Benutzer:Stefan Kühn/The Book

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2020-06-28 Screenshot The Book 0.2

The Book is a project at the Wikimedia

This project side shows your Wikipedia like a printed lexicon book. From every article you get only the first paragraph and the first image and also all neighbor articles in a multi-column page. This help to research and discover unknown interesting article in your Wikipedia. The tool is available in over 300 languages.

  • 300+ languages
  • Multi-column Layout
  • 20 articles on one page (alphabetic order)
  • goto function
  • goto random page
  • goto next or previous page (alphabetic order)


  • shows debug information
  • Example
  • only on page.cgi available


  • shows no image on this page
  • Example
  • only on page.cgi available


  • shows the link to the API after every article
  • Example
  • only on page.cgi available
  • Math elements
  • Widows and orphans
    • Reason: Technical problem of the HTML-Parsering in the browser (Write me, if you know a solution.)

Please write your wish in English or German at the site: Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/The Book. Thanks!

  • The Book - 0.1 (Offline, since toolserver is down)
  • Perl CGI-Script
  • parsing Wikipedia-Dumps for first pages and first images
  • CSS Multi-column Layout Module
  • tested Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome
  • only 20 languages available