Diskussion:Eugène Durieu

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Sicher nicht unspannend:

  • Koetzle, Hans-Michael 2002 Photo Icons: The Story Behind the Pictures - Volume 1 (Koln: Taschen) [This book discusses one photograph "Nude from Behind (ca. 1853)" by Eugène Durieu in considerable detail. An excellent source for a detailed analysis.]
  • Auer, Michele & Michel 1985 Encyclopedie Internationale Des Photographes de 1839 a Nos Jours / Photographers Encylopaedia International 1839 to the present (Hermance, Editions Camera Obscura) 2 volumes [A classic reference work for biographical information on photographers.]
  • Van Deren Coke: Two Delacroix Drawings Made from Photographs. Art Journal 21 (3), 1962; Seiten 172-174. <http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0004-3249%28196221%2921%3A3%3C172%3ATDDMFP%3E2.0.CO%3B2-2>.

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