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This is Don Ward in garden Grove, Ca

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I Have a Photograph of my band THE ROXSTERS and a wealth of imformation on my old group. I can see from your writing you are limited in your background on the group ,also I do not see any photographs on any other sites. The Piano player for our bands name is Jerry Johnson. When I first met Jerry, he was playing the accordian and I was playing Acoustic Guitar, we sang and played together before we decided to form a band. If you are interested in talking to me I am on facebook, look me up. My email address is [email protected]. Musically Yours ,Don Ward Singer, Songwriter, and Artist-in Sunny-Garden Grove, California. (PS: My wife Nina(Gretel) of 42 years ( she was from Wurtzburg Germany).Sadly just passed away on Feb 5th(2011) of this year after a long illiness. I will be re-entering the music business as an Artist,Songwriter soon ,and will be recording many of the songs Nina and I wrote together. I have just written a song in her Memory entitled "LIFE IS LIKE A SONG"(Still beside Me). She made me promise, as she was slipping away from me,to continue to write and record. Most important to her-was for me to get our music published. This was her dying wish and, My Goal in Life now, is to make this happen. (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) 08:59, 28. Jul 2011 (CEST))