Benutzer:Shi Annan/Titewhai Harawira
![Titewhai Harawira 2017.](
Titewhai Te Huia Hinewhare Harawira (geb. Hellier, 1932, Whakapara, Neuseeland; gest. 25. Januar 2023, Avondale) war eine Maori-Aktivistin in Neuseeland. Sie stammte aus Whakapara aus einer Familie von Häuptlingen der Ngāpuhi. Sie war eine resolute politische Kommentatorin und Bürgerrechts-Aktivistin. Seit den 1970er Jahren war sie bei der Bürgerrechtsgruppe Ngā Tamatoa involviert. Sie wurde eine national bekannte Figur aufgrund ihrer Rolle als Begleitung der Premierminister von Neuseeland zu den Marae (Versammlungen der Maori) während der Feiern zum Waitangi Day.
Nach ihrem Tod im Januar 2023 wurde sie vom Māori Development Minister Willie Jackson als wichtige Führungspersönlichkeit in Neuseeland während der Maori-Renaissance geehrt. Ihre Aktivitäten und die Art ihres Aktivismus waren dabei zeitweise kontrovers, unter anderem, als sie 1998 Helen Clark kritisierte, die damalige Oppositionsführerin, welche bei einem Marae gesprochen hatte, da dies Māori-Frauen nicht erlaubt ist.
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]Jugend und Familie
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]Harawira[1] wurde 1932 in Whakapara geboren. Sie war die älteste von sieben Kindern.[2][3] Sie gehörte zu den Iwi (Stämmen) Ngāpuhi und Ngāti Wai und war eine Nachfarin der Ngāpuhi-Häuptlinge Eruera Maihi Patuone und Tāmati Wāka Nene.[2][4] Sie wurde durch die Eltern ihrer Mutter aufgezogen, besuchte die Whakapara Native School und später die Queen Victoria School for Māori Girls,[5][6] und machte eine Ausbildung zur Krankenschwester. 1952 heiratete sie John Puriri Harawira, einen Māori warden und Taxifahrer. Mit ihm hat sie zwölf Kinder (drei durch Whāngai Adoption), inklusive des Politikers Hone Harawira.[3][2][7] Kurz nach ihrer Heirat zogen sie nach Avondale in Auckland.[2]
Harawira und ihr Ehemann waren Gründungsmitglieder der Hoani Waititi Marae und sie war aktiv in der Māori Women’s Welfare League.[2] Später erinnerte sie sich, dass sie die Schulen der Kinder besuchte, um sicherzustellen, dass ihre Māori-Namen richtig geschrieben und ausgesprochen wurden: „Es war für mich notwendig, eine Sicherheitsbarriere um meine Kinder herum zu errichten, damit sie sich wohl fühlen würden, Maori zu sein und eine Sprache zu haben, auf die man stolz sein kann“ („It was necessary for me to enforce a safety barrier around my children so that they would feel comfortable about being Maori and having a language to be proud of“).[4] Ihr Mann verstarb 1977, als ihr jüngstes Kind erst acht Jahre alt war.[6][8][2] Nach seinem Tod arbeitete sie in Teilzeit, unter anderem als Telephone Exchange Operator.[3]
1970er bis 1990er
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]In den 1970ern wurde sie eine der führenden Mitglieder der Māori-Aktivistengruppe Ngā Tamatoa.[2] Die Gruppe legte 1972 dem Parlament eine Petition mit über 30.000 Unterschriften vor. Harawira half beim Sammeln von Unterschriften[9] und behauptete, die Petition habe zur Wiederbelebung der Māori-Sprache durch den Maori Language Act von 1987 geführt, welcher Entwicklung der Māori-Sprache Immersionsschulen wie Kōhanga Reo , Kura Kaupapa und Wharekura, Māori Television und Iwi-Radiosender sowie Wānanga (Māori-Hochschulanbieter)
language immersion schools like kōhanga reo, kura kaupapa and wharekura, Māori Television and iwi radio stations, and wānanga (Māori tertiary education providers).[10][11] In later years, she explained:[12]
„Wir waren entschlossen, unsere Sprache zu retten, weil wir fühlten und glaubten und auch heute noch glauben, dass ein Volk ohne seine Sprache ein sterbendes Volk ist.“[13]
In the 1974 local elections, she stood unsuccessfully for the Auckland City Council on a Labour Party ticket.[14] In 1975 following the retirement of Hugh Watt, she was one of twenty-seven candidates who sought Labour Party selection for the Onehunga electorate, but lost to Frank Rogers.[15]
