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Seite zur Betreuung von Benutzer:MINT-WIGRIS im Rahmen des Mentorenprogramms. Neuer: 12:18, 27.7.13: Ich habe mit Angabe der einschlägigen Literatur versucht, den Wikipedia Eintrag zum Higgs Boson zu korrigieren: Ihr lasst wissenschaftliche Fälschungen zu, nur weil Eure Physikerexperten nicht auf Mathematiker hören wollen. Die relevante Literatur ist:

Gudrun Kalmbach: Quantum Measures and Spaces. In: Foundations of Physics 20, 1990, S. 801-821 Gudrun Kalmbach: A Graviton Group D3. In: K.-E. Hellwig et al.: Quantum Structures, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1996, S. Gudrun Kalmbach: Quantum Measures and Spaces. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1998, ISBN 0-7923-5288-2 Gudrun Kalmbach: A Conception of the World. 2001 Animation mit Hilfetext, Gudrun Kalmbach: A Conception of the World. In: Newsletter London Dipl. Academy, 2002, No. 21, S. 9-11 Gudrun Kalmbach: A Complex 3-dimensional World. A Universe with Moebius Transformations. Evolution of Nucleons and Hydrogen. Intern. J. of Pure and Applied Math. 20 (2005) S. 539-540, 52 (2009) S. 289-300, 57 (2009) S. 111-120 H. Samelson: Ueber die Sphaeren, welche als Gruppenraeume auftreten. Comm. Math. Helv. 13, 1940, S. 144-155

Der Samelson- Artikel zeigt die Geometrie von Masse tragenden W,Z Bosonen der schwachen Wechslewirkung ohne Energiebelegung, die in meinen Artikeln zu finden ist. Ich sollte nun einen Artikel zur Geometrie und Symmetrien zum Ursprung der Masse schreiben, da die Physiker das nicht behandeln. Kurz: Die Hopf Geometrie erlaubt zwei geometrische Darstellungen der Leptonen, die in Experimenten dual wie die Welle-Teilchen Dualtität es erlaubt auftauchen. Bei der Darstellung als Riemannsche Zahlenkugel S2 ist Masse ein Kraftvektor mit einer Pol-Singularität in der Raumzeit, die zur Pauli Matrix sigma1 als komplexe Koordinate iw bei mir, gehört. Bei der 3-dimensionalen Hopf Sphäre S3 der schwachen Wechselwirkung wird die geometrische Faserbündel Darstellung von S3 benutzt. Jeder Punkt wird zu einem 1-dimensionalen Kreis S1 aufgeblasen, hier der Schwarzschild Radius des Leptons. Seine Ebene ist senkrecht zur Rotationsachse des Leptons und bei elektrisch geladenen Teilchen ist der Spin plus magnetischem Moment ein Vektor mit kegelförmiger Präzisionsbewegung zur Rotationsachse. Die Präzisionsbilder kennt jeder von Elektronen in einer Atomhülle, ebenfalls die Darstellung der Aufenthaltswahrscheinlichkeit durch eine deformierte S2 oder ein Torus als Oberfläche. MINT-WIGRIS

Pol Singulartäten von Moebius Transformationen und Felder

Neu 12:17, 26.7.13: irgendjemand ärgert mich bei meinem Eintrag Gudrun Kalmbach Wikipedia. Wenn ich Korrketuren eintippe fliege ich manchmal ganz heraus aus dem Internet. dann meint die Person, meine http.// überhaupt löschen zu können. Meine Einzelnachweise hat diese person auf ein Minimum reduziert. Wenn ich bei Hans-Olaf Henkel z.B. nachschaue, so ist es dort nicht so. Ich kann Dir einmal meine Literaturliste zusenden auf diesem Blatt, da ich sie irgendwo bei Euch haben will. Mein Archiv KHE Liste vom MINT Verlag hat Mike Red.

