Diskussion:Werner I. (Battenberg und Wittgenstein)

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 12 Jahren von Cosal
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Hello, I have a possible suggestion.

I see that in this article, research does not indicate his parentage.

Could this Werner, also cited as former Count of Battenberg, with his brother Hugo, be the same Werner as in your article? From about 1230, found in "Abschriften: Staatsarchiv Marburg, Güterverzeichnisse des Klosters Haina, K 232, S. 5f. Regesten: Franz, Haina 1, S. 41, Nr. 57."


Fritzlar. - Die Ritter Volpert und Bruno von Allendorf (Aldendorf), Brüder, verkauften ihre Hälfte des Zehnten zu Altengrüsen (in Grusen vetere), die sie von den Edlen Hugo und Werner von Uttershausen (Utershusen) zu Lehen trugen, nach längerem Drängen des Klosterkellners Konrad und Bruder Heinrichs [III.], des vormaligen Grafen von Reichenbach, für 23 Mark an das Kloster Haina (Hegenehe) und verpflichten sich, die Zustimmung ihrer Lehnsherren zu erwirken. Sie ließen den Zehnten in Fritzlar den genannten Brüdern Hugo und Werner auf, die ihn ihrerseits Graf Gottfried [III.] aufließen; der Graf übergab den Zehnten daraufhin dem Kloster zu ewigem Besitz, erhielt dafür jedoch von Bruno 2 Mark, während Hugo und Werner 3 Mark bekamen. Zeugen: Propst Gumpert zu Fritzlar, die Stiftsherren Dietrich von Apolda (Apholt) Dekan, Konrad Kustos, Heinrich Dekani, Volpert von Borken, Meinrich von Uttershausen; Hugo und Werner von Uttershausen, Volpert und Bruno von Allendorf, Konrad von Momberg, u. a. m. Actum est in cimiterio Fritslarie. [Vgl. ID 203]

Google translates as:

Fritzlar. - The Knights Volpert and Bruno of Allendorf (Alden Village), brothers sold their half of the tenth to Altengrüsen (in Grusen vetere) that carried them from the Noble Hugo and Werner von Uttershausen (Utershusen) fief, after long urging the monastery waiter Konrad and brother of Henry [III.], the former Counts of Reichenbach, for 23 marks to the monastery Haina (Hegen marriage) and undertake to obtain the consent of their lords. They left the tithes in Fritzlar said brothers Hugo and Werner on, turn it aufließen the Count Gottfried [III.], The count gave the tithe to the monastery then to perpetual possession, but it was by Bruno 2 Mark, while Hugo and Werner 3 Mark got. Witnesses: Propst Gumpert to Fritzlar, the canons of Dietrich Apolda (Apholt) Dean, curator Konrad, Heinrich Dekani, Volpert of Borken, My Rich of Uttershausen; Hugo and Werner von Uttershausen, Volpert and Bruno of Allendorf, Conrad of Momberg, etc. Actum est cimiterio Fritslarie. [See ID] 203

Also, cited again here as a witness:


If this is him, then it is possible we may have clues to his parentage as in my other research Hugo and Werner may be sons of the von Uttershausen family, for which I've seen these two mentioned contemporaneous with in Uttershausen. For a genealogy doc. for at least part of this family in Uttershausen, see [(“DAS GESCHLECHT REINHARD AUS DEM STAMME V. UTTERSHAUSEN” BY VON WOLFGANG STURT, PUBLISHED IN THE BAND 6 HEFT 5 1963 JANUARY EDITION OF THE HESSISCHE FAMILIENKUNDE)] That document was difficult for me to get, so if this looks like a possibility let me know and I can e-mail you a scan of it. (nicht signierter Beitrag von Rbr4wiki (Diskussion | Beiträge) 22:01, 18. Sep. 2012 (CEST)) Beantworten

Most unlikely. Count Werner von Battenberg was already dead by about 1215. And the Uttershausen family was "merely" local gentry and not of any significance beyond the vicinity of its own village of Uttershausen, some 50 km away. This family is mentioned in reliable documents only from about 1108 until 1290 and seems to have ended in the male line about then. There is much unsubstantiated wishful thinking in private genealogical publications. The little word "von" in particular seems to inspire people to leap to the conclusion of some nobility, when in fact it most often simply means "from" in the sense of a place of residence. --Cosal (Diskussion) 23:44, 18. Sep. 2012 (CEST)Beantworten