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Duke of Richmond
Henry Fitzroy, 1. Duke of Richmond and Somerset
Ludovic Stewart, 2. Duke of Lennox
James Stewart, 4. Duke of Lennox
Esmé Stewart, 5. Duke of Lennox
Charles Stewart, 6. Duke of Lennox
Charles Lennox, 1. Duke of Richmond
Charles Lennox, 2. Duke of Richmond
Charles Lennox, 3. Duke of Richmond
Charles Lennox, 4. Duke of Richmond
Charles Gordon-Lennox, 5. Duke of Richmond
Charles Henry Gordon-Lennox, 6. Duke of Richmond
Charles Henry Gordon-Lennox, 7. Duke of Richmond
Charles Henry Gordon-Lennox, 8. Duke of Richmond
Frederick Charles Gordon-Lennox, 9. Duke of Richmond
Charles Henry Gordon-Lennox, 10. Duke of Richmond