Diskussion:John Gilbert, Baron Gilbert

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Letzter Kommentar: vor 11 Jahren von Ingo1968 in Abschnitt Lemma und Name
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[Quelltext bearbeiten]
  • Bomb 'em into peace! British lord suggests dropping neutron bomb on Afghan-Pakistani border
  • Lord Gilbert: "My Lords, I start by congratulating my noble friend Lord Browne on getting this important subject debated in your Lordships' House, and I do not say that with tongue in cheek in any way, because I am fully in favour of intensifying discussions on multilateral nuclear disarmament. I have long been of the view that the size of nuclear inventories on both sides of the Cold War were grotesquely high. All the main participants could have unilaterally reduced their inventories by 80% without any loss of physical security.

    Having said that, I should make it quite clear that I do not favour a nuclear-free world. I am absolutely delighted that nuclear weapons were invented when they were and I am delighted that, with our help, it was the Americans who invented them. If we think of a world in which they had not been invented, it is very easy indeed to see world war three starting on many occasions after 1945. One of the reasons I want nuclear weapons is that I never again want to see a battle of the Somme, Passchendaele or Verdun, of Okinawa, Kursk or Stalingrad. To take another piece of evidence, let us look at relations between India and China. They fought several wars, and I was at the MoD when they."[1]

-- 03:08, 28. Nov. 2012 (CET)Beantworten

Lemma und Name

[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Im Nachruf ist die Rede von "Lord Gilbert, ... Dr John Gilbert". In "debretts" steht "Style: The Rt Hon Dr the Lord Gilbert, PC". Wie kommt es zu dem seltsam anmutendem Lemma? Macht man das so? --Ingo1968 (Diskussion) 16:43, 5. Jun. 2013 (CEST)Beantworten