Diskussion:Don Simpson

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 18 Jahren von in Abschnitt End of his carreer
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End of his carreer

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Since my german is not good enough to edit the article I best mention it here: I assume (part of) the article was translated from english. The english Wikipedia mentions the ending of his carreer as: His job as an executive at Paramount Studios came to an end when he allegedly passed out in the middle of a meeting. In the german article it says: Sein Job als ausführender Produzent bei den Paramount-Studios endete, als er angeblich mitten in einem Meeting einfach den Raum verließ. I think there went something wrong in translation as passing out doesn't mean den raum verlassen. I must admit I haven't checked the facts but I noticed the strange difference when comparing both articles. My nickname is LeeGer and I am a member of the dutch Wikipedia. 01:52, 12. Dez. 2006 (CET)Beantworten

You are correct, "passing out" should be translated with "bewusstlos werden".

Textpassage entsprechend angepasst. [IP] 22:54, 25. Okt. 2007 (CET)