Diskussion:Tore Gjelsvik

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My German is rusty, so I hope you'll forgive me for writing in English. I've tried to correct two factual errors in this article, but I notice the corrections have been reverted. I'm not sure why - they looked like simple translation mistakes and can be verified against the original Norwegian article.

1. R-gruppen: Was by no means "one of the largest resistance groups in Norway". It was, however, one of the first. And it lead what was probably the first attempt at createing a coordinated organizational structure for the resistance.

2. In 1945, Gjelsvik was surprised in his apartment and wounded while trying to escape arrest by Statspolitiet. Not by Gestapo. Statspolitiet was a Norwegian police unit under command of Quisling's minister of police, Jonas Lie. 16:22, 29. Mär 2006 (CEST)

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