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Missing in this article: An application for a 12 m tall house for another painter, a house that will top the knoll by 6 meters

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In the Danish article, there is a section about the application for a building permit. (A building intended for painter Bjarne Melgaard - "Et hus å dø i" ["a house to die in"]. The case has been to conservation authorities at city level, then to national level, then back to city level, and as of 2018, back to national level. Here is a link to today's article in ["tages-Zeitung"] Dagsavisen, [1] by art critic Lars Elton.

Danish-wiki writes that "The [Kikut knoll] Kikut-kollen was a central motif for Munch ... It lies in the middle of the view from ... [Munch's] residence. The knoll is centrally placed in ... the painting «Stjernenatt» (1922–24; [free translation: "stars-night","starry night", or "night of stars"], and the knoll's particular trees and vegetation were important motifs in Munch's late artistship". Among the vegetation, there are several threatened plants, including Gewöhnliche Goldnessel. (ref [2]). Other link: Film director raging against death-house.
Questions have been asked why the house for the painter, has to be built at this location. After all, there is no shortage of places to build houses in Norway.
The work of the artist has been part of a previous exposition at the Munch Museum in Oslo: "Munch+Melgaard".
Danke! 19:47, 11. Jan. 2018 (CET)Beantworten