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Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture: 1.1971–4.1974, 5.1977–8.1980, 9.1983–10.1984, 11.1987–31.2007, 32.2007, 33.2009.


Abrioux, Yves: What happens to words in gardens and landscapes. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 33.2009, 13–25. (Abb 0 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Ackerman, James S.: On public landscape design before the Civil War, 1830–1860. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 15.1991, 191–207. (Abb 10 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Alarcão, Jorge de; Etienne, Robert: Les jardins à Conimbriga (Portugal). In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 7.1979, [67]–76 I–XX 77–80. (Abb 22 sw 0 fb, Spr fr)

Alemi, Mahvash: The garden city of Shah Tahmasb reflected in the words of his poet and painter. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 33.2009, 95–113. (Abb 4 sw 6 fb, Spr en, Inh ʿAbdī Bayk Shīrīzī, Inh Jaʿfarābād Qazvin)

Alemi, Mahvash: Princely Safavid gardens: Stage for rituals of imperial display and political legitimacy. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 31.2007, [113]–137. (Abb 13 sw 15 fb, Spr en, Inh Persischer Garten)

Allentuck, Marcia: Sir Uvedale Price and the picturesque garden: The evidence of the Coleorton Papers. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 2.1972, 57–72 I–VIII 73–76. (Abb 19 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Almagro, Antonio: An approach to the visual analysis of the gardens of al-Andalus. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 31.2007, [55]–73. (Abb 0 sw 20 fb, Spr en, Inh Animation)

Alon Mozes, Tal: Sons’ memorial gardens and the Israeli cultural imagination. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 30.2006, [67]–[89]. (Abb 1 sw 18 fb, Spr en)

Ambrosoli, Mauro: Conservation and diffusion of species diversity in northern Italy: Peasant gardeners of the Renaissance and after. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 28.2004, [177]–198. (Abb 3 sw 21 fb, Spr en)

Ambrosoli, Mauro: From the Italian countryside to the Italianate landscape: Peasants as gardeners and foreign observers in Italy, 1500–1850. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 32.2007, 145–168. (Abb 2 sw 20 fb, Spr en)

Ames, Kenneth L.: Downing and the rationalization of interior design. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 11.1987, 191–217. (Abb 20 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Andrews, Malcolm: “Capturing the scene”: Seeing and writing the landscape. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 33.2009, 27–36. (Abb 0 sw 2 fb, Spr en, Inh The Picturesque)

Andrews, Walter G.: Gardens – real and imaginated – in the social ecology of early modern Ottoman culture. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 30.2006, [91]–[115]. (Abb 1 sw 8 fb, Spr en)

Asher, Frederick M.: A place for the gods: Gardens of Buddhist and Hindu India. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 33.2009, 81–94. (Abb 0 sw 16 fb, Spr en)

Atasoy, Nurhan: Links between the Ottoman and western world on floriculture and gardening. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 28.2004, [61]–79. (Abb 1 sw 21 fb, Spr en)

Atasoy, Nurhan: Matrakçı Nasuh and Evliya Çelebi: Perspectives on Ottoman gardens (1534–1682). In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 31.2007, [197]–218. (Abb 0 sw 20 fb, Spr en, Inh Menazilname-Handschrift)

Azzi Visentini, Margherita: Islands of delight: Shifting perceptions of the Borromean islands. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 25.2001, [245]–289. (Abb 30 sw 0 fb, Spr en)


Balmori, Diana: Beatrix Farrand at Dumbarton Oaks: The design process of a garden. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 8.1980, [97]–122 I–XVI 123. (Abb 20 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Bann, Stephen: “A garden of the Hesperides”: The landscape initiative of the Musée Gassendi, Digne, and the National Park of Alpes de Haute-Provence. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 29.2005, [235]–249. (Abb 0 sw 15 fb, Spr en, Inh Réserve géologique des Alpes de Haute-Provence)

Bann, Stephen: “The horizon of Holland”: A poetic prelude to Ian Hamilton Finlay’s gardens. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 33.2009, 37–49. (Abb 1 sw 5 fb, Spr en, Inh Stonypath Edinburgh)

