Vorlage:Navigationsleiste Filme von David Butler
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High School Hero | News Parade | Win That Girl | Prep and Pep | Masked Emotions | Fox Movietone Follies of 1929 | Chasing Through Europe | Salute | Sunny Side Up | Nertz | High Society Blues | Just Imagine | A Connecticut Yankee | Delicious | Business and Pleasure | Down to Earth | Handle with Care | Hold Me Tight | Die Schule der Liebe | Alles Schwindel! | Handy Andy | Have a Heart | Lachende Augen | Doubting Thomas | Oberst Shirley | Der kleinste Rebell | Shirley Ahoi! | White Fang | Der springende Punkt | You’re a Sweetheart | Alibaba Goes to Town | Kentucky Moonshine | Straight Place and Show | Die goldene Peitsche | East Side of Heaven | That’s Right – You’re Wrong | If I Had My Way | You’ll Find Out | Caught in the Draft | Playmates | Der Weg nach Marokko | They Got Me Covered | Thank Your Lucky Stars | Shine on Harvest Moon | Das Korsarenschiff | Ein Mann der Tat | Two Guys from Milwaukee | Der Himmel voller Geigen | My Wild Irish Rose | Two Guys from Texas | John Loves Mary | Stern vom Broadway | Ein tolles Gefühl | The Story of Seabiscuit | The Daughter of Rosie O’Grady | Bezaubernde Frau | Das Wiegenlied vom Broadway | Painting the Clouds with Sunshine | Where’s Charley? | April in Paris | Heiratet Marjorie? | Schwere Colts in zarter Hand | Die siebente Nacht | Der Talisman | Die Hölle von Dien Bien Phu | Glory | Playboy – Marsch, marsch! | The Right Approach | I Love My Doctor | C’mon, Let’s Live a Little