In 1975 she was one of the organisers of the Māori land march, a hikoi (protest march) from Northland to Wellington to protest against the taking of Māori land.[4][9][16] On arriving at Parliament she led an occupation of the Parliament grounds for two months, against the wishes of the public leader of the march, Whina Cooper.[4][17] She also criticised then prime minister Robert Muldoon and his National party government for what she described as their "racist attitudes", particularly towards young Māori.[18] In 1979 she was part of a small group which formed the Waitangi Action Committee to shut down Waitangi Day celebrations until the Treaty of Waitangi was honoured.[19][20] Eva Rickard and Harawira led a hikoi at Waitangi in 1984.[21]
In the late 1980s, she established the Whare Paia mental health unit for Māori at Carrington Hospital;[3] in 1989, she was jailed for nine months for assaulting a patient, with four other staff members also convicted, including her daughter and son.[22][23] Harawira claimed that that the victim had sexually assaulted a staff member;[2] however, the sentencing judge called the attacks "an arrogant and frightening abuse of authority and power", and noted that Harawira should have used her authority to prevent the assault.[23] News website Stuff noted that this incident overshadowed her "lauded work with Māori health initiatives".[4] As a consequence of her conviction, she was unable to stand for election to the Auckland Area Health Board in 1989 as planned, and her nomination to be on the Māori advisory committee to Auckland City Council in 1995 was rejected.[24]
In 1990 Harawira went to the Netherlands to ask the Dutch government to take back the name "New Zealand" so that the original Māori name of "Aotearoa" could be used for the country instead.[9][4][25]
Waitangi Day role
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]For many years, Harawira undertook the informal role of welcoming and accompanying the New Zealand prime minister onto Te Tii marae at Waitangi during celebrations for Waitangi Day.[12][26][27][28] Ngāti Hine leader Pita Tipene noted that although Harawira had strong political views and was often critical of the government, she was always respectful in this role and "differentiated between politics and people".[12]
In 1998 Harawira publicly objected to Helen Clark, then the leader of the opposition party, speaking on the marae during the pōwhiri (welcoming ceremony). Harawira explained that she objected to a non-Māori woman being given speaking rights when Ngāpuhi women, like those of most iwi, were traditionally prevented from speaking on the marae.[29] Clark was shown on television in tears (later, she said that the tears were "not for myself but for the ruination, yet again, of an event which has so much potential for healing, reconciliation, and taking matters forward").[30] At the time, Clark observed that other women had spoken at the marae without issue, including then prime minister Jenny Shipley who had spoken the day before. She said she would not celebrate Waitangi Day at Waitangi in the future unless she was treated respectfully.[29][9][31]
2000, after her election as prime minister, Clark attended Waitangi for the celebrations but did not visit Te Tii marae. In May that year, Harawira wrote to Clark apologising for the hurt caused, but noting that she would be "watching what your government does with guarded expectation". She also said that she and Clark had met to discuss the issue, although did not give details.[32] 2002, Clark returned to Te Tii marae and was escorted by Harawira; Clark agreed it was "time to move on" and that it was important to re-establish a relationship between the government and Ngāpuhi.[33] Thereafter, female politicians were not permitted to speak on Te Tii marae until 2014.[9]
In 2013, Te Tii marae's board nominated a different woman to escort prime minister John Key, suggesting that Harawira had "had her turn". In an apparent compromise, however, both women assisted Key onto the marae.[26][28]
