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Modul: Dokumentation

Diese Seite enthält Code in der Programmiersprache Lua. Einbindungszahl Cirrus

local WikidataScheme = { suite   = "WikidataScheme",
                         sub     = "demo-GlobalSharing",
                         serial  = "2019-11-27",
                         item    = 0 }
Demonstration of WikidataScheme for GlobalSharing items

local Test  = { } = { { subject = "instance",
                  state   = "required",
                  values  = { { qlist = { "template",
                                          true } } } },
                { subject = "proglang",
                  state   = "suggested",
                  values  = { { qlist = { "lua",
                                          "css" } } } },
                { subject = "source",
                  state   = "suggested",
                  values  = { { intro      = "Q42253",   -- URL
                                qualifiers = {
                                           { subject = "protocol",
                                             qlist   = { "https" } },
                                           { subject = "host",
                                             qlist   = { "enwiki",
                                                         true } }
                                             } }
                                 } },
                { subject = "version",
                  state   = "suggested",
                  values  = { {
                     intro = { en = "Revision ID greater than previous",
                               de = "Versionsbezeichnung größer als die vorangehende",
                               it = "ID versione maggiore della precedente",
                               ru = "Идентификатор версии выше предыдущего"
                             } } } },
                { subject = "licence",
                  state   = "suggested",
                  values  = { { qlist = { 14946043 } } } },
                { subject = "usedby",
                  state   = "optional",
                  values  = { {
                     intro = { en = "Known usages, and root software of a sub unit",
                               de = "Bekannte Verwendungen, oder übergeordnete Einheit",
                               it = "Applicazioni note o unità supoeriore",
                               ru = "Известное использование или родительская программная единица"
                             } } } },
                { subject = "uses",
                  state   = "optional",
                  values  = { {
                     intro = { en = "Dependencies, required resources, from other packages or sub units",
                               de = "Abhängigkeiten, benötigte Ressourcen, aus anderen Paketen oder Untereinheiten",
                               it = "Dipendenze, risorse necessarie, da altri pacchetti o da unità inferiori",
                               ru = "Зависимости, требуемые ресурсы, из других пакетов или подъединиц"
                             } } } },
                { subject = "doc",
                  state   = "suggested",
                  values  = { { intro      = "Q42253",   -- URL
                                qualifiers = {
                                           { subject = "protocol",
                                             qlist   = { "https" } },
                                           { subject = "host",
                                             qlist   = { "enwiki",
                                                         true } },
                                           { subject = "lang",
                                             list    = true,
                                             qlist   = { "en",
                                                         true } }
                                             } }
                             } },
                { subject = "tags",
                  state   = "optional",
                  values  = { { 
                     intro = { en = "Tagging, topics, keywords",
                               de = "Tagging, Themen, Schlagwörter",
                               it = "Tag, materie, parole chiave",
                               ru = "Тегинг, темы, ключевые слова"
                             } } } }
Test.resolve  = { template      = { Q = 11266439 },
                  instance      = { P = 31 },
                  module        = { Q = 15184295 },
                  gadget        = { Q = 61866692 },
                  proglang      = { P = 277 },
                  lua           = { Q = 207316 },
                  javascript    = { Q = 2005 },
                  json          = { Q = 2063 },
                  css           = { Q = 46441 },
                  source        = { P = 1324 },
                  protocol      = { P = 2700 },
                  https         = { Q = 44484 },
                  host          = { P = 137 },
                  enwiki        = { Q = 328 },
                  dewiki        = { Q = 48183 },
                  mediawikiwiki = { Q = 15633578 },
                  git           = { Q = 186055 },
                  version       = { P = 348 },
                  licence       = { P = 275 },
                  licCC3        = { Q = 14946043 },
                  usedby        = { P = 1535 },
                  uses          = { P = 2283 },
                  doc           = { P = 973 },
                  lang          = { P = 407 },
                  en            = { Q = 1860 },
                  de            = { Q = 188 },
                  tags          = { P = 366 }

-- Export
local p = { }

p.f = function ()
    local lucky, r = pcall( require,  "Module:WikidataScheme" )
    if type( r ) == "table" then
        WikidataScheme.ext  =  r.WikidataScheme()
        r  =  WikidataScheme.ext.form( Test )
    return r
end -- p.f

return p