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Deutsche und Amerikanische Polizeicodes

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Die folgenden Informationen entstammen einem gelöschten Artikel, vielleicht sind sie ja noch irgendwie brauchbar.--Berlin-Jurist 07:11, 8. Okt 2005 (CEST)

Polizeicodes sind codes, die eine Nachricht verschlüsseln. Ein sehr bekannter Polizeicode ist 187, der Polizeicode für Mord. Es gibt eine ganze liste mit codes.

Deutsche Codes:

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014 Einsatzfahrzeug 015 Dienststelle 016 Diensthund 017 Bombendrohung 018 BGS 019 Beobachtende Fahndung

020 Begleitschutz 021 Bankueberfall 022 Bande 023 Auslaender 024 Aufenthaltsermittlung 025 Zechprellerei 026 Widerstand 027 Wasserwerfer 028 Waffen 029 Verstaerkung

030 Versammlung 031 Verletzt 032 Verkehrsunfallflucht 033 Verkehrsunfall 034 Verkehrsbehinderung 035 Verfolgung 036 Verdaechtige Person 037 Unfall 038 Ueberfall 039 Totschlag

040 Tanker 041 Taeter 042 Tatort 043 Streit 044 Standort 045 Sprengstoffanschlag 046 Sittlichkeitsdelikt 047 Sicherheitsstellung 048 Selbsttoetung 049 Schwertransport

050 Abschleppdienst 051 Absperrung 052 Alarmstufe 053 Alarmnotruf ausgeloest 054 Amtshilfe 055 Ansammlung 056 Arzt 057 Ausbruch 058 Bedrohung/Belaestigung 059 Begleitkommando/Eskorte

060 Bereitschaftspolizei (BEPO) 061 Beschlagnahme 062 Betriebskampfgruppe(?!) 063 Betrug/Betrueger 064 Betrunkener 065 Binnenschiff 066 Blutentnahme 067 Brand 068 Bundeswehr 069 Demonstration

070 Diebstahl 071 Durchsuchung 072 Einbruch/Einbrecher 073 Einschleicher 074 Erkennungsdienst 075 Exhibitionist 076 Fahndung nach 077 Faehre in Richtung 078 Fahrgastschiff 079 Fahrzeughalter feststellen

080 Falschgeld 081 Festnahme/Inverwahrung 082 Feuerwehr 083 fluechtig/Fluechtling 084 Flugzeugabsturz 085 Frachtschiff 086 Funkstreife 087 Fussstreife 088 Gasgeruch 089 Gasvergiftung

090 Gefangenentransport 091 Geisteskranker 092 Geldtransporter 093 Gesuchter 094 Grober Unfug 095 Hafenfahrzeug 096 Haus-Familienstreit 097 Havarie 098 Hilfeersuchen 099 Hilfloser

100 Hoheitsfahrzeug 101 Kollision 102 Kommission 103 Koerperverletzung 104 Kraftfahrzeug 105 Krankenwagen 106 Kripo 107 Leiche 108 Militaerpolizei/Feldjaeger 109 militaerische Einsatzkontrolle

110 Moerder/Mord 111 Munitionsfund 112 Notlandung 113 Notruf 114 Oelverschmutzung 115 Raub 116 Rauschgift 117 Reserve 118 Ruhestoerung 119 Schlaegerei 120 Schmierkolonne 121 Schusswaffengebrauch

224 Geschwindigkeitskontrolle 226 Ueberpruefung EDV 228 Staatsanwalt 229 Observation 230 Hubschrauber 231 Geiselnahme/Entfuehrung 232 Geisel 233 Erkenntnisse 234 Nicht einsatzbereit 235 Einsatzbereit

Amerikanische codes:

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10-0 Use Caution 10-1 You are being received Poorly 10-2 You are being received Clearly 10-3 Stop Transmitting 10-4 O.K. 10-5 Relay Message 10-6 Busy with Call 10-7 Out of service, (completely) 10-7b Out of service (personal) 10-7c Out of service (court) 10-7od Out of service (off duty) 10-8 In service 10-8ot In service (over time) 10-9 Repeat last message 10-10 Out of service, Radio on 10-11 Give F.C.C. Call Sign/Dispatching too fast 10-12 Visitors or officials present 10-13 Advise weather and road conditions 10-14 Convoy or escort detail 10-15 Prisoner in custody 10-15m Prisoner in custody (mental case) 10-16 Pick up prisoner 10-17 Pick up papers 10-18 Complete present asignment ASAP/Get there quick/ASAP 10-19 Return to office 10-20 Your location 10-21 Call by telephone 10-21A Phone home, my ETA is _____ 10-21B Call your home 10-22 Cancel last message/Take no further action 10-23 Stand by until channel clears 10-24 Emergency at station/all units return 10-25 Do you have contact with ___________ 10-26 Driver's license check by number or name 10-27 Check for wants or warrants 10-28 Check registration on vehicle 10-29 Check for stolen for 10-29A Check wants, subject (PIN) 10-29R Check wants and record, subject (PIN, CJIC) 10-29C Check complete, subject (NCIC) 10-30 Does not conform to rules or regulations 10-31 Is lie detector available? 10-32 Is Intoxilizer available? 10-33 Emergency traffic/don't transmit unless necessary 10-33 Alarm (type: Audible, silent) 10-34 Clear for local dispatch or open door 10-35 Confidential information or open window 10-36 Correct time 10-37 Give me name of Operator on duty 10-38 Your destination 10-39 Your message is delivered/Requested unit enroute 10-40 Advise if officer _______ available for phone call 10-41 Call the station on alternate frequency 10-42 Officer ..... now at his home 10-43 Have _________ call his/her residence 10-44 Station _________ is calling your residence 10-45 Give name of Officer in Charge or Injured person 10-46 Advise if ________ available at phone 10-47 Officer ______ is available at _________ 10-48 Not available for assignment/out for coffee or whatever 10-49 Pick up passenger at ___________ 10-50 No traffic for you/resume patrol 10-51 Message for delivery by telephone 10-52 Message for delivery in writing 10-53 Do you have traffic for this station? 10-54 Unit and officer have left the Parish 10-54d Possible dead body 10-55 Unit and officer have returned to Parish 10-55d Send coroner 10-56 Teletype busy 10-57 Teletype broken or Firearms discharged 10-58 Teletype in service 10-59 Tape for repeat message 10-60 What is next for message # _____ 10-61 Stand by for teletype message 10-62 Unable to copy radio, use teletype or meet in person 10-63 Net in use, stand by, will advise when clear 10-64 Net clear, go ahead with traffic 10-65 Clear for assignment 10-66 Clear for cancellation 10-67 All stations retransmit following 10-68 Repeat dispatch 10-69 Have you dispatched _______? 10-70 Net message for all stations 10-71 Proceed with traffic 10-72 Stand by for Civil Defense Test 10-73 Stand by for Civil Defense Traffic 10-74 Civil Defense Clear 10-75 Severe weather statement 10-76 Give daily traffic 10-77 Give mileage your unit 10-78 Send ambulance 10-79 Send wrecker 10-80 Tower lights out/Explosion/Lightening 10-80a Assist radio dispatcher 10-81 Officer ______ will be at your station 10-82 Reserve room for officer 10-83 Have _______ call station by phone 10-84 Advise ____ officer will return this date 10-85 Officer _____ on special detail or Meet with agent 10-86 Advise phone number your location 10-87 Give call letters of your station 10-88 Advise phone number of officer 10-89 Request radio servicemen be sent 10-90 Request teletype servicemen 10-91 Prepare for inspection of ______ by ________ 10-91B Noisy animal (Barking) 10-91D Dead animal 10-91H Stray Horse 10-92 Your quality is poor 10-93 Your quality is good 10-94 Call station by teletype 10-95 Advise telephone call this station 10-96 Give test count 10-97 Arrived at scence 10-98 Last detail completed 10-99 Unable to receive your message 10-100 Out using restroom 10-102 Cruelty to animals 10-103 Disturbance 10-103f Disturbance by fight 10-103m Disturbance by mental person 10-106 Obscenity 10-107 Suspicious person 10-108 Officer down or Officer needs assistance 10-112 Impersonating an officer 11-6 Illegal discharge of firearms 11-7 Prowler 11-8 Person down 11-10 Take a report 11-12 Dead animal 11-13 Injured animal 11-14 Animal bite 11-15 Ball game in street 11-17 Wires down 11-24 Abandoned Vehicle 11-25 Vehicle - Traffic hazzard 11-25X Female motorist need assistance 11-26 Abandoned bicycle 11-27 Subject has felony record, but is not wanted 11-28 Rush vehicle registration information 11-29 Subject has no record 11-30 Incomplete telephone call 11-31 Person calling for help 11-40 Advise station if ambulance is needed 11-41 Request Ambulance 11-42 Ambulance not required 11-43 Doctor required 11-44 Coroner required 11-45 Attempted suicide 11-46 Death report 11-47 Injured Person 11-48 Provide Transportation 11-54 Suspicious vehicle 11-65 Traffic Signal light out 11-66 Traffic Signal Out-of-order 11-70 Fire Alarm 11-71 Fire Report 11-79 Traffic Accident - Ambulance dispatched 11-80 Traffic Accident - Serious Injury 11-81 Traffic Accident - Minor Injury 11-82 Traffic Accident - No Injury 11-83 Traffic Accident - No Details 11-84 Direct Traffic 11-85 Dispatched Tow Truck 11-86 Special Detail 11-87 Assist Other Unit 11-95 Out of vehicle, car stop (location/license) 11-96 Out of vehicle, car stop, send backup(location/license) 11-98 Meet Officer 11-99 Officer needs Help/Emergency

