
#: b              = " "
#: colon          = ":"
#: dot            = "."
#: stroke         = "/"
#: to             = "–"
#-#: to           = "/" | "–"    # alternative: to-Strich ("–")

#: brackets_left  = "[["
#: brackets right = "]]"

#: unsicher       = "unsicher"
#: getauft        = "getauft"
#: begraben       = "begraben"
#: oder           = "oder"
#: vor            = "vor"
#: nach           = "nach"
#: zwischen       = "zwischen"
#: um             = "um"
#: und            = "und"

#: jahrhundert    = "Jahrhundert"
#: bce            = "v. Chr."
cent_str = "Jahrhundert"
bce_str  = "v. Chr."
def b             ():    return nextstring( " " )
def colon         ():    return nextstring( ":" )
def dot           ():    return nextstring( "." )
def stroke        ():    return nextstring( "/" )
def to            ():    return nextstring( "–" )
#-#def to         ():    return nextstring( "/" )  or  nextstring( "–" )

def brackets_left ():    return nextstring( "[[" )
def brackets_right():    return nextstring( "]]" )

def unsicher      ():    return nextstring( "unsicher" )
def getauft       ():    return nextstring( "getauft"  )
def begraben      ():    return nextstring( "begraben" )
def oder          ():    return nextstring( "oder"     )
def vor           ():    return nextstring( "vor"      )
def nach          ():    return nextstring( "nach"     )
def zwischen      ():    return nextstring( "zwischen" )
def und           ():    return nextstring( "und"      )
def um            ():    return nextstring( "um"       )

def jahrhundert   ():    return nextstring( cent_str )
def bce           ():    return nextstring( bce_str  )
# elementary functions:
# nextstring: 1 parameter  - string of characters, which should come next
# number    : 0 parameters - a number whithout a leading zero should come next
def nextstring( s ):
    global string, index_in_string
    index = index_in_string

    assert ( s != "")  # returning "" would be interpreted as False...
    l = len( s )
    success = (string[ index : index+l ] == s)
    if success:
        index += l

    index_in_string = index
    return  s  if success else  False
# -------
def number():
    global string, index_in_string, defectset
    index = index_in_string

    if ( (index + 1 < len(string) )  and  string[ index     ] == "0"
                                     and  string[ index + 1 ]. isdigit() ):
        defectset. add( "leading zero" )

    index_0 = index
    while (index < len(string)  and  string[index]. isdigit() ):
        index += 1

    n = int( "0" + string[index_0 : index] )
    success = ( index_0 < index )

    index_in_string = index
    return  ( n, )  if success else  False
# -------
def nothing_anymore():
    success = ( index_in_string == len(string) )
    return success
# controlling functions:
#   seq
#   oneof
#   repeat
def seq( sequence ):
    global index_in_string
    index = index_in_string

    result = []
    fx = True

    for f in sequence:
        fx = f()
        if fx == False: break
        result .append( fx )

    if fx == False:
        index_in_string = index
        result = False

    return result
# ------
def oneof( options ):

    result = False
    for f in options:
        fx = f()
        if fx == False: continue
        result = fx
    return result
# -------
def repeat( f ):

    result = []
    while True:
        fx = f()
        if fx == False: break
        result .append( fx )
    return result
string = ""
index_in_string = 0
defectset  = set()
def handle_iline( iline ):   # WORK
    "Handles a line."

    # uses package 're'
    global string, index_in_string, defectset
    LF = '\n'

    olines = []

    date_of_births = re. findall( 'GEBURTSDATUM[^|]*', iline )
    date_of_deaths = re. findall( 'STERBEDATUM[^|]*' , iline )

    for dat in date_of_births:
        dat = dat[ len("GEBURTSDATUM"): ]. lstrip(). lstrip( "=" ). strip()
        string, index_in_string = dat, 0
        defectset = set()

        r = date_of_birth ()

        if  ( r == False ):
            defectset. add( "syntax error" )

        ll = []
        if  ( r != False ):
            ll = list_elems_depth_first( r[ dates] )

        for l in ll:
            defectset. update( l. defects() )

        mm = ""
        delim = "|| "
        for m in defectset:
            mm += delim + m

        if mm != "":
            oline = iline[:-1] + mm + "\n"
            olines .append( oline )
    for dat in date_of_deaths :
        dat = dat[ len("STERBEDATUM"  ): ]. lstrip(). lstrip( "=" ). strip()
        string, index_in_string = dat, 0
        defectset = set()

        r = date_of_death ()

        if  ( r == False ):
            defectset. add( "syntax error" )

        ll = []
        if  ( r != False ):
            ll = list_elems_depth_first( r[ dates] )

        for l in ll:
            defectset. update( l. defects() )

        mm = ""
        delim = "|| "
        for m in defectset:
            mm += delim + m

        if mm != "":
            oline = iline[:-1] + mm + "\n"
            olines .append( oline )

    return olines
def handle_oline( fo, oline ):
    fo .write( oline )
def main( file_names ):
    "Organizes total work."
    files  = open_files( file_names )
    fi, fo = files
    for iline in fi:
        olines = handle_iline( iline )
        for oline in olines:
            handle_oline( fo, oline )
    close_files( files )
def open_files( names ):
    files = []
    modes = file_modes
    for  f, m  in  zip(names, modes):
        files. append( open_file( f, m ) )
    return files
def close_files( files ):
    for  f  in  files:
        close_file( f )
def open_file( name, mode ):
    "Opens a file, if necessary."
    if  name == "-" :  return  standardfile( mode )
    else            :  return  file( name, mode )
def close_file( f ):
    "Closes a file, if necessary."
    if  is_standard_file( f ):  pass
    else                     :  f .close()
def standardfile( mode ):
    "Chooses a standardfile, depending on mode."
    if    mode == 'r':  return  sys. stdin
    elif  mode == 'w':  return  sys. stdout
def is_standard_file( f ):
    "Is the given file a standard-file?"
    return  ( f in [sys. stdin, sys. stdout, sys. stderr] )
number_of_wanted_arguments = 2        # names of inputfile, outputfile
                        # or 1          inputfile;    outputfile: standard file
                        # or 0          inputfile and outputfile: standard file
file_modes                 = ['r', 'w']
def start_program():
    "Interprets arguments and starts work."
    arguments = sys .argv[1:]
    n = number_of_wanted_arguments

    while ( len(arguments) > 0
            and arguments[0]. startswith( '-' )
            and arguments[0] != "-"
            len(arguments) > n
        option = arguments .pop(0)
        if option == "--":
        evaluate( option, arguments )
    while  len(arguments) < n:
        arguments .append( "-" )      # omitted file --> standard file
    file_names = arguments[ -n:]
    main( file_names )
um_option = 7  # default value (for now)
# --
def evaluate( option, arguments ):
    global um_option

    if    (    2 <= len( option ) <= 3
          and  option[0] == "-"
          and  str. isdigit( option[1:] )
        um_option = int( option[1:] )
        print 'Unidentified option \"' + option + '\" will be ignored.'

# '''