Bann, Stephen: Sensing the stones: Bernard Lassus and the ground of landscape design. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 24.2000, [53]–73. (Abb 20 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Battisti, Eugenio: ›Natura artificiosa‹ to ›natura artificialis‹. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 1.1971, [1]–6 I–VIII, 7–36. (Abb 14 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Begley, Wayne E.: The garden of the Taj Mahal: A case study of Mughal architectural planning and symbolism. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 16.1992, 213–231. (Abb 13 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Beneš, Mirka: Methodological changes in the study of Italian gardens from the 1870s to the 1990s: A personal itenerary. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 32.2007, 17–54. (Abb 3 sw 11 fb, Spr en)

Beneš, Mirka: Recent developments and perspectives in the historiography of Italian gardens. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 21.[1997], [37]–76. (Abb 11 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Benoît, Catherine: Silent performances in Guadeloupean dooryard gardens: The creolization of the self and the environment. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 27.2003, [117]–130. (Abb 9 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Bernal-García, María Elena: The dance of time, the procession of space at Mexico-Tenochtitlan’s desert garden. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 26.2002, [69]–112. (Abb 26 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Beveridge, Charles E.: Regionalism in Frederick Law Olmsted’s social thought and landscape design practice. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 15.1991, 209–241. (Abb 20 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Bezemer-Sellers, Vanessa: The Bentinck garden at Sorgvliet. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 12.1988, 99–129. (Abb 27 sw 0 fb, Spr en, Inh Hans Willem Bentinck)

Black, Brian: Organic planning: Ecology and design in the landscape of the Tenesse Valley Authority, 1933–[19]45. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 22.1998, [71]–95. (Abb 14 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Blair, Carole; Michel, Neil: Designing memories... of what? Reading the landscape of the Astronauts Memorial. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 19.1995, [185]–214. (Abb 20 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Blake, Stephen P.: The ›Khanah Bagh‹ in Mughal India: House gardens in the palaces and mansions of the great men of Shahjahanabad. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 16.1992, 171–187. (Abb 4 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Bonnechere, Pierre: The place of the sacred grove (›Alsos‹) in the mantic rituals of Greece: The example of the ›Alsos‹ of Trophionos at Lebadeia (Boeotia). In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 26.2002, [17]–41. (Abb 4 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Bonnemaison, Sarah: Sacred texts and ritual spaces in the RamLila of Ramnagar. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 26.2002, [173]–190. (Abb 19 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Bowring, Jacky: “To make the stone(s) stony”: Defamiliarization and Andy Goldsworthy’s Garden of Stones. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 29.2005, [181]–197. (Abb 0 sw 6 fb, Spr en, Inh Museum of Jewish Heritage Manhattan)

Brand, Michael: The Shahdara gardens of Lahore. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 16.1992, 189–211. (Abb 17 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Brands, Gunnar: From World War I cemeteries to the Nazi “fortresses of the dead”: Architecture, heroic landscape, and the quest for national identity in Germany. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 19.1995, [215]–256. (Abb 41 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Brignoli, Jean-Do: The royal gardens of Farahābād and the fall of Shāh Sultān Husayn revisited. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 31.2007, [139]–156. (Abb 5 sw 9 fb, Spr en, Inh Persischer Garten)

Brosseau, Sylvie: Perception and representation of famous sites in Japanese culture: The significance of ›meisho‹ in landscape and garden imgination. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 30.2006, [139]–163. (Abb 1 sw 19 fb, Spr en)

Brosseau, Sylvie: Tokyo’s modern parks: Spaces and practices. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 27.2003, [95]–115. (Abb 10 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Brown, Brenda J.: Landscape of theme parks rides: Media, modes, messages. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 20.1996, [235]–268. (Abb 28 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Brown, C. Allan: Eighteenth-century Virgina plantation gardens: Translating an ancient idyll. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 15.1991, 125–162. (Abb 30 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Brown, Kendall H.: Performing hybridity: Wedding rituals at Japanese-style gardens in Southern California. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 27.2003, [133]–151. (Abb 20 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Bull, Benedict: Gardens of Afghanistan. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 31.2007, [307]–327. (Abb 3 sw 13 fb, Spr en)