A Adult A No rain expected AC Aircraft crash AC Animal control ADW Assalt with a Deadly Weapon APB All points bulletin ASAP As soon as possible AID Accident Investigation Detail AV Abandoned vehicle B Rain Expected BLK Block BKG Booking BO Out of Order BOL Be On the Lookout CP Complaining Party CPD City or County Property Damage CT Court DB Dead Body DMV Department of Motor Vehicles Information requested E-B Eastbound ETA Estimated Time of Arrival EXP Expired FTA Failure to Appear GOA Gone on Arrival GTA Grand Theft Auto INJ Injury I/S Intersection J Juvenile involved LIC License LT/T Left turn M/C Motorcycle NCIC National Criminal Information Center NIA Non-Injury Accident OBS Observed OD Off Duty OP LIC Operator's License OT Over Time PAB Policy Administration Building PI Personal Injury POSS Possession QT Secrecy required RES DIST Residential District ROF Report on File RP Reporting Party SPD Speed UL Unable to Locate UTL Unable to Locate VEH Vehicle VIN Vehicle Identification Number WIT Witness X Female involved 45/25 MPH clocked speed in zone

Code 1 Acknowledge this Call Code 2 Proceed Immediately with lights/without Siren Code 3 Proceed Immediately with lights and Siren Code 4 No further assistance required Code 5 Stakeout - Uniformed Officers stay away Code 6 Out of Vehicle for Investigation Code 7 Out of Service to eat Code 8 Fire Alarm Code 9 Answering ring-down Code 10 Bomb Threat Code 12 Patrol your District and report extent of damage Code 13 Major Disaster Activation Code 14 Resume normal Operation Code 20 Notify News Media to respond Code 22 Restricted Radio Traffic Code 30 Officer needs assistance - Emergency Code 33 Emergency Traffic on Air - All units stand by Code 43 TAC forces committed Code 100 In position to intercept Suspect

14 Ambulance in route 15 Citizens holding suspect 17f Fugitive attachment 17m Municipal court attachment 17t Traffic attachment 18 Traffic incident 19 Drunk 20 Auto accident 20a Airplane crash 20f Fatal accident 20i Injury accident 21 Complaint 23 Traffic congestion 24 Medical emergency 25 Call dispatcher 26 Police officer 27 Attempted crime 28 Inciting a felony 29 Death 30 Homicide 30c Homicide by cutting 30s Homicide by shooting 34 Aggravated battery 34c Cutting