Hallo Chricho, die Datei hatte ich für Euer en.wikipedia vorgesehen, wo ich aber gelöscht wurde. Nun will ich sie ins Deutsche, wenn von Dir beurteilt, übersetzen als de.wikipedia Seite. Eine zweite ist zu meinem MINT Programm und Journal. Das können wir später diskutieren. Mir gefällt Eure Diskussionsseite nicht, da mit dauernd Physiker in das Werk pfuschen, die Interessenkonflikte wie z.B. Eure AKW Patentler, hereinbringen. Meine Theorie ist mathematisch eine Revision des unendlich dimensionalen Hilbertraumes, den ich mit der heutigen Teilchenphysyik auf einen C3 3-dimensionaler komplexer Operator/Matrizen Raum herunterbringe. Zu den quantenmechanischen psi-Wellen brauche ich - allgemein zu Funktionen - nur noch nach Cantor Mengenlehre eine weitere Koordinaten, wodurch das Modell 7-dimensional wird. Springs ersetzen die strings der String Theorie, mit der WIGRIS nichts zu tun hat. Deren Strings sind bei mir dynamisch Kreisränder von Graviton oder Farbladungswirbeln, geometrisch kleine Kegeloberflächen. Dir ist die Welle-Teilchen Dualität der Physik bekannt. Aber die Physiker haben übersehen, dass mathematisch Wirbel anders beschrieben werden als Wellen. So habe ich deren Dualität durch das geometrische Tripel Welle-Wirbel-Teilchen ersetzt. Bei der Gravitations Einbindung und der Einbindung der zwei Einsteinschen Relativitäten zum Standardmodell der Physik mit U(1)xSU(2)xSU(3) bei WIGRIS ist dies hinzugefügt. Wirbel sind keine Wellen! Gudrun

Unstable and Stable Energies

Energy systems in the universe may get unstable. The big bang postulated in physics is an example. Other examples are colliding galaxies G, stars or comets, nuclear decay or the last year discovered Higgs Boson or an abstract system HB, as nucleon decay insufficiently treated in science, the internet and world press. Energy systems tend to decay through intermediate energy transfer into stable systems in case their old localization allows no equilibrium. In some stable energy systems Q, their inner energies is distributed in grids which I introduce for nuclear, vectorial (HB decays) spactime grids. Stars in newly generated G are macroscopic examples. Now astro-research studies the possibility of dark matter DM or dark energies DE in G. Adding up the observable G mass shows that G should decay, it is too low. Research goes in terms of nuclear QCD grids, color charge-gluon particles bound. Color charges of quarks in nucleons, however, are not treated sufficiently by QCD. A warning is necessary, since for instance gravitons, postulated as particle carriers for gravity GR, are not experimentally verified today. I introduced for WIGRIS as new nuclear theory a color charge 3-fold whirl graviton grid for stable, color charge neutral nucleons and the group of Moebius transformations MT (acting on every a nucleon ball bounding surface) sphere S2. MT’s are responsible for the Pauli spin group, already found about 100 years ago and experimentally well documented. The Pauli symmetry group SU(2) grids are for spacetime with a quaternionic non-commutative matrix presentation with the non-commutative special relativistic SR metric, measuring other systems with +v or −v. The geometrical MT invariant is the cross ratio CR. Looking at metrical invariants and the Heisenberg uncertainties HU from physics, these are related to areas. Hence for grids I take the vectors as differences of two complex numbers u,v,w,z in a complex plane C. CR can in this case be written as the square of (u-v)/(w-z). For the Minkowski and Schwarzschild metric, take first length as (u-v) and time as an inverse time interval (w-z), in formulas lxt = l‘t‘ with the special relativistic scaling; secondly take for (u-v) the radius differential dr and for (w-z) the time differential then (dr)(dt) = (dr‘)(dt‘) with the nonlinear Schwarzschild factor scaling. In both cases, the scaling comes from a sinus which can reach only a value 1 In the article Hedgehog balls of the journal MINT, vol.27,2013, the geometrical interpretation shows through the Kepler hyperbolic escape, applied to two coordinate systems with (x,ct) or (dr,dt) coordinates (and with l = x) that observable speeds of an energy system, measured by a second energy system in the universe are restricted to the speed of light c. This is a first spacetime grid. If higher speeds exist, they are not observable. For the HU, the lower bounds arise from the quantum mechanical formulas for wave length  in p = h, p linear momentum, h the Planck constant. For electromagnetic waves holds f = c, f frequency. In physics, often p is regarded as a inverse differential dx and f as an inverse time interval t. In mathematics, differentating functions, their rules relate also to this with associated, noncommuting quantum mechanical operators for the coordinates or their differences, differentials. The Hu‘s in question are called position-momentum and angle-(angular momentum). The third HU is related to the Einstein/Planck formula for photons E =hf, E energy. The grids are for instance the Bohr radii for electrons in an atoms shell. The electrons jumps, called main quantum numbers n, are related to discrete spin lengths, scalings with natural numbers n, which allow an electron to release frequency only for photon frequencies with scalings through the fine structure (Rydberg) constant.