Later work and activism
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]Harawira was on the New Zealand Māori Council for 45 years,[4] and was a talkback host on Radio Waatea.[34][35] When the Māori Party was formed in 2004 she considered standing as a candidate for the Te Tai Tokerau electorate, but her son Hone Harawira stood instead.[12][27][3][24] Earlier that year she participated in the hikoi protesting against controversial foreshore and seabed legislation.[36]
In March 2007, together with other senior members of the Ngāpuhi iwi, she commissioned a report into the claims by Ngāpuhi at the Waitangi Tribunal, intended to stand alongside any decision by the Waitangi Tribunal. The report was published in 2012 and found that Ngāpuhi did not sign away its sovereignty and governance to the Crown.[37] She was active in supporting Ngāpuhi's claims at the tribunal throughout its progress, and in January 2023 (shortly before her death) had worked to organise a meeting to discuss a recent tribunal report.[12]
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]Harawira was a polarising figure who was criticised by some political leaders and even sometimes by her own iwi for her style of activism.[23] In 2011, co-leader of the Māori Party, Pita Sharples, said Harawira had turned up to a Māori Party meeting and had yelled and sung over the top of people speaking. Harawira was reported to have called Sharples' co-leader Tariana Turia a "snake" and a "bloody liar".[8][38] Following the incident, the board of the Te Tii marae considered banning her from the marae for her behaviour, and a Ngāpuhi elder called her "a bully";[39][40] in response, she labelled him a "wimp", who "needs to grow a backbone".[4]
News website Stuff suggested that prime minister John Key had "targeted" Harawira's style of activism in his annual speech on Waitangi Day in 2013, by referring to "headline-seekers" who distract from the real issues facing Māori. In response, Harawira noted the results from Māori activism in the 1970s, and said Māori "get benefits as a Treaty partner because we fight for them".[4] She also observed that she had earned the respect of her own people, if not the Government, by "not compromising".[32]
Death and legacy
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]Harawira died on 25 January 2023, at age 90.[2] The new prime minister Chris Hipkins, who had succeeded Jacinda Ardern in the office that day, paid tribute to Harawira during one of his first public addresses as prime minister:[11]
„Ich möchte“[41]
Hipkins also delivered a reflection written by Ardern:[42]
„Jedes Jahr“[43]
Minister for Māori Development Willie Jackson also paid tribute, praising Harawira's commitment to change, as well as saying that she signified "the essence of the Māori renaissance period" and the period where activists began to promote the Māori language and the promises of the Treaty of Waitangi.[11][44]
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]- ↑ Harawira, Titewhai Tehoia, 1932?-2023. In: Abgerufen am 1. Februar 2023 (englisch).
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i Titewhai Harawira dies, aged 90. In: Radio New Zealand. 25. Januar 2023, abgerufen am 26. Januar 2023 (englisch).
- ↑ a b c d e Keri Welham: Hater, wrecker? In: The Press. 15. Mai 2004, S. D1, abgerufen am 27. Januar 2023 (englisch, ProQuest 314621909).
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i Simon Day: A tete-a-tete with Titewhai. In: Stuff. 10. Februar 2013, abgerufen am 25. Januar 2023 (englisch).
- ↑ Dale Husband: Titewhai Harawira: We have to fight for everything. In: E-Tangata. 23. September 2017, abgerufen am 27. Januar 2023 (englisch).
- ↑ a b Harawira reflects on life and love. In: Western Leader. 31. Januar 2009, abgerufen am 27. Januar 2023 (englisch).
- ↑ Julie Jacobson: Tapping the mother lode. In: The Dominion Post. 11. Mai 2006, S. D1, abgerufen am 27. Januar 2023 (englisch, Vorlage:ProQuest).
