Diskussion:Faustus Cornelius Sulla Felix
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[Quelltext bearbeiten]Der Satz vor der 4. Fußnote ist inhaltlich komplett falsch.
"Zwei Jahre später ließ Nero einen Mordanschlag vortäuschen, den er Sulla anhängte, weil er dessen "apathischen Charakter" für listige Verstellung von dessen Ambitionen auf den Thron hielt."
Tac. 13.47 wurde komplett mißverstanden.
"He had a peculiar suspicion of Cornelius Sulla, whose natural slowness of wit he totally misunderstood, reading him as an astute character with a gift for simulation. His fears were deepened by the mendacity of Graptus, a Caesarian freedman, whom experience and age had familiarized with the household of the emperors from Tiberius downward. The Mulvian Bridge at that period was famous for its nocturnal attractions, and Nero was in the habit of frequenting it, so as to allow his extravagances a freer rein outside the city. Graptus accordingly invented the fiction that an ambuscade had been arranged for the prince in the event of his returning by the Flaminian Way; that it had been providentially avoided, as he had come back by the other route to the Gardens of Sallust; and that the author of the plot was Sulla — the foundation of the story being that, as chance would have it, a few rioters, in one of the juvenile escapades then so generally practised, had thrown the emperor's servants, on the road home, into a groundless panic. Neither a slave nor a client of Sulla's had been recognised; and his contemptible nature, incapable of daring in any form, was utterly incompatible with the charge: yet, precisely as though he had been proved guilty, he received orders to leave his country and confine himself within the walls of Massilia." http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Tacitus/Annals/13B*.html
Nero inszenierte keinen Mordanschlag, sondern wurde dazu verleitet, einen harmlosen Streich überzubewerten. Außerdem steht im Text nichts von den "Ambitionen Sullas".