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Die Dokumentation für dieses Modul kann unter Modul:Spielwiese/pietrasagh/jsontest/Doku erstellt werden

local p = {}

--add debug text to this string with eg. 	debuglog = debuglog .. "" .. "\n\n"  .. "- " .. debug.traceback() .. "result type: ".. type(result) ..  " result: \n\n" .. mw.dumpObject(result) 
--invoke chartDebuger() to get graph JSON and this string
debuglog = "Debug " .. "\n\n" 

function p.test(frame)
	local output =
		a = "1",
		b = "2",
		c = "3",
		d = "4",
		e = "5"

	local flags
	if formatJson then flags = mw.text.JSON_PRETTY end
	return mw.text.jsonEncode(output, flags)

return p