Benutzer Diskussion:Astirmays
[Quelltext bearbeiten]Sali Astirmays. Jau hai chattà [trouvé?] Vossa pagina sur da Vikidia/Wikikids sin la Wikipedia tudestga [allemande?]. L'idea d'in Wikikids ma plascha fitg [très?] Vulais Vus ch'insatgi [quelqu'un] tructescha il rest da la pagina per Vus? -- 01:54, 31. Jan. 2014 (CET)
- Me again. So you don't want me to translate your page into German? -- 23:26, 1. Feb. 2014 (CET)
- Yes of course, you can translate Benutzer:Astirmays/Wikikids - Vikidia, gern !
- I was surprised about this language, I thought it could be Catalan, Walloon or Franco-Provençal, I could get it is Romansh (Bündnerromanisch) ! Astirmays (Diskussion) 23:35, 1. Feb. 2014 (CET)
- Hehe, I thought you might like it better than English ;-) In some aspects Romansh is quite similar to French, more than Italian or Spanish, and also similar to Catalan in some obscure way. Anyway, I will tranlate your page tonight or tomorrow. --Kazuma (Diskussion) 20:01, 2. Feb. 2014 (CET)
- Have started translating and will continue later. Will correct typos and proofread in the evening. How do you intend to continue from here? --Kazuma (Diskussion) 15:38, 3. Feb. 2014 (CET)
- Thanks ! Well, it is a matter of getting together a group of, say 3, 4 or 5 people that are interested in it and can be involved in launching such a wiki, then we can open a Then it will take time to develop : the more there is people to help and communicate about it, the faster it can reach a reasonable activity. We should especially be in touch with Wikimedia Deutchland (I have already been). Astirmays (Diskussion) 19:22, 3. Feb. 2014 (CET)
- Have started translating and will continue later. Will correct typos and proofread in the evening. How do you intend to continue from here? --Kazuma (Diskussion) 15:38, 3. Feb. 2014 (CET)
- Hehe, I thought you might like it better than English ;-) In some aspects Romansh is quite similar to French, more than Italian or Spanish, and also similar to Catalan in some obscure way. Anyway, I will tranlate your page tonight or tomorrow. --Kazuma (Diskussion) 20:01, 2. Feb. 2014 (CET)
Your Userpage
[Quelltext bearbeiten]Hi Astirmays,
I've tried to smoothen the text on your user page. Unfortunately I don't know what you intended to say in the last sentence. If you don't want me to change your user page, feel free to revert it. If you like me to optimize the last sentence too, just give me the text in english or french (englisch preferred but with google.translate and my basic level french knowlegde I will get the grip, I think). I'm looking forward to work on the german version of the vikidia, since I've got two kids and see the lack of articles, which are compatiblöe to kids knowledge.
Best regards --Ingo → @ 09:49, 3. Mär. 2014 (CET)
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Merci et je serais heureux de vous rencontrer à Francfort. :) --Jens Best (Diskussion) 13:45, 16. Sep. 2017 (CEST)
Info: Ne répondez pas ici, mais écrivez-nousWir haben ein Edit-A-Thon organisiert, das im Rahmen der Frankfurter Buchmesse stattfinden wird. Frankreich steht im Mittelpunkt der diesjährigen Frankfurter Buchmesse (Gastland). Wir organisieren das Verfassen und Übersetzen von Artikeln über Autoren Und Literaturthemen zwischen der deutsch- und französischsprachigen Wikipedia.
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Vielen Dank und ich würde mich freuen, Dich in Frankfurt begrüßen zu dürfen. --Jens Best (Diskussion) 13:45, 16. Sep. 2017 (CEST)----
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