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Vorlage:One source Vorlage:Infobox person

Roman Retzbach is a Professional Futurist and Futurologist, a Scientist of Futures Studies, and the Founder of the Future.Institute, working with Futurology.

Roman Retzbach is married to Tatsanee Retzbach, has two children, and lives in Stuttgart and Berlin, Germany. He and his wife have co-authored several publications, including "Futures Sciences", "Futures Studies" and "Future Dictionary".

Futurist career

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1988 he relaunched the Future.Institute of his family, refounded 1920. His grandfather was an artist of the futurism and his father a scientist. Member of the World Future Society.

Roman Retzbach is co-creating long-term futures studies, which can’t be proofed nowadays.


Category:1964 births Category:Futurologists Category:Futurists Category:Living people Category:German people Category:Year of birth missing (living people)