- ↑ a b Hartevelt |first =John |url= |title=Sharples: Titewhai Harawira's rudeness 'uncontrollable' |work=Stuff |date=2011-05-09 |accessdate=2013-01-29}}
- ↑ a b c d e Glenn McConnell, Karanama Ruru: Moe mai rā, Titewhai Harawira. In: Stuff. 24. Januar 2023, abgerufen am 27. Januar 2023.
- ↑ Feisty fighter, lovely gran: Titewhai Harawira and nearly 90 years of activism |url= |access-date=2023-01-26 |work=The New Zealand Herald |date=25 January 2023}}
- ↑ a b c Hurihanganui |first1=Te Aniwa |title=Long-time activist Titewhai Harawira dies aged 90 |url= |access-date=2023-01-25 |date=25 January 2023 |work=1 News
- ↑ a b c d e Los'e |first1=Joseph |last2=de Graaf |first2=Peter |title='She didn't bow to anyone': Ngāpuhi matriarch Titewhai Harawira dies aged 90 |url= |access-date=2023-01-27 |work=The Northern Advocate |date=25. Januar 2023}}
- ↑ We were determined to rescue our language because we felt and we believed, and we believe today, that a people without its language is a people that die.
- ↑ Declaration of Result of Election | work=The New Zealand Herald |date=1974-10-23 |page=16}}
- ↑ Local Contractor Beats Big Names in Onehunga Selection |date=1975-08-18 |work=The New Zealand Herald |page=3
- ↑ Maori marchers to 'assault' Parliament [ |access-date=2023-01-30 |work=The Press |date=1975-09-30 |page=16}}
- ↑ Maori protesters gain support |url= |access-date=2023-01-30 |work=The Press |date=1975-12-30 |page=10}}
- ↑ National Govt is accused of racist attitudes |url= |access-date=2023-01-30 |work=The Press |date=13 January 1976 |page=1}}
- ↑ The Urban Context: Ethnicity, Social Networks and Situational Analysis |editor1-first=Alisdair |editor1-last=Rogers |editor2-first=Stephen |editor2-last=Vertovec |editor3-first=C. |editor3-last=Panter-Bric |year=1995 |page=83 |isbn=9781859730720 |url= |publisher=Berg Publishers}}
- ↑ Webb-Liddall |first1=Alice |title=Five wāhine Māori protestors (who other Māori thought were a pain in the ass) |url= |access-date=2023-01-27 |work=The Spinoff |date=2019-08-02}}
- ↑ Basil |last=Keane |title=Whina Cooper, Eva Rickard and Titewhai Harawira |access-date=27 January 2023 |encyclopedia=Te Ara – The Encyclopedia of New Zealand |url=}}
- ↑ [ |title=The pity of Harawira |first=Rosemary |last=McLeod |date=2011-02-17 |work=The Press |access-date=2023-01-27 }}
- ↑ a b c Susan Edmunds: Titewhai Harawira: Nana or Bully? |url= |access-date=2023-01-27 |work=The New Zealand Herald |date=2013-02-10 }}
- ↑ a b Welham |first1=Keri |title=Activist aims for Beehive |url= |access-date=2023-01-27 |work=The Press |date=2004-05-12 |page=A3|id=Vorlage:ProQuest }}
- ↑ The Penguin History of New Zealand|first=Michael|last=King|year=2003|page=100 (p. 108 in the 2011 edition) |isbn=9781459623750 |url=}}
- ↑ a b Titewhai Harawira wins over escorting PM at Waitangi |url= |access-date=2023-01-27 |work=Radio New Zealand |date=2013-02-04
- ↑ a b Tributes flow as Titewhai Harawira dies aged 90 |url= |access-date=2023-01-27 |work=Otago Daily Times |date=25 January 2023
- ↑ a b Key waits on 'Granny-gate'. Claire Trevett In: The New Zealand Herald|date=2013-02-06|access-date=2023-01-27}}
- ↑ a b Knight |first1=Richard |title=Speaking rights row goes to elders' hui |url= |access-date=2023-01-27 |work=The New Zealand Herald |issue 30. Juni 2000.