In the internet and literature until 2013 some entries claim, also for the gyromagnetic constant, that this is not well understood, a mistake – seen from the mathematical point of view. I quote from the book Quantum Measures and spaces, Kluwer publ., 1998. The color charge geometry of quarks in nucleons are set, as described there, by a MT group S3 of order 6, a new quantum mechanical group in addition to the old MT group of the 3-dimensional Pauli spin. Physics geometrical cross products for angular momentum in L= rxp, r radius, for spin coordinates in S(z) = S(x)xS(y), x,y,z space coodinates, are mathematical noncommutative operators. Also the electromagnetic 3-dimensional cross product formula F= Q(vxB), F Lorentz force, Q electrical charge, B a magnetic field, v the speed of an electrical current in B, is noncommutative. This is using the noncommutative matrix calculations with MT’s. S3 is the symmetry group of an equilateral triangle, a mathematical symmetry for 3 quarks as vertices in a nucleon. It is not commutative, like Pauli’s quaternionic group. In the S3 case, there are three reflections, similar to the three Pauli matrices for space coordinates, but in addition the two clockwise and counter clockwise rotations where the triangle is covering itself again when rotated by 120 degrees. This makes a 5-dimensional spin postulated for gravity and the strong interaction in atomic kernels while the Pauli 3-dimensional spin is for the weak interaction and electromagnetism. Using a scaling of relevant MT’s to coordinates 0,±1, I observe (see the literature) that there are three groups of MT’s. Some MT count with their powers natural numbers or integers Z and are of infinte order like Z. Other ones have finite order 2 or 3. It is observed that among the MT’s A of finite order there are only reflections of order 2, rotations by 0,±120 degree, clockwise or counter clockwise, of and order 3 or 1, and those which generate through their powers groups of integer order +n, -n with 0 added for the identity map. Also these A are not used in physics until 2013. They can be attributed to particles, either not found until today or for instance a newly found Higgs boson, in an abstract geometry which possibly is not accepted from physics as an S5 HB.

The Sn are unit spheres in a higher (n + 1)-dimensional real space, for n = 2 as ball surfaces. For quantum mechanics QM I suggest a complex 3-, finite dimensional Hilbert space as a matrix operator space C3 in which energy systems can be formed or decay. For HB localizations, a 5-dimensional unit sphere S5 in C3 grid as energy carrier is suitable; its coordinates get scaled by an angle, reminding to the Einstein SR measuring angle towards other energy systems P. In the HB case S5 becomes geometrically a complex 2-dimensional space, projectively closed by a sphere S2. The sphere S2 is a boundary of a newly generated system Q, arising from decaying HB’s. Its energy is sitting inside S2, can be a nucleon, a star or a galaxy. According to Einstein, it can also be observed by other stable P, having another grids measuring coordinate system. Coordinates and measures are bound to local energy systems, not universal and not commutative as the Pauli spin. The ones of order 3 can be used for instance as turning angles degree of an equilateral triangle and are presented by the 3 cubic roots of unity which I attribute to the cubic GR behaviour. As symmetry group, like the Pauli spin group of order 4 or also QCD order 8, they generate, together with the first Pauli spin matrix of order 2 (or a similar reflection of order 2), symmetry groups of order 6 not used in physics today. These symmetry groups are for stable nucleons as energy systems bound by an S2 with 3 quarks inside, arising from HB decays, having 6 color charges and gluon (QCD) bound integrating states CST. Single quarks don’t exist in the universe, but decay; also two quark mesons decay. CST is a spacetime grid only possible for 3 or more quarks.

In the case n = 2 one can draw as in physics books two oppositely oriented force vectors on a circle which generate a rotation, a rotational axis and momentum - as observed in hurricanes, tornados. For mesons they are two oppositely oriented color charge whirls x and its conjugate charge. The case n = 1 can be used for energy vectors, rotating like spin plus magnetic momentum of an electron towards a central, neutral axis, and generating dynamic 3-dimensional cone surfaces. Check the atomic electron orbits in physics or chemistry books. Their energy orbits are mostly drawn as deformed spheres or a torus, both possible in the Hopf S3 geometry and using Heegard decompositions, not the Feynman diagram of physics. Feynman diagrams are mathematical graphs, no geometry. This also should be revised in the internet and literature where now all at a sudden is published that the standard model SM of physics counts for the newly 2012 detected Higgs bosons of CERN. In contrary, SM counts for the electromagnetic, strong and weak interaction, but excludes gravity. Higgs is claimed in physics for adding mass to particles. Nowhere with the exception of WIGRIS there exists a geometry - how in the world this energy form "mass" is added to particles by Higgs. The Higgs theory is no geometry and refers not to adding masses to particles.