Calame, Claude: Gardens of love meadows of the beyond: Ritual encounters with the gods and poetical performances in ancient Greece. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 26.2002, [43]–54. (Abb 0 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Çalış, B. Deniz: Gardens at the Kağıthane commons during the Tulip period (1718–1730). In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 31.2007, [239]–266. (Abb 4 sw 10 fb, Spr en, Inh Ottomanischer Garten)

Calkins, Robert G.: Piero de’ Creszenzi and the medieval garden. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 9.1983, [155]–158 [I]–[IV] 159–166 [I]–[XVI] 167–173. (Abb 19 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Caro, Stefano de: The sculptures of the villa of Poppaea at Oplontis: A preliminary report. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 10.1984, [77]–133. (Abb 45 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Cazzato, Vincenzo: Residences of the emergent classes in two areas of southern Italy. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 32.2007, 115–141. (Abb 13 sw 18 fb, Spr en, Inh Villa, Inh Casino, Inh Masseria)

Chambers, Douglas: “Elysium Britannicum not printed neere ready [et]c”: The “Elysium Britannicum” in the correspondance of John Evelyn. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 17.1993, 107–130. (Abb 0 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Chappell, Edward A.: The museum and the joy ride: Williamsburg landscapes and the spector of theme parks. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 20.[1996], [119]–156. (Abb 26 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Charlesworth, Michael: Movement, intersubjectivity, and mercantile morality at Stourhead. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 24.2000, [263]–285. (Abb 9 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Charlesworth, Michael: A plan by John Evelyn for Henry Howard’s garden at Albury Park, Surrey. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 27.1993, 289–293. (Abb 1 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Christian, Kathleen Wren: Landscapes of ruin and the imagination in the antiquarian gardens of Renaissance Rome. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 30.2006, [117]–137. (Abb 8 sw 8 fb, Spr en)

Clayton, Virginia Tuttle: Wild gardening and the popular American magazine, 1890–1918. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 18.1994, 131–154. (Abb 10 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Clunas, Craig: Nature and ideology in western descriptions of the Chinese garden. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 18.1994, 21–33. (Abb 0 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Colvin, Howard M.: Royal gardens in medieval England. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 9.1983, [7]–14 [I]–[IV] 15–22. (Abb 6 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Comito, Terry: Beauty bare: Speaking waters and fountains in Renaissance literature. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 5.1977, [15]–58. (Abb 0 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Conan, Michel: The conundrum of Le Nôtre’s ›Labyrinthe‹. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 13.1989, 119–150. (Abb 30 sw 0 fb, Spr en, Inh Versailles)

Conan, Michel: The fiddler’s indecorous nostalgia. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 20.[1996], [91]–117. (Abb 20 sw 0 fb, Spr en, Inh Skansen Stockholm)

Conan, Michel: Friendship and imagination in French Baroque gardens before 1661. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 25.2001, [323]–383. (Abb 36 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Conan, Michel: From vernacular gardens to a social anthropology of gardening. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 21.[1997], [181]–204. (Abb 5 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Conan, Michel: “The garden of seasons” by Bernard Lassus: Coming to terms with fleeting encounters in a decentered world. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 24.2005, [97]–119. (Abb 3 sw 25 fb, Spr en, Inh Colas Gardens Boulogne-Billancourt)

Conan, Michel: Horticultural utopianism in France in the late eighteenth century. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 28.2004, [201]–221. (Abb 6 sw 10 fb, Spr en)

