Benutzerin Diskussion:Musicaline

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 7 Jahren von Jensbest in Abschnitt WikiProjekt Frankfurter Buchmesse 2017
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Adding music files

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Hello, welcome to de:WP. I am sorry to say that I felt it neccessary to undo a number of your revisions of opera articles. The audio files you added were of low quality, and while the singers were justly stars in their day, those recording really do not do justice to their voices. Good, remastered recordings from the 1910s and 1920s do exist, but those files just don't cut it. The recordings are still available via the Commons-Link, and that is quite enough. Users would be better off to look for recordings of arias like this on Youtube or similar then having a link to a crackling, sputtering and hissing gramophone recording, which makes those operas sound like museum pieces. --Non mi tradir 08:22, 18. Aug. 2011 (CEST)Beantworten

These operas sound] are museum pieces ! :o). But, no problem to remove it. Grüsse. Musicaline 08:53, 18. Aug. 2011 (CEST)Beantworten
Hello, thanks for your understanding. Actually, views on this do differ, see this thread. The audio files are indeed museum pieces, and in an article on gramophone recordings or on Schaljapin they would have their place. But I am firmly of the opinion that in some cases having nothing (no inline audio) is better then having something of inferior quality. The opera themselves are definitely no museum pieces, nor old-fashioned. --Non mi tradir 09:12, 18. Aug. 2011 (CEST)Beantworten
I am not in the same opinion with you : having something, even bad quality, is better than nothing, at least until we'd have something better. That is Wikipedia. But I don't want to obstrude my opinion upon others (if your ears are offended ;o), find an agreement is better. And I see you want to work one of these articles (La Bohème, for beginning ?), perhaps you'll find better audio files. Good work and best regards. Musicaline 10:42, 18. Aug. 2011 (CEST)Beantworten
I see your point, but superior audio files are just a Google search away, so why cast operas in such an old-fashioned light? It's not like Wikipedians can improve the audio quality of the recording step by step, or simply record a better rendering of an aria with their laptop microphones. Text is different than files, and while anyone can sing and fiddle with MP3-files, it takes professionals to do that. We will work on La Boheme, so if the section on the history of past productions is expanded, I will include an old audio for period atmosphere. I am also working with a major German opera house towards a cooperation for donating photos, film and sound of current productions. As with all big organisations, that is slow going. --Non mi tradir 11:02, 18. Aug. 2011 (CEST)Beantworten

WikiProjekt Frankfurter Buchmesse 2017

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Bonjour Musicaline,

Nous avons organisé un Edit-A-Thon, qui aura lieu dans le cadre de la Foire du Livre de Francfort. La France est au centre de la Foire du Livre de Francfort cette année (Gastland). Nous organisons la rédaction et la traduction d'articles sur les auteurs entre Wikipédia germanophone et francophone.

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Merci et je serais heureux de vous rencontrer à Francfort. :) --Jens Best (Diskussion) 13:45, 16. Sep. 2017 (CEST)Beantworten

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Einladung zur noborder

Hallo Musicaline,

Wir haben ein Edit-A-Thon organisiert, das im Rahmen der Frankfurter Buchmesse stattfinden wird. Frankreich steht im Mittelpunkt der diesjährigen Frankfurter Buchmesse (Gastland). Wir organisieren das Verfassen und Übersetzen von Artikeln über Autoren Und Literaturthemen zwischen der deutsch- und französischsprachigen Wikipedia.

Die Kosten für An/Abreise und Unterkunft trägt WMDE. Die Buchmesse findet vom 11. bis 15. Oktober statt. Mindestdauer für Teilnahme (wenn Anreise und Hotel organisiert via WMDE) ist zwei Tage.

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Vielen Dank und ich würde mich freuen, Dich in Frankfurt begrüßen zu dürfen. --Jens Best (Diskussion) 13:45, 16. Sep. 2017 (CEST)----Beantworten

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