Diskussion:Stephan du Trossel
Letzter Kommentar: vor 4 Monaten von 2001:861:C60:D6A0:31E0:FF44:F877:3E8D in Abschnitt Family Hisrory
Family Hisrory
[Quelltext bearbeiten]I am looking for the ancestors of Valentijn Trossel.
He is born in apr. 1730 in Groot Lidderen Germany (=Fulda, Hessen ?) and he died on 8 apr 1792 in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands.
It would be helpful if --2001:861:C60:D6A0:31E0:FF44:F877:3E8D 09:57, 5. Aug. 2024 (CEST)