Conan, Michel: The ›hortillonnages‹: Reflexions on a vanishing gardeners’ culture. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 14.1990, 19–46. (Abb 21 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Conan, Michel: Landscape metaphors and metamorphosis of time. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 24.2000, [287]–317. (Abb 22 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Conan, Michel: Royal gardens, fashionable promenades, and public opinion in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Paris. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 27.2003, [43]–57. (Abb 0 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Cook, Robert E.: Do landscapes learn? Ecology’s “new paradigm” and design in landscape architecture. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 22.1998, [115]–132. (Abb 2 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Corbin, Carla I.: The old/new theme park: The American agriculture fair. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 20.1996, [183]–212. (Abb 19 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Cunliffe, Barry: Roman gardens in Britain: A review of the evidence. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 7.1979, [95]–108 I–XII. (Abb 13 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Cushman, Gregory T.; Environmental therapy for soil and social erosion: Landscape architecture and depression-era highway construction in Texas. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 22.1998, [45]–70. (Abb 19 sw 0 fb, Spr en)


Daley, Brian E.: The “closed garden” and the “sealed fountain”: Song of songs 4,12 in the late medieval iconography of Mary. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 9.1983, [253]–262 [I]–[VII] 263–278. (Abb 7 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Daniels, Stephen: Gothic gallantry: Humphry Repton, Lord Byron, and the sexual politics of landscape gardening. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 23.[1999], [311]–336. (Abb 15 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Daniels, Stephen; Seymour, Susanne; Watkins, Charles: Landscaping and estate management in later Georgian England. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 13.1989, 359–371. (Abb 6 sw 0 fb, Spr en, Inh Epoche George III und George IV)

Darby, Margaret Flanders: Joseph Paxton’s water lily. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 23.[1999], [255]–283. (Abb 12 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Davies, Jane B.: Davis and Downing: Collaboratories in the picturesque. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture,11.1987, 81–123. (Abb 50 sw 0 fb, Spr en, Inh Alexander Jackson Davies, Inh Andrew Jackson Downing)

Davis, Timothy: Mount Vernon Highway: Changing conceptions of an American commemorative landscape. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 19.1995, [131]–184. (Abb 30 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Del Tredici, Peter: The role of horticulture in a changing world. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 28.2004, [259]–265. (Abb 5 sw 1 fb, Spr en)

Desmond, Ray: London and nineteenth-century horticultural journalism. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 6.1978, [77]–90 I–XII 91–97. (Abb 21 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Díaz Cayeros, Patricia: Garden as threshold in eighteenth-century New Spain: The Puebla cathedral’s ›hortus conclusus‹. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 33.2009, 135–155. (Abb 5 sw 19 fb, Spr en)

Dickie, James: The Islamic garden in Spain. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 4.1974, [87]–105 I–XIV 132–133 XV–XXII. (Abb 18 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Diedenhofen, Wilhelm: “Belvedere”, or the principle of seeing and looking in the gardens of Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen at Cleves. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 12.1988, 49–80. (Abb 30 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Dmitrieva, Ekaterina: The country estate and Russian literary imagination (1761–1917). In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 30.2006, [165]–189. (Abb 3 sw 13 fb, Spr en)


Ehrlich, Tracy L.: Pastoral landscape and social politics in Baroque Rome. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 25.2001, [131]–181. (Abb 32 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

El Faïz, Mohammed: The gardens strategy of the Almohad sultans and their successors (1157–1900). In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 31.2007, [95]–111. (Abb 0 sw 9 fb, Spr en, Inh Arabischer Garten, Inh Almohad-Dynastie)

El Faïz, Mohammed: Horticultural changes and political upheavals in Middle-Age Andalusia. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 28.2004, [115]–127. (Abb 0 sw 5 fb, Spr en)

Evans, Susan Toby: Precious beauty: The aesthetics and economic value of Aztec gardens. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 28.2004, [81]–101. (Abb 17 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Eyres, Patrick: British naumachias: The performance of triumph and memorial. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 27.2003, [171]–192. (Abb 25 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Eyres, Patrick: Commercial profit and cultural display in the eighteenth-century landscape gardens at Wentworth Woodhouse and Harewood. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 23.[1999], [189]–219. (Abb 20 sw 0 fb, Spr en)


Fabiani Giannetto, Raffaella: “Grafting the edelweiss on cactus plants”: The 1931 Italian garden exhibition and its legacy. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 32.2007, 55–77. (Abb 1 sw 7 fb, Spr en, Inh Ausstellung ‘Mostra del giardino italiano’ Firenze 1931)