String theory has beside cirles as geometry also finite intervals. In WIGRIS this is dynamical a finite helix line for photon energy on a circular , complex cylinder along which the light ray moves in time. A quantum mechanical psi-wave is not observable, but only in its projection as a cosine or sine wave. One way around the cylinder cannot be splitted which is an energy quantum like the quantum number h. Another way to locate energies is found in physics books for Lissajous figures. Two finite energy helix lines as frequencies can hit orthogonal in space. According to their proportions 1:1, 1:2, 2:3 etc., concerning their frequencies, they generate energy locations. In my Conception of the World, as an animation belonging to WIGRIS, you find that this way all at a sudden in empty space, the observers detect gluons generated this way, maybe from photons not observed. Also quarks are generated this way, as claimed by WIGRIS. In this case an electromagnetic frequency hits a mass frequency in proportion 1:2 (or 2:1) and a lemniscate as center of a torus of genus 2 is generated as quark geometry in spacetime. According to physics, quarks are not observables, in contrary to the claim that electron probalitiy distributons are observables. The Schroedinger psi wave relates to electrons and to a Hopf geometry for electromagnetism, not to quarks which have no psi wave description. Their dynamics is discrete, using difference equations, not differential equations, and described in WIGRIS. Also the way mathematical integrations arise in physics is explained there: study the residuations, poles, dipoles, singularities (for instance 0, infinity on an Riemannian sphere for dipoles) from complex numbers and boundary values for nucleon boundaries S2 in mathematics books on boundary value problems and (finite, here mostly not infinite) Fourier series.

WIGRIS is illustrated now by additional examples: Australian geologists AG publish that the earth is rotational not as stable as assumed earlier. They measured that the hot kernel K, and also fluid parts between K and the surface ES we live on, have different rotational speeds than our day and night; in addition these speeds change in time. Einstein introduced for such, only partly related, energies SR, quoted for this research from AG. The finding is that parts like K have a SR speed v towards ES. In different coordinate systems EISK,ES belonging for instance to K and ES, the SR measure scales all energies and spacetime coordinates. Observe, that EISK,ES can reach as a sinus value only a turning angle of 1. Then decays of matter occur, - as known for light energies, the electromagnetic interaction, with this maximal observable speed in the universe when atomic electrons release or absorbe it. For the two nuclear forces strong SI and weak WI interaction I postulated synchronized two CST with an integrating 4 state spin grid for WI. Synchronized are for instance parallel spins and magnetic momenta of quarks which allow a generated protons electrical + charge to let an electron in a hydrogen shell with its − charge rotate. In the two SI, WI coordinate systesm in SR motion against one another, a 3-fold radial graviton contraction and expansion is barycentrical for the 3 quark masses barycenters as a geometrical triangle in SI, while the triangle in WI coordinates is spiralic contracting and expanding with 60 degree angles.

Another example is speed of light: Einstein SR measures need an observer as measuring apparatus Q and another measured system P. From physics without such P,Q I quote the not observable waves of QM, living in an infinite dimensional, complex Hilbert space. If energies have not such a couple Q, P, they cannot be observed like . The complex couple for a wave is in QM its complex conjugate and it can be observed, but only as a real probability distribution in some spacetime. If complex speeds higher than the speed of light exist, they are not observable. Are DE, waves or graviton whirls of this kind? Barycentrical GR coordinates generate many 3-dimensional vectorial, energies carrying subspaces U in C3 for a suitable probabilistic space location. I suggest that no direct proofs for non-observable energies are possible. SR is only one restriction for them, spacetime grids have as lower bounds the Planck constant h. If DM, DE are considered, one should take into account the matrix operator bound geometry in C3 and the above mentioned grids. Neither local R4 spacetime coordinates for one of many possible C3 subspaces are sufficient to explain them, nor an infinite dimensional Hilbert space of QM. The old theories need a revision on the grounds of modern findings.

As new research suggested my new symmetry groups like the MT with boundary value problems through S2, which have not been known to Pauli, Einstein 100 years ago. I present this together with boundaries S2 as a new possibility for physics and I developed on this base a WIGRIS energy distribution for nucleons.

Literature: HI, Hedgehog balls, Igelkräfte, in: P. Hitzler and G. Kalmbach eds., MINT (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik), vol. 27,MINT-Verlag, Bad Woerishofen

Hallo Gudrun! Zwei Fragen vorab:
  • Was hat das nun mit der Wikipedia zu tun? Du hast mir nun etwas erzählt, ohne jedoch zu sagen, was du in der Wikipedia vorhast.
  • Wo wurde das von dir Geschilderte bislang veröffentlicht?
Schöne Grüße --Chricho ¹ ² ³ 11:58, 26. Jul. 2013 (CEST)Beantworten
Hallo Gudrun! Von welchen „wissenschaftlichen Fälschungen“ redest du denn? Es wäre übrigens am Übersichtlichsten, wenn du hier unten antworten würdest. --Chricho ¹ ² ³ 17:41, 27. Jul. 2013 (CEST)Beantworten