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Hela Helwiti Goddess of Death in Northern Mythology See the book by Adam Oehlenschlaeger The Gods of the North https://books.google.de/books?id=tQNeAAAAcAAJ&pg=PR48&lpg=PR48&dq=Hela+in+scandinavian+epics&source=bl&ots=VZWbP15a_t&sig=HOZpZDvbGkxR3dF8QyqqU1lXvv4&hl=de&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj38ve4wsvXAhWGnRoKHUEBB7wQ6AEIPDAG#v=onepage&q=Hela%20in%20scandinavian%20epics&f=false Hela is the daughter of Asa-Lok and Giant Angurbot Hela and Hell are the words of the same root and can be tracked back to the indo european etymology as well as to the same indoeuropean sacral meanings and God concepts. https://www.etymonline.com/word/hell https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/hel as well as Kali hindu Goddess

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