Fagiolo, Marcello: System of gardens in Italy: Princely residences and villas in Rome and Latium, Savoy Piedmont, Royal Bourbon Naples, and Bagheria, Sicily. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 32.2007, 81–114. (Abb 27 sw 11 fb, Spr en)

Ferriolo, Massimo Venturi: Cardada by Paolo Burgi: The experience of the gaze. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 29.2005, [199]–221. (Abb 0 sw 26 fb, Spr en)

Flad, Harvey K.: Matthew Vassars’s springside: “...the hand of art, when guided by taste”. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 11.1987, 219–257. (Abb 25 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Fleming, John V.: The garden of the ›Roman de la rose‹: Vision of landscape or landscape of vision? In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 9.1983, [199]–214 [I]–[II] 215–230 [I]–[II] 231–234. (Abb 4 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Freytag, Anette: When the railway conquered the garden: Velocity in Parisian and Viennese parks. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 24.2000, [215]–242. (Abb 30 sw 0 fb, Spr en, Inh Parc des Buttes-Chaumont Paris, Inh Türkenschanzpark Wien)

Fricker, Laurence J.: Dartington Hall Devonshire, England. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 8.1980, [75]–90 I–VIII 91–96. (Abb 8 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Friedman, Alice T.: John Evelyn and English architecture. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 17.1993, 153–170. (Abb 8 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Frith, Wendy: Sexuality and politics in the gardens at West Wycombe and Medmenham Abbey. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 23.[1999], [285]–309. (Abb 10 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Fung, Stanislaus: Longing and belonging in Chinese garden history. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 21.[1997], [205]–219. (Abb 3 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Fung, Stanislaus: Movement and stillness in Ming writings on gardens. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 24.2000, [233]–262. (Abb 0 sw 0 fb, Spr en)


Galetti, Giorgio: Horse racing, hunting and praying in the “shady walks and sacred woods” of Cetinale. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 26.2002, [239]–260. (Abb 30 sw 0 fb, Spr en, Villa Cetinale Toscana)

García Sánchez, Expiración; Hernández Bermejo, J. Esteban: Ornamental plants in agricultural and botanical treatises from al-Andalus. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 31.2007, [75]–[93]. (Abb 0 sw 8 fb, Spr en)

García-Zambrano, Ángel Julián: Ancestral rituals of landscape exploration and appropriation among indigenous communites in early colonial Mexico. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 26.2002, [193]–219 [I]–[IV]. (Abb 28 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Givens, Jean: The garden outside the walls: Plant forms in thirteenth-century English sculpture. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 9.1983, [187]–198 [I]–[XVI]. (Abb 18 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Gollwitzer, Gerda: The influence of Le Nostre on the European garden of the eignteenth century. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 3.1973, [69]–80 I–XII 81–87. (Abb 21 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Gould, Stephen Jay: An evolutionary perspective on strengths, fallacies and confusions in the concept of native plants. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 18.1994, 11–19. (Abb 0 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Grese, Robert E.: The prairie garden of O. C. Simonds and Jens Jensen. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 15.1991, 99–123. (Abb 17 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Gröning, Gert: Ideological aspects of nature garden concepts in late twentieth-century Germany. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 18.1994, 221–248. (Abb 16 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Gundaker, Grey: At home on the other side: African American burials as commemorative landscapes. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 19.1995, [25]–54. (Abb 30 sw 0 fb, Spr en)


Habib, Irfan: Notes on the economics and social aspects of Mughal gardens. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 16.1992, 127–137. (Abb 0 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Hagopian, Patrick: The commemorative landscape of the Vietnam War. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 19.1995, [311]–375. (Abb 28 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Hagopian van Buren, Anne: Reality and literary romance in the park of Hesdin. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 9.1983, [115]–126 [I]–[III] 127–134. (Abb 3 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Hajós, Géza: Picture and poetry in Austrian gardens of the late eighteenth century. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 13.1989, 203–218. (Abb 12 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Haley, K. H. D.: William III as builder of Het Loo. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 12.1988, 3–11. (Abb 0 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Halpern, Linda Cabe: The uses of paintings in garden history. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 13.1989, 183–202. (Abb 15 sw 0 fb, Spr en, Inh Methoden)

