Diskussion:Cambridge International Examinations

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I must say that there's a hughe misake in this article. I cannot correct it, because I speak very little German, but stating that CIE (Cambridge International Examinations) is equivalent to Cambridge ESOL (English for Speakers of other Languages) is definitely wrong. Cambridge ESOL is the suit of exams described here, encompassing FCE, CAE and APE, among others. CIE properly is a set of examinations in many different subjects (not just second language) intended to be assesments of a student's academic ability at different pre-University levels. The exams in the CIE suit are intended to be taken by international students (that is, outside the UK and Scotland) and are most often considered to be equivalent to the UK exams (A-Levels, GCSE, O-Levels, etc). They are oftentimes offered to students of International Schools abroad, thus enabling them to apply for admission to a UK university without having to prepare for the exams on their own.

For information on the CIE examinations (in English only) see here: http://www.cie.org.uk/http://www.cie.org.uk/ -- 00:32, 12. Jun. 2007 (CEST)Beantworten


I know this is old but I have corrected the issues raised by the IP-user above since I speak both, English and German, at a proficient level.


Ich weiss, dass der obere Beitrag schon ziemlich alt ist, jedoch habe ich, da ich sowohl Deutsch als auch Englisch auf einem fortgeschrittenen Niveau beherrsche, die Punkte, die der IP-Verfasser des Beitrags bemängelt hatte nun mittlerweile behoben. 21:49, 21. Feb. 2017 (CET)Beantworten