Vorlage:Greece Runestones

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Greece Runestones (Schweden Süd)
Greece Runestones (Schweden Süd)
Anklickable Karte der Griechischen Runensteine in Südschweden mit modernenVerwaltungsgrenzen und ausgewählten Städten
  • Description: Red dots indicate locations of runestones that refer to the Byzantine Empire ("Greece"), i.e. G 216, Ög 81, Ög 94, Sö 82, Sö 85, Sö 163, Sö 165, Sö 170, Sö 345, Sö Fv1954;20, Sm 46, Vg 178, U 73, U 104, U 112, U 136, U 140, U 201, U 270, U 358, U 374, U 431, U 446, U 518, U 540, U 792, U 922, U 956, U 1016 and U 1087.
  • Source for the runestone locations: Rundata 2.5. Where the current and original position of a stone is different the original position has been chosen.
  • Clicking on the map marker brings you to the corresponding runestone in the Greece runestones article