Hanaway, William L. (jr.): Paradise on earth: The terrestrial garden in Persian literature. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 4.1974, [41]–67. (Abb 1 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Harris, Dianne: Making gardens in the Athens of the west: Bernard Maybeck and the San Francisco bay region: Tradition in landscape and garden design. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 15.1991, 43–68. (Abb 26 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Harris, John: Some imperfect ideas on the genesis of the Loudonesque flower garden. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 6.1978, [45]–57 I–XII. (Abb 17 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

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Harwood, Edward: Rhetoric, authentity, and reception: The eighteenth-century landscape garden, the modern theme park, and their audiences. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 20.[1996], [49]–68. (Abb 9 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

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Hirschfeld, Yizhar: Perfume and power from the ancient Near East to late antiquities. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 28.2004, [103]–113. (Abb 9 sw 4 fb, Spr en)

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Hopper, Florence: Daniel Marot: A French garden designer in Holland. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 12.1988, 131–158. (Abb 29 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Hornbeck, Peter L.: The garden as fine art; its maintenance and preservation. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 8.1980, [125]–137. (Abb 0 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Hunt, John Dixon: Approaches (new and old) to garden history. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 21.[1997], [77]–90. (Abb 2 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Hunt, John Dixon: “But who does not know what a Dutch garden is?” The Dutch garden in the English imagination. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 12.1988, 175–206. (Abb 33 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Hunt, John Dixon: “Come into the garden, Maud”: Garden art as a privileged mode of commemoration and identity. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 19.1995, [9]–24. (Abb 12 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

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Hunter, Michael: John Evelyn in the 1650s: A virtouso in quest of a role. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 17.1993, 79–106. (Abb 5 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

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I – J

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Jacobs, Peter: Echoes of paradise: Fernando Chacel’s gardens in the coastal plain of Jacarepaguà. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 29.2005, [121]–139. (Abb 1 sw 17 fb, Spr en, Inh Rio de Janeiro)

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Jellicoe, Susan: The development of the Mughal gardens. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 4.1974, [107]–129 134–135 XXIII–XXXVI. (Abb 26 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

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Johanson, Patricia: Beyond choreography: Shifting experiences in uncivilized gardens. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 24.2000, [75]–102. (Abb 30 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Johnson, Norris Brock: Mountain, temple, and the design of movement: Thirteenth-century Japanese Zen Buddhist landscapes. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 24.2000, [157]–185. (Abb 30 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

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Karson, Robin: Warren H. Manning: Pragmatist in the wild garden. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 18.1994, 113–130. (Abb 6 sw 0 fb, Spr en, Inh Warren Henry Manning)

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Kelsch, Paul: Construction of American forest: Four landscapes, four readings. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 22.1998, [163]–185. (Abb 6 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Kelso, William M.: Landscape archaelogy and garden history research: Success and promise at Bacon’s Castle, Monticello, and Poplar Forest, Virginia. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 13.1989, 31–57. (Abb 12 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Knox, Brian: The arrival of the English landscape garden in Poland and Bohemia. (The English garden in Czechoslovakia and Poland). In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 2.[1972], 99–104 I–VIII 105–116. (Abb 20 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Koch, Ebba: My garden is Hindustan: The Mughal ›Pādshāh’s‹ realization of a political metaphor. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 31.2007, [159]–175. (Abb 7 sw 9 fb, Spr en, Inh Babur, Inh chahār bāgh)

Kowsky, Francis R.: The architectural legacy of Andrew Jackson Downing. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 11.1987, 259–290. (Abb 25 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Kuitert, Wybe: Cultural values and political change: Cherry gardening in ancient Japan. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 28.2004, [129]–145. (Abb 8 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Kuttner, Ann: Delight and danger in the Roman water garden: Sperlonga and Tivoli. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 24.2000, [103]–156. (Abb 18 sw 0 fb, Spr en)


