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Letzter Kommentar: vor 12 Jahren von Graf zu Pappenheim in Abschnitt Beschreibung der Gattung Piaractus
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Die Aussage, dass Piaractus eine hochspezialisierte Gattung ist, die nur an das Leben der tropischen Überschwemmungswälder angepasst ist, widerspricht deren einfache Haltung in Teichen und Aquakulturen. Gruss, --Graf zu Pappenheim (Diskussion) 05:51, 24. Apr. 2012 (CEST)Beantworten

Beschreibung der Gattung Piaractus

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Gefunden habe ich folgendes: "As a migratory species, also inhabiting temporary pools subjected to hypoxic conditions, the species presents a high plasticity concerning respiratory adaptations. In order to supplement basic knowledge on the respiratory physiology and morphology of this species, some structural features of pacu gills, such as filament and lamellae structure, and circulatory pattern are described in this paper." (W. Severi, F.T. Rantin und M.N. Fernandes: STRUCTURAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF Piaractus mesopotamicus (HOLMBERG, 1887) GILLS in http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S0034-71082000000300014&script=sci_arttext) "Colossoma macropomum and C. brychypomum were found to reveal a bimodal diurnal pattern of Vo2 which persisted at all levels of O2 concentration. Vo2 increased around dawn and dusk. This seemed to be a response to the light on/off stimuli rather than being endogenous. When there is a diurnal rhythm with a morning minimum in the O2 concentration, the maximum Vo2 of C. macropomum occurred at dawn, while that of C. brachypomum occurred at dusk. Vo2 of pond fish was by the factor 0.6−0.8 lower than in fish from natural water bodies. The experimental results suggest that these two species, which have somewhat similar diets, occupy separate temporal niches in the nutrient-rich habitats of the Amazon floodplains."(Ulrich Saint-Paul:http:Diurnal routine O2 consumption at different O2 concentrations by Colossoma macropomum and Colossoma brachypomum (Teleostei: Serrasalmidae) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0300962988908523 )

Das muss ich noch auswerten und in eine vernünftige Form bringen. Zur Anatomie und Morphologie der Gattung leider nichts. Gruss, --Graf zu Pappenheim (Diskussion) 17:40, 24. Apr. 2012 (CEST)Beantworten