- ↑ Tracy Watkins: Is it time for John Key to turn his back on Waitangi? |url= |access-date=2023-01-27 |work=Stuff |date=2016-02-02
- ↑ Memorable moments at Waitangi 1998 – Helen Clark in tears |last1=Barlow |first1=Jack |date=2018-02-03 |url= |access-date=2023-01-25 |work=The Dominion Post}}
- ↑ a b Michele Hewitson: The taming of Titewhai Harawira |url= |access-date=2023-01-25 |website=The New Zealand Herald |date=2002-10-10
- ↑ Clark closes ugly chapter at Waitangi |url= |access-date=2023-01-25 |website=The New Zealand Herald |date=2002-02-06 |last1=Young |first1=Aubrey
- ↑ Royal |first1=Te Ahukaramū Charles |title=Radio Waatea |url= |website=Te Ara – The Encyclopedia of New Zealand.
- ↑ Titewhai Harawira calls on Turia, Sharples to quit |url=,-sharples-to-quit |access-date=2023-01-27 |work=Radio New Zealand |date=2010-09-17
- ↑ Thompson |first1=Gordon John |title=On the road again |url= |access-date=2023-01-27 |work=The Dominion Post |date=2004-05-01 |page=WM1|id=Vorlage:ProQuest }}
- ↑ Ngapuhi role in Treaty examined |url= |access-date=2023-01-26 |work=Stuff |date=2012-12-13
- ↑ Young |first1=Audrey |title=Harawira pair's abuse sickens Turia |url= |access-date=2023-01-27 |work=The New Zealand Herald |date=2011-05-09
- ↑ Watkins |first1=Tracy |title=Key walks into war at Waitangi |url= |access-date=2023-01-27 |work=Sunday Star-Times |date=2013-02-03
- ↑ Tahana |first1=Yvonne |title=Harawira matriarch faces marae ban |url= |access-date=2023-01-27 |work=The New Zealand Herald |date=2011-05-17
- ↑ I do want to acknowledge her passing, and I do want to send my condolences and my aroha [love] to her whānau [family]... There will be a lot of Kiwis who didn't agree with Titewhai Harawira, but no one could doubt her passion and her sincerity and her commitment to Māori.
- ↑ Ruru |first1=Karanama |title=New PM Chris Hipkins pays respects to Titewhai Harawira as tangi begins |url= |access-date=2023-01-27 |work=Stuff |date=26 January 2023}}
- ↑ Each year as I arrived [at Te Tii marae] I hoped that what I had done for the past 12 months was good enough, because I knew if she didn't think so, I would soon be told.
- ↑ Politicians pay their respects to the life of respected kuia Titewhai Harawira |url= |last1=Los'e |first1=Joseph |access-date=2023-01-25 |work=The New Zealand Herald |date=24. Januar 2023.
[[Kategorie:Neuseeländer]] [[Kategorie:Geboren 1932]] [[Kategorie:Gestorben 2023]] [[Kategorie:Frau]] {{Personendaten |NAME= Harawira, Titewhai |ALTERNATIVNAMEN= Titewhai Te Huia Hinewhare, Harawira, Titiwhai, Titewhai Te Huia Hinewhare Hellier |KURZBESCHREIBUNG= Maori-Aktivistin in Neuseeland |GEBURTSDATUM= 1932 |GEBURTSORT= [[Whakapara]], [[Neuseeland]] |STERBEDATUM= 25. Januar 2023 |STERBEORT= [[Avondale (Auckland)]], [[Neuseeland]] }} Ngāpuhi people]] [[Category:Ngāti Wai people]] [[Category:New Zealand women activists]] [[Category:People from the Northland Region]]