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Laird, Mark: Parterre, grove, and flower garden: European horticulture and planting design in John Evelyn’s time. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 17.1993, 171–219. (Abb 31 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Lambert, David: The prospect of trade: The merchant gardeners of Bristol in the second half of the eighteenth century. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 23.[1999], [123]–145. (Abb 15 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Lambert, David: Rituals of transgression in public parks in Britain, 1846 to the present. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 27.2003, [195]–210. (Abb 14 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

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Lanman, Susan Warren: Meaning and change in the walled kitchen gardens of nin[e]teenth-century Britain. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 27.2003, [79]–92. (Abb 3 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

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Leenhardt, Jacques: The planetary garden, garden unknown: On the work of landscaper Gilles Clément. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 29.2005, [223]–233. (Abb 0 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

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Leslie, Michael: “Bringing ingenuity into fashion”: The “Elysium Britannicum” and the reformation of husbandry. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 17.1993, 131–152. (Abb 0 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

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McPeck, Eleanor M.: Beatrix Jones Farrand: The formative years 1890–1920. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 8.1980, [21]–26 I–VIII 27–28. (Abb 11 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

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Meyer, Elizabeth K.: The post-earth day conundrum: Translating environmental values into landscape design. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 22.1998, [187]–244. (Abb 37 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

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N – O

Nadenicek, Daniel Joseph: Commemoration in the landscape of Minnesota: “A halo of poetic association”. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 19.1995, [55]–79. (Abb 10 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

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Nadenicek, Daniel Joseph; Hastings, Catherine M.: Environmental rhetoric, environmental sophism: The words and works of landscape architecture. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 22.1998, [133]–161. (Abb 7 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

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Olausson, Magnus: The aesthetic and social reception and development of the Baroque garden in Sweden. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 25.2001, [183]–211. (Abb 31 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

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Olin, Laurie: Regionalism and the practice of Hanna/Olin, Ltd. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 15.1991, 243–270. (Abb 13 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

O’Malley, Therese: Art and science in the design of botanic gardens, 1730–1830. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 13.1989, 279–302. (Abb 21 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

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P – Q

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Rotenberg, Robert: La pensée bourgeoisie on the Biedermeier garden. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 23.[1999], [147]–172. (Abb 5 sw 0 fb, Spr en)


Scazzosi, Lionella: Garden and landscapes as “open-ended works” between continuity and transformation: Notes on the role of historical studies. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 32.2007, 169–183. (Abb 0 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Schenker, Heath: Pleasure gardens, theme parks, and the picturesque. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 20.[1996], [69]–89. (Abb 9 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Schenker, Heath: Women, gardens, and the English middle class in the early nineteenth century. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 23.[1999], [337]–360. (Abb 15 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Schimmel, Annemarie: The celestial garden in Islam. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 4.1974, [11]–39. (Abb 0 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Schuyler, David: The Washington Park and Downing’s legacy to public landscape design. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 11.1987, 291–311. (Abb 5 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Shah, Behula: Braj: The creation of Krishna’s landscape of power and pleasure and its sixteenth-century construction through the pilgrimage of the groves. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 26.2002, [153]–171. (Abb 27 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Singh, Priyaleen: Culture, tradition, and contemporary Indian landscape design: Mohammad Shaheer at Sanskriti Kendra. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 29.2005, [59]–79. (Abb 0 sw 26 fb, Spr en, Inh Sanskriti Kendra Delhi)

Spens, Michael: The garden at Portrack designed and created by Charles Jencks (1986–2004): Entraprenent and release. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 29.2005, [163]–179. (Abb 3 sw 18 fb, Spr en)

Spirn, Anne Whiston: The authority of nature: Conflict and confusion in landscape architecture. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 18.1994, 249–261. (Abb 0 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Spirn, Anne Whiston: Ian McHarg, landscape architecture, and environmentalism: Ideas and methods in context. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 22.1998, [97]–114. (Abb 8 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Stanley, Nick: Chinese theme parks and national identity. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 20.1996, [269]–289. (Abb 13 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Stanley-Baker, P. Richard: Mythic and sacred gardens in medieval Japan: Sacral mediation in the Rokuonji and the Saihōji gardens. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 26.2002, [115]–151. (Abb 30 sw 0 fb, Spr en, Inh Tempelgarten)