34s Shooting 35 Simple battery 37 Aggravated assault 38 Simple assault 39 Negligent injury 42 Aggravated rape 43 Simple rape 44 Aggravated kidnapping 45 Simple kidnapping 51 Aggravated arson 51b Bomb threat 52 Simple arson 52e Explosives 52f Fire 54 Combustible materials 56 Criminal damage 58 Contaminated water 59 Criminal Mischief 60 Aggravated burglary 62 Alarms 62b Simple burglary 62c Auto burglary 62r Residential burglary 62s Safe burglary 63 Criminal Trespass 63s Sit-in 64 Armed robbery 64g Armed robbery/gun 64k Armed robbery/knife 65 Simple robbery 65p Purse snatching 66 Extortion threats 68 Unauthorized use of movable 69 Possession of stolen goods 71 Issuing worthless checks 72 Forgery 80 Carnal knowledge of juvenile 81 Indecent behavior with juvenile 82 Prostitution 84 Pandering 87 Abortion 89 Crime against nature 90 Gambling 90c Gambling by cards 90d Gambling by dice 91 Unlawful sale to minor 93 Cruelty to juvenile 94 Illegal use of weapon 95 Illegal carrying of gun 95k Illegal carrying of knife 98 D.W.I. 99 Reckless operation 100 Hit and run 148 Resisting Arrest 187 Homicide 207 Kidnapping 211 Armed Robery 240 Assalt - Misdemeanor 242 Battery 243 Assault on Police Officer 245 Assault with a Deadly Weapon 261 Rape 273 Assault on Person 288 Lewd Conduct / Felony sex offense 314 Indecent exposure 330 Gambling 311 Loud and Obscene 314 Indecent Exposure 390 Drunk 390c Drunk in Vehicle 390d Drunk Unconcious 404 Riot 407 Unlawful Assembly 415 Disturbing the Peace 415b Investigate the Trouble 415c Disturbance - Children involved 415d Disturbance - Drunk involved 415e Loud Music or Party 415f Disturbance - Family 415g Disturbance - Gang 417 Brandishing / Man with Gun 447 Arson 459 Burglary 459a Burglar Alarm ringing 459s Burglar Alarm - Silent 464 Burglary with Explosives 477a Arson 480 Hit and Run - Felony 481 Hit and Run - Misdemeanor 484 Petty theft 484f Fraudulent use of Credit Card(s) 484ps Purse Snatch 487 Grand theft 487.2 Theft from Person or Purse snatch 488 Petty theft 496 Recieving stolen property 502 Drunk driving - Misdemeanor 503 Auto theft 505 Reckless driving 507 Public Nuisance 537 Defrauding Innkeeper 586 Illegal parking 586e Vehicle blocking Driveway 594 Malicious mischief 602 Trespassing 602.5 Entry without consent 603 Unlawful entry 647 Vagrant 647a Vagrant loitering in Public Place 647b Prostitution 647c Begging 647d Loitering in Restroom 647e Loitering Place to Place 647f Drunk 647ff Drunk - enroute to Detox 647g Prowler 647h Illegal Lodging 901 Ambulance Call 901a Ambulance Call - Attempted Suicide 901b Ambulance Call - Drowning 901c Ambulance Call - Cutting 901d Ambulance Call - Drunk 901g Ambulance Call - Gas 901h Ambulance Call - Dead Body 901k Ambulance has been dispatched 901n Ambulance requested 901s Ambulance Call - Shooting 901t Ambulance Call - Traffic Accident 901y Request Ambulance if needed 902 Accident 902h Enroute to Hospital 902m Medical Aid needed 902t Traffic Accident 903 Aircraft Crash 904 Fire 910 Can handle detail 952 Report on conditions 955 Detail under control 956 Detail incomplete, but available 957 Delayed response of __ minutes 966 DRUG DEAL 1000 Plane crash 3000 Road block 4532 Escape 5150 Mentally disturbed person 10851 Stolen vehicle 10852 Tampering with vehicle 11300 Narcotics 12020 Carrying Concealed Weapon 14601 Driving w/suspended DL 20001 Felony hit and run 20002a Misdemeanor hit and run 22350 Speeding (used to be 505) 22500 Illegal parking/impound 23152 Misdemeanor Drunk driving 23153 Reckless driving (use to be 510) 23109 Speed Contest

