Benutzerin : Ab2505/Bücher/Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
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Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
Richard Fowler
Thomas Morus
William Fitzwilliam, 1. Earl of Southampton
Robert Rochester
Francis Walsingham
Robert Cecil, 1. Earl of Salisbury
John Fortescue (Schatzkanzler)
Thomas Parry (Sohn)
Francis Seymour, 1. Baron Seymour of Trowbridge
John Leveson-Gower, 1. Baron Gower
Richard Edgcumbe, 1. Baron Edgcumbe
Edward Smith Stanley, 12. Earl of Derby
Henry Phipps, 1. Earl of Mulgrave
Robert Hobart, 4. Earl of Buckinghamshire
Dudley Ryder, 1. Earl of Harrowby
Spencer Perceval
Nicholas Vansittart, 1. Baron Bexley
George Hamilton-Gordon, 4. Earl of Aberdeen
Henry Vassall-Fox, 3. Baron Holland
George Villiers, 4. Earl of Clarendon
John Campbell, 1. Baron Campbell
Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2. Earl Granville
Edward Cardwell, 1. Viscount Cardwell
Frederick Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, 1. Marquess of Dufferin and Ava
John Bright
John Wodehouse, 1. Earl of Kimberley
George Trevelyan, 2. Baronet
James Bryce, 1. Viscount Bryce
Edward Marjoribanks, 2. Baron Tweedmouth