Stannard, Jerry: Alimentary and medicinal uses of plants. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 9.1983, [69]–91. (Abb 0 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Stern, Michael A.: The National Cemetry System: Politics, place, and contemporary cemetery design. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 19.1995, [107]–129. (Abb 18 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Stokstad, Marilyn: The garden as art. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 9.1983, [175]–182 [I]–[XV] 183–185. (Abb 18 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Strandberg, Runar: The French formal garden after Le Nostre. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 3.1973, [41]–56 I–XII 57–67. (Abb 20 sw 0 fb, Spr en, Inh André Le Nôtre)

Strassberg, Richard E.: Mirrors and windows: Fictional imagination in later Chinese garden culture. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 30.2006, [191]–205. (Abb 4 sw 7 fb, Spr en)

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Tatum, George B.: Nature’s gardener. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 11.1987, 43–80. (Abb 17 sw 0 fb, Spr en, Inh Andrew Jackson Downing)

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Touwaide, Alain: Art and sciences: Private gardens and botany in the early Roman empire. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 28.2004, [37]–59. (Abb 4 sw 2 fb, Spr en)

Treib, Marc: Aspects of regionality and the modern(ist): Garden in California. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 15.1991, 5–42. (Abb 37 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

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Tschumi, Christian: The re-enchantment of the Maegahi residence by Mirei Shigemori. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 29.2005, [35]–56. (Abb 3 sw 23 fb, Spr en, Inh Juen-tei Higashi-Hiroshima)

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U – V

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Vieillard-Baron, Michel: Religious and lay rituals in Japanese gardens during the Heian period (784–1185). In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 26.2002, [57]–66. (Abb 0 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

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Welch, Anthony: Garden that Babur did not like: Landscape, water, and architecture for the sultans of Delhi. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 16.1992, 59–93. (Abb 20 sw 0 fb, Spr en, Inh Babur)

Wescoat, James L. (jr.): Gardens, urbanization, and urbanism in Mughal Lahore: 1526–1657. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 16.1992 139–169. (Abb 22 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Wescoat, James L. (jr.): Gardens versus citadels: The territorial context of early Mughal gardens. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 13.1989, 331–358. (Abb 10 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

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Widrig, Walter M.: Land use at the Via Gabina villas. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 10.1984, [223]–260. (Abb 28 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Williamson, Tom: Garden history and systematic survey. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 13.1989, 59–78. (Abb 8 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Wolf, Gordon P. de (jr.): Andrew Jackson Downing and pomology. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 11.1987, 125–[163]. (Abb 2 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Wolfson, Elliot R.: Rose of eros and the duplicity of the feminine in Zoharie kabbalah. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 28.2004, [51]–59. (Abb 0 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

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Wolschke-Bulmahn, Joachim: The nationalization of nature and the naturalization of the German nation: “Teutonic” trends in early twentieth-century landscape design. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 18.1994, 187–219. (Abb 31 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Wolschke-Bulmahn, Joachim: The search for “ecological goodness” among garden historians. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 21.[1997], [161]–180. (Abb 0 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

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Woudstra, Jan: Jacobus P. Thijsse’s influence on Dutch landscape architecture. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 18.1994, 155–185. (Abb 19 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Wu, Xin: History, neo-Confucian identity, and landscape at the Yuelu Academy. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 33.2009, 65–80. (Abb 6 sw 4 fb, Spr en, Inh Yuelu Changsha)

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X – Y – Z

Xu, Yinong: “M[ount]t Sumeru in a mustard seed”: Imagery and polemics in Wang Shizhen’s garden essays. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 30.2006, [207]–223. (Abb 0 sw 1 fb, Spr en)

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Zimmermann, Reinhard: Iconography in German and Austrian Renaissance gardens. In: Dumberton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture, 13.1989, 97–118. (Abb 4 sw 0 fb, Spr en)

Stand 7. Juni 2013