Diskussion:Begoña Urroz
Letzter Kommentar: vor 9 Jahren von
This article is a fake from start to finish. The DRIL (Iberisches Revolutionsdirektorium der Befreiung) bombers were Reyes Marín Novoa (San Sebastian) and Arturo González-Mata Lledó (Barcelona). Arturo's brother was the alleged Francoist spy Luis M. González-Mata "Cisne" ("Swan"). DRIL leader Henrique Galvão (Santa-Maria-Affäre) claimed the bombings at least twice_"http://www.berria.eus/dokumentuak/dokumentua1128.pdf"
- Mikel Buesa's brother was killed by ETA. And he currently blames the DRIL for the 1960 bombings in left-luggage and post offices at train stations_"http://www.libertaddigital.com/opinion/mikel-buesa/memento-11-m-75101". Buesa's Reyes "Martín" is a misspelling of Reyes Marín. So far as I know, Eloy Gutiérrez Menoyo arrived in Madrid from Cuba in mid-july 1960, some 20 days after the DRIL bombings (in consequence, he couldn't have taken part in the bombings). "General Co-Ordinator" Muley was expelled from the DRIL in 1961 (as "Francoist spy and agent provocateur", a communist lie according to Muley, who died some years ago in Bolivia). (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) 13:48, 2. Okt. 2015 (CEST))
- Consuelo Ordóñez's brother was killed by ETA too_"http://ccaa.elpais.com/ccaa/2015/05/11/paisvasco/1431345990_029976.html". In 2015 only bad journalists and cynical politicians blame ETA for Begoña Urroz's death in 1960. (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) 12:49, 3. Okt. 2015 (CEST))
- "http://www.vilaweb.cat/noticia/4111928/20130505/documents-oficials-proven-manipulacio-primera-victima-deta.html"
- "http://www.vilaweb.cat/noticia/3853900/20110202/manipulant-primera-victima-deta.html"
- "http://ope.euskaletxeak.net/1960/003189/002.jpg?rand=14802341"
- "http://hemeroteca.abcdesevilla.es/nav/Navigate.exe/hemeroteca/sevilla/abc.sevilla/1961/01/28/022.html"
- "http://hemeroteca.abc.es/nav/Navigate.exe/hemeroteca/madrid/abc/1961/02/10/031.html"
- "http://observatorioterrorismo.com/historia/jose-antonio-pardines-la-primera-victima-mortal-de-eta/"
- "https://twitter.com/memorial/status/879632526108758016?lang=bg"