Units Adam: Morning shift Baker: Swing shift Charlie: Day shift Officers Adam: Auxillary Charlie: Captain Denver: Detective David: Detective Frank: Felony Investigation Henry: Homicide John: Juvenile Lincoln: Lieutenant Nora: Narcotics Paul: Patrol Sam: Sergeant X-Ray: Burglary Victor: Vice/Narcotics King: Helicopter(nicht signierter Beitrag von Berlin-Jurist (Diskussion | Beiträge) 07:11, 8. Okt. 2005 (CEST))Beantworten

Zuordnung der Begrifflichkeiten Simplex und Halb-Duplex

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In der Nachrichtentechnik werden wie auch in Wikipedia unter "Duplex(Nachrichtentechnik" beschrieben, die Begrifflichkeiten so definiert, wie unten zitiert. Dementsprechend treffe ich folgende Zuordnung:

Richtungsverkehr (Simplex)

Wechselverkehr (Halb-Duplex)

Gegenverkehr (Duplex)

Duplex (Nachrichtentechnik) aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

Mit Duplex (Vollduplex), Halbduplex oder Simplex bezeichnet man in der Kommunikationstechnik die Richtungsabhängigkeit von Kommunikationskanälen.

   * Simplex (SX) ist der gerichtete Betrieb. Das bedeutet ein Informationstransfer findet nur in eine festgelegte Richtung statt (nur Senden oder Empfangen von Nachrichten), z. B. Radio, Fernsehen oder Pager.
   * Halbduplex (HX), auch Semiduplex genannt bedeutet wechselseitiger Betrieb. Hierbei können Informationen in beide Richtungen fließen, allerdings nicht gleichzeitig, z. B. Amateurfunk.
   * Vollduplex (DX, manchmal auch FDX) ist der gleichzeitige Betrieb. Es lässt die Übertragung der Informationen in beide Richtungen zu gleicher Zeit zu, z. B. Telefonie(nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) 20:53, 10. Sep. 2008 (CEST))Beantworten

Das ist kein Blödsinn sondern so genau richtig. Blödsinn steht leider im Artikel. --DownAnUp 17:53, 31. Dez. 2009 (CET)Beantworten
Begriffe wie Simplex und auch Half-Duplex haben je nach Bezug unterschiedliche Bedeutungen (Hier geht es um Funktechnik, vor allem analge Sprachfunk/Betriebsfunk versus dem Themenfeld IT-bezogene Begriffsverwendung im Bereich Datenübertragung/Datenverarbeitung) und lassen sich nicht vereinheitlichen. Habe eine (beispielhafte) Quelle angefügt, und da es in dem Artikel um Sprachfunk geht, passt der Artikelinhalt: Simplex ist Wechselbetrieb unter Verwendung einer Funkfrequenz, wobei eine Richtungsumschaltung (PTT-Taste) erfolgen kann, also das was im IT-Bezug unter dem Begriff "Half-Duplex" (="Wechselsprechen") verstanden wird.
In diesem Fall muss man also nicht mit Kraftwörtern um sich werfen, auch keine Theoriefindung betreiben was nun richtig und "schön" sein soll, sondern kann das anhand der Quellenlage aufdröseln und im Bezug entsprechend beschreiben.--wdwd (Diskussion) 17:32, 18. Okt. 2022 (CEST)Beantworten

Geschichte ?

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Ich bin hier hergekommen, um etwas über die historischen Anfänge des Sprechfunks zu erfahren, ist aber leider garnix da--Ciao__Bestoernesto (Diskussion) 03:55, 1. Jul. 2016 (CEST)Beantworten