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  • In dem Buch Kurier der Erinnerung : das Leben des Jan Karski von Marta Kijowska (über Jan Karski) heisst ein Kapitel: "Der 'Lodzermensch'"
  • In Stachura, Peter D. "The German Minority in Interwar Poland." German History 31.3 (2013): 430-431 heisst es: “The Germans of Western Poland considered themselves to be economically, culturally and politically superior to their confrères in Central and Eastern Poland, particularly those in the industrial city of Łódż. Indeed, the opprobrious epithet, ‘lodzermensch’, was designed to convey the notion that the city’s Germans were not only generally inferior but, more poignantly, deficient regarding their level of national identity and consciousness, or of ‘Germandom’. Academic Ostforschung in Weimar Germany not only endorsed but also helped to propagate this derogatory view.
  • Eine weitere Besprechung zum selben Buch: Sammartino, Annemarie. "The German minority in interwar Poland." Nationalities Papers 41, no. 2 (2013): 339-341. dort: “Chu then turns to the city of Łodz, which represented both the largest concentration of Germans within Poland and a thorn in the side of German nationalists. Chu provides a fascinating description of how the phrase “Łodzermensch,” which referred to a kind of apolitical focus on profit, became an important disciplinary concept for German nationalists from Western Poland, who could explain their own accommodations with the regime as less problematic than the behavior of the Germans in Łodz.

-- 20:30, 16. Aug. 2015 